Say NO to Homophobia

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obsession_360 said:
aw...thank you so much! now the whole problem im gonna have to deal with is telling mom and dad. mom's in denial about the whole effing thing. She said that im basically not allowed to be gay! dad's just boycotts stuff that supports gay people. I actually know who i am. And Im actually proud...but i gotta hide it for a bit until im ready to say anything. :D

no problem hunny ;) well take your time to tell them, just don't tell them like that "hey mom and dad im gay, deal with it" cause i think it's gonna ba as hard for them as it will be for you.....just take your time, give them some hints about that, and one day, your parents will have to figure it out, and you know, that's your parents, they love you, they won't hate you for being gay, you didn't choose it, it's just what you are ;) oh btw im just curious, how old are you?
dad will end up hating me anyways cause i taught him that its not for us to judge and he said your right and 2 minutes later he was like oh yeah those stupid homos or whatever...and i got so mad!

im im *sigh* 17 :D
obsession_360 said:
dad will end up hating me anyways cause i taught him that its not for us to judge and he said your right and 2 minutes later he was like oh yeah those stupid homos or whatever...and i got so mad!

im im *sigh* 17 :D

lol well that's usually how react every parents in this earth, but im sure he will love you as you are, gay or not and if he doesn't, well he will one day ;)

awww 17....that's a sweet age :D
obsession_360 said:
okay today was crap. I sat in the front of the bus cause the grade 9 girls found out that I was bi, and Im sure that at least one of them told the principal. So basically I dont have anymore friends on the bus. Im on the verge of getting expelled right now. Basically because im part gay. Even tho it is illegal, they're still gonna do it cause its a private christian school and they think that they can do anything!

I dont reply on this often but this made me angry! :mad: They cant do that! That is DISGUSTING. Well disgusting, they cant just expell you like that! They should know better than to shun people away, ESPECIALLY if they're christians-- have some fucking compassion! That's what christianity about. Ffs..This is beyond disgusting. Im very sorry about it happening to you. :(
Wow that sounds so horrible! I am totally accepting of Homosexual people. I believe that everyone is equal and that everyone should have a chance to live whatever life they want to.
Everyone out there who has accepted themselves for what they are and stood up about it is ten times braver then all the people who stand on the side lines and say how disgusting gay people are. That shows real strength and trust in yourself.
Good for all of you! :D
I was surprised to see so many responces here after being gone only a weekend, good surprised though good surprised.

obsession your school makes me so mad. I can't believe they would do that, well actually I can and that is pure bull. How could they possible do that, behaviour like that just confuses me, how could people be so ignorant?

Yes America is very very stupid. I love living here and many of the individual people but as a whole: what the hell is up with that messed up country? Hopefully '08 will bring about many necessary changes, too bad I am 5 months short of the voting mark :(
Here's something that really ticks me off. You'll hear folks complain about gay couples's public displays of affection. That's realy funny, when straight couples flaunt their sexuality all over the place.

obsession, sorry to hear about your school. They sound set in their ways. Unfortunately, private schools can do what they want in regards to policies. Have you talked to your mom about this? She'd need to know.
Here's something that really ticks me off. You'll hear folks complain about gay couples's public displays of affection. That's realy funny, when straight couples flaunt their sexuality all over the place.

I disagree with that: actually i don't like when straight couples flaunt their sexuality all around , it just drives me crazy, i mean there are places for that!! it makes me angry everytime i see a couple , almost eating each other faces, in the middle of the street..argh and i think the same way for gay couple...not cause they are gay, but cause there is better places as i said before.

Yes America is very very stupid. I love living here and many of the individual people but as a whole: what the hell is up with that messed up country? Hopefully '08 will bring about many necessary changes, too bad I am 5 months short of the voting mark
Well America is known for their puritain side :D From a country where the religion takes a huge place, it's not a surprise for me
I just hope you will fight for your rights miss, you don't deserve that, nobody deserve to be treated like that, be strong and fight them :)
sissi59100 said:

Yes America is very very stupid. I love living here and many of the individual people but as a whole: what the hell is up with that messed up country? Hopefully '08 will bring about many necessary changes, too bad I am 5 months short of the voting mark
Well America is known for their puritain side :D From a country where the religion takes a huge place, it's not a surprise for me
I just hope you will fight for your rights miss, you don't deserve that, nobody deserve to be treated like that, be strong and fight them :)

ahh yes the dear ol oppressed puritans... :rolleyes:. None of my rights are being violated but it still bugs me that nobody will listen to me because I am 15 :mad:. It's not just the issue of gay rights it is also the war, public education and all the other issues I want a say in :mad:. This country would be a lot better if I were in charge :D. Vote Becky for President in '08! It doesn't matter that I won't even be 18 yet, vote for me anyways!
lol actually the part with the right being violated was for obssesion but that's okay anyway lol you know im glad that , even if you are only 15, you are already tolerant with gay people, that's good ;)
needmorecsi said:
Laetri said:
It doesn't matter that I won't even be 18 yet, vote for me anyways!

You have to be at least 35 to run for presidency.

I know (my point is I am not even old enoughbut I will never get elected because:

a) I am a girl (I accidentally typed "grill" lol)
b) I am a jewish-athiest-LoonWarshipper
c) people are afraid of change and I would want to change most things to some degree.
But I'll vote for you Laetri!! :)

My parents are getting more used to the thought that I also fancy girls (I'd like to have them thinking I'm bi rather than gay, firstly because I'm still not sure myself, but I'm positive I'm more into girls - and as long as I get bringing home only girls, they'll get the point eventually :lol:). For several weeks I go outside to the riverbank for a walk, a phonecall to friends, and a smoke.. but yesterday my dad said: "why are you always going? Do you have a date with some guy or something?" me: "no" mum: "or with a girl?" and she said it like she really meant it!! :eek: so I responded very seriously "no" without that whole 'mu-huuuum- :rolleyes:" bit in it :D And it really worked. So I hope they get the point now.
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