Misunderstanding (short smacked)

No, No No at least Hong Hong is being evacuated because King Kong escaped, you can't leave us like this!!!!!!! She must love the idea of being known as "Mac's girlfriend"

PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE Keep the cooking lessons! :D I want more :D

(Puppy dog's eyes to Kikii :D)

Debbie :D
Thanks for the review Mel and Debbie! :)

I seriously, honestly don't want to disappoint you. You're always so sweet to me. :) But I've been walking too far away from my SHELL with my limited English. :lol:
great update Kikii:D i loved it, it was sweet to:) loved the end where MAc teased Stella:lol:
you going to write more??:D
repeat situation and words. We won't notice (besides that's what i do :lol:

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE write something with Stella inviting Mac and cooking for him and he in delight watching her cooking

Thanks to Gio for your review. :)

repeat situation and words. We won't notice
As long as you don't mind, I'll try my best. You don't have to PLEASEEEEEEE me. It made me feel guilty. :lol: Your review is good enough for me. I appreciate it.

I appreciate Mel, Asprine, Gio and other readers too. :)
Hi everyone! I've extended this story again. Hope you like it. Or you can tell me if you don't. Thank you. :)

“Need a pair of hands here.” Stella leaned against the door frame of Mac’s office holding a mini cooler and a paper bag.
“What can I do for you, Stella?” Mac stood up from his chair. “What’s in the cooler?”
Stella got in, put the stuff on the floor next to a chair and sat down. “Sid bought a live lobster through Mr. Lee. He was intended to make his wife a …” She dug into her pocket to fish out a piece of paper. “Lobster with chicken stock and E-men. E-men is Chinese noodle. Sid is apparently another student of Mr. Lee. He got the recipe.” Stella waved the piece of paper. “Only he forgot that they have to attend a friend’s birthday dinner tonight. So we win the grand prize.”
“You’re going to cook a live lobster?” Mac was amused.
“I’ve count you in. We were succeeded in the lettuce wrap. We can do this.” Stella crossed her arms and leaned back on the chair.
“I’m not sure about that.” Mac rubbed his chin.
“Hey, you don’t take challenge unless work related?” Stella tilted her head and smirked. Then something flashed through her mind. “Oh, maybe you already have plans tonight. I’m sorry, Mac. I…” She picked up the stuff.
“No. I don’t have plans. But I can’t leave right away. Not in thirty minutes.”
“I’ll be in my office.” Stella grinned and left.
“Apparently I’m not much help here.” Mac said with a laughing face. He was watching Stella gingerly picked the lobster out of the cooler and placed it onto the cutting board. Although the lobster’s movement was slow, its spiky shell was not easy to handle.
“You can read me the steps. What should I do first?”
Mac looked at the paper. “Mmm…stick a chopstick into the hole at its tail to drain away the urine.”
“I don’t have chopsticks.”
Mac opened a drawer to look for something useful. Then he took the ice-pick. “This will do the trick.”
Stella turned her face to the other side when she worked. “Yuck.”
Mac chuckled seeing her funny face.
“Enjoying the show, huh? Next time you do this.” Stella made a grimace. “OK. What’s next?”
Mac stopped laughing. “Wash the lobster thoroughly, take out the meat and cut into several pieces.”
Stella was washing the lobster when it suddenly twisted. Its spikes scratched Stella’s hand. “Ouch…”
“You alright?” Mac approached and took Stella’s hand. There were two red lines across her few fingertips. Fortunately, she was not bleeding. Mac washed her fingers under the running water.
Stella’s heart was racing looking at Mac cleaning her fingers with tender, careful strokes.
Mac found he was looking at Stella’s bright red face when he finally looked up. He dried her hands with a clean towel. “You take a break. I’ll do the rest.”
“I’m fine. I can do it. You…umm…Why don’t you pour me some wine? I’m gonna cook this little thing and eat it. For revenge.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” Stella picked up the lobster again. She exhaled the breath she was holding after Mac walked out of the kitchen.
“To be honest, the noodles are better than the lobster.” Stella said.
“Yeah. The noodles absorbed all the extract of the lobster and the chicken stock.”
Mac and Stella were walking slowing in the street. Stella suggested they should do some exercise after dinner.
“Is your hand alright?” Mac glanced at Stella’s hand.
“Yep.” Stella dared not to look at Mac.
“Maybe we should pay Mr. Lee a visit when we want to eat lobster.” Mac chuckled.
“It’s much convenience, huh? I don’t mind cooking when I have time. I love home made food. But I’m usually exhausted when I came home. And there’s no need to go through all the troubles to cook for myself only.”
“Yeah. Sandwiches are good enough for me.” Mac thought of his late wife, the sweet dinner time with her. “Thank you for the dinner, Stella.”
“You did it with me. Should I thank you in return?” Stella smiled.
They kept walking in silence.
Mac stopped. “Well, it’s far enough. I’ll walk you back home.”
“What?” Stella didn’t believe what she heard. “No. I know my way home. You just grab a cab and go home.”
“I’ll go home after I walked you home.”
“Don’t be silly, Mac.” Stella stood her ground. “I always go home by myself.”
“Not tonight. Come on.” Mac took Stella’s hand and started walking.
Neither one of them spoke again. They knew in their hearts that they were waiting for this to happen. Whoever made the leap had the great determination. They could break the magic now or follow their heart.
They walked slowly back to Stella’s building. Still hand in hand, they looked at each other in silence.
“See you tomorrow.” Mac said softly and released Stella’s hand.
“Yeah. See you tomorrow.” Stella smiled and got inside the building.
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KikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLOVE ITLOVE ITLOVE IT. The sweeteness of this chapter brought tears to my eyes

