Alright. So yesterday we went to a gay party with some of our friends. I was just slightly beyond wasted so I have to rely on others to confirm some of my memories. But I do remember that the following has happened:
I went to the bar to get us drinks when the girl from the supermarket suddenly appeared next to me! (yes, we do live in a small town... with only 2 regular gay parties) Anyways, she was a little tipsy, too. Otherwise I doubt she'd have opened her mouth. Well, what happened is, she said "hi" again, accompanied with a smile somewhere between shy and sleezy. I didn't think anything of it and just returned the greeting when suddenly she moved in closer.
Now, not to be condescending but she really isn't the prettiest. I was feeling rather uncomfortable but I'm not one to be impolite so I just smiled uncomfortably and refrained from telling her off. Why did I not go back to the others you ask? Well, I was waiting for the drinks to be served, remember?
So she started talking, told me her name, gave me the whole "I've seen you around" speech and such. By that time I was helplessly looking around for my girlfriend who seemed to be oblivious of my situation as she was back with our friends, talking.
When I finally had my drinks I excused myself, telling her my girlfriend was waiting for me. (I think/hope that's what I said)
I think she looked disappointed but didn't say much more for the time being.
A while later we went to the restrooms (alcohol

) to do what the ladies have to do. I was faster (as usual) so I waited for my girlfirend by the sink where guess who chattet me up again. I kinda felt stalked but it could have been coincidence. She was all like "Are you alone?" As if I haden't just told her half an hour before that I was with my girlfriend. The same I would always go grocery shopping with!
Lucky for me this time my baby came to my rescue. She just walked up to me from behind and kissed me, as if the other girl wasn't there. Let's just say, it did shut her up
I did see her several times throughout the evening but never did she catch me alone again so fortunately she didn't talk to me again. Guess now I can be sure about the looks she's giving me at the supermarket... Don't think I wanna go out for groceries again on my own...