'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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*laugh* No, it's this little shack that's just a little ways out of Edmonton, when your heading to Spruce Grove on 16A. Or whatever highway it is. I don't care. It's a nice little place though. I go there often for Propane. Gotta have it so I can BBQ! [Insert BBQ cowering].

And, wtf, again! My neighbours are lighting off fireworks! Their more pyromaniac than I am!
I have no clue. Just to set them off or something. They always do this. In the middle of Winter. At Dawn. In a Thunderstorm. It's their random way of saying "Hey! Look at how great Alberta is! I can buy all the fireworks I want and set them off whenever!"

i wish i lived by your naighbors, they seem festave :D and if they're like this on a regular day i cant imagen how much they decorate on christmas.
Well... their not really my neighbours. Their like... *counts fingers* About a km away near the border of the leased land. But their the closest neighbours I have. Other than my Grandma.
Which is actually why I love Canada. I can't imagine having people living next to me like... a couple of meters away. Like in the States how it seems like every piece of land is used up because they keep growing. I mean, 300 Million people?! Holy crap. We only have 32 Million and we're the second largest country in the world...
lol i really need to crack open the books because i already forgot how big a km was :D i love canada too, it's the bee's knees, it's super kean, it's on the trolly, it has the ticket :D i am the master at 50's slang, and im listening to the best canadian in the world!!!!!! Michael buble!!! "because birds flying high, you know how i feel, sun in the sky you know how i feel, breeze drifting on by you know how i feel, it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me and i feeeel good"
Definitely do not move out to the suburbs. It seems like here there's a lot of houses where you can look out the window and touch hands with your neighbour.

I like living out in the country, I can't stand the city. When I was little I always thought that I'd love to live in the city, but now that I'm an adult (I still can't stand calling myself that...tsshh) I realize that I love the country! The small quaint towns and the miles and miles (kilometres and kilometres) of road. And you can breathe too.
A kilometre is 1000 metres, which is 100,000(?) centimetres which is 10,000,000(?) millimetres. :D

..A mile has 1600 metres.. >_<;

I love the metric system ^___^ It's so easy to understand.
Eww...math :lol:. One of the few Greek inventions that I hate. Speaking of which...

Are you guys first generation Canadians or not? I am and I was the first of my siblings to be born. My dad came here with his family in 1970 when he was 15 and my mom came here with her family in 1968 when she was 6. I dunno, if things go my way I might have kids in Europe...
my mom and dad are from europe and i dont know when they came to canada though but im the 2 youngest in my family of 8 (not including mom and dad) but i am the youngest girl :D what does first generation of canada mean??
I.. No -_-; I'm Canadian dating back for... Three? generations. :D Though, my ethnic descent is something to be reckoned with.

Only child too! :lol:

First generation, as in you're the first child to be born in Canada, if your parents have come from another country.
4th Generation :3
My Great-Grandparents came from The British Isles (Wales, Scotland, England) + Ukraine and they settled in Alberta, claiming a whole lake as their own :lol: We still own a good majority of that lake...

But I agree with beautiful_loser. It's so nice out in the boonies. Even though it does get really boring after a while...
I'm 4th generation too. And I'm the eldest of 3. And I hate the olympics and I don't want them coming here. And I'm really really sick so that's all I can manage right now.
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