OMGMac washing her hand under the water!!!!!!!!!!! and then Mac thinking about Claire thanking her!!!!!!!!!!AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWand THE BEST OF THE BEST they are holding hands walking to her apartment

OMG WE NEED THE KISS! Get them going to Mr Lee's and eating something "magical"(Mr Lee must be around telling them some kind of legend of sort.Something that it will take themto kiss each other

PLEASEEEEEEEEE( long pleaseeeeee always works LOL)

OMG This was so sweet!I hope if they "Travel" somewhere(LOL idon't want to use spoiler box) they will hold hands as well

OMG it was truly touching

Thanks my dear!

Debbie :D

ps: LOVEStella losing her temper and going all "Rambo Stella" on the lobster:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
Thank you Debbie and Mel! :)

You long PLEEEEEEEASE works again. Hope you like it. :lol: PLEEEEEEEEEASE don't make me feel guilty anymore.:lol:

The autopsy room was even creepier than ever under the illumination of lanterns in different colors.
“Sid. You’re celebrating Chinese Festivals.” Mac walked in with Stella.
“Hey.” Sid turned to Mac and Stella from his work. “Those lanterns are beautiful, aren’t they? The Mid-Autumn Festival’s one of the most romantic festivals in China.”
“Romantic? In the autopsy room?” Stella choked with laughter.
“We guys work here needed a romantic heart. We take care of the deceased with all our patience and tenderness.” Sid said exaggeratedly.
“Aha.” Stella nodded ironically.
“Oh, speaking of Mid-Autumn Festival, our friend Mr. Lee wants to invite you two to a dinner the night after tomorrow.”
“For what?” Mac asked.
“The Chinese celebrate the festival with their families. Since Lee doesn’t have any families except his wife and daughter. He invited a few friends every year. Lee cooked for their guests. After dinner, we sat on the grass at the backyard. We talked, laughed, watched children playing with lanterns, enjoyed fruits and moon cakes.”
“It sounds good.” Stella looked at Mac.
“Alright. We’ll be there.” Mac said.
“Welcome. Mr. Taylor, Miss Bonasera.” Mr. and Mrs. Lee greeted their guests.
“It’s Mac and Stella. Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Lee.” Mac gave the bottle of wine he brought to Mr. Lee.
“Thank you. Come on in. Sid’s already in the sitting room playing cards with Melody. We’re still waiting for two friends and their children. Let’s join Sid and the girl.”
Melody recognized Stella was the kind lady who came to their diner from time to time. She stuck to the side of Stella. Together they won several rounds of the card games.
Melody tugged at Stella’s sleeve. “Come with me.”
“My girl doesn’t have many friends.” Mr. Lee said eyeing the girls leave. “I’m glad you came, Mac. Mid-Autumn Festival is meant for families and lovers. We Chinese believe full moon means reunion. All the families and lovers should be reunion on this day. In fact, you should never let go of your love.”
“Don’t worry about them, Lee. They’ve been stick together long enough that you couldn’t pry them apart with a crowbar.” Sid teased.
“Thank you. I’ll remember that.” Mac smiled.
“Stella, I was looking for you. What are you doing here?” Mac found Stella sat on a swing set between two big trees at the corner of the backyard.
