Misunderstanding (short smacked)

Thank you Mel, Catu and all the readers! :)

“Stella, that’s the third cup in a row.” Mac warned.
Stella kept scooping up the ice-cream. “I know, but this is sooooo delicious. There are diced strawberries in the ice-cream. You want some.”
“No.” Mac shook his head. “I know you have a good appetite. But you shouldn’t eat too much at a time. Ice-cream is not source of nutrients.”
“I know you’re right but I just can’t help it. I like to eat since my condition is stabilized. I gained twenty five kilos in the past few months. I look like an elephant now.” Stella put the half cup of ice-cream down. She caressed her bulging abdomen affectionately. “I’m eating for three persons here. I know what’s good for the babies. Tonight is an exception. I want all three favors.”
“You’re not an elephant. You’re my beautiful pregnant wife.” Mac took Stella’s hand. “It’s not just the babies. Your well-being is equally important. Come on, let’s take a walk before go home.”
Mac put a protective arm around Stella’s waist while walking slowly along the sidewalk.
Stella giggled. “They’re playing boxing again.” She placed Mac’s hand on her belly. Together, they felt the babies’ movement.
“They play a lot.” Stella said. “You really don’t want to know we gonna have sons or daughters?”
“All I want is you’re all happy and healthy.” Mac kissed her on the temple.
Stella rolled from side to side but couldn’t get to sleep. Mac woke up and checked on her. “Are you alright?”
“I’m not feeling good at the stomach.”
“Pain?” Mac was concerned.
“Not pain. It’s just unsettled. Maybe I ate too much ice-cream.”
“Come here.” Mac held her to his chest and caressed her abdomen gently. “This is a good story to tell the kids not to eat too much ice-cream.” Mac chuckled.
Stella didn’t answer. She bit lightly on her husband’s bare chest and felt happy and satisfied when he yelped.
Stella drifted into a dream under Mac’s tender strokes. She dreamt they were back to Hawaii diving into the reef. She saw a bunch of glowing fish in front of her. She left Mac and followed the fish although he warned her not to go. Suddenly, something underneath her grabbed her feet and dragged her downward. She screamed and kicked hard but couldn’t get rid of it. Then she felt the pain in her back. She looked down to her body and saw her belly was plain. She screamed again and woke up to see Mac’s worry face.
Mac held her tight. “It’s ok, Stella. It’s just a bad dream.”
Still in shock, Stella felt her abdomen with a shaking hand. She was relieved when she found the babies were still there. Then she looked at her feet. They were tangled with the wet bed sheet. Wet? Why the sheet was wet? She then realized her water was broken.
“Mac, the babies are coming.” Stella said with a shaking voice.
“What?” Mac checked on her. “Ok. Stay calm.” He got off the bed and dressed. Then he helped Stella to put on a robe. He carried her to the car and laid her gently on the backseat.
“Just relax. Everything’s gonna be alright. We’ll be at the hospital soon.” Mac comforted his wife before started the engine.
Stella knew he was as nervous as her. She gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m fine.”
Mac carried Stella directly to the ER when they arrived at the hospital. He stayed with her the whole labor process. Eight hours later, their elder son William was born. Their daughter Sophia was ten minutes younger.
Mac felt tears wet his eyes when he saw the babies lying in their mother’s arms. Stella was tired and paled. Mac brushed the sweat soaked hair away from her face. “How are you?”
“Tired.” Stella answered weakly.
Mac bent forward to kiss her paled lips. “I love you, Stella.” Then he kissed the babies’ wrinkled faces.
With the help of the nurse, they took the first picture of the Taylor family.
i LOVE YOU KIKII!!!!!!!!!!!

Love this story, love your writing, love their names and love my Smacked :D

Debbs :D

ps Sophia is my fav name for a baby
Thank you so much Mel, Catu, Debbie and Gio. :)

Sorry for late update again. I was brooding inside my shell most of the time. :lol: Hope you like the following.

