Let's Talk Gay

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Hey everyone

Been gone for like a couple of days cus I spent my weekend with my girlfriend Kerry. She came over to Holland and it was seriously the best weekend I ever had. I never felt better before in my life with anyone. Wait.. I have a ring around my finger that proves that!

Anyway..What I wanted to ask.. do any of you go to gay prides and stuff like that?
^So you're officially engaged now? :D Mia and I joked about it during the first two months or so that we were together, but we never actually did it. I'm only 23, and she's even younger, somehow I'm afraid that it would only jinx it. I don't know, maybe I'm just weird :p
Jorja_Rain said:
^So you're officially engaged now? :D Mia and I joked about it during the first two months or so that we were together, but we never actually did it. I'm only 23, and she's even younger, somehow I'm afraid that it would only jinx it. I don't know, maybe I'm just weird :p

Yeah I am officially engaged now. I am 22 (and that may seem young and it is!) but it feels right. Kerry is 37 so maybe that's what makes it different in our case.
The plan is that I am going to England in two weeks for a long weekend, then again in November and there is a big chance that after November I may not come back and just stay there.
Kerry's family already knows about the engagment and are all happy and cheerfull. I don't give a f*ck about my family so everything will be fine :devil:
Congrats, SaraSidle_girl. I'm glad things went so well for you :)

*wants to be engaged too*

Mia and I joked about it during the first two months or so that we were together, but we never actually did it.

You were joking???


Oh and Curve is definitely the best, not that I've ever read it but it's the only lesbain mag I know that had Jorja on the cover :D
MiaCharlize said:

You were joking???


Why yes, I was joking. You know that *hugs*

And Curve putting Jorja on the Cover, though it was a wise decision, it was also one that was long overdue ;)
I search for the curve here in the stores but couldnt find it.. argg and i am to shy to ask about it at the store worker.. NO way.. I already know what happens than or they talk about you behind your back or send you towards the porn... Okay my mind is walking away with me... Hahah..
I've only ever heard of the Advocate but i never read it. I can't even think of any other gay mags that are sold here in the UK.

Congratulations SaraSidle_girl!!! I'm really happy for you.
I just had what I call a "gay faux pas" :lol: My brother, cousin and I just went to the bowling alley today for our free games of summer practice since we are in one of the leagues there. It's a great place for ogling :p Anyways, there were these four girls next to us on the lane and they were total idiots. So I told my mom, and my mom looked at my brother and said, "Were they cute?" and without thinking I said, "No!"

Total silence :lol:

And my sister says, "Erm... I think she was talking to him..." :rolleyes:
I'm from the States. I'll look for Curve the next time, though I basically just stick to whatever magazines my sister buys.

Oh man, Congratulations Chris! I'm so happy for you, I hope everything works!

Today, I had my first serious gay encounter, A.K.A. I kissed a girl who I actually I have feelings for! I'm about to explode.
congrats SaraSidle_girl on the engagement, i hope all goes well and congrats AshleyWillows on gettin some girl on girl action!

i've had a really gay day...

apparently someone forgot to send me a memo or something because there were lesbians everywhere today. me and my mom went to walmart and it was like everywhere i looked there was a gaggle of lesbi. all day mom kept saying "what was there, a freakin parade?" she cracks me up. i got out of walmart as fast as i could though, i was gettin eyeballed in that "we know you're one of us" kind of way. freaks me out.

speaking of my mom crackin me up, she told me that the other day she was having lunch with one of her friends and the waiter said he was going to wku (my school) and she said oh, my daughter is a sophomore there. he asked mom if there were lots of good lookin girls and she said, without even thinking, my daughter seems to think so. and proceeded to tell the waiter that my name was stephanie but that i looked more like a steven and that wku's campus was just crawling with gays. she said he looked horrified by the time she was finished but she thought it was hilarious.

use to she wouldn't even say the word 'gay' out loud and now she's outting me to strangers. she's either really come to terms with it or she's started drinking. either way i dig it. :lol:
quoth_the_raven said:
And my sister says, "Erm... I think she was talking to him..." :rolleyes:

That one made me laugh :lol: I would always have women as wallpapers on my computer, there were pictures/posters of women all over my room and my mother had asked me, like, twice during my teenage years whether I was gay, but I always denied it. Not because I was afraid or anything, but simply because I did not think I was gay :lol: I thought my obsession with certain women was normal and solely because I wanted to look like them, not f** them :lol: Well, well, now I know better, but it took me quite some time :D

AshleyWillows said:
Today, I had my first serious gay encounter, A.K.A. I kissed a girl who I actually I have feelings for! I'm about to explode.

Yay for you, Ashley, I remember how I felt when I first kissed a girl........explosion comes pretty near :lol: So, how did you meet her, does she have feelings for you too, or was it just a spur of the moment thing? :D

ilh214 said:
i was gettin eyeballed in that "we know you're one of us" kind of way. freaks me out.

Hehe, I know what you mean, but gladly I never get that, apparently I look way too hetero. My girlfriend sometimes gets looks, though they are more like is she or isn't she-type of looks. She doesn't fit the steretypical lesbian look, either, but she has a hint of that Jorja-walk going on :lol: I love it :D

ilh214 said: she's either really come to terms with it or she's started drinking. either way i dig it. :lol:

That cracked me up :lol: . I still don't really know how my mom feels about my being gay, though she says she's totally fine with it, I don't quite believe her. I know for a fact that she once told my grandma she was glad I at least had one relationship with a guy, so I knew what it was like. I got so mad at her when I found out about that comment :mad: . Plus, I could bet my left arm that if sth were to happen to Mia's and mine relationship, like, she would dump me or whatever, my mom would be the first to say sth along the lines of don't be sad, dating a girl is not the real thing, anyway. Maybe I just don't give her enough credit, but I have a feeling that she would say exactly that :(
Hey Ashley congrats on the girl action! I bet it was good :devil:

And everyone thanx for the congrats on the engagement. Speaking of which.. I am flying to the UK next Saturday to meet in my inlaws! I am going for a couple of days. Leaving on Saturday night, returning Wednesday morning / afternoon.
I'm happy that everyone is so happy :)

Last night my friend told me that she is bisexual so I feel less alone in my circle of friends. Not that it really matters but I feel...well, more open about it I guess.

Next step: Find a girlfriend.
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