Misunderstanding (short smacked)

Hi everyone! I'm back with a new update. Hope you like it. :)

Stella knew raising kids was not a simple work but only knew it better after experienced the difficulties and happiness, especially when she had to work at the same time. She felt lucky Mac was always there with her. She remembered how exhausted they were when they had to get up in the middle of night to take care of the babies. How worried they were when the babies got sick. How excited they were when the babies had the first tooth or they took the first step. The babies first ‘Dad’ and ‘Mom’ made them so happy that they almost broke into tears.
They were facing another level of challenge when the kids went to the kindergarten.
Stella and her five years old twins were very busy in the kitchen. They were making cookies. The kids were told to bring some snacks to school to share with their classmates.
“Will, what are you making?” Stella was interested in her son’s work.
William smiled at his mother and pointed to his cookies. “I made guns, planes and cars.”
“Mommy, mommy.” Sophia jumped up and down and pointed to her cookies. “I made you and Daddy.”
The kids were so proud of their works although the cookies didn’t really look like what they were supposed to be. But they looked perfect to Stella because they were made by her babies.
“Whoa. You did a great job, kids. I’m so proud of you. Let’s take some pictures when they come out from the oven.” Stella smeared some flour on her kids’ faces. The children giggled and started to paint the other’s face.
Stella laughed when both kids became white face and white hair. She stopped the excited kids. “Ok. That’s enough. Let’s make some animals.”
“Mommy, can we take some cookies to Daddy?” Sophia asked while she was cutting the dough with some animal molds.
“No, honey. You can’t go to the lab. It’s Daddy and Mommy’s work place and there are some dangerous tools.”
William looked up to his mother and hid his hands behind his back. “We wouldn’t touch anything.”
“The answer is still no. People can’t go there except they’re working there. Daddy is busy these two weeks. He may not in the office. Sometimes he needs to work outside.” Stella shook her head when she put the cookies on the baking tray.
Sophia pouted. “He didn’t kiss me goodnight. I miss him.”
William remained silent. Both of them stopped playing with the dough. Stella felt sorry for them when she saw their sad faces. She put the tray of cookies into the fridge to firm up the shapes before baking.
Stella sighed and crouched in front of the kids. “You know what? If you be a good kid and finish dinner as soon as possible, I can go to work earlier. Maybe I can take you with me. You can give Daddy cookies. Then he would take you home after work. BUT, this is just for one time. Daddy wouldn’t be happy if you go to the lab again. Ok?”
The twins’ faces were brightened up instantly. They jumped up and down clapping their hands.
