Misunderstanding (short smacked)

OMG OMG OMG! their first quearrel because of Ella!!!!! YAY! (i mean, not the quarrel but the fact Stella was JEALOUS!)

OMG OMG OMG and he told her "My girlfriend" OMG

And a kiss on her palm and then deep kissing


And pleaseeeeeeeeeeee added to Mel's request :D

Debbie :D
I enjoyed their every arguement and make up (in the show) like you. :)

:lol: I thought you would prefer the kiss under the full moon. :lol: Anyway, thank you for the review. :)

Mac sneezed loudly while entering Stella’s office.
“Mac, your cold is getting worse. Why don’t you go to a doctor?” Stella was concerned.
Mac covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief when he spoke. “I took some pills but it doesn’t help much. I’m going home now. Call me if you need me.”
Stella tested his temperature placing a hand on his forehead. “You should go to the doctor.”
“No. I’ll be fine getting some rest.” Mac shook his head.
“Do you need me to drive you?”
“No. I’ll grab a cab. Just take care of the work.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Stella walked him to the elevator. “I’ll come over after work.”
“OK.” Mac got into the elevator.
Stella got back to her office. She picked up the phone. “Hi, Mrs. Lee. Yeah, Stella…I’m fine, thank you…I need some help…yeah…Nonono, nothing serious. Mac got a cold. I want…”
“Mac! Mac, wake up.” Stella sat by the bedside and shook Mac by his shoulder.
Mac woke up rubbing his face. “What time is it?” he asked groggily and began to sit up.
“Seven. Are you feeling any better?” Stella put a hand on his forehand.
“I cooked some oatmeal.” Stella turned to the nightstand to pick up a bowl.
“No. I don’t want to eat. Just give me some water, please.”
“You need to eat something.” Stella spooned up some oatmeal. “Come on.”
Mac ate a few spoonfuls of oatmeal. Then he shook his head and pushed the bowl away. Stella gave him some water. “You need anything else?”
“Need to use the bathroom.” Mac smiled and got off the bed.
“OK.” Stella took the rest of oatmeal to the kitchen.
Mac was sitting down on the bed when Stella came back with a cup in hand.
“What’s that, Stella?” Mac was curious.
Stella smiled sweetly. “Chinese herb tea. For your cold.”
“What? You’re not serious.”
“Mrs. Lee brewed some for me last time I had a cold. It worked.” Stella gave Mac the cup of tea. He didn’t take it but took a peek into the dark brown liquid.
“You expect me to drink that?” Mac frowned.
“Chinese herb tea has thousand years of history. Nowadays, even some western medical doctors use Chinese medicines.” Stella picked up the phone. “Or, I can call Hawkes to give you a shot?”
Mac stared at her without a word.
“Be a good boy. Drink it, have some more sleep. You’ll be better tomorrow.” Stella sat by his side and handed the cup to his mouth. “Just do it for me, please.”
Mac drank reluctantly.
“Not that bad, isn’t it? Now, go back to sleep.” Stella adjusted the pillows for him.
Mac took her hand and pulled her to his side. “Stay with me.”
Stella blushed. She took off her shoes and lay down snuggling up to him. Together, they had a peaceful sleep.
Stella woke up to find Mac’s not in the bed. She went to the kitchen followed the coffee fragrance. Mac was taking some milk out from the fridge.
“Good morning, Stella. You want some coffee?”
“Sure. You feeling better?” Stella asked taking the coffee from Mac.
“Yeah.” Mac took a sip of coffee. “This is much better than the herb tea.”
“You need to drink one more.”
Mac stared at Stella. “You’re kidding.”
“Another drink is to ensure that you’re totally cured.”
Mac sighed and put the coffee down. “Come here.” He wrapped Stella with his arms around her waist. “I need encouragement.” He bent down and kissed her deeply. “Thank you, Stella. I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I wouldn’t thank you if I got the cold from you.” Stella nibbled his bottom lip seductively.
Mac kissed her again with all his heart and love. They moved back to the bedroom when the kiss grew hot and demanding.
I guess we are watching "Commanding Mac" when he said "Come in here"