Stella laughed. “Melody showed me her swing.”
“Where is she now?” Mac sat beside Stella.
“She went back to the kitchen to help her mom.” Stella moved the swing back and forth with her feet pushed on the ground. “I didn’t swing when I was a kid.”
“I don’t know. My feet are too long, maybe.” Stella chuckled. “You?”
“I didn’t. I was a bit wild. Hung around the neighborhood with some friends, did boy stuffs.”
“What boy stuffs? Hitting on girls?” Stella kept laughing.
“That was when I got older.” Mac laughed too. “Football, biking, baseball cards, typical boy things.”
“When was your first love?” Stella tilted her head.
Mac cleared his throat. “I don’t remember.”
“Liar! No one would forget their first love.”
“Alright. High school.” Mac put an arm around Stella’s shoulders.
“Was she pretty?”
“She’s past tense. All I care is the present.” Mac brushed her hair away from her face. “Ask me about my present girlfriend.”
“Is she beautiful?” Stella played along.
“She’s beautiful, smart, charming…” Mac moved closer and closer to her with every word until their lips touched. “And she’s sweet.”
Mac kissed lightly on Stella’s lips. He pulled back a bit, looked into her eyes, and then he kissed her again. He deepened the kiss when Stella put her arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately. They were totally lost in their little world.
Few steps away, Sid was shocked by the scene. He turned away immediately. “Full moon!” He whispered with a smile and headed back to the house.
“Mac? Stella? Where are you? Dinner’s ready.” Sid called out from the back door of the kitchen.
Stella buried her face in Mac’s chest and giggled.
“We better go back inside before he yells again.” Mac got up and took Stella’s hand.
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I loved Stella and the lobster:lol: when she was using the ice pick to drain the urin, and she made the funny face:lol: i laughed when Stella wanted revenge over the lobster:lol: it was great, that they where out walking and they hold hands:D

I loved Sid teasing Mac about his and Stella's relationship:D i loved the little chat outside by the swings, it was sweet and funny:) I absolutely loved the kiss:D and i loved Sid when he said ''Full Moon'':D i loved the update:D
Tofu Tofu tooootototoo fuuuuu! :D I loved it! I aw-ed when they hold hands, that touches my brick hard heart. It didn't need to be told. It was all in their eyes, always denying.. Now that they have confessed it. I'm looking forward to more of this. I love moon cakes!!! *Fainted* We called them Moon Cake Festival here but it's still Mid-Autumn though. :)
Thank you Gio, Mel and Asprine! :)

Sid is always smart and funny, like you wrote in your fic. I love him. :)

lol I'll use it again: Pleeeaaaassseeeeee!
You're Kidding! I thought you're the calmest girl! :lol:

It didn't need to be told. It was all in their eyes, always denying..
Like you said before, all the misunderstandings lead to understanding. Not a single word is needed with their intense gazes exchanged everyday. :adore:
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Hope you like what your pleeeeease gets you. :lol:

“What made you boys so generous to buy me lunch today?” Sid looked at the doggy bag Flack’s holding skeptically.
Danny put an arm over Sid’s shoulders. “Because we are good friends?”
“O…K…! What can I do for you, FRIENDS?”
“You know. Something strange happened to my bosses since they hung out with you and your Chinese buddy. Flack and I are interested to know why.”
Sid scratched his head and smiled mysteriously. “I don’t think it’s your business.”
Flack put an arm on Sid’s shoulders from his another side, overlapping Danny’s. “Friends share secrets and happiness. Right?”
“What’s so strange about them?” Sid asked.
“Well, I couldn’t describe it. They’re just different. They’re…” Danny looked at Flack. Hope he could fill in the blank.
“…much intimate than ever.” Flack contributed.
“They are always close. It’s not news.” Sid grinned.
“Come on, give! Curiosity kills us.” Danny pleaded.
“All I can say is the misunderstanding may come true.” Sid brushed the boys’ arms away.
“What misunderstanding?” The boys looked at each other. Then they understood. “Oh, that! Really?”
Sid snatched the doggy bag and retreat. “I didn’t say anything.”
“Mac, are we leaving for the theatre now?” Stella stood by Mac’s office doorway. She’d already changed into a black single shoulder dress.
“I’m sorry, Stella. Something urgent came up. Why don’t you go first? I’ll come as soon as possible.” Mac said apologetically.
“What? Another case?”
“No. A friend of mine needs help.” Mac paused and then he said with a hint of hesitation. “It’s Ella. She has a fever. She wants me to take her to the hospital.”
“Again?” Stella felt her heart burnt. “How many times in this month she needs you?”
“I know you have some opinion on her. But I…”
Stella cut in. “You’re damn right I do. She chose exactly the right timing to interfere with our lives. Do you even have a tiny doubt of how she could do that? You really believe it’s simply coincidence? I told you she’s not your responsibility. She must learn to survive by herself.”
“You think I should just ignore her? She survived cutting herself last time. You think she would be that lucky if she try again?”
“You’ve done your job. She should see a shrink instead of you. If she chose to finish her life because she couldn’t get enough attention from you, it’s her problem. I can live with it.”
Mac rubbed Stella’s bare arms gently. “Stella, I know you’re upset. But considered all the nightmares she’s been through, you must give her time to recover, to learn. I promised I’ll help her whenever she needs me. I like to keep my words.”
“Oh yeah? You like to keep your promise to her. How about your promise to me? We’ve been rescheduled this date again and again because of work.”
“Stella, be reasonable. We just go to the theater separately.”
“I don’t care about the show. I care about some silly lonely girl squeezes into our lives and you just let her. Mac, she would never stop demanding if you don’t draw a line on it.”
“We are wasting time arguing. Let’s talk later, alright?” Mac put on his coat.
“Whatever!” Stella walked directly to the elevator.
It’s been three days since the argument. Mac and Stella worked together as usual but there was an invisible wall between them. Mac tried to break it but Stella refused to cooperate.
“You feel it?” Danny whispered in Flack’s ear while working a crime scene with Mac and Stella.
“Yeah. Lovers’ quarrel?” Flack whispered back pretending reading his notes.
“They don’t even talk except work related.”
“Yeah. Stell’s as stubborn as a mule sometimes. There’s nothing we can help.” Flack walked away.
“Danny, let’s go if you’ve done.” Mac said from the other side of the apartment.
“Yes sir!” Danny answered.
Stella came home after her shift. She found Mac was outside her apartment waiting for her.
“Stella, we need to talk.”
“You don’t need to be with Ella tonight?” Stella opened the door and they got in.
Mac sighed. “Stella. Please. We had arguments from time to time. Why are you so mad with this one? She's just a poor girl needs my help.”
“Does it occur to you that our relationship’s different from the old days? I don’t know what kind of woman would tolerate her boyfriend concerning so much about other girls. Especially that girl’s obsessing with him.”
“All this is about jealousy?” Mac couldn’t believe it.
“Not really.” Stella sat down on the couch and sighed. “I have no objection if you want to check on her from time to time. I just don’t think you should go whenever she calls. You should get her help from multiple sources.”
Mac sat beside Stella. He took her hand and caressed it with his thumb. “You’re right. I’ll make some arrangements.”
Stella rested her head on Mac’s shoulder. “Maybe this is what you’re worry about office romance. We’re fighting over some silly things.”
“I’m glad you’re still objective. You didn’t let your feelings clouded your judgments. I don’t mind if you acting like a jealous cat sometimes.” Mac planted a kiss on her palm.
“You’re actually enjoying this, aren’t you?” Stella patted slightly on his face. “Have girls fighting over you.”
Mac kissed her deeply on her lips. “I enjoy seeing how much my girlfriend cares about me. And how beautiful she is when she’s jealous.”
“I felt bad, you know, we were not talking in the last few days. It was like something’s missing in my heart.” Stella held Mac tight around his waist.
“Everything’s fine now. Like Sid said, no one could pry us apart even with a crowbar.” Mac kissed her again.
“He said that? When?”
“At the Lee’s, after you and Melody went to the backyard.” Mac chuckled. “He’s a wise guy.”
“Yeah. He sees things other people don’t.” Stella smiled.
“I have to go. I’m still on the clock.” Mac got up from the couch. “Have some rest. Call me when you wake up.”
Stella walked him to the door and kissed him goodbye.