Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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Course lets remember guys, spoilers are usually give before they are edited, and when you try to visualize the ep your going to see what is written which will make it look alot more crowded then what it might actually be.

This is why we always say in the first post, Always remember that spoilers are subject to changes and should only be considered as a guide to what could be happening in that episode, and not what will happen. :)
Hm, sounds interesting, but I have a feeling it may be something to throw us off so that when the episode airs we'll be completely blown away. I'll save my judgement until I see it. :)
^ i was thinking that tptb might be feeling the viewers out to decide if this episode would be a hit....or a total oh-my-gosh-i-totally-don't-want-to-see-that kind of episode....
The episode sounds interesting -- in concept, at least. As far as being too busy goes, 4X4 had a lot of cases and that's a very popular episode. The corpses' discussions probably won't take much longer than the "rewind" sections of 4X4 took.
I read over on YTDAW that "this is going to be a great season for Greg fans."

I am excited and also have reservations about this. S6 was very dissapointing as far as Greg scenes go although there were some great moments like 'Gum Drops, KKBB, Spellbound, and Rashomama. Most of S6 there was very little Greg. Spoiers/comments like this make me hopeful but since the episodes have not yet been filmed/written I will take a wait and see attitude. I don't want to expect something only to have it pulled out from under me.(like last season's spoilers)
I adore Greg and hope this is true and we will see more of him including a much deserved promotion.
^ I agree with you Wojo. I'm also reserving judgement on the season itself until I see at least five to ten episodes of season 7 and by then I'll probably know how much I'll like the rest of the season.
The Season 7 Ep. 1 Spoiler sounds really too gimmicky for me. If they wanted to do a different POV, they should have picked Ecklie! Can you imagine seeing the CSI team through his eyes? That would have been interesting!
Nanapush said:
The Season 7 Ep. 1 Spoiler sounds really too gimmicky for me. If they wanted to do a different POV, they should have picked Ecklie! Can you imagine seeing the CSI team through his eyes? That would have been interesting!

:lol: Here's a scene from Ecklie's POV:

Ecklie thinking in his head as he sees Grissom making coffee:Hmmmm... Maybe i'll slip some rat poison into the coffee pot so Grissom will-- DIE! Hahha Just kidding. Now where is that loose cannon! I need to give out consequences!
I read over on YTDAW that "this is going to be a great season for Greg fans."

I hope that's true, Wojo. Greg is my favorite character too and I really hope we see some dramatic moments involving Greg, as well as the usual humerous scenes.

Okay, so here's a dumb question: What does YTDAW stand for?
Toots said: Okay, so here's a dumb question: What does YTDAW stand for?
Not dumb at all, a good question that some tend to wonder. It stands for "Your Tax Dollars At Work". :)
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