I wonder if we will stay outside that bedroom or we will have some detail inside? (pretty pretty please:devil:)

I guess in there they---->

I just love when things get hot:devil:

Kikii, i loved the fight they had:D im glad they made up:)

And i loved the update, Mac with a cold, that i think i would loved to se:lol: loved the middle part when Stella laid down with Mac:D
i laughed when Mac said he didn't wanna drink the tea Stella had for him:lol:
But i really very loved the part where it started to get hot:devil: is it right to put in a part from a song: It's gettin' hot in here (so hot) So take off all your clothes :devil::devil: (sorry i just had to:D it just popped up in my mind:lol:)
I wonder if we will stay outside that bedroom or we will have some detail inside? (pretty pretty please:devil:)
i wonder the same:D We getting some inside details or?:devil: (pretty pretty pwease:D)
Gals, you don't need me in the field of 'what happens inside the room'. All of you are experts. :lol: On the contrary, I need some educations from you. :lol:
Us? Poor innocent lambs?:lol::lol:

well, what about the morning after????????:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: It could work wonderfully with Stella's feelings after spending the night with the love of her life??????:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

When was the last time you check on your canines? :lol: Hope you enjoy the new update. :)

Stella was in a dark green tube dress standing in front of the mirror, putting on her earrings when Mac got in. He stood behind her, placed his hands on her bare shoulders. Their gazes met in the mirror. A smile bloomed in Stella’s face when he bent down and kissed her on her shoulder. Then he planted another kissed on her neck. “Smell good.”
Stella giggled a thank you.
“Don’t you think this little dress is too sexy for a charity ball?” Mac ran his finger along Stella’s neckline to the shoulder.
“Stop it, Mac.” Still giggling, Stella turned to face him. “We’ll never make it to the ball if you continue this little game of yours.” She walked to the closet and pulled out a light green floral shawl.
Mac wrapped the shawl around Stella’s shoulders. “This is much better.” He smiled approvingly.
“Possessive.” Stella felt her heart is full and warm although she was complaining.
“Protective.” Mac corrected her with a smile.
Stella suppressed a smile. “Can we go now?”
Mac put her hand into his crooked arm and left for the ball.
Mac and Stella arrived at the hotel where the charity ball was held at the same time with another couple. The woman glanced toward Mac and Stella.
“Oh, my god. Stella!” The woman ran forward and hugged Stella.
“Judy!” Stella hugged the woman back. Then she hugged the husband. “Gavin! Oh my god! How long was it? Twelve years?”
“Give or take. How are you? I heard about a Mrs. Taylor lately.” She gave Stella a side glance. “I still have some informants around you.”
“Still a Bonasera.” Stella introduced Mac to her friends.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Taylor.” She gave Stella another meaningful smile while shaking Mac’s hand.
“We are blocking the way. Let’s go inside.” Stella said.
With a glass of champagne in hand, Stella started to tell Mac the story of her friendship with Judy. “Judy and I went to the cadet together. Only she left before she joined the force. Married this handsome attorney from Canada and moved back to his homeland.” Then she turned to her friend. “How come you didn’t call me when you came back?”
“We came back couple days ago. My granny passed away and she left me this house. We just came to check the house before we put it into the market.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Your granny was such a sweet old lady.”
“Thank you. We’ll have a barbeque this Sunday. Why don’t you and Mac come?” Then she saw someone waving at her. “Oh. That’s Gavin’s partner. We need to go.”
“See you on Sunday then.” Stella said.
The barbecue gathering was already begun when Mac and Stella arrived. Judy introduced them to her other friends. Then the two girlfriends retreated to the sitting room to catch up. They laughed hard talking about the old days.
“Stella. I was so happy when I heard about the rumor of you getting married. I can see you’re so in love with your Mr. Taylor. What are you waiting for?” Judy changed the subject.
“I don’t know.” Stella shrugged. “We are happy with the present circumstances. Don’t need the ritual thing.”
“Nooo. You’re not thinking that way. He didn’t hint on anything?”
Stella lowered her head. “He lost his wife few years back. It took him a long and painful period to recover. As long as he’s happy, I don’t care about marry or not.”