Stella laughed. “Now, go wash your face and hands. I’ll make dinner.” The kids raced for the bathroom immediately.
Stella picked up the phone to inform her husband about their visit. “Hey, it’s me. Yeah…Look, I’ll take the kids to see you. I know…I know…but they miss you. Just for once, Mac. I promise…ok.” She hung up and went to check on the kids.
Mac was working in his office when Stella and the kids arrived. His knotted brows loosened a bit when he saw his family got out of the elevator. He went to welcome them at the doorway.
The kids ran toward and took his hands. “Daddy!” There was nothing valuable than their angelic smiles. Mac crouched down and kissed their cheeks.
“Daddy, we bring you cookies.” Sophia gave her father a snack box.
“Mom told me about that. Let’s see if it is good.” Mac took them to the sofa and sat down. He opened the box and chose a ‘gun’. He took a bite. “Mmm…This gun is good.” William was all shy and happy.
Sophia picked up a ‘Stella’. “I made this, Daddy.”
Mac took the cookie. “Let me guess. This is Mommy.” Sophia grinned and nodded. “Your mom is always good to eat.” He gave his wife a meaningful smile. Stella smirked and rolled her eyes.
“Are Uncle Danny and Aunt Lindsay here?” William asked.
“No. They’re home. But Uncle Adam and Uncle Hawkes are still working.” Mac answered.
“Uncle Adam!” Sophia loved funny Uncle Adam. “Can I see him?”
“Ok. Let’s see what he’s doing.” Mac stood up.
Sophia picked up some animal cookies. “Daddy, can I give Uncle Adam some cookies?”
“Sure.” Mac and Stella took the kids’ hands and went to the AV lab.
Adam was enjoying himself twisting his waist while listening to the music and working at the same time. He was playing air guitar when he noticed someone outside the glass wall were watching him. He was surprised to see the kids. Then he pretended as a howling gorilla, pounding his chest with his fists. The kids snickered and copied his moves. Adam stopped what he’s doing and got out.
“Hey, buddies.” He messed-up the kids’ curly hairs. “What are you doing here?”
“We came to see Dad.” William said.
“And we bring cookies.” Sophia offered the cookies.
“This is for me?” Adam took the cookies. “Thank you, sweetheart!” He bent down and kissed the girl. Once again, he forgot about his moustache. The girl giggled and retreated
“Oh, sorry!” Adam touched his face. Everyone laughed.
“Adam. You got anything?” Mac directed the focus back to work.
“Not yet. I’ll keep digging.”
“Good. I’m off the clock now. Tell Stella if you got something.”
“Ok. See you, guys.” Adam got back into the AV lab. The kids waved him goodbye while their parents led them out.
Stella walked the father and kids to the elevator. “Kids, remember to brush you teeth before you go to bed.” She kissed them on the cheeks. Then she kissed Mac on the lips. “Have a sweet dream, daddy.”
Mac smiled and kissed her back.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww it's so absolutely adorable! I love how natural and playful she is with her kids. And i love the last kiss and the "Have a sweet dream":lol:

This is perfect! :D

More about the kids please, kikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:bolian:
Thank you Catu, Mel, Debbie and all the readers! :) The new update may surprise you. (I hope. :lol:)

Stella opened the door as soon as the driver stopped the car. She was in a red long dress and teardrop high heels. Her outfit was much suitable for a dinner at a high-class restaurant than ER. As a matter of fact, she was waiting for Mac at a hotel twenty minutes ago. They were going to celebrate their seventh anniversary. But a phone call from Flack had all the happiness destroyed. He refused to tell her how bad the situation was. He just told her a car was on the way to pick her up.
As cops, Stella knew their lives were always in some kind of danger. She thought she could handle any bad news if something happened, but she was not. She was all panicked when she got the call. She couldn’t control her shaking hands in the car. Her heart pounded heavily, her breaths were shallow and fast. She kept picturing Mac dying in a pool of blood.
Flack met her at the entrance. Hawkes was waiting outside the operation room. She grabbed Hawkes’s arms as soon as she saw him. “Doc?” Stella’s voice was broken.
Hawkes had never seen Stella in panic. Her face was as white as snow that made her wild green eyes and red lips even prominent. Hawkes held her shaking hands. “Stella. Calm down. Take a deep breath. “
“Don’t tell me to calm down! How’s he? What happened?” Stella lost control.
“He took several blows on the head and right hand. He has skull fractures and internal bleeding in the head. The Docs are fixing the brain vessels to stop the bleeding. We don’t know what exactly happened to him.” Hawkes explained patiently.
Flack continued. “A passerby saw two men attacking him in an alley and called 911. The perps fled. His wallet is intact that ruled out robbery. Fortunately, we retrieved his official issues at his office. Danny and Lindsay are processing the scene.”
“Stella.” Hawkes led a shivering Stella to a chair. “He’s gonna be fine. Why don’t you sit down? I’ll get you some hot drink.” Hawkes gave Flack an eye signal telling him to stay close to Stella.
Stella covered her face with her hands. “He’s going to meet me. We’re celebrating our seventh anniversary tonight. Oh, god! What happened to him?”
Flack sat beside her. “All we could do now is to wait. Let’s hope Danny recovers something useful. Mac can tell us the story when he wakes up. Stell. We’re gonna nail these guys.”
Stella cried quietly for a while. She wiped the tears away and took out her phone from her purse.
“Hey, Catherine. This is Stella.” Johnny and Catherine Stanley were the Taylor’s next door neighbor. They volunteered to take care of the twins tonight.
“Stella! Have you enjoyed the dinner?” Catherine asked cheerfully.
“No. Something happened. Catherine, is it ok if the kids stay with you tonight?
Catherine’s laughter disappeared immediately. “Of course, dear. Are you ok? What else can we do?”
“Thank you. Can I speak with the kids?” Stella could hear the twins’ laughter. Her tears started to fall again.
“Sure.” Catherine gave the receiver to William.
“Mom. Mr. Stanley makes animals with balloons. It’s so funny.”
Stella pretended a cheerful tone. “Really? You should learn to make one for me.” She stopped and took a deep breath. “Will, listen, Mom and Dad have work to do. You and Sophia have to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Be a good boy. OK?”
“Ok.” The boy answered happily. “I’ll make you a dog.”
“Good. I love you. Now get Sophia.”
“Mommy. I have a bear and a dog.” Sophia giggled.
“Oh, I love bears too. Tell you what. You and Will can stay with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley tonight.”
“Can I say goodnight to Daddy?”
“Sweetheart, Daddy is working. I’ll tell him.” Stella’s heart was broken. “I love you.”
“Ok. I love you and Daddy.” The girl kissed her mother through the phone.
Stella hung up, wiped the tears away and rubbed her bare arms. She forgot her coat at the restaurant. Flack took his jacket off and put it on Stella’s shoulders. She whispered a thank you. Hawkes came back with three cups of coffee. Stella took a sip and felt part of her spirit was back when the hot liquid slid down her throat.
“Guys. Thank you for staying with me. You have to work tomorrow. Go home. I’ll be fine.” Stella said sincerely.
“What’s this non-sense?” Flack frowned.
“Stell. We’re not going anywhere. We’re family.” Hawkes sat down too.
Stella smiled weakly. “Thank you, guys.”
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Thank you Mel and Catu! :)

