Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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Whit! :D Long time, no see...we've missed you too. *hugs*

speed_cochrane said:
But really, he hadn't been in much that I could get my hands on so I didn't have much to go on. (No pun intended) :p

:lol: Good one, Geni...whether it was intended or not.

CSI: Miami was the first thing I saw Jonathan in, but I've since seen 'Mystic River' as well as his 'Law & Order' and 'Judging Amy' appearances. I really, really want to see 'SU2', though.
:lol: I don't think I'll ever say the words 'to go' the same way ever again. Of course no one else will understand when I'm the only one giggling after I say it. *eats cookie*

I haven't seen his appearance on 'Law and Order' yet, but I'll be sure to watch for him and sit on my couch all paranoid thinking "Is this the one with Togo? Is this the one with Togo?" ;)
Oh, yeah, I forgot... I also saw a clip of him in Judging Amy and some caps in Law & Order and Ed (where he was sporting a beard). :D If anyone knows where I could find SU2 epis, that would be great as I'd love to see Jon in them. I don't have cable, so my channels are extremely limited. :(
Hey guys...just wanted to say that if this thread gets to 1000 posts and Lucy and I don't appear to be around, one of y'all can start the next thread, and we can lock this one when one of us comes online.

I think we'll stick with Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo' as the title for the next thread as we're already so close to the end of this thread, and if there's anything Lucy and I feel should be added to the first post that wasn't, we'll just edit it in later as well.

:) Thanks guys!
Oh my gosh, I have been neglecting this thread so much *hangs head in shame*

Well, in respone to your question ThumpyJen, I first saw him in Miami, but after surfing this forum for a while, I decided to rent Mystic River for myself. The movie itself, I thought was kinda meh, and I didn't like it very much. The only good part was the first 30 minutes or so :p And I remember the L&O ep he was in because I was watching it with my mum one night, and all of a sudden, I yelled out "OH MY GOSH! IT'S RYAN!" and my mum just stared at me for a minutes until she recognised him too :lol: Too bad he was only in it for the first 5 minutes :(
I never got to see SU2...it never came out here in Aus :(

And since the POTD was a pic of Pete, and theres all this talk of Mystic River, I think it's an appropriate time to say: (yep, you guessed it)
"Maaaaaaarlboro" :D
sorry for the double post, but I was thinking, since I'm already online, and the thread is so close to 1000 anyway, should I just open the new thread?
hm, don't know, I help you to reach the magic 1000.
welcome szmandatogoholic!
you have a great taste in men! (jake, jon and eric, :eek:)

Welcome back Whit! I wondered where you have been.

I have seen jon only in CSIM so far.
Judging Amy and SU2 doesn't air here. Law and Order does, but they don't show it on a regular basis.
I'm not the typ who buys a lot of DVD's, so I wait till I can see Mytic River in Free TV.
I would like to see him in another movie or Tv show. :D
I agree inge, I'd love to see him in another TV show or movie, not necessarily in the main role because that would be too much filming for our poor Jon, but I'm sure he could work on other projects aswell as CSI Miami.

Well, this will be post 997, so I may aswell just open the next thread, so it will be open in a few minutes :)
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