Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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I am scared - this seems really risky. Some audience members are already saying that CSI jumped the shark with the Grissom/Sara pairing, and now we are having the dead talk on CSI (other than through the evidence)? I think the cause of my fear comes from what happened to my last fave show X-files, and how it got really silly and over the top in -doh!- Season 7.

I am gonna try to ignore my cynical self for a moment and say that if it is handled really really well, it could possibly be pulled off.

But, CSI has always been factual in nature. I agree with Happy, this sounds more like a plot in Ghost Whisperer than an episode of CSI.

I hope this isa giant wiff of Eau de Red Herring. It seems bizarre to have this be the first ep of the season. Now more than ever, CSI needs to prove to the audience that they are going to keep to the facts and keep to the cases, and not turn CSI into something shippy or silly.
I'm excited for this next season, even though the writers are taking a HUGE risk. But they almost did the same thing in Grave Danger, when Nick was watching his own autopsy. I think CSI will be able to pull it off, and if not then they have many more episodes in the season to fix it. I just hope that they don't make every episode from the point of view of the dead. One would suffice for me.

I think that CSI can do anything they put their minds to, and they won't lose me as a viewer. I am curious to see Grissom and Sara working a case together, I wonder if it'll be different than before. I would assume not since people keep saying how the relationship is not new. The only thing I'm worried about from this episode is how many cases they're doing. I hope they can keep them all straight and interesting. Once again, I cannot wait any longer!!
Sounds like a "six Feet Under" episode. SOunds kind of interesting until you get to the GSR. DOn't mean to offend but if they do continue this storyline I will not be watching. I was excited until I got to the spoiler part about GSR.
Sounds kind of risky to me but I think it's going to be one of those you'll have to wait until you see it episodes. As someone pointed out...seems a little like the "autospy" scene in Grave Danger. That seemed really out of place..not so much for Tarantino but for CSI. As for wasn't really a factor in Season 6 ; during which it apparently existed ; so I don't have a problem with it now.
But wasn't Nick sorta halucinating/dreaming in Grave Danger? This would be similar in a sense, but also entirely different. It does seem like there will be a lot happening all at once, what with 6 CSIs, 2 detectives, and a pile of corpses, as well as witnesses, suspects etc. Oy!
Souunds like CSI meets Six Feet Under..all we need are the dead bodies to start dancing and Nick to dress as the Grim Reaper.
Let's see: That makes six corpses chatting, for couples "solving" Gris and Sara "a pairing," and one crowded CSI ep. Perhaps they'll cut down on the body count for a couple of really interesting and complex cases that'd still give the ensemble equal face time and keep the GS ship afloat. Or not. Still speculation, of course, but so is the future of the entire cosmos and this is just one episode of one CSI. A lot can change. I'd like to hope it does.
Lizbett said:
Let's see: That makes six corpses chatting, for couples "solving" Gris and Sara "a pairing," and one crowded CSI ep.

Ok, now that's just creepy, you seem to have read my mind. Or I read yours. You see, when I first woke up this morning (like 15 minutes ago...yes, come to Talk CSI is practically the first thing I do each day :lol:), in my half-asleep delirium, chunks of a kind of "Twelve Days of CSI" started going through my head, very similar to that. Then I came here, and saw that, and had a "Holy crap!" moment. Craaaaaazy. :lol:
While i usually like what they do storywise, I don't know if I can get into the talking corpse thing- I guess i will reserve judgemant until the episode airs
Season 7 starts 9/21 right?
My only complaint is that it sounds like an awful lot of characters to fit in one hour.

A two hour season premier would be nice - or are my dreams too far out for the powers that be?

Well, to echo some of the other posts – seems like a very ‘busy’ episode and far too ambitious to do justice to any of the story lines in one hour. I’m beginning to think the writers and producers have forgotten how to tell A good story. They’ve become so preoccupied with whether they can do something (i.e. gore, violence, sex, drugs, character assassination – take your pick) that they don’t think about whether they should. More isn’t necessarily better – it’s just more. Given a choice between a half-gallon of vanilla ice milk and a cup of chunky monkey, I’ll take the chunky monkey every time!
I think this epp sounds interesting, but it has to be done right, it's very possible that the ep will crash and burn quickly, which is not something that CSI needs right now, especilly with the whole Gris/Sara thing going on and how some veiwers reacted to that. I can't really picture a bunch of dead people chatting in the morgue but that just me, and I agree, if the producers plan to come back to Gris and Sara that will be one busy epp. But I do have faith in the show and hopefully the epp will be good.
As a lot of other people I think that this can be a cool idea, if they can pull it off.

But Brass back working on a case has me worried. Are we heading for another 'lalalalalala nothing that happened last season has any repercussions' type of thing?
londoncsi said:
As a lot of other people I think that this can be a cool idea, if they can pull it off.

But Brass back working on a case has me worried. Are we heading for another 'lalalalalala nothing that happened last season has any repercussions' type of thing?

^ :mad: I sure hope not that would be kind of stupid to just shake everything from last season off like that. I just hope that they do a better job this season then last season.
You think that's weird. As soon as I started counting bodies, couples, etc. I thought of it. It was like the words were from outer space and coming out through my fingers. :eek:
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