Misunderstanding (short smacked)

Thank you to Catu, Mel and Meatball42 ! :) Sorry for late update, I got stuck again. :lol: Maybe it's time to take a break after this update. Thanks again for reading! :)

Mac was discharged from the hospital two months ago. That meant he hadn’t been working for almost three months. He wanted so bad to go back to work. Stella suggested he should take one step at a time, started from his family and habits. Most of the time, he stayed home with his family or went to some places they used to go before his injury. He enjoyed the time being a ‘full-time father’. The twins’ laughter soothed his frustrations of losing memory.
In the meanwhile, Mac had the most powerful ‘medicine’ in the world. It was Stella, his wife. As a wife, she helped him regained the pace of his personal life. As his partner for almost twenty years, she understood him in every way. He had the habit of jotting notes on some special cases. Stella and he went through the cases one by one, discussed and followed the process of cracking the cases. They got a remarkable result. Fragments of memories kept coming back to him. He had visited the lab a few times. As a visitor, he couldn’t join in the work. But he was not totally an outsider. The team still valued his opinions.
Mac was approved to go back to work after the doctors’ final checking and assessments this morning. Stella and he were sitting on the bench outside the kids’ school waiting for them.
“How do you feel? Going back to work.” Stella asked.
“Relieve, lucky and nervous.”
“Why’s that?”
“Relieve because I was proved suitable to continue in the job. Lucky because the amnesia doesn’t stuck with me. Nervous because I haven’t been working for such a long time.”
“You should add one more in.”
“Strong.” Stella put her hand into Mac’s arm. “Mac, you’re the strongest man I’ve ever seen. You’ve been survived the war, serve your country your entire life. You’re even stronger after the last ordeal.”
“A stronger strongest man. I like that.” Mac was amused.
Stella gave him a side glance. “Did you dream of Claire again?”
“No. She never came back to me, just like she never came to me in those years.”
“She would be happy to know you’re alright.”
“She knows. You said she’s still watching over me. And she knows she doesn’t need to worry about me because you’re with me.”
Stella smiled and rested her head against Mac’s shoulder. They sat quietly enjoying each other’s company.
The twins got out of the school and ran straightly to their parents.
“Honey, we have good news. Daddy is going back to work next week.” Stella told the twins.
“No.” The twins said together.
“Why? I like to work.” Mac put them on his laps.
“I like you stay with us.” Sophia said.
“I love to stay with you too. But work is very important. I learnt a lot of things from school. Now I have to help people. You’ll do the same when you grew up.”
“But you work late. Sometimes you didn’t say goodnight to us.” William said.
“I work late because I want to make things right. I’ll call you to say goodnight if I couldn’t come home in time.”
The kids were not satisfied.
“Honey, Daddy feels happy when he is working. You want him happy, right? He loves you. He’ll come home as earlier as he could.” Stella said softly.
The twins nodded to agree.
Mac kissed their little faces. “Let’s go out for dinner tonight. What do you want to eat?”
William grinned and raised his little hand. “I want pizza.”
“I want ice-cream.” Sophia said cheerfully.
“Honey, ice-cream is not proper meal.” Stella laughed.
“Can you blame her? You brought her to this world with three big cups of ice-cream.” Mac chuckled while he teasing his wife.
“Why?” The kids asked curiously.
“Mac Taylor. I warn you!” Stella pretended an angry face.
“Come on, Dad. Tell us.” William urged his father to tell them the story.
Mac started to tell the story in a playful tone while Stella covered her face and giggled.
The lab was like a big hive. Glass walls separated different divisions loaded with all kinds of equipments and chemicals. Mac felt comfortable when he got out of the elevator. He felt he belong here.
Stella could see the light in Mac’s eyes. He was like a king returning to his land from a battle. He was ready to fight the evil and protect his country.
They went to Mac’s office after a quick look around the lab. Mac was putting his gun into the holster when his team got in.
“Welcome back, Boss.” Danny said cheerfully.
“Thank you, guys.” Mac walked around his desk and shook everyone’s hand. “I appreciate all your helps.”
“How you feel?” Hawkes asked.
“I’m good.” Mac brushed the back of her head. “Guys, I still need your help. I may need some time to readjust my bearing. And we couldn’t afford any mistake on our work. So, I need you to focus. And tell me directly if I made any wrong move.”
Danny crossed his arms and rocked on his heels. “I love to point out your mistakes but I doubted if I would have any chance.”
Adam scratched his chin. “I can set up a chart. See whether you or Danny makes more mistakes.”
Danny slapped heavily on Adam’s back and laughed affectedly. “HA! HA! HA! It’s not funny.”
Flack got in while the team kept laughing. He clapped his hands and rubbed. “Good morning, everyone! I bear information of your first case, Detective Taylor.”
Loved the moment with the kids and Stella!
lol at Adam and Danny!
Please kikii continue updating!!:)
AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just LOVE Mac going back to work. Adam was ADORKABLE as usual :D love how funny he was
I wonder if there will be any consecuence of those three months on Stella??? :D (sorry i still want another Baby Taylor :D

