Misunderstanding (short smacked)

Thank you, Mel and all the readers! :)

Mac and Ella were sitting in a booth at the corner of a diner. Mac waited patiently until Ella calmed down a bit.
“What’s the story, Ella?”
Ella lowered her head. She was ashamed to face Mac. “When you left me to the hands of someone else, I knew you are doing the best for me. I don’t want to disappoint you. I went to every therapy sessions. I tried to make friends. Then I met this man, Alan Sanders, in a bar. He seems funny at first. We went out a couple of times. Then he became possessive and crazy. He would be very angry if I talked to other men. I was afraid someday he might hurt me, so I started to avoid him. Then he stalks me. I can see him stay in a distance wherever I go, staring at me with a nasty smile.” Ella’s tears began to fall again. “I need help, Mac. And you’re the only one I trust. Couple days ago, I waited outside your building. I wanted to talk to you. But I was not sure if you want to see me again.” She took a peek at Mac from the corner of her eyes. “I…umm…I followed you.”
“That night at our house.”
Ella nodded. “I was so angry and jealous when Stella told me you’re getting married. I thought you left me because I got in your way.” She took a deep breath. “I was half drunk at the bar when Alan found me. I told him how much I love you. How angry I am when I saw your new place that I wanted you die, both you and Stella.” Then she looked Mac in his eyes. Her eyes were wild. She gripped on Mac’s hand. “You know I love you, Mac. Why? Why can’t you love me back?”
Mac withdrew his hand. “That’s not love you’re talking about, Ella. It’s gratitude. I happened to be there when you’re lonely and helpless. I know you’re a talented girl. You have a promising future. All you need is some professional help to guide you through the rough time. When I lost my wife, I was desperate. I know exactly what you’ve been through. I care about you as a friend, Ella. I’m sorry if I misled you.” Mac wrapped his coffee cup with both hands. “Stella’s an orphan. But she doesn’t beat by the fate. We’ve been working together for a very long time. She walked me through my bad time with all her patience and love. Her strength and braveness made me love her with all my heart.”
“I know. I can see it in your eyes the other night at the house. That’s why I’m so angry. I’m the reason of why my dad died and my mom in jail. I don’t deserve your love. I feel like I’m a loser.” Still crying, Ella clenched her fists.
“No. What happened to your parents is tragedy. You shouldn’t blame yourself. You shouldn’t look back. You’re not a loser unless you chose to be one.” Mac patted the back of her hand lightly. “The top priority for now is to capture Alan Sanders. Do you know where we can find him?”
Ella was like wake up from a dream. “Oh my god! He failed to kill you. He may go for Stella.”
Mac took out his phone to call Stella.
Stella was tidying up the kitchen when she heard someone opened the front door. She thought it was Mac. But the person was keeping a quiet and slow pace when he getting closer. Stella was alerted. She grabbed a knife and crouched down against the kitchen cabinets. She could see the man carrying a bat when he walked pass her. She was moving from her hiding place to the living room when her phone rang. The intruder turned to her location and raised the bat but stopped when he saw Stella stood in front of him with a knife pointing out at him.
“Who are you?” Stella demanded.
The man didn’t answer. He swung the bat at Stella like a crazy bear. Stella dodged several blows but finally got bashed on the shoulder. She dropped onto the floor and lost grip of the knife. The attacker approached with a wolfish smile.
“Do you know who you are messing with? My husband will hunt you down. He’ll make your life so miserable that you wish you were never born.” Stella distracted him while moving closer to the knife.
The man attacked again when Stella reaching for the knife. Stella grabbed the knife in time. She rolled forward and slashed the man’s legs with the knife. The man yelled with pain and fell.
Stella got up. With the knife pressing against the man’s neck, she undid the man’s belt with another hand. She used the belt to tie up his hands on his back.
When Stella finally tied up the man, she was covering in sweat. Her shoulder was throbbing. Still panting, she went to sit in the couch.
“Hey, I’m bleeding. Call the ambulance.” The attacker moaned loudly.
“Shut up. Or I’ll gag you with your socks.” Stella took out her phone with a shaking hand.
Mac rushed in from the front door before Stella made the call. She got up and ran into his arms.
Mac kissed her on the temple. Then he pulled back a little to look at her. “Are you alright?”
Stella nodded. “Got bashed on the shoulder. Need some ice.”
Mac got some ice from the fridge. He wrapped the ice with a handkerchief and laid it on Stella’s shoulder. Then he called 911.
“How did you know he’s attacking me tonight?” Stella asked.
“He tried to kill me with a car earlier tonight.” Mac said matter-of-factly.
“What? Is he crazy or something?”
“You are right. Ella’s involved. I’ll tell the story later.” Mac brushed her messy hair and kissed her on her temple again.
Mel and Catu, thank you very much for the reviews! :) I'm sorry to say I have something to do this weekend. It may take a few days before I post an update.
Hi, everyone! Thank you very much for reading this story. Here's the new update, hope you like it.:)

