Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

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I watched House of 1000 Corpses with friends earlier tonight.

Words can't even describe how bizarre that movie is, I think the director must have been mixing hallucenogenics. The moive was really bad but when you watch it with others it can be really funny too. I say watch it for a good laugh with other people because movies like that are never as goos alone. After seeing that movie I now konw what it must have been like to be Timothy Leary.

The other bizzarely great thing about this movie was the music selection. Some f the songs they used so didn't fit in that it made it better.
I watched the Devil's Rejects

I didnt really know what to expect, I rented it, thinking it was a comedy from the title..
Then I started watching it, pretty slow to start with, then the blood and guts came, so I gathered it wasnt a comedy.
Not what I expected but still, it was good enough film. Worth watching, but wouldnt watch it again. :)

They could have made it alot more interesting and exciting, it was a good plot but didnt really have that entertainment to keep me gripped.

I seen this movie the day it came out, but my computer been dead for a while, and i hate writting about only one movie, so, I love this movie, i thought it was great, and had some awesome funny parts in it, i think it might be my fave, i know i like it better then POTC 2.

Shrek 3
The only reason i saw this movie is for Puss in Boots, and Dragon and Donkey's babies, I love them little Dronkeys, there so cute, this movie was good, i loved hearding "live and let die" and "cat's in the cradle" two really awesome songs.

The Hitcher
Good movie, the ending wasn't what i expected tho, i keep waiting to hear "Riders on the Storm" by The Doors, would have made the movie even better. ha.

The Messengers
I really hate to amit this, but there were some parts of this movie that made me jump *hides in shame* This movie too, didn't end the way i expected, but i was good,
F4: Rise of the Silver Surfer

For some reason, I found Ioan Gruffud(?) unbelievably appealing here. Maybe it's because he's more comfortable as Reed now (as the other three are in their F4 skin) and he seems to be more natural. Whatever the case, I thought he was pretty darn cute :D

The whole film tried to balance the action sequences with a number of schmoopy scenes (too bad) and I felt it took a looooong time before the story moved.

Still and all, I thought the Silver Surfer rocked (I have no idea whether it's true to the comics as I haven't read any) and his action sequences were great.
Pursuit of Happy(i)ness!

I liked it!Not too much drama and too many kind of depressing moments!I really liked it!Will Smith and his little son were really good!The storyline was not so common as others and that made it even better!
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

We wanted to eat something during the movie because we hadn't got lunch before...but we didn't eat much. ^^ It was...bloody..and somehow..*ugh*
It was interesting to get to know how it started but that was very disgusting. Eating people...Oo


My friend and I didn't see much of it, because we hid behind our pillows almost 90% of the movie. :lol: My friend chosed this one. It was very interesting but I don't teally like ghosts in a movie. Expacially if it's a horror/thriller. It's seems as if there could be a second part. Oh..and I liked Jonathan Tucker very much. ^^ :D

As regenaration we watched Lord of the Weeds and died laughing. :lol:
I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas the other day. I had been meaning to watch this movie for the longest time because I'd heard that it was really great and I finally got around to it but was ultimately disappointed. Some parts I thought were good but for the most part I was just confused and a bit nauseous because of the camera work.
the last film i saw was The Hurricane. oh how i love that movie! i've seen it about...10 times and i cried every single time :rolleyes:
i really like Denzel Washington and he did a great job in that movie. it is sad to see how Rubin dispels all emotions from his heart just to survive in jail.
and i like the music :)
Yurek said:
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

We wanted to eat something during the movie because we hadn't got lunch before...but we didn't eat much. ^^ It was...bloody..and somehow..*ugh*
It was interesting to get to know how it started but that was very disgusting. Eating people...Oo
i liked this one for a good gorey movie, but the original and remake were better ;)


My friend and I didn't see much of it, because we hid behind our pillows almost 90% of the movie. :lol:

be glad, you missed how crappy it was :lol: good idea, but they couldnt make it work.

a friend and i rented 'alpha dog' on friday while we babysat her sisters (obviously the kids were asleep before we started) tons of swearing, like every other word. but overall quite good. justin timberlake gave a pretty decent performance. it was incredibly sad to know this movie was based on real events. for those of you who dont know: guy owes drug dealer money, drug dealer kidnaps is 15 year old half brother, $#@! hits the fan.

when we rented that one i saw 'corpse bride' on sale for 9 bucks. i adore this movie so of course got it. watched it last night and love it just as much as the first time. its worth it to watch it for the animation alone, they made incredible advancements in the 10 years between this movie and 'nightmare before christmas'. it is visually stunning and all the voices are amazing, not just johnny depp ;) :lol:
Rubbish, dont rent it. I have never turned a film off half way through but this one I had to. Even the credits when it was coming on I had to fast forward as they were just so...slow. The whole film was slow.
Maybe after an hour it gets better, but sorry, I would rather watch paint dry. ;)
Mr. Brooks
I thought it was a good movie. It scares the crap out of me to think that there are really people out there like that. To me that is very terrifing.

The Messengers
Was an ok movie, had me jumping a few times.
Ocean's 13

I went to see it this past weekend and really enjoyed it. It was a little complicated, especially for someone who'd only had two hours of sleep the day before, but it was all handled very well. No random plot-twists or dangling storylines. Loved Clooney and Pitt of course, they both bring a lot to their roles. Matt was also very good. They finally let him do something important. Actually, everybody was good. They don't call them all-star casts for nothing, right? All in all it was definitely worth the ten bucks.
Shaun of the Dead

I'm not a big fan of zombie movies, but this one is hilarious. It's a parody of all zombie movies and it's brilliant. It's typical Brittish humour, so not everyone will like it. I did enjoy it very much :D !
^^ i LOVE Shaun of the Dead!

White Noise
a pretty good movie but it freaked me out. i always wonder why everything scary has to happen at night...why couldn't he have gone to an abandoned warehouse during the day?? anyway, i enjoyed the movie, even if i had trouble getting to sleep afterwards because everytime i closed my eyes i saw 3 dark figures...creepy.
Bridge to Terabithia
I cried during this movie. I don't ever cry during movies hardly. Alpha Dog and Million Dollar Baby are the only other movies i've cry during. This moive was better then i though it was going to be, i've never read the book, but seeing the movie had made me want to read the book. It was the part when Jesse dad was talking to him, after the "major" part of the movie had happen, this movie was sooo good, and one of the best i've seen for awhile, i've have to say.
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