Puppy dog's eyes to Kikii

Debbie :D
Thanks to Mel, Catu, Meatball42 and Debbie!:)

I added a little bit as per Catu and my Innocent Lamb's request. Hope you'll like it. :)

The warehouse was dark and stocked with carpets. Mac was leading a team of NYPD including Stella and Flack in search of a perp, a serial killer responsible for murdered five young women. Mac instructed Stella and Flack to outflank from both sides while he approached from the front. They moved forward cautiously and quietly. One of the officers in Mac’s team kicked something. The sound of metal hitting the ground announced the arrival of the police. A gun shot came from nowhere hit on the wall behind Mac. Mac and his men dodged for cover. The perp fired again and retreated to the back of the warehouse.
Stella hid at the side of rolled carpets piled against the wall when she saw the perp moving backward toward the back door. She waited until he was only two steps from her hiding place then she jumped out and pointed her gun at him.
“NYDP. Drop the gun and get down on the ground.” Stella and Flack shouted at the same time. The officers aimed their guns at the perp.
With his hands in the air, the perp moved two steps farther backward. Then he pushed the piles of rolled carpets beside him and hit Stella with his gun butt. Stella fell backward. The carpets fell like dominoes. Mac, Flack and some officers fired at the same time and hit the perp. He lay motionless on the ground. Still pointing his gun at the perp, Flack moved closer to kick the perp’s gun away. Mac went to check on Stella.
“You ok?” Mac helped her up. The corner of Stella’s mouth was swollen and bleeding. Mac took out a handkerchief and pressed it on the wound.
Mac was helping Stella putting the dishes into the dishwasher after dinner.
“You don’t have much appetite.” Mac asked and turned his wife to face him. He examined the cut on Stella’s mouth. The swelling was reduced a bit. “How’s the wound?”
“Fine.” Stella smiled.
Mac gently kissed her on the other corner of her mouth. “It may take at least a week before I can kiss you freely.”
Stella kissed him back and grinned. “It’ll take another seven months then you’ll be father again.”
“What?” Mac was astonished.
Stella wrapped her arms around Mac’s waist. “I’m pregnant. I was going to tell you earlier today before we made the arrest at the warehouse.”
Mac remained silent and the smile in his face was vanished.
“Hey. You alright?” Stella was puzzled.
“You’re pregnant but you still joined in the mission.” Mac asked stiffly. “I told you to stay at the office.”
“Come on, Mac. It’s not my first day as a cop. I know what I can do. That scumbag killed five women.”
“But you’re pregnant, damn it. Did it occur to you that the perp might’ve killed you and the baby?” Mac raised his voice.
“But he didn’t.” Stella’s raised her voice too.
“He would if he shot you instead of hitting you with the gun. What if he hit you at the stomach but not in the face?”
“Mac, this is your first arrest after you returned to work. I need to tag along.”
“So you were there to protect me. Did you consider about the danger you might walked into?”
Their argument attracted the twins. They rushed into the kitchen.
“Daddy, Mommy, why are you yelling at each other?” Sophia asked.
Mac ran his fingers through his hair. “Will, take your sister to her room.”
“Dad…” William wanted to say something but stopped by his father’s gaze.
Stella crouched down in front of the kids. “It’s ok, honey. Daddy and I are talking about work. Go to your room. We’ll be alright.”
William took Sophia’s hand and led her out of the kitchen.
Mac sighed. “Why are you so stubborn, Stella? We have children. What will happen to them if something happened to you? What will happen to me? I don’t want you to risk your life on work.”
Stella went to Mac and placed her hands on his chest. “Mac, I can’t stop perform my duty because I’m pregnant.”
“I didn’t ask you to. I just want you to listen to me when I tell you to step down.”
Stella embraced her upset husband and kissed him on the lips. “Alright. I promise I’ll not do whatever you’re not approved.”
Mac sighed and wrapped his arms tightly around his wife. “Are you feeling ok? You don’t eat much tonight. Do you need to check up in the hospital?”
“The Doc had checked me up when he took care of my lips. I thing we may expecting a single baby this time. It’s different from I were carrying the twins.”
Mac released Stella. “Speaking of the twins. They are upset about our fight. Let’s tell them the good news.”
They went to Sophia’s room. The unhappy kids hopped off the bed when they saw their parents entering the room. Sophia wrapped her father’s legs with all her strength. William took his mother’s hand. Mac sat on the bed and sat the kids on his laps. Stella sat down beside him.
“Will, Sophia, your mom and I are sorry for scare you. We have some disagreement but it’s over now. Everything is fine.” Mac smiled. “And we have good news for you.”
The kids looked at their father expectantly. “What good news?”
Mac looked at a smiling Stella. “Mom is pregnant. You’ll have a baby brother or sister.”
The kids’ faces brightened up immediately. “Baby! Where is the baby?”
Stella patted on her abdomen lightly. “The baby’s still in my belly.”
Both kids went to Stella and placed their hands on her abdomen. Their eyes were radiant with curiosity.
“Can he hear me?” William asked.
“Yes. Say hello.” Stella smiled at her son.
The kids pressed their little heads against their mother’s abdomen and talked to the baby softly. Stella brushed their hairs affectionately and smiled at Mac. Mac moved closer and held his family with both hands.
Thanks kikii!!:)
Loved Mac being so protective with Stella!!
aww at the twins, they are cute!!:)
ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!! The best chapter :D :D :D :D!!!!!!