Lindsay opened the door slightly and stuck her head out to see who was knocking on the door.
“Mac, you know I couldn’t let you in.” Lindsay smile apologetically.
“I just want to know if Stella is OK.” Mac smiled back.
“Your wife is safe, gorgeous and happy. We are working on her veil right now. See you at the altar, OK?”
“Sure. Thank you, Lindsay.” Mac left.
Lindsay went back to Stella, who was standing in front of the mirror adjusting her tiara and the veil.
“Stella, your husband is gorgeous in a tux.” Lindsay giggled. “I’ve never seen Mac so nervous. He’s always calm and efficient. It’s funny to see him like this.”
“Yeah. He wanted to postpone the ceremony because my shoulder's still hurt from the assault three days ago. I'm lucky didn’t suffer any bone fractures.” Stella went to pick up a little chiffon three-quarter sleeves jacket from the couch. “All I have to do is to cover up the bruises with this little jacket.” Stella put on the jacket and examined her appearance in the mirror.
“Don’t worry, Stella. The jacket matches your wedding gown perfectly.”
Stella sighed. “The incident made a tiny flaw in my wedding plan. I’m wearing bruises on my shoulder and my house is still in a mess.”
“Cherry up, sister! You’re marrying a great man. You’re going to spend your wedding night at a luxury hotel suite. And, you’ll have a romantic honeymoon in Hawaii. Tell you the truth; you make me so envy that I’ll threaten Danny to make up to me.” Lindsay was adjusting the tail of Stella’s wedding gown.
Stella turned to hug Lindsay. “Thank you, Lindsay.”
Lindsay hugged her back. “I better go check on my husband and baby girl. Hope neither one of them is crying. Oh, and Sid too. He’s nervous to take you down the aisle.”
Stella picked up the phone after Lindsay left. “Hey, it’s me… I’m fine…yeah, I’m ready…OK…I love you, Mac.”
Mac was a little tipsy after the wedding reception. It was unusual for a self-disciplined man like Mac but this is his big day and he needed to loosen up a bit. It was not a big party but he was satisfied to celebrate with their closest friends. Stella was the most gorgeous bride he had ever seen.
Mac didn’t remember when he started loving Stella. He did remember clearly that special dinner at the Lee’s Kitchen’s. She was like a shy bride when Mr. Lee offered them tong yuan. Mac suddenly realized he must do something, or she would be someone else’s bride someday. The urge and need of closing up the little gap between them grew stronger and stronger everyday but he fought against his will. He was scared everything between them would be compromise if he made a wrong move. When he worked up his nerve and determination to take Stella’s hand the first time, his palms were sweating slightly and his heart beating heavily. None of them spoke in the little walk back to her place, their hands held tighter and tighter with every step. Everything came so natural to them after that.
Now watching his bride walking out from the bathroom in a tiny little sexy nightgown, Mac felt blood rushing to his brain. He couldn’t take his eyes off her seductive movements.
Mac extended his hand to Stella when she walking closer. She sat on his lap and took a sip of champagne from his glass. Mac put the champagne glass down on the table, held her by the waist and buried his face at her neck. “You smell good. Mrs. Taylor!”
Stella purred when he ran his kisses down to her bruised shoulder.
“I’m sorry for what you’re suffering, Stella.” Mac planted another kiss on that shoulder.
“You have a lifetime to make up to me. Start from now on.” Stella held his head with both hands and started tasting his lips. “You taste good, Mr. Taylor!”
When all the barriers between them were gone and Mac gently laid her on the bed, Stella felt this is the very first time in her life that she’s connected with someone. Her new ID was Stella Bonasera Taylor.
Catu and Mel, thanks for the reviews! Here's the new update. :)

