Let's Talk Gay

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Oh god... I just got back from the bowling alley and Miss You-Know-Who was there... *sigh* I swear, this stupid world is taunting me :p I mean there were equal oogling oppotunities, but let's just say I was a big wuss and chickened out of trying to say anything let alone flirt with her family there :p

*shakes head* I'm hopeless :rolleyes: :lol:
There's always next time quoth.

I too love Diane Keaton, she looked great in Because I Said So. I've definatly thought about my fair share of older women.
Older women are hot! And I should know cus my girlfriend is 14 years older than I am!
I usually fall for older women. Jorja Fox is a nice place to start. Quickly followed by cut hottie Marg Helgenberger and than come Melina Kanakaredes and Catherine Bell so.. yeah... definitly older women for me!
Hmm, I don't know, it doesn't really matter for me :lol: as long as I think they're hot, age doesn't matter to me really. Only unless they're under the age of 18, then it kinda creeps me out :lol: Mainly because I have a little sister and two younger cousins, so it just for some reason creeps me out :p
I just have a question, on a formal first date, like official, just the two of you. You both should pay for yourself right? I think you should but my date tomorrow wants to pay for me and I feel bad.
^I thought you were going out with a guy? If so, let him pay :p. I mean, if he offers to pay for you in the first place, he probably wants to because it'll make him feel good and he thinks that that's what guys and girls do. If it's a girl, why don't you offer to split the bill, or let her pay for dinner and offer to pay for drinks later or something. I don't know, with a guy I would totally take advantage of the typical straight dating think, letting the guy pay and all...but then again, I'm gay :p.


As for that thing about older women, I have to admit that before Mia and I got together I had only ever fallen for women that were at least 10 years my senior, with the exception of one college teacher who was 6 years older (which is not nesseccarily old, but still older...and married :eek: ). Usually I find women in their 30s and 40s are the most attractive; I find they quite often look much better than they did when they were younger, I love a few lines around the eyes and all, plus they usually excude a certain air of confidence and (life) experience that I find quite irresistable :)

Just a few examples to further prove my point :p :

Diane Lane and again

Annabeth Gish

And of course there are Jorja Fox and Louise Lombard :D
Haha, well, if it's a guy I would let him pay. But then again, I always found dating a guy so much weirder then a girl. Cause a girl I always found you were able to be so much closer. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy. Haha, but if it was a girl what I would do is bring money, offer to split the bill, or try and pay for yourself. Most of the time it doesn't work (ticks me off sometimes) but it's worth a shot. And even if it's a guy and you don't feel comfortable him paying, try the same thing :p
maybe this just happens to me but there was never any check-splitting going on on my dates. i have never dated anyone who didn't expect me to pay. i never really had a problem with that until my ex gf started taking me to nice places and then just handing me the check when it came or taking me to the movies and get up to the counter and just look at me like "hello? pay the woman!". thats so not cool, and its rude. don't take me out and then tell me to pay for it. it pisses me off just thinkin about it because what if i didn't have the money to pay for her $20 steak? i was a vegetarian for christs sake, i didn't want to pay for poor bessie's death.

anyway, i've never dated anyone younger than me. youngest being one year older than me and oldest being 9 years. (the one mentioned above) its not that i wouldn't date someone younger than me (well, much younger and they'd be jail bait) i just haven't met anyone my age.
Aww that's not cool ilh214. That sucks. Your banner is hysterical, btw :lol:

I've always been drawn to people older than me, and I don't really know why. Maybe it's because I've always felt out of place being the youngest in my family but I didn't feel like the youngest in my family, I felt like a thirty year old trapped in a teenager's body :lol: I've always had crushes on teachers (married, of course) and girls older than me.

Not to mention all the people I met who were younger (even by just months or a year or so) or my age were always really dumb and immature :rolleyes:
Wll, I would let the date pay if they insist. Unfortunately in my current relationship I'm the one paying most of the time... but that's gonna change as soon as my girlfriend starts her new job... we always try to keep it even. I think in the long run it can have a negative effect on a relationship if the financial situation is unbalanced. Of course it also depends on the income of the respective person. I wouldn't always split everything in halves if my gf had significantly more or less money than me.

About the age issue, while I believe everything's been said already, I just want to state this again: Older women are hot! There's something fascinating about them, maybe it's their experience of life (not all have it, yet we expect them to have seen a lot more than we have). I don't know. Fact is, I've been attracted to a lot of older women when I was young. I still am. I guess older women are easier to look up to than young girls. Although, there are some cuties among the teenagers, too. :p
Okay, and it is a guy. But it's just going to be a date. I just want to see Harry Potter again :rolleyes: I'm a terrible person. If he makes a move, it's going to be awkward, especially after I move down three rows.

Older women are hot. But I can't date much older, merely because I'm total jailbait :lol:
thats not bad AshleyWillows. i've gone on dates for much worse reasons :lol:

i had a major crush on my history teacher back when i was jail bait and i was absolutely conviced that as soon as i turned 18 she'd leave her husband for me...it didn't happen lol. she was 24 years older than me but i totally didn't care. i thought i was in love.

and thanks quoth :D i swear, i crack myself up sometimes
hahaha well the date wasn't too bad. The movie was the same as last time. No moves :D Thank God!

ohh ilh214, that sucks about your teacher :) and no offense but it's kind of a great story to tell.

I have the same hopes for my tennis coach, I doubt she's going to leave her husband for me, but a girl can dream :lol:
my friends made it worse too, we'd be in her class and they'd say 'hey! did you see that? the way she looked at you? she soooo wants you' and since i was a sucker i totally believed it. *eyeroll* they were just toying with my emotions. :lol: i'm still not completely over her, well, i think i am until she sends me some random email saying she was thinking about me and wondering how i was doing or how my classes are going. then i just turn to sap.

good for you about the date. it sounded like it had 'awkward moment potential'

and tennis? thats suspicious. you got billy jean and anna. you never know!
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