SO SO SWEET SO PROTECTIVE! OMG SO PERFECT!!!!!!!:adore::adore::adore::adore:

Stella embraced her upset husband and kissed him on the lips. “Alright. I promise I’ll not do whatever you’re not approved.”

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: she wants to. She really does. But she will never be an obedient girl. Actually obey doesn't appear in her personal dictionary:guffaw::guffaw:
Thanks to Catu, Mel, Debbie and all the readers! :)

she wants to. She really does. But she will never be an obedient girl. Actually obey doesn't appear in her personal dictionary
:guffaw::guffaw: We know she'll try until next time. :guffaw::guffaw:

“Mommy, give her this dress. I love this dress.” Sophia was holding a little white dress with pink rose buds embroidered along the hem.
“No. Boys don’t need dress. He should wear my Superman T.” William objected Sophia’s idea and pushed his T-shirt to his mother.
“Nooo. It’s a baby girl. She'll love the dress.” Sophia made a grimace at her elder brother.
“It’s a boy.” William didn’t back down.
Stella watched the twins amusingly.
“A girl.” Sophia clenched her fists and pounded on the bed.
“A boy.” William crossed his arms and lifted his chin up.
Sophia turned to wrap her arms around her mother’s neck. “Mommy, tell him it’s a baby girl.”
Stella patted her daughter on the back. “I don’t know whether it’s a girl or boy, honey. And, your clothes are too big for a baby. You’re six years older. I’ll take out your baby clothes from the storage later. We could pick some beautiful ones together.” She held the girl for a minute then put her to sit beside her brother. “Let’s play a game. What’s your father’s name?”
“Mac Taylor.” William answered.
“Good. What are your names?”
“William Taylor.” “Sophia Taylor.” The kids answered.
“Very good. ‘Taylor’ is your family name. Your grandpa was a Taylor. Your father is a Taylor. Now, we don’t know the baby’s first name yet. But its family name is Taylor, just like yours. The baby is your youngest brother or sister. You’re all dad and mom’s angels. You should love her, or him, like you love each other. Understand?”
“Mommy, why can’t we have a brother and a sister at the same time?” Sophia asked innocently.
“It’s because you are too young to take care of a baby brother and a baby sister at the same time. Come here.” Stella spread her hands toward the kids. They got into their mother’s arms. “You’re elder brother and sister. You need to learn to take care of yourselves and help Rhoda when dad and I are not around.”
Mac knocked on the doorframe and leaned against it. “I don’t know my room becomes a flea market.” He smiled and nodded at the clothes on the bed. He approached and extended his hand to Stella.
“Daddy!” The kids bounced on the bed when they saw their father.
Stella took Mac’s hand. “We’re scanning the kids’ clothes. They grow so fast that the clothes are not fit them. We choose some to keep and donate the rest.”
