Let's Talk Gay

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You know I'm not worried about that chick, pardon me, but she's ugly. And I know your taste in women, you wouldn't go for her if you were blind :p . Unless it's Louise Lombard or Jorja, I'm not worried :D .
oh Mia I can sooo relate to that. I don't like people looking at me or feeling something for me unless they are my friends or my girlfriend. I don't quite like the idea of being in somebody's head in that kind of way. Gives me the creeps. :confused:
I dont know the feeling of people looking at me that way, its more like your ugly & fat what they think. What happend to me is that enough man & woman look at my girlfriend, wistle at her or tell her she is so pretty. Or they just flirt with her and that makes me so jealous but also scared.
She is bi-sexual so she can fall in love with a man, and then i am so scared she leaves me because i am not that great.. Argg.. I just don't like when people look at you at all..

And Mia its so cool that your gf is around here.. ;)
I don't believe I've ever had someone that was a girl like me, or check me out before. Guys all the time, but not too many girls unless they're one of my girlfriends or a friend. (If any girl likes me, it always turns out to be one of my best friends.)

And Berylla Nienna that does sound scary, and would scare me too. Infact, when I was dating Allie (who is like, my bff still) anytime a boy had a crush on her, I used to get really scared and jealous. Because she would change her mind a lot, and it scared me. It just sucked, because I don't like being the jealous type, but I simply am. It sucks at times actually :p.
I can't say I've noticed any girls checking me out but since I told a few close friends that I'm bisexual, some have started acting bi-confused or something and asking me how you know when you have feelings for a girl. I feel like a sexuality agony aunt :lol:
Alright. So yesterday we went to a gay party with some of our friends. I was just slightly beyond wasted so I have to rely on others to confirm some of my memories. But I do remember that the following has happened:

I went to the bar to get us drinks when the girl from the supermarket suddenly appeared next to me! (yes, we do live in a small town... with only 2 regular gay parties) Anyways, she was a little tipsy, too. Otherwise I doubt she'd have opened her mouth. Well, what happened is, she said "hi" again, accompanied with a smile somewhere between shy and sleezy. I didn't think anything of it and just returned the greeting when suddenly she moved in closer.

Now, not to be condescending but she really isn't the prettiest. I was feeling rather uncomfortable but I'm not one to be impolite so I just smiled uncomfortably and refrained from telling her off. Why did I not go back to the others you ask? Well, I was waiting for the drinks to be served, remember?

So she started talking, told me her name, gave me the whole "I've seen you around" speech and such. By that time I was helplessly looking around for my girlfriend who seemed to be oblivious of my situation as she was back with our friends, talking.

When I finally had my drinks I excused myself, telling her my girlfriend was waiting for me. (I think/hope that's what I said)

I think she looked disappointed but didn't say much more for the time being.

A while later we went to the restrooms (alcohol :rolleyes:) to do what the ladies have to do. I was faster (as usual) so I waited for my girlfirend by the sink where guess who chattet me up again. I kinda felt stalked but it could have been coincidence. She was all like "Are you alone?" As if I haden't just told her half an hour before that I was with my girlfriend. The same I would always go grocery shopping with!

Lucky for me this time my baby came to my rescue. She just walked up to me from behind and kissed me, as if the other girl wasn't there. Let's just say, it did shut her up :D

I did see her several times throughout the evening but never did she catch me alone again so fortunately she didn't talk to me again. Guess now I can be sure about the looks she's giving me at the supermarket... Don't think I wanna go out for groceries again on my own...
Berylla Nienna said:

And Mia its so cool that your gf is around here.. ;)

Actually this board is where we first "met". And yes, she's one lucky girl :D

As for the "incident" last night, I'm glad I was drunk, otherwise I might have hurt that b*** :mad:
Oh man, I didn't know you two were dating! I feel so uninformed :lol:

I've been checked by a handful (probably less) of girls, who weren't friends. I mean guys, sure all the time. I get uncomfortable when anybody looks at me though. I'm self-concious like that.

Tomorrow I leave with my family and friend to go up to our summer house. I'm excited because of the gay community :) I hope I meet someone.
when yall (Jorja_Rain and Mia) "met" did yall just happen to live close to each other? that is so cool that yall met here and are together now. :D small world!
I believe we've told the story already a couple months ago, but basically this is how it happened:

A PM, a PM-reply, e-mails, night-long msn conversations... we used to talk a lot and the more we got to know each other the more similarities we had. Plus, we would always say/write the same things at the same time. Little scary if it hadn't been so funny ;)

Rainy studied in another city (like an hour away) where I visited her for the first time (after about 3 weeks of constant messaging ;)). Originally we just wanted to go to a (gay)party together, see what happens... but then we kinda grew very attached to each other.

So anyways, her parents lived like 20 minutes away from me (10 minutes by train + the walk) so when she she came home for Christmas about 2 weeks later we could meet more often over the holidays.

4 months later I've moved to said other city to study there too. (Yeah, sounds a little crazy after such a short time but I was considering it anyways... had to get away from home)

So yeah, that's where we are now. Almost living together (though we both have our respective apartments) and we adopted a cat :D

It felt strange at first, I always thought internet-dating was silly, but then, it wasn't really that. We just happened to get along well and then we met and then...well ;)

The funny thing is that my aunt and her mom actually went to school together. We just found out lately and added it to the pile of similarities and parallels.:lol:
Awww, I had no clue about how you guys got together. That's so adorable. I've never really believed in internet dating at all.

Small world majorly.

I'm going into town later to go meet some of the locals ;) I'm pretty excited. I'm praying for hot girls.
Where are all the gay people? It's been quiet in here for two days. You guys okay?

I've been afraid I'd miss out on all the new stuff when I have to work all day and now I come here and there's nothing new at all :(

Come on, post people, you have to distract me from missing my girlfriend so much. :(
Come on, post people, you have to distract me from missing my girlfriend so much.

^^ Poor you, i hope she will be with you soon ;)

To be onest i miss mine two so your not totaly alone with that feeling. *huggles*

Dont know what to write more, just tell me what you want to hear and i put it in here.. ;)
aww poor Mia :( look at it this way, the more you miss her the happier you'll be when she gets home.

anyone seen any lesbian movies? if these walls could talk 2, better than chocolate, kissing jessica stein, its in the water, a family affair, orange is not the only fruit...i'm sure theres more but those are ones i've seen/have/did have. my ex's seem to pack off any lesbian movies, books, cds, etc. that i've ever owned. strangest thing. anyway...

if these walls could talk 2 is amazing. the first story always makes me cry and the 3rd one...well, ellen & sharon? there aren't even words to describe that scene. :D
The only thing I own relatively gay in its own sense is an Ellen DeGeneres DVD collection :rolleyes: :lol: My sister actually got it for me for Christmas last year, because I've always thought Ellen was hysterical :p I love the opening to one of them though where she's like, "We all have one thing in common-- we are all gay" and then she says "That's my one obligatory gay comment because I have to do something gay or all of you are going to go home and be like 'She didn't do anything gay! She's not our leader! What happened to our leader!?'" :lol:

Oh, that and the lesbian magazines I've bought :rolleyes: The first one I swear was actually a mistake because I only bought it because of the Jorja article :lol: The things I'll do for Jorja :rolleyes:
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