Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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I think it's interesting in the TV Guide story that Gary Dourdan said there were no divas on the LV set but on CSI: Miami - HMMMMMMMMMMMM.

The stuff between NY and LV seems more good-natured. "No! I want that story! Rock-paper-scissors!"
*Wuvs the piccies, both NY and LV* Too bad Billy was missing, I wanna see his face!!! Beard or no, I wanna know!
iluvEricSzmanda said:
I'm just hoping and praying that Greg doesnt get killed off! :( If he did, i honestly dont know what i'd do with myself! :(

Maybe the "vital decision" has something to do with a family member? Papa or Nana Olaf maybe? :confused:

I wish I could get excited about the upcoming season, but news of a Greg-centric story has me worried that they'll ruin the character. With Ecklie pretty much gone (did he even appear at all last season after the first episode?), and Hodges is now one of the "popular" techs, there's no longer a "character that everyone loves to hate" who can create some conflict for the team. I'm afraid this may be the new direction for Greg's character, and that's something I don't want to see.
No way!! Tptb won't be stupid enough to turn a well-liked character into some villain... (wow I actually give too much credit for tptb... heh) I mean, Greg has a great fan-base. Of course they would take this into consideration, right?

And Greg is like, the 'bright side' of the show (sometimes when it gets too dark, usually there's Greg bringing in some light-hearted scenes). I just think that's rather out of charater to move Greg into the 'opposite' extreme (a character one loves to hate).

But knowing tptb... see what happens with Ryan, suddenly he turned all bitchy :lol: But it's a different case with Greg.
Yeah, I'm very worried about Greg. See, with the new spoiler, its the "tragic consequences" that are scaring me. Tragedies most of the time involes humans being put into life or death situations. I mean, think of anything that was considered a tragedy.. Titanic, September 11... Of course, whatever this decision will be probably won't have that kind of tragic consequences, but I don't see it being something like he gets a job offer and the decision is wither or not to take it. Or really even him finding out about Gris and Sara, because unless they stretch something there, it doesn't seem to have any tragic consequences.

On a positive note (for my Greg-loving self anyway), it sounds like Catherine is going to get hurt or something like that, so I would think they wouldn't hurt too many people right away and after Brass almost dying. And they did say it would play out all season long.. so at least we know Greg will have on screen time.
This season sounds interesting and while i am happy that we will get to see more of Greg i do have to wonder when we are going to be learning more about Sara..i mean what we know is pretty basic information...maybe i'm wrong but i just feel like we need to know more...
I don't think the writer will turn Greg into villian, he could play good if the writer let him. Greg could accidently shot someone or could be anything. About time they give Greg some more story, now let get Warrick and Nick more story line too.

I got a question about GSR, if Grissom and Sara are together, why would the writer let them work together? I'm asking a question, not a romance question. Nick and Catherine will figure it out that Grissom and Sara together, they will keep a secret. Warrick and Greg will be last one to figure it out.
What if the "greg making a vital decision" had to do with catherine getting drugged. Like he saw someone put it in her drink, but he got threatened...and he has to make the desicion to tell catherine or not..

But then again, I don't know if Greg would even be at the bar with Nick and Catherine...
Nothing, it's two different stories in the same article.

This is what I just read in an on-line article about Greg/CSI:

Eric Szmanda outlined a crisis of conscience that his character, Greg Sanders, will have to confront.
"Greg finds himself in a situation where he has to decide what the right thing to do is even though
there might be some tragic consequences. Dealing with the ramifications of his decision will be a
story line I think that will go on for a large part of the season." (good for Greg or bad? who knows)

Read the article
In that case, it will more than likely be dealing with someone else. Maybe he will catch someone doing something they shouldnt. And then, his decision will be to tell someone or not tell them. It could be like a "if i do tell, the person looses job/respect/whatever, if i dont tell, the could loose their life..."

just a thought. but with that wording, im a little less worried about his well-being. although, if he makes the "wrong" decision, it could make him less liked or respected by the others..

who knows, but best wishes for him :)
Jeez I smell the 'mole-scenario' again :rolleyes: Don't tell me S7 LV will turn like Miami??

I suppose the tragic consequences would affect other people then... but from the sound of it, it'd be something almost life/death situation? I think it's something to do about the case he'll be doing, so the best way to find out is watch that episode first.

But actually I'm excited. I feel pretty sure he wont be killed off or something (optimism? blame sandle positivity cookies :D). I hope the best for Greg. This could be a chance for Eric to really show his talent, you know. He's been kinda underappreciated so far... so it's nice to see him having the opportunity :)

Hmm time for Greggo angst? I never really see him broke down in tears or filled with rage so... we could see the other side of him ;)
Maybe he will catch someone doing something they shouldnt. And then, his decision will be to tell someone or not tell them. It could be like a "if i do tell, the person looses job/respect/whatever

That's what I'm thinking, eszmanda_luver. Maybe Greg will find out that one of the lab techs (Wendy?) messed up an experiment and she begs him not to report her. Of course this is all pure speculation on my part, but Greg has a soft spot for pretty girls, and she may appeal to his sweet nature.

I will really hate it if they dumb Greg down during this season. He's just too good at his work to mess up.

I never once believed that his character would be killed. He's got too big of a fan base and the last thing this show needs is a bunch of angry fans, particularly when CBS will be fighting for the top spot in ratings going up against Grey's Anatomy. No way in hell would that ever happen.
^No, I think Greg will go through something that will actually make him grow as a CSI. Usually, a crises serves as a caveat that makes a person grow stronger. That's where I suspect the writers are going. I mean in Season Five, he made some dumb errors, but we also got to see him learn from them. Season six he grew even more and was even more confident, but he needs to go through something that will enable him to grow.
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