Sophia tugged at Mac’s sleeve. “Daddy, do you want a baby girl?”
Mac glanced at William, who stared at his father silently. Mac rubbed his temple with a finger. “Hmm… This sounds like a tricky question.”
Stella laughed. “They were arguing about having a baby brother or sister.”
Mac pinched the kids’ nose playfully. “I love you all, boys or girls.” Then he changed the subject. “Big brother called me today. He wants us to have dinner with them at their apartment. Do you want to come?”
“Yeah.” Both kids answered enthusiastically.
“Go get dress.” Mac ushered the kids out.
“Reed? Why?” Stella asked.
“I don’t know. He wouldn’t say.” Mac shrugged. “He was excited. It should be good news.”
“Maybe they find the suitable place for their diner. Let’s bring the bottle of wine I bought earlier this week.” Stella walked out of the bedroom.
“Alright. This is your favorite, little guys.” Betsy put a plate of baked cheese and beacon potatoe balls on the table.
“Stella, you look great.” Betsy said while forking the potatoes balls onto the kids’ plates.
“Thank you. You should see me two months ago. I was like a panda.” Stella chuckled and dabbed under her eyes suggesting the black baggies she used to have. “I slept bad and didn’t have much appetite.”
“You’re four, five months? Everything’s fine?” Betsy asked again.
“Five months. Yeah, everything’s fine after the first three months.” Stella took a bit of food.
“You decided on the name yet?” Reed asked Mac.
“No. We still have few months of time. But the guys at the lab gave us quite a lot of suggestions.” Mac chuckled.
“You already have a boy and a girl. What do you want for this one, a boy or a girl?” Betsy asked curiously.
Stella held her hands up with palms out. “Don’t start this again. Will and Sophia already had the DISCUSSION this afternoon.” Then she clasped her hands. “What special event is this dinner for? You finally have the location for the diner?”
Reed and Betsy looked at each other. Betsy blushed and lowered her head.
“The diner has to wait. We are expecting our baby this winter.” Reed said shyly.
“What?” Stella jumped at the unexpected news. She got up to hug Betsy. “Congratulations!”
“Thank you.” Reed and Betsy answered.
The twins clapped their hands.
Mac shook Reed’s hand. He kept holding Reed’s hand. “You were a college boy when we met. Now you’re going to be a father. I’m happy for you, Reed. Your mom would be happy too.”
Stella cleared her throat. “We’ll be grandparents, Mac.”
The adults burst into laughter.
“What about us?” William and Sophia asked together.
“You’ll be Uncle William and Aunt Sophia.” Reed hugged William around the shoulders. The boy grinned. Sophia covered her mouth with both hands and laughed out loud.
Mac took Stella’s hand. “Our family is getting bigger.”
Stella smiled back. “I love big family.”