Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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I also read over at YTDaW that Grissom will be wielding a chainsaw. I can't wait to see that. :devil:
jazzfan said:
I also read over at YTDaW that Grissom will be wielding a chainsaw. I can't wait to see that. :devil:

Oooooooooooh! The effect of power tools upon women... Even better than a uniform! (drooling...) ;)
i agree with both Wojo and Toots. i really hope to see greg in alottt more episodes.

When i first read the spoiler i really didnt think that the plot line sounded like anything from a CSI episode. it is alot like ghost wisperer or w/e.

if every episode is like that, it is really going to take away alot from the show. not to mention the csi viewers who watch it for the science......?corps talking in the morgue?? just gonna have to wait and see until it actualy airs. if every epi is like this i still will watch, but it will never be the same CSI. :(

Edit: also i was reading the TV guide magasine and it said that when CSI returns warrick is going to reveal a summer shocker :confused: no clue wut that means. and i dont know wut episode. but i think maybe tina is pregnant or something. i mean it has to have something to do with him and tina. maybe their getting divorced or something :eek:
I'm really excited for season 7 to start.. and even though the concept of the episode is a little weird i think they'll find a way to make it really good.. also i'm really happy to hear that Greg and Nick finally have a case together!!! :D
And let's not forget that it's only one episode... I'm sure each one will be different during season 7 as they have been in the past. The writers are, as they say, "pushing the envelope" each year, trying different things. All in all, I think they've made a good job so far.
im sure that they know what they are doing. i think that they have the ability to moke almost every episode amazing (there were 2 in s6 that i wasnt crazy about, but in general, they are great)
do you think that they read this forum? maybe they will be convinced by all my ramblings, here and elsewhere, that hodges deserves more screen time, and a storyline?
I love Hodges, he is so funny and when he came he was just a breath of fresh air, and continues to be...

I agree he deserves some sort of a story line, but I can see where the writers would have difficulty coming up with one, it's hard to have a whole episode about a lab tech, unless he turns CSI like Greg, but that would be too over done then...

Still...we can dream can't we?? :p
a story about his past in LA. maybe not even a whole episode, we cant expect too much from them (as much as i want a whole episode with him) but to at least tell us a bit about him. 99.9999% of what i now about him isnt cannon.
i cant see him turning csi.
do you guys think that the corpses will see each other as corpses or as people?
it sounds interesting - getting the corpses pov . . . as long as it's better than "killer" i'm good. imo, that was the worst ep i've ever seen.
I found some interesting bits over at MSNBC:

Expect the first episode to involve a Cirque de Soleil show and Catherine being slipped a mickey while hanging out in a bar with Nick. :eek: (Hollered George Eads: “I didn’t do it!”)

Big things are in store for Greg, as Eric Szmanda revealed his young character will have to make a vital decision that may have tragic consequences that will reverberate all season long. :eek:

One episode may involve a ripped-from-the-headlines case about a woman who was killed in a car wash.

In the wake of Quentin Tarantino’s involvement with the show, other famous folks have expressed interest, including musician Carlos Santana.

And on the vital topic of Nick’s hair, George Eads broke out laughing when discussing the fans’ intense interest in his head and facial hair, and promised “I’m not gonna mess with it that much [in the new season].” :lol:
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