Let's Talk Gay

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haha I was so scared it was going to be awkward. It was for a second, like we just walked around afterwards, and he was like "Wanna take pictures in the booth?" I was like "No.. Let's play a game instead." I was like Save!

hahaha I had my teacher crush last year. I was the teacher's pet of course, Than she switched schools, but every so often she e-mails me, says hello, asks about school, boys, etc. I could die :) But she got married last month, so I kind of got over her.

Your friends sound pretty harsh. :lol:

I'm hoping I got a chance with my tennis coach, my teammate was like "I think she's gay, like seriously gay." I was like "Hmmmm..." (They don't know I'm Bi-Confussed)
*feels very left ou for never having had a real teacher crush*

Gay tennis players? Martina Navratilova :p I don't care much about tennis but my gf mentioned another tennis player who's gay, Amelie something (can't spell it, sounded french :p)

Anyways, good luck with your coach, Ashley :)
It's Amelie Mauresmo ;). Though I'd prefer if someone like Kournikova or Sharapova were gay, they look way hotter :D

Anyways, I've had crushes on teachers and coaches all my life, but of course, they never amounted to anything more than daydreamings ;)
I'm the kind of girl that kept having crushes on teachers all her freaking life! I still had a crush on a teacher earlier this year before I met Kerry! Gees.. and I'm 22 :D

Acting upon it I never really did, only the last time. I started flirting and stuff and it was fun cus she flirted back sometimes! We had a laugh! :devil:
I want a teacher crush too *whines*

I always just had ugly and old teachers and now it's too late, school ended over a year ago... but I have a girlfriend crush now anyway :D
MiaCharlize said:
I want a teacher crush too *whines*

I always just had ugly and old teachers and now it's too late, school ended over a year ago... but I have a girlfriend crush now anyway :D

The best kind of crush in the world! :devil:
I love teacher crushes. They're fun and innocent, well not always :devil:

I would probably never let a teacher crush go past innocent flirting. Just because it wouldn't be right, at least not til I'm 18 :lol:
that was my one and only teacher crush. it was good clean fun. i haven't had any in college because most of my instructors have been male but i did have one female prof. that i swear was a lesbian but she was arrogant and a total b*tch so i didn't like her and i hated her class even more. stupid geography...now, i can't even look at a map without getting mad :lol:

and Mia, gf crushes are way better and they are usually mutual, which is always a plus.
I never actually had a crush on a teacher. I mean, I thought a teacher was hot before, but I never like, actually crushed on her. I have guy friends that have though, but I myself have not.
I've thought most of my teachers were cool and really pretty and everything (I was blessed to have all but one of them women :lol:), but I'm not sure if I ever really had a real crush on them :p I do know that I always wanted them to like me and I always felt really good when they praised me or something and I was always real ecstatic when--

yeah, I think they were crushes :rolleyes: :lol:

I told my sister that I think I've always sort of fit into the stereotypical "dyke" category and she totally disagreed. Although today was my cousin's birthday, so I dressed up a little and put some eye-shadow on (you will rarely see me wearing make-up, I hate the stuff :p) and my brother was like, "Are you wearing eye-shadow?" and I nodded and he burst out laughing :rolleyes:
I've never had a teacher crush either. There were a few I thought were attractive but none I'd consider a crush.

Still...I start my next level of education in September so there's always time :lol:
This morning at the supermarket, I stood in line for the till when I saw this girl from uni who works there. She's very obviously gay (in a butch way). Everytime I pay at her till she smiles at me, although most of the times I actually go there with my girlfriend. Last semester she even said "hi" to me at uni, even though we'd never talked before. I was a little confused by that.

Now I'm not sure if she's just being nice or if maybe there is more. I'd never be interested in her and I doubt she'd ever make a move on me, still my girfriend is a little bothered by that girl.

I think I heard she is seeing someone but I don't know her or any of her friends well enough to know for certain.

So anyways, I keep smiling at her politely when I see her at the supermarket but apart from that I keep my distance. (Not that I'm seeing her anywhere else, the campus is big) Nevertheless I'm still pondering whether to feel flattered or bothered by the whole thing...
Ooh Mia that kind of stuff creeps me out. Is it the creepy you feeling you get from like a forty-year-old man still living with his mother staring at you or like a "Um this is awkward" kind of feeling?? :lol: As long as you've got your girlfriend there with you, if it is something more, I doubt she'd try anything :p
I know she wouldn't. She's like 30 or something :p

And it's not really creepy, just confusing. I don't like it when people get that look and you don't know if they are trying to flirt or just being nice.

I've never liked people who seemed to have any interest of that kind in me. It makes me feel highly uncomfortable to think people like me in any way, unless tehy are friends of mine. Or my girlfriend ;)
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