“But you always want a family of your own.” Judy wrapped Stella’s hand with both hands.
Stella smile bitterly. Then she withdrew her hand and covered her friend’s instead. “Don’t worry about me. Let’s talk about your kids. Why didn’t they come with you?”
Judy took a deep breath. “You always keep the problems to yourself. Look, if there’s anything I can help…”
Stella hugged her friend tightly and kissed her on the cheek. “I will, I will. Now, tell me about the kids.”
It was sunset when the party’s over.
“That house is beautiful. Claire and I were considered to buy a house like that when we have kids.” Mac commented while walking to the car. “We should buy one in this neighborhood. It’s so peaceful here.”
“I love my apartment.” Stella said.
“We can’t live in your apartment.”
“Who’s talking about living together?” Stella found it hard to calm her racing heart.
“Why? Mrs. Taylor doesn’t live with Mr. Taylor?” Mac teased.
“Hey! How dare you teasing me again?” Stella slapped him on the back.
Mac stopped walking and pulled Stella’s hands. “I’m not teasing. I’m proposing.”
“No. You’re not. The whole happy family barbecue scene reminded you of Claire and the life you supposed to have. You’re not ready. I don’t want you to regret it when you can think clearly.” Stella said sadly. She got into the car without another word.
“I’m sorry, Mac. Can I borrow the car? I wanna go home.” Stella stayed in the car when they arrived at Mac’s place.
“Stella. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I’m not mad. I have a headache. I want to go home and rest.” Stella said half-heartedly.
“You can rest here.”
“No. I really need to go home.”
“I can’t let you go home like this. Come on.” Mac pulled her out of the car.
When Mac opened the apartment door, Stella went directly for the Aspirin.
Mac was waiting in the bedroom when she got out. He took out a little box from behind him and opened it. Stella was stunned when she saw the ring.
“I bought this little thing few days ago. I was planning to take you to a dinner before I propose. When we had such a beautiful time at that house, I realized I don’t want to wait any longer. I want you to marry me right away. But I didn’t bring the ring with me.” Mac blushed. “I’m sorry to upset you, Stella. I want a life with you. I want our children running around the house. I don’t want to wait even one more day.” Mac got down on one knee. “Stella, would you marry me?”
Stella was totally paralyzed. She didn’t aware her tears slid down her cheeks. She didn’t know what to say. Mac got up. He took her hand and slid the ring onto her finger. Stella flung herself into Mac’s arms and cried out the happy tears.
“Mac Taylor! You’re unbelievable!” She said with laughter. Then she kissed him with all her love until both of them couldn’t breathe.
“Calm down, Mrs. Taylor! I still want a wedding.” Mac said breathless.
Stella just ignored him and started to kiss him all over again.
Stella woke up on Mac’s bare chest. She lifted her hand and looked at the ring. Tears began to fill her eyes again. She remembered how sad she was when she worked with Mac everyday knowing that he’s someone’s husband. How she helped him went through all the rough days after Claire’s death. How painful it was expecting he would love her with his heart.
She remembered the electric shock went through her body when he held her hand the very first time after all those longings. The sweetness and passion they shared when they first make love.
Her heart was pierced with some sharp objects when she heard Mac talked about his plan with Claire. She didn’t sure he’s totally stepped out of the grief of losing Claire. Her heart stopped when he proposed. The fact that he bought the ring beforehand surprised her.
Stella kissed the ring before she held Mac closer with her hand. She was happy and ready to welcome her new identity as Mrs. Taylor.

This part made me cry. Poor Stella, wanting so hard a family with him and so afraid of being a sustitute for Claire. I pressume we will have kids. All little Taylors running here and there

I wonder is Miss Writer will include the Taylor Conception :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The Taylors--->


Debbie :D
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Dear Mel and Debbie,

I'm stuffed with all the pleeeeeeeeases. :lol: I appreciate it 200%. To be honest, I've wrote about the same topic over ten pieces, (I can't believe it myself. This is crazy.:lol:) I need to collect my thought before writing anything else.
Hi, everyone! :) I like to write but the ideas came to me very slow. Hope you like the followings, update maybe a little delay though.