It had been three days after Mac had the brain surgery. The doctors said he was in stable condition and making progress, though he was still in coma. They didn’t know when he would wake up or whether he would wake up at all. Stella was busy with work, took care of the kids and visited Mac at the hospital. She spent every night in the hospital accompanied her husband after she settled down the kids at the Stanley’s.
A uniform officer was assigned to guard the room. Lindsay and Danny nodded to him before they entered. Danny knocked on the door. Stella turned to smile at them.
“Hey. How is he today?” Lindsay sat beside Stella.
“He could breathe by himself now. They removed the ventilator this morning.” Stella went to the bedside and touched Mac’s bandaged head.
“You are tired, Stella. Why don’t you go home and take some rest? I can stay for a few hours.” Danny offered.
“Thank you, Danny. I can’t sleep at home. He would want to see me when he wakes up.” Stella turned back to face them. “Have they located the perps yet?”
“No. Flack said the detectives who handle the case are doing their best. He’ll keep an eye on it.” Danny answered.
Stella nodded.
“How are the twins?” Lindsay asked.
“They kept asking for their father. I told them he’s at work. I dare not to burden their little shoulders with the fact.” Stella sighed. “I always considered I could handle all the problems by myself, but not this time. I’m so lucky to have helps from you all and the Stanley’s.”
Danny rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, you can have Mac to raise our salaries.”
Stella laughed with them. This was the first time in three days that she could laugh.
Someone knocked. It was Reed and Betsy. They greeted each other.
“You really don’t need me to stay?” Danny asked.
“I appreciate it, Danny. But no.” Stella shook her head.
“Do you need anything before we go?” Lindsay asked.
Stella shook her head and said goodbye to them at the doorway.
Betsy gave Stella a thermo bottle. “I made you some soup.”
“Thank you.” Stella put the bottle aside.
“We just visited the kids. They are unhappy. Did you tell them?” Reed asked.
“Not yet.”
“Stella. I know they’re young but they deserve to know.”
“I know. I want to wait until Mac comes around.”
Betsy took Stella’s hand. “They are smart kids. I think they know something’s wrong. They would be upset if you keep them out of this.”
Stella wiped away a teardrop. “Ok. I'll talk to them.”
Images and noises.
Images kept flashing by. Men, women, boys with bikes, a moment in class, a guitar, gun and cuffs, a wedding ceremony, babies… Some images were sweet. Some were sad, or even violent. And there were people speaking, laughing, crying or shouting. The images flashed faster and faster and the noises became louder and louder until he couldn’t take it. He felt his head was hurting and swelling. The pain was so strong that he had to kneel down on both knees and held his head in his hands. He breathed difficultly and sweat kept sliding down his back. He closed his eyes and wished all the images, noises and pain to go away.
Mac!” It was a woman’s voice. It was so soft and comforting.
All in a sudden, all the images and noises were vanished. Still kneeling, Mac took a few deep breaths. His head was still throbbing although the pain had eased.
Mac!” The woman called again.
Mac got up and looked around. There was no one around. There was nothing except white fogs. He was in a space without borders. He knew he was standing but he couldn’t see his legs or the ground underneath his feet. He was disorientated.
“Hello? Lady?” Mac walked forward. “Hello!”
You should go, Mac. You don’t belong here. Go back to your family.” The woman said.
“What family? Where am I?” Mac was confused.
I know you’re confused. Don’t worry, you’re gonna be fine. Listen. Listen with your heart.
Mac tried to listen. There was someone speaking but the voice was so low. He closed his eyes and listened more carefully. Someone was singing, in a foreign language. The voice was so familiar but he couldn’t remember the face. He tried to think. Beads of sweat wet his forehead. His headache was getting worst. He gave up and opened his eyes.
Don’t force yourself, Mac. Just listen and follow. She’s there for you.
Mac closed his eyes again. This time, he found the voice came from his left hand side. He turned to follow. The voice became louder and clearer with every step he moved. He just kept walking, walking, walking…then he fell...
Stella talked to Mac every night. She talked about their work, recited the funny things they did together and their arguments. She talked about their family, how they fell in love, how they created a family and everything about the twins. Sometimes she talked with a smile in her face, sometimes when she was crying.
Tonight, she sang for him. She remembered a love song in Greek from a long time ago. It was about a girl waiting for her lover to return home. She rested her face in Mac’s unwounded hand and started to sing. Her tears fell quietly when the helplessness and loneliness hit her. She kept the position after she had finished the song. The warmth from Mac’s palm made her felt better. Few minutes later, she felt his fingers twisted slightly. She stood up immediately and checked on his head. His eyes were still closing but the eyeballs under the lips were rolling from side to side. Stella was so excited. She ran to the nurse station and asked them to call the doctor. Then she returned to her husband.
“Mac. Mac. Can you hear me?” she asked softly.
Mac’s eyeballs moved even faster. Then he opened the eyes slowly and looked right into Stella’s eyes.
Thank you, Mel and Catu! :)

Are you the one with the LIndsay part? Go backto them too!
You mean a storyline of them? If so, I'm not sure if I could do that because Smacked is my focus. But I'll try to add some. It's difficult without the name of their girl. I mean, I can't create one when they actually have one. :lol:

Here's the new update. :) Hope you like it.