“Sophia, that’s not your cup.” Stella took the cup away from her daughter and gave it to her son. She then gave Sophia her cup. William sipped orange juice through the straw in the cup. He was patting his lap while drinking. Sophia dropped her own cup and stared at her brother. She toddled to the front of William and kept staring at him. William looked back and then he handed Sophia his cup. Sophia smiled. She took the cup and started to drink happily.
“Hoho…He’s a big brother actually.” Reed was amused. “How amazing is this? They are only one year old.”
Stella picked up Sophia’s cup and exchanged the cups again. “Sophia, drink from your own cup.” This time, the baby girl took her own cup. Together, the twins sat on the play-mat and drink.
Stella giggled and turned to Reed and Lindsay. “Believe it or not. He’s really protective towards his little sister. There was one time I took them to the park, an elder kid snatched Sophia’s toy. William was the one to snatch it back.”
“So she knows she’s the princess.” Lindsay said while braiding her own daughter’s hair.
“Oh, you bet! Mac is totally surrendered to her smiles and kisses. When Mac comes home, the first gift is a kiss from his daughter. William would wait patiently for him.”
Lindsay giggled. “It sounds like little Mac and little Stella.”
“Speaking of their father, where is Mac? Today’s the twins’ birthday.” Reed asked.
“Mac, Flack and Danny are on a case. They would come as soon as they can. So are Hawkes and Adam.” Lindsay answered for Stella.
The doorbell buzzed. Stella opened the door. It was Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, Johnny and Catherine.
“Stella. Happy birthday to the angels.” Catherine handed out the gifts. “I knitted these sweaters for them. It’s getting cold. Winter’s coming.”
“Oh, thank you so much, Catherine. How thoughtful you’re!” Stella hugged the Stanleys.
Fifteen minutes later, Mac came home with the other guests. And they began the birthday party.
William was curious about the digital video camera Reed was holding. His little eyes followed Reed’s every move. He tried to get a closer look whenever Reed put it down but stopped by other adults.
When Stella lighted up the candle on the birthday cake, the twins as well as Danny’s three years old were so excited. They couldn’t even wait until the adults finished the birthday song. The twins grabbed a handful of creams and put them into their mouth. They were even excited when the adults started laughing. They grabbed more cream to feed their parents. Mac and Stella were laughing, and at the same time tried to save the rest of the cake. Reed was busy taping the whole scene and moved to the other side of William’s. William was so excited finally had the chance to get Reed’s toy. He bashed one hand to Reed’s face while grabbing the camera with the other hand. Reed didn’t see it come, he fell backward and sat on the floor. His camera fell into the cake. Everybody laughed and clapped.
Mac helped Reed up and picked up the camera while Stella controlled the twins. “I’m sorry Reed. Are you ok?” Mac said apologetically.
Reed was laughing too. “I’m fine. This is fun actually.”
Stella crouched in front of the babies. “You naughty babies, give big brother a kiss.”
The twins gave Reed the most sweet, delicious, creamy kiss on the cheeks.
Reed was so touched and happy. He picked up the babies. “Tell you what. The camera is another gift from big brother. I’ll tell you how to use it when you’re older.” Then he kissed the babies.
It was late when Mac and Stella finished clean up after the party. Mac checked on the babies one more time while Stella took a shower.
Stella found a red rose and a card on the bed when she got out of the bathroom. She picked up the rose and opened the card. It read :

Dear Stella,
Thank you for giving me a sweet family and two beautiful babies.
I love you!

Although the message was short, it meant everything to Stella. She read the card again and smelt the flower. She put the flower down when she saw Mac got into the bedroom. She embraced her husband and gave him a long kiss. “Thank you, Mac.”
“I would never dream of today three year ago, having a beautiful wife and twin kids. My life was completed when the babies were born. I need to thank you when we celebrate their birthday every year.” Mac kissed his wife again.
“Mmm…I should thank you back, then. But I don’t have card or flower.” Stella tilted her head and bit her bottom lip.
Mac started to untie the belt of her robe. “Never mind. I don’t want them anyway.”
hahhaa I couldnt stop laughing!:)
Reed is so sweet, what about finding a girlfriend for him???
GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Love Big Brother and love creamy twins kissing Big Brother :D
I support a girlfriend for Reed!

And what about a litle baby brother or sister for William and Sophia???????

Debbs :D (pleaseeeeeeeee :D

ps: Dear TPTB: See? this is the best writing! Mac, Stella and their family!
Thank you Catu, Mel and Debbie and all the readers! :)

Dear Debbie,
We both want Mac and Stella together having a normal, happy family doesn't mean my writing's good, though I appreciate your kindness. There are a lot of good writings in this thread. :)

Hope you like the new update.

