CSI Level Three
obsession_360 said:
aw...thank you so much! now the whole problem im gonna have to deal with is telling mom and dad. mom's in denial about the whole effing thing. She said that im basically not allowed to be gay! dad's just boycotts stuff that supports gay people. I actually know who i am. And Im actually proud...but i gotta hide it for a bit until im ready to say anything.
no problem hunny well take your time to tell them, just don't tell them like that "hey mom and dad im gay, deal with it" cause i think it's gonna ba as hard for them as it will be for you.....just take your time, give them some hints about that, and one day, your parents will have to figure it out, and you know, that's your parents, they love you, they won't hate you for being gay, you didn't choose it, it's just what you are oh btw im just curious, how old are you?