Let's Talk Gay

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Well, actually she is the one who left, had to go home to her mother to work for 4 or 5 weeks. I hate when you only get to see each other every other weekend :(.

Okay, as for the movies, I have seen The Incredible Adventure of 2 Girls in love, Fucking Amal, Better Than Chocolate, ITWCT 2, and a couple youtube clips of But I'm a CHeerleader.

I own Lost and Delirious, Imagine Me and You, High Art, and hopefully once I start my job I'll have enough spare money to buy Loving Annabelle, that movie just blew me away when I watched it at the theater. Was right at the time when I was in love with one of my teachers, so it hit pretty close to home.

And Quoth, I looooooooove that Ellen DVD, the programm is hilarious, I think I'Ve watched it 3 or 4 times, and I still laugh every time :lol:

I'm sure I forgot one or two movies, but oh well, I'm getting old ;)

As for the magazines, I do own a couple Curve issuses that I bought on ebay, apart from that I buy the bimonthly issue of the German lesbian magazine (although it sucks compared top Curve, but since it's the only thing lesbian at all, I don't have much of a choice ;) )
Okay the only thing "gay" i saw was Ellen, tipping the velvet & the L word. The L word i have on dvd season 1 & 2 but the rest is just only seeing on tv. I want to see more movies or so about it so i take the tittles you all posted here and search for it..

Poor Jorja Rain you must have the same feeling as Mia.. *huggles you to*..
Oh right, I forgot the L word *slaps self* I have seen all 4 seasons and own the first 2 on DVD. Gotta love The L Word :D Although I do miss Dana and Lara :(.

@Berylla: Thanks :)
I didnt seen the last to season, they didnt aired here yet & i cant buy them on dvd .. Not yet because we dont have them here.. Hahaha...
Well, in Germany they have only yet aired the 1st season, but that didn't stop me from getting the other seasons elsewhere :D Gotta love the internet (and bittorrent ;) ).
WOW there's life again :)

*wants to contribute to the conversation*

Gay movies: Seen a few, own none (although I taped "If these walls could talk 2" "Lost & Delirious" and "Gia" when they were on TV)

And I've got "The Hours" on DVD if that counts as a gay movie ;)

Apart from that my girlfriend owns quite some gay dvds ;) She made me watch "Imagine me & you" although I believe we haven't seen the ending yet... I fell asleep during the movie so she turned it off :lol:

I don't like spending money so I don't really buy magazines at all.

apart from that I buy the bimonthly issue of the German lesbian magazine (although it sucks compared to Curve, but since it's the only thing lesbian at all, I don't have much of a choice )

Um yes you do. Don't buy it. It really sucks.

I've always wanted to read a lesbian book but never really found one so I gave up the idea... and well, I prefer lesbian fanfiction anyway ;)
i totally forgot Imagine Me & You (sweet film), But I'm a Cheerleader and The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love. all great. i love but i'm a cheerleader, its hysterical! and its got ru paul out of drag in it which is just great. and Laurel Holloman is in ITAO2GIL and she plays Tina in the L word.

i used to buy the magazine "Girlfriends" and "The Advocate" but then the local bookstore started hiding them. they would move them to a different location every week so finally i gave up. as far as books go, 'Valencia' by Michelle Tea is really good, as well as 'Deliver Us From Evie' by M.E. Kerr and 'Am I Blue? Coming Out From the Silence' by Marion Dane Bauer

i went through a phase when i first came out when i thought i had to be the biggest lesbian on the planet and buy everything gay i could find. i was so niave and i had a lot of growing up to do. which i have done i think b/c i don't focus on my sexuality so much anymore, its part of who i am but its not WHO i am, if that makes any sense. and i used to think it was.
Well as far as gay films go i've seen: Imagine me and you, D.E.B.S, Loving Annabelle, Brokeback mountain.
Of Tv shows i've seen: South of nowhere, a few episodes of bad girls, some Ellen clips on Youtube, a few episodes of sugar rush season 1, and thank to the internet some clips from All My Children (Click my banner for BAM)

Of those i think SON and Imagine me and you are my favourite, but D.E.B.S is worth seeing if you have rather a silly sense of humour, like me.
Jeez, I also forgot about SON and Sugar Rush. I have seen almost all of SOn and a couple episodes Of Sugar Rush. I liked both shows :)
You like everything that involves girls kissing :p

Personally, I only watch the real stuff (read:porn) :D Okay, not that much just sometimes. Most of them have too many fake breasts for my liking. I prefer real women.

As for tv, I watch lesbians on my German soap but I'm too lazy to even try to keep up with american shows cause I don't have the time to download them all and stuff... probably not worth it anyways, I don't find those stereotypical straight girls very convincing in the gay roles :rolleyes:

Although, I do like the L Word, but just for Dana, Helena and Shane...
Yay, convo's started again. :lol:
I've seen Gia, and I used to own it, but I had to delete it as my parents were going on my computer. Also seen Brokeback mountain.
I've seen season 1 of the L word, I used to be into Bad Girls (strange sentence. :lol:) but I can't remember why I stopped. :rolleyes: I used to love Sugar Rush, I can't believe Channel 4 axed it, they're such idiots. :(
I don't have any magazines or anything, as no one knows about my unstraight ways. :p
I think that's it. :)
Sugar Rush! Hate Channel 4 for getting rid of that :(

I've seen Imagine Me and You...and a few episodes of the L word but that's about it really.

I'm not sure I've even seen a lesbian magazine over here but I don't look because, like egggggggg said above, I haven't exactly told people yet :rolleyes:
*headdesk* Duh, I forgot about Brokeback Mountain! :lol: I've also watched a few episodes of South Of Nowhere and my sister is obsessed with Degrassi (though this season it only really started to get lesbianish :p).

As for the lesbian magazines I own, I have two issues of Curve but I bought them in secrecy :lol: I swear, I have them hidden somewhere in my room... only my sister knows that I bought them on purpose, and she promised not to tell anyone. My parents just don't believe me when I tell them I think I'm gay, so I don't want them freaking out over it :rolleyes:
I've only really seen two. Kissing Jessica Stein, I liked that one. Of course, Brokeback Mountain, which I didn't find at all disgusting, like most people said it was gross but I loved it.

I've never even heard of a lesbian magazine, much less bought one. Now I have something to actually look for.

Well, I'm on vacation, and I totally met someone, she's awesome. Plus she's gay :)
AshleyWillows said:

I've never even heard of a lesbian magazine, much less bought one. Now I have something to actually look for.

Are you from the States? Because in the US there are multiple magazines targeted at gay audiences, there's CURVE, THE ADVOCATE, and some other mag I just forgot about :lol: Anyway, I liked Curve, way better than our German L.Mag ;)
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