Mac and Stella used all their spare time to decorate their new home, a house in the neighborhood of Judy’s. They bought the house three months ago and had a team of workers to renovate it inside out from relaying the cables, pipes, floor, fixing the roof, to repaint the walls with their favorite colors. They might have different opinions when they shopped for the household items but always reached agreements. The whole period they split their time between working, planning for the wedding and making a cozy home was exhausted but sweet.
The news of they getting marry was like fire spreading all over the lab and even the precinct. They were drowned in the blessings and gifts they received. They planned to invite only closest friends to the wedding ceremony and there wouldn't any big party. They prepared some thank you gifts for their friends.
It was Stella’s day off. Mac knew she would be in the house to give a final touch on everything. He stopped by after work.
“Stella. What are you doing up there?” Mac was surprised to find her standing on the top of a ladder, reaching out for the track of the drapes.
“Hey. I’m fixing the track.” Stella glanced at Mac and then turned back to work with a file. “I’m filing the rough surface off then the wheels could be move more smoothly.”
“Get down. You might fell and get yourself hurt. Let me do it.” Mac pulled his coat off.
“Almost done…” Stella had no intention to get down.
“Get down right now.” Mac extended his hands for her. Stella sighed and got down.
Mac took the file. “Don’t do such dangerous work when I’m not around.
Stella kissed him hard on the lips. “I’m not growing up in a greenhouse. Who do you think did such dangerous work for me in the past years?”
Mac put the file down and held her tight. “You didn’t have a husband back then. You leave those works to me. You understand?”
Stella answered him with her tender but seductive kiss.
Someone knocked hard on the door. Mac and Stella looked at each other confusingly. No one would know about this address since they are not moving in yet. Mac answered the door with Stella followed him.
“Ella?” There were thousand question marks in Mac’s mind. The blonde girl was standing outside with an apologetic smile.
“Hi, Mac. I’m visiting a friend nearby. I saw you got in this house. I’m wondering if you’re visiting your friend too.” She glanced at Stella.
Mac opened the door wider and pulled Stella to his side. “This is my fiancé, Stella. Stella, meet Ella Mcbride.”
Stella greeted the girl and extended a hand to her. The girl took Stella’s hand with a smile but her eyes were cold. “Mac, you didn’t tell me you have a fiancé.”
“As a matter of fact, we’re getting married the coming Sunday. We just tidy up our house.” Stella said.
“Your house?” The tiny smile in Ella’s face was gone. She brushed her hair with a shaking hand. “Oh, I’m sorry to interrupt. Umm…Congratulations!” Then she turned to leave.
“Ella.” Mac called but the girl didn’t turn back.
Stella placed a hand on Mac’s shoulder and shook her head.
An old woman called Stella in the middle of night. “Stella? This is Catherine Stanley. Your next door neighbor, remember me?”
Stella remembered she’s the neighbor from their new house. “Hey, Catherine. You sounded a little anxious. Is everything OK?”
“I’m fine. It’s your house. I heard strange noise. Johnny and I went to take a look. The window of your house was broken. We dare not to get closer, so I call you. You better come and look.”
“Alright. Stay at your house. Mac and I’ll be right there. Thank you. Catherine.” Stella called Mac.
Twenty minutes later, Mac and Stella were checking on the house. The window in the kitchen was broken. The intruder destroyed everything on the way to the living room.
“It was her.” Stella was fumed while Mac examined everything calmly.
“Who?” Mac turned to Stella.
“Ella. She knew she’s losing you. She wants revenge.”
“Calm down, Stella. She wouldn’t do something like this.”
“Oh, yeah? You’re suggesting a girl who dared to fabricate evidence, and lie, and cut herself, is not capable of doing this?” Stella was even angrier with Mac defending the girl. “You believed her when she said she was visiting friend in the neighborhood. She destroyed everything at our house! Everything we made for our new lives. She’s not letting you go.”
Mac held her by the arms. “Stella. Don’t jump into conclusion before we have the evidence. We’ll call 911 and have Danny process everything. I promise I’ll never let anyone go away with this. OK?”
Stella crossed her arms. “We have less than a week. I don’t want our house in a mess when we move in.”
Mac lifted her head to look her in the eyes. “Hey. Nothing matters to me except you. We can fix things while we’re living here. You have a second chance to decorate all over again.”
Stella sighed. She got into Mac’s arms and rested her head on his chest. Mac pulled out his phone and call 911.
Mel, thank you for the review! :)