“Will. Sophia. Come on. You’re gonna be late.” Stella walked toward the front door as she rummaging into her purse for the car key. She opened the door and looked back for the kids but they weren’t following. “Will? Sophia?”
Stella sighed heavily, closed the door and went to fetch the kids from their rooms. She found both kids sat on Sophia’s bed. William lowered his head and Sophia was weeping.
Stella crouched in front of them. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Are you feeling ill?” She tested her daughter’s temperature by placing a hand on her forehead.
Sophia shook her head.
“Will?” Stella turned to her son.
“Meg said her dad left them because he doesn’t love them anymore.” William refused to look at Stella.
“Meg? Who’s Meg?”
“She sits next to me.” Sophia said.
“Mom. Is Dad doesn’t love us anymore? Why doesn’t he come home? Why are you sad?” William asked.
“Oh, no. No, no, no.” Stella sat between them and held them tightly. “Don’t ever say that again. Your father loves you so much that he would give up anything.” She kissed the top of their heads. “Look, there is something I didn’t tell you.”
The kids looked at their mother expectantly. “What?”
“Hmm…Daddy is in the hospital. Somebody hurt him.” The kids gasped. Stella added quickly before they panicked. “He’s fine now. He needs to rest. He said he misses you and he’ll come home very soon.” Only she didn’t sure when. Stella looked up to the ceiling to blink back her tears. She thought of last night.

“Mac. Mac. Can you hear me?” Stella asked softly.
Mac opened his eyes and looked at his wife. He looked confused. He licked his lips and said something. His voice was low and hoarse.
Stella leaned closer. “What?”
Mac spoke again. “Should I know you?”
Stella felt like she just dropped into a pool of ice-cold water. She covered her mouth with a trembling hand. She stared at Mac for a minute. “Mac. I’m your wife, Stella.”
“Stella? Stella.” Mac tried to think but it triggered his headache. He winced.
A doctor and a nurse got into the room. The doctor checked up on Mac when the nurse asked Stella to wait outside the room.
Ten minutes later, the doctor walked out to Stella. “Congratulations, Mrs. Taylor! Mr. Taylor has regained his conscious, but he’s still weak. Judging from his progress in the past few days, he would be recovered very soon.”
“He doesn’t know me. He doesn’t remember me!” Stella failed to hide her disappointment and sadness.
“It’s temporary amnesia. It often happens in patients with sever head trauma. Don’t need to worry so much. You can talk to him about himself, your family, his habits or favorite things. Gradually, the memories will come back.”
“Temporary? For how long?”
“Some people take a few weeks when some take a few years. To be honest, we don’t know exactly how long it might take. Just be patient with him. We’ll monitor his progress and adjust the treatment.” The doctor nodded to Stella and left.
Stella went back to Mac. She put on a smile. “Hey!”
Mac hesitated for a second. “Hey.”
“Do you want some water?”
“No. Thanks.”
“Umm…The Doc said you’re good. You just need time. So…don’t force yourself. We’re good partners. We’ll work this out. Ok?” Stella put a hand on his face.
“I’m sorry.”
“No. You didn’t do anything wrong. You’ll be fine. I’ll be with you. I’m always there for you.” Stella kissed him on the cheek.
“She’s there for you.” Mac remembered that woman said this. He nodded and smiled.

“Mom? Mom!” William’s voice woke Stella from her memory.
“Can we see Dad?”
“You can’t, honey. You’re too young.” The twins were disappointed.
“The doctor said daddy needs us to help him. I think you can sing him a song or tell him stories.” Stella added.
“Like he told us before we go to bed?” Sophia asked.
“But we can’t see him.” William murmured.
“Not for now, but I can record your song or stories and play them to daddy. With your help, he will be well very soon and comes home.” Stella tried to cheer up her kids.
“We can call him.” William looked up at his mother expectantly.
“Yes, you can. But daddy’s still tired. Maybe I’ll have him call you tomorrow.” Stella promised.
“Ok.” The kids were happy again.
“You have to go to school now. Daddy doesn’t like lazy kids. We can do the recording later tonight.”
The kids hopped off the bed and held Stella’s hand.
Oh ok neverind Lindsay then, that was someone else's fic. Hard to keep track lol. Too many fics.

Fix it!!