Mac and Stella arrived at the Indian restaurant where Reed asked them to meet him. People queued up against the outside wall. Smells of curry made their mouths watered. Reed saw them through the glassed wall and waved them to get in.
“Hey! Mac, Stella.” Reed stood up when they approached. Mac and Stella greeted him back.
“I bet they make magic curries. A lot of people are waiting outside.” Stella said when she sat down.
“Yeah.” Reed shifted nervously on his seat and brushed his hair.
Mac observed him quietly for a minute. “Something you want to talk to us?”
A waitress came with menus in hand. She smiled to Reed and nodded to Mac and Stella.
Reed stood up again. He rubbed his hands on his trousers nervously. “Mac, Stella. This is my friend Betsy. Betsy, meet Mac and Stella.” They greeted each other.
The petite girl was few inches shorter than Reed. She had short red hair, a pretty face with a dimple on the left cheek and a few freckles on the nose.
“Reed told me you’re very important friends.” Betsy smiled.
“We’re like family.” Stella said and gave Reed a meaningful look. “Reed surprised us with his beautiful friend here.” Both Reed and Betsy blushed.
“He said you have twins, a girl and a boy. Why didn’t you bring them?” Betsy asked.
“We came after work.” Stella explained.
“I hope I can meet them soon. Reed said they are adorable.” A customer waved to get Betsy’s attention. “I’m sorry, it’s nice meeting you but I have to work. Reed knows all our specials. I’ll take your order later.” She smiled to Reed again before she left.
Mac and Stella looked at Reed, who was sitting shyly in front of them.
“So, that’s it. You want to introduce your girlfriend to us.” Mac smiled.
“There’s nothing to be shy of, Reed. We’re happy for you. Where did you meet her?” Stella patted on Reed’s hand.
“She’s a friend’s friend. We met in some gathering.” Reed looked at Mac and Stella. “So, what do you think?”
“Pretty, polite. First impression’s not bad. It’s hard to say, we just briefly met her.” Mac looked at Stella.
“Ok. We’ll run a background check on her.” Stella joked.
Reed scratched his head and smiled embarrassingly. “Stella.”
Stella gave Reed a motherly smile. “Reed, it doesn’t matter what we think. I believe she’s not your first girlfriend. But you want us to meet her. That means she’s important to you. There’s something about her that attracted you.”
Mac continued. “A relationship needs both sides to work together. If you thought she’s the right girl and she thought the same, it’s a good starter. You have our good wishes.”
“Bring her to our house tomorrow night. I’ll make your favorite chicken lasagna.” Stella said.
“Thank you Mac, Stella!” Reed felt the tight knot at his stomach had vanished.
Mac was helping Stella setting the table. The twins sat on their baby chairs and chewing on some bread sticks Stella had gave them.
Stella sneaked a peek at her husband. “How do you feel?”
“About what?”
“Technically, Reed’s your stepson. How do you feel about seeing your stepson’s girlfriend?” Stella stood next to Mac.
“Yeah. It’s a strange situation. When we first met him, I was shocked. I never thought I would meet him, especially with Claire had gone for years. We were two related strangers. But since he’s a grown man, I don’t see him as a ‘stepson’. I put him as a close friend. I’m happy for him, indeed. I’m happy for Claire too. Although they’ve never meet, she would be very pleased to know that her son is a decent man and has a happy life.” Mac wrapped his wife in his arms. “I think I’ll be more excited when our own son or daughter brings their other half to see us.”
“I doubted you would let go of your babies that easily, Daddy.” Stella teased.
“Well, I have my standards, of course.” Mac chuckled.
The door bell buzzed.
“That must be Reed and Betsy.” Stella pecked on Mac’s lips and went to answer the door.
“Reeeee!” The twins waved cheerfully when they saw the guests.
Reed laughed and went to the babies. “Hey, little guys!” He pinched the babies’ faces affectionately.
Betsy handed Stella a foil container. “I made some vegetable rolls. I’m taking some cooking lessons in my spare time. I hope I can have my own restaurant someday.”
“A girl who has dreams. Good.” Stella smiled and took the food into the kitchen.
“Let me help.” Betsy followed.
Mac smiled and put a hand on Reed’s shoulder. “It seems you’re a lucky guy too.”
Reed smiled.
Dear Debbie,
We both want Mac and Stella together having a normal, happy family doesn't mean my writing's good, though I appreciate your kindness. There are a lot of good writings in this thread. :)

Hope you like the new update.

No, i didn't like it. I LOVE IT! :D and you are right, there are lots of good writings here.
But at least all of you do care about us, poor defendless Smacked fans :D
Love the update!
Love Reed!
I thought Mac would said he consider Reed as a son not as a close friend!
Thanks a lot Mel, Debbie and Catu.

You're right. My only comfort is to keep pair them up in my stories. :lol: On the other hand, I feel like I'm cheating on myself 'cause we still don't know whether they'll be paired up or not. :(

I thought Mac would said he consider Reed as a son not as a close friend!
You maybe right. Only Mac knows. :lol: If I were in his position, I don't think I would take a strange young man as my son. Especially when the only link between us, his birth mother, had gone for so many years. So I described him as a close friend. :)

Gals, I'm sorry to say I'm very lazy lately. I may not update for a while. Thanks again for all the reviews.