'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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^Ha, that reminds me of that South Park episode where they rescue a bunch of baby cows destined to become veal, and part of their terms (along with a giant armed semi driven by Michael Dorn in full Worf costume) in negotiation is that the world officially change the name of "veal" to "tortured baby cow", and then the veal industry goes to shit cause nobody wants to order "tortured baby cow" off a menu.. heeee... anyway..

Okay, I'll be the official poller for the new thread name, cause it makes me feel important. So far we have:

Canadian Thread #3 - Where Velcro Grew Up
Canadian Thread #3, Canadians: the Other White Meat
We Live in an Igloo, We Ride on Sleds, We Are Canadian - Canadian Thread #3
Canada: Not Just America's Hat!^ Canadian Thread #3.

Any more suggestions, or shall I poll it?
they should change the name to tortured baby cow, i hope southpark wins the emmy i did just get a pebody award

i cant think of any other names so i say poll it but we can always wait for the others :)
Came across these at cafepress.com and thought I'd share--


The first random idea that popped into my head, resulting from much sleep deprivation and lack of...erm..brain? Uh... what was I talking about now? Oh yeah, thread title. All I've got is:

Canadian Thread #3: Colorful characters, colorful money

or there's always the good ol' "Please hand me a serviette, I spilled my poutine on the chesterfield" line that could go in there somewhere... if it wasn't so long. :(

And, on a totally unrelated note, for some reason my insano-brain suddenly said "You better keep free healthcare or I'll break your legs!"

I'm really not sure where it came from. Kinda worries me. :lol:

Yeah, I really need to go to bed now. Ugh.
:lol: :lol: Nice find!! I love those.

*giggle-snort at the "blame Canada" one* It's so true though. We have some damn dangerous Newfies!
Canadian Thread #3 - Where Velcro Grew Up
Canadian Thread #3, Canadians: the Other White Meat
We Live in an Igloo, We Ride on Sleds, We Are Canadian - Canadian Thread #3
Canada: Not Just America's Hat!^ Canadian Thread #3.
Canadian Thread #3: Colorful characters, colorful money
The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3.

Anyone else wanna put something in, or is that it?
ziggystarduzt said:
Moose is really lean and very healthy. Like Ducky said, it has no fat, and as it's wild game it generally has none of the hormones or anything that beef on standard farms are fed. I would definitely recommend it, it's deeelicious.

Here any kind of moos don't have any hormones fed because we are much more strict with that stuff here than you guys there :p I hate lamb and rabbit... tastes funny. Not my fave.

And JF, moose/elk meat so sucks if the person doesn't know a)how to cut it b)how to make food from it.
Dad got wonderful recipe, which we call "beer elk" because you use beer in it. Man it's good.

And oh, when you decide the new thread name, just go and create it when this reaches to 1000 and then me or wibbers comes to close it.
^Yeah, you guys are lucky. I think it's because we're always trying to trade with the US that we use hormones and stuff, because we rely so heavily on trade with them. siiigh.

I'm gonna poll the title now, y'all..I'd wait for more submissions, but we're running out of time :)
*lazing around* The Eh Team made me laugh so hard...

Hooookay! I want to go to Montreal So bad right now. The Just For Laughs festival is going on and I made a promise to my cat before she died that I would go down there one day and spend time at one of the best festivals in Canada! D:
To which she replied "....mrrr." And I was all "She Approved! LOVELY!"

And I want a T-Shirt that says "We're bigger than you".
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