“Danny. You got anything regarding my house’s case?” Mac entered the trace lab with Stella.
“The perp was very careful. He gloved up when playing inside the house. BUT, he left a foot print and a chewed match on the ground underneath the kitchen window.” Danny reported with a satisfy smile.
“Good. So we got his DNA.” Mac was excited.
“You sure it’s a HE.” Stella said.
“Absolutely. We got a winner named Alan Sanders, ex-con, two counts of vandalism, one count of drug possessing. I’ve sent the DNA report to Detective Bensons. This is his case. He’ll let you know if they got the guy.”
“Good job, Danny.” Mac and Stella left.
“I don’t recall a Alan Sanders. You?” Stella asked when they heading back to Mac’s office.
“No.” Mac shook his head. “At least we know it’s not Ella.”
“I don’t know, Mac. I have this feeling that she’s involved. Some random guy broke into our house right after her visit? I don’t buy it.” Stella was not convinced. “
Mac sighed and sat down in his chair while Stella sat across from him. “Ella lost the core of her life when she lost her parents. She needs to get hold of someone or something to make her feel safe. That someone happens to be me. I helped with all I could. She didn’t call me for quite a while since I arranged other helps for her.” Mac leaned forward. “Stella. She’s harmless.”
“I feel sorry for her too, Mac. I know how she feels. Sometimes loneliness would drive people to do stupid things, like she cut herself last time. I’m worry that she mistaken your concerns. I’m not sure she could pull herself out from the pit of delusion. She might do something violence if she’s desperate. To be honest, I don't want to believe it's her doing either. Let’s hope you’re right about her.” Stella sighed and stood up. “I have to follow up my case. I’ll go see if the workers clean up the mess tonight.”
“I’ll call you if I can go with you.”
Stella nodded and turned to leave.
Stella got out of her car when she saw Mrs. Stanley picking up two big bags of fertilizer from the trunk. She hurried forward to help. “Let me take one, Catherine.”
“Thank you, Stella.” Mrs. Stanley was happy to see her. “You save me one trip. I could never take two at a time.” They took the fertilizer to the little cabin at the Stanley’s garden.
“Come to the kitchen. Have some tea with me.” Catherine invited.
They settled down at the table.
“I’m sorry about your house, Stella. How’re things going on? Do you know who did it?”Catherine put a plate of cookies down.
“I have to thank you and Johnny. I think you might scare him away. He just broke the kitchen window and some other stuff on the ground floor. He didn’t go to the second floor. We have the suspect’s name. Our colleague’s looking for him.” Stella sipped some tea.
“What’s wrong with people? Destroy someone else’s house at their free will. Things are different from our era, getting worse, I tell you.” Catherine sighed.
Stella chuckled. “That’s why our jobs are so important.”
Catherine put her tea cup down. “Oh. There was this strange girl kept staring at your house from across the road this afternoon. She fled when I approach to question her.”
Stella was alert. “What does she look like?”
“Mmm… blonde, pale and nervous. She kept whispering ‘Mac will never forgive me.’ Is she a friend?”
Stella hesitated for a second. “Yeah. Kind of.”
Mac was waiting for an unoccupied taxi at the sidewalk. He was going to meet Stella at their house.
“Mac!” Someone called him from behind. It was Ella.
“Ella. What are you doing here so late?”
Ella ran forward and gripped Mac’s arms. “Mac. I’m sorry. You have to listen to me. I don’t mean it. Really. I don’t mean it.”
Mac pried her grips off. “Take a breath, Ella. Just calm down and talk to me. What happened?”
Ella was pondering how to explain and her tears kept falling. Suddenly, a car ran over the curb toward Mac. Mac grabbed Ella and dodged the car by hopped up to the stairs of some building. The car fled.
Ella was shaking and crying. Mac gripped her by the arms. “Ella, talk to me. What’s going on?”
The girl looked at Mac with teary eyes. “I’m sorry, Mac. I’m so sorry.”