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MikeW said:
last night I watched Season 3's "Whacked" the one with axe murderer. It really ccreeped me out, very tense. But more importantly. How HOT did Ryan look?!?!
That was a creepy episode. I thoroughly enjoyed it...and I agree with you, Ryan looked smokin' hot.
Twiz said:
I think every Speedle fan wanted to hunt him down and kill him.
Not every Speed fan.
My thoughts on that scene is that they were both wrong in ways. Delko probably shouldn't have lashed out at Ryan the way he did, although, I understand why he did. At least he was having
some reaction to Speed's death, plus there was the whole 'stolen evidence' issue and he was probably still bothered by that. Ryan certainly could have been a bit more sensitive in that scene although I can also understand why he said what he did. He was the new guy and it must have been frustrating to be made to feel that you were being compared to a guy who had passed on. I will say that I never took his line about 'not trying to out do a dead man' or whatever the exact quote was as a slap at or an insult to Speed at all.
crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
So once again, I hope you don't mind me using it for my personal collection, Thumpy
Not at all.
The season 4 caps aren't ones I made, I always post a credit of the site they came from so that others will know where to go to find more just like them.
If I don't post a credit, or there's a 'J' somewhere in the pic name, then that's one I made myself, and anyone is free to use them if they wish.
screamingpoet said:
When it was really hot, you'd get sweaty and it would stick to you and make you even more hot --
I know this probably wasn't your intention...but you just gave me the most wonderful mental image of Ryan. :devil:
I'm a big fan of the longer hair, especially when it kinda curled in the back...I loved that so much. That being said, I also love the shoter S4 hair, although at first I wasn't too sure about it at all.
inge said:
They didn't help each other, they're constantly fighting. It's so painfully to watch...
Agreed...I hated the tension between the two. They don't
have to be friends, but the constant bickering at the end of S3 was painful to watch for me as well.
Whew...long post today. Great discussion going on in here today.
And now it's time for...
Thumpy's Pic Of The Day
(from 'Crime Wave'-I felt like a lab coat pic today)