When Mac and Stella walked out of the Honolulu airport, they received a warm welcome from the golden tropical sun. Stella shaded her eyes with her hand. Mac took her sunglasses from where she kept it, the front of her tank top, and put it on her. Stella turned to kiss her husband on his cheek with a smiley face. She was as excited as a little girl at her first school picnic. She was excited because there were no more lonely journeys for her. Mac, the man she loved so much was there with her.
Mac was affected by his wife’s happiness. Stella, as his work partner, was the toughest woman he had ever seen. She showed pity on the innocent victims and tough on the perps. He was glad to see Stella, as his wife, was like a spoiled kid, a good friend, and a passionate lover around him. The line between work and private lives was clearly drawn.
They loaded the luggage into the rental car and drove into their sweet honeymoon.
At the Pearl Harbor, they went aboard the submarine, took inside tour on a battleship. They studied every item at the museum with respect.
Stella could see pain between Mac’s knotted brows. She held his hand tightly. “Take you back to the old days, huh?”
Mac shook his head. “Wars are always cruel, now or then.”
“Yeah.” Stella sighed. Then she rubbed Mac’s brows with her fingers. “Hey, you’re on a honeymoon, soldier. It’s time to go back to the hotel. We have a beachfront dinner reservation. Come on.” She dragged him out of the museum.
One and half an hour later, Stella has changed into a strapless floral dress, an orchid stuck behind her ear. Mac was in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. Mac was holding her hand while they walked slowly along the beach to the restaurant. The surface of the ocean was sparkling under the golden sunset at the Waikiki beach. The new couple shared sweet kisses in the sea breezes. With the good food, good wine, and relaxing Hawaiian music, Mac and Stella enjoyed their vacation in the paradise.
Mac and Stella continued their tour from island to island in a rental car. They visited the volcano to experience the extreme heat and to see the steam and vapor rising from the ground.
They watched the waterfalls. Stella teased Mac on his dumb lines when he tried to make friend with an avatar in one of their cases. Mac scooped her up by the waist and threatened to throw her into the water.
They scuba dived into the reef to swim freely with the fish and turtles, admired the beautiful underwater world.
They sun-tanning at the beaches or had drinks under an umbrella.
Stella was invited to join the dancing while watching the Hula dance at dinner. She picked up the rhythm real quick and having fun. Her eyes were focused on Mac all the time. Mac was proud of his wife. He observed the other guests and found one of them was sketching. He went to the man.
“Excuse me, are you an artist?” Mac asked the man.
“No. I’m an art student.” The man answered with foreign accent. “I keep my tour journal with drawings.” He showed Mac his drawing book.
“They are beautiful. You have the talent.” Mac thumbed through the drawings. He stopped at the page the man was sketching “This is my wife. I know this is rude, but can I have this sketch. You captured all her beauty with simple strokes. This would be the most valuable souvenirs I ever have.”
“No problem. I’ve drew several pieces of tonight’s show.” The man carefully tore the drawing off and gave it to Mac. Mac thanked the man and went back to his table where Stella was waiting.
“Who’s that guy?” Stella asked.
Mac showed her the sketch and told her the story.
“Sometimes simple things are the best. This is beautiful.” Stella was not only impressed by the sketch. She was touched that Mac asked a stranger for a sketch of her. A present that was so valuable but money can’t buy. “Thank you, Mac.”
Mac took her hand. “I’m glad you’re happy. You gave me the most wonderful vacation.”
“I’ll make your everyday wonderful.” Stella pecked on his lips. “I like to take the vacation over and over again if I could control the time. Then we don’t need to go back to reality tomorrow.” Stella sighed.
Mac chuckled. “Unfortunately, you can’t. Let’s go back to the hotel earlier. We need to pack our luggage.”
“And I’ll give you a wonderful, unforgettable night.” Stella whispered in Mac’s ear when she got up from the chair.
Arm in arm, they walked out of the restaurant.
:alienblush: i feel bad for beeing lazy and have't reviewed:alienblush: but i got to say, i think i've had a grin on my face the whole time i've read this:D I've enjoyed reading all the chapters and i'm looking forward to more:D
this is a really sweet and good story Kikii:)
this has turned to be PERFECT :D

please please an endeless honeymoon and the sound of little steps in the future ;) (yes i'm obssesive with Baby Taylor :D

