Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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what is a mickey? what is a cirque de solil? help me here. im not very american.
im dying to see what will happen with that catherine being slipped something in a bar story, and also the greg storyline...
kal i liked killer. the ones i didnt like were popping tags, and time of your death (well i did like one scene there, and im sure that most of you can guess which one-and its not the sara grissom scene either :p )
I think that the season opening is going to be great! Okay, maybe I have a weird thing about dead people... I did just read the book Stiff, which was really good... but I think that this will open the season with a bang. To everyone who thinks that this is going to be too over the top, I think it will be a little over the top, but you have to remember that it's the season premier. It has to grab everyone's attention, and it doesn't mean the whole season was going to be like this. I mean, if before Grave Danger you were told that Nick was going to be shoved in a box and videotaped, wouldn't you say that it was too over the top? But it turned out being a great episode. So I think this season is going to be good, or at least the opener will be.

Oh, I can't wait to see what has happened to the characters! I was listening to the radio and it said that CSI was to have more Grissom/Sara this year, and that's fine by me, but I want to know about everyone else too. Like what about Warrick and Tina? I would like to see Tina out of the picture. And Greg, I hope whatever decsion he makes is a good one... Hopefully it will get him good screentime. That descision he supposedly has to make worries me more than dead men talking, though...
what is a mickey? what is a cirque de solil? help me here. im not very american.
Its a slang word. When you have been "micked" it means that somebody drugged your drink. Cirque Du Soleil is a first class circus/show that is popular not only in Vegas but around the world as well.

Expect the first episode to involve a Cirque de Soleil ...
So the first episode won't be Toe Tags anymore? Because the Cirque de Soleil storyline doesn't fit the plot of Toe Tags, IMO.

I was listening to the radio and it said that CSI was to have more Grissom/Sara this year,

Yeah I read about that too, theyre planning make CSI more serialized and it seems that they're planning to pit the Grissom/Sara storyline against the various couples of Grey's Anatomy.. "And even the crown jewel of the CBS lineup, "CSI," will become more serialized in the fall. ... Viewers will see that relationship unfold next season, which may help the series remain competitive against ABC's megahit "Grey's Anatomy," which moved into the Thursday at 9 p.m. time slot." From here CBS Eyes Shows that Keeps Viewers Buzzing
I just read about Greg and I have to say I'm freaking out! I just hope it's nothing that will take away screen time. Or something really bad that makes us lose respect for him.
Great spoiler iluvES! Thanks for posting it. :D All of those spoilers sound interesting to me (especially the Greg one :D, and the Cirque Du Soleil one sounds good too), except for the thing with the car wash. I don't get it, what's so special about a car wash? And wasn't there another episode at some point that involved a car wash, mind you that was slightly different.

Glad to hear it's a two-part season premiere, too. And yet I'm curious as to how the second part ties in with the first part...
iluvEricSzmanda said:

Big things are in store for Greg, as Eric Szmanda revealed his young character will have to make a vital decision that may have tragic consequences that will reverberate all season long.

Wow, this could mean a lot of things! Anyone care to speculate? Okay, I'll go first:

- I desperately hope that tptb don't dumb Greg down and have him make a stupid mistake in his investigative findings that may cause the wrong person to be sentenced to prison. :mad:

- Maybe Greg will contract some kind of serious illness or accidentally injure himself which could possibly prevent him from working as a CSI. (Noooooo! :()

- Greg might possibly be put into the position of protecting either himself or another person while working at a crime scene. He doesn't know beans about using a gun, so maybe he will accidentally shoot someone.

I'm dying to know what this "vital decision" is that he has to make, and what sort of "tragic consequences" may occur as a result of his decision. :confused:
I'm just hoping and praying that Greg doesnt get killed off! :( If he did, i honestly dont know what i'd do with myself! :(

Maybe the "vital decision" has something to do with a family member? Papa or Nana Olaf maybe? :confused:
From Ausiello:
Marg says the two-part season-premiere "extravaganza" deals with a crime backstage at a Cirque du Soleil show, and "something very significant happens to my character involving me being in jeopardy and my family being in jeopardy. It starts off with George and I at a watering hole after that crime, and somebody slipping something in my beverage without me being aware of it."

From me:
Will Marg be driving drunk, crash, and put her daughter's life in jeopardy?
goldnhart said:
From Ausiello:
Marg says the two-part season-premiere "extravaganza" deals with a crime backstage at a Cirque du Soleil show, and "something very significant happens to my character involving me being in jeopardy and my family being in jeopardy. It starts off with George and I at a watering hole after that crime, and somebody slipping something in my beverage without me being aware of it."

From me:
Will Marg be driving drunk, crash, and put her daughter's life in jeopardy?

I highly doubt it. If she's still with Nick after being at a crime scene, why would Lindsey be with her, and secondly, Marg said she was slipped something without knowing it, so she would've been drugged not drunk. I don't think the writers would go that way...but these writers ARE a little coo-coo. Who knows
OMG!!! The Greg part.... :eek: I was actually trying to be positive about it (yeah well we do have Positivity Cookies in the sandle thread... you could tell I grab quiet a few after reading that Greg bits... :lol:).

Okay, let's just hope it would turn out to be something good. Maybe a Greg storyline (isn't we kinda desperate for it? At least I've been ranting a lot about it... I mean, the lack of it ;)). Or Greg-centric episode (cross fingers that it won't include Greg being killed off or something :rolleyes: I would SO hunt tptb down if they try to harm my Greggo).

So, Toots, for speculations:
- 'reverberate all season long'? hmm sounds like Greg pulling a Nick. It could mean a lot of things. Could be tragic to someone else or to himself. Maybe he's injured, and it affects him 'all season long'?

- combining this with the 'if you're a Greg fan, you're gonna LOVE this season' bits... it screams a HUGE Greg storyline to me (though I won't hope so much, by experience :rolleyes:). This doesn't make sense, one spoiler contradict the other. One good, one bad. Jeez!

- we never see Greg's family. Maybe this is the chance. Hmm I wonder if we'll get to see Papa and Nana Olaf :lol:

- Greg holding a gun? :eek: Wow, Toots, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for that to happen! :lol: (nevermind, it's just me). Just hoping he wouldn't get shot (very unlikely, cuz... duh, *rolleyes* it's been done before) or shoot the wrong person (NOOO!!!!! :()

- This is a little far-fetched... but... I was just thinking. With WP/Grissom leaving, could it have anything to do with Greg? Maybe a decision he makes cost Grissom his job. Jeez I would HATE that to happen though :( Far-fetched... so very unlikely.

Argh September seems so far away!
Silhouette said:
- This is a little far-fetched... but... I was just thinking. With WP/Grissom leaving, could it have anything to do with Greg? Maybe a decision he makes cost Grissom his job. Jeez I would HATE that to happen though :( Far-fetched... so very unlikely.

Argh September seems so far away!
maybe greg finds out about sara and griss and tells someone, causing griss to lose his job....
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