quoth_the_raven said:
And my sister says, "Erm... I think she was talking to him..."
That one made me laugh :lol: I would always have women as wallpapers on my computer, there were pictures/posters of women all over my room and my mother had asked me, like, twice during my teenage years whether I was gay, but I always denied it. Not because I was afraid or anything, but simply because I did not think I
was gay :lol: I thought my obsession with certain women was
normal and solely because I wanted to
look like them, not f** them :lol: Well, well, now I know better, but it took me quite some time
AshleyWillows said:
Today, I had my first serious gay encounter, A.K.A. I kissed a girl who I actually I have feelings for! I'm about to explode.
Yay for you, Ashley, I remember how I felt when I first kissed a girl........explosion comes pretty near :lol: So, how did you meet her, does she have feelings for you too, or was it just a spur of the moment thing?
ilh214 said:
i was gettin eyeballed in that "we know you're one of us" kind of way. freaks me out.
Hehe, I know what you mean, but gladly I never get that, apparently I look way too hetero. My girlfriend sometimes gets looks, though they are more like
is she or isn't she-type of looks. She doesn't fit the steretypical lesbian look, either, but she has a hint of that Jorja-walk going on :lol: I love it
ilh214 said: she's either really come to terms with it or she's started drinking. either way i dig it. :lol:
That cracked me up :lol: . I still don't really know how my mom feels about my being gay, though she says she's totally fine with it, I don't quite believe her. I know for a fact that she once told my grandma she was glad I at least had
one relationship with a guy, so I knew what
it was like. I got so mad at her when I found out about that comment

. Plus, I could bet my left arm that if sth were to happen to Mia's and mine relationship, like, she would dump me or whatever, my mom would be the first to say sth along the lines of
don't be sad, dating a girl is not the real thing, anyway. Maybe I just don't give her enough credit, but I have a feeling that she would say exactly that