Debbie :D
Thank you Catu, Gio, Mel and Debbie for the reviews! Sorry for late update, I was being lazy when I was stuck in the middle of the passage. :)

The night was so quiet. The air was so fresh after the rain. The grasses were still wet. The frogs were singing happily somewhere. Stella sat on the steps at the backyard with her bare feet on the grass, looking up to the clear sky. Mac got out from the house.
“Stella, what are you doing out here?”
Stella turned and smiles at her husband. She patted on the ground beside her. “It’s peaceful here.”
Mac sat by her side and held her closer. “How’s your day off?”
“Cleaning, shopping, Catherine and I picked some flowers and young trees from a nursery. She taught me how to tend the garden.”
“We can hire some part-time worker to take care of it. A long-hour, exhausting job is more than enough for you. You need to relax when you come home.” Mac rubbed Stella’s arm gently.
“No. I always want a home, a real family that I belong to, a safe place to stay. This is our home. We need to put our effort and time to make it special for us.” Stella rested her head on Mac’s shoulder. Then she changed the subject. “Mac, how bad do you want a kid?”
“Huh?” Mac was clueless.
“We didn’t talk about this before. You said you want our kids running around the house. How bad do you want kids?” Stella lifted her head to face Mac.
Mac rubbed his chin. “I don’t know. I don’t want to make the same mistake twice. I think kids make a family complete. Why?”
“Today, Catherine and I took a rest when we walked pass a playground. There were children playing while their parents or nannies watching them. There was this spoiled blonde girl. She has a pretty face and smiles like an angel. But she bullied the younger ones and fought her mom when was told to stop.” She took Mac’s ringed finger and played with his wedding ring. “Suddenly, I wonder if I would be a good mother, Mac. I mean, raising kids is a lifetime commitment. We have to teach them well or we shouldn’t bring them to this world in the first place. I don’t know my parents and I don’t have any siblings. How would I know how to teach my kids?”
“That was what I fear of. I was afraid to disappoint myself and everyone I love. But now I understand no one knows how to be a good parent. We’ve seen so many people who dedicated their whole lives to give their children a decent family and good education but their kids ended up dead or in the jail. And there are young people who don’t have anyone to lean on but having a straight, healthy life.” Mac took his wife’s hand. “Stella, we love our kids with all our hearts. We learn from them while we teach them. It’s communication that helps us to understand them and help them to choose the right routes. But at the end of the day it’s themselves who could control their lives.” Mac kissed her on the forehead. “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met, Stella. I never doubted whether you would be a good mother.”
Mac wrapped his wife in his arms and kissed her when the rain started again. Cold rain fell on the feverish lovers.
“Let’s go inside.” Mac pulled Stella up.
Mac waited anxiously outside the examination room. Stella was in there over fifteen minutes. The doctor was checking her up.
Mac remembered how excited they were when Stella told him about the positive pregnancy result. Then she had serious morning sick in the past two weeks and almost vomited all she had eaten at every meal. Mac was so sorry and helpless to see her suffered. He hoped the doctor could do something to help her feel better. His phone beeped indicated an image is coming in. Mac checked on the phone. There was an ultra sound image of two tiny spots in the middle. He examined it closely then understood it was from Stella. He turned to the door when Stella opened it and flew into his arms.
“Congratulations, Mr. Taylor! We have twins.” Stella said with tears in her eyes.
Mac was too surprised to say anything. He just held his wife tightly until he digested the news. “Thank you, Stella!”
aww nice :)
Don't worry about stuck, I know stuck because I'm still struggling with what to do next in my fic. And it's been a couple months now I think. Grrr.