'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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K-days are Klondike days, held in Edmonton Alberta. Now, they've re-named it the Captial-Ex. :)

It's basically a fair with rides and screaming children and dumb teenagers that don't know that 'you have to be this tall' means. :p
Ah, so it's kinda like a national fair event? We have that here in Vancouver except it's called the P.N.E. There are rides, games and events like pig racing and monster trucks. I went to Playland this past Sunday with my brother and it was pretty empty but the PNE is usually packed with teens and young couples trying to win a prize. Playland is the pre-fair before the PNE, I guess.
Ah, right. I've heard of Klondike Days. I just wasn't hip to your clever lingo. K Days- You crazy kids and your letters! :lol:
*Ear cocks* Did someone say "Pig Racing?" Because that sounds like something you wouldn't want to miss at a fair.
...We don't have Klondike Days, nor the PNE. We host the VIEx at Beban! :p Not to mention those Silly boat and Bathtub races :lol: I mean.. You type in "bathtub" at the Google search and the first thing you get is "Loyal Nanaimo Bathtub Society" :D We're that cool.
I've been to K-days almost every year that I've been able to go...Basically from the age of 7 to now. I've never really liked rides or food or people, so it wasn't really my cup of tea but my parents always got a kick out of the petting zoos.
XD I've lived near Edmonton for 17 years and not one of those years have I ever gone.

Probably because I always hear my friends whining about how long the ride lines are, and how they got sick on something. The outside, traffics jams, crying kids, and heat, I'd rather go to Galaxyland in the Mall....
missed the talk about canada hosting sporting events. my city (london ontario) is currently hosting the world lacross championships. i know lacross is supposed to be our summer national sport, but ive never seen a game. except when i drive by the fields theyve been using at the university on my way to work. and let me tell you, there are some very attractive lacross players here :D a lot of them are staying at the university of western ontario residences, so i see them coming out of there. too damn hot out to actually sit through a game, plus i heard my brother say its a lot more money then youd expect. oh well.
...Well.. All hell is about to break loose. Mom told me it's just announced that the Israeli troops have crossed the border into Lebannon
Ah, right. I've heard of Klondike Days. I just wasn't hip to your clever lingo. K Days- You crazy kids and your letters

yeah im a wipper snapper :D and i want to race pigs im into those kinds of crazy antics or as us teenagers would say "im down with that shiznet" stupid horse races at klondike days, i want to see the edmonton hillbillys betting on there big earl then some snooty e towner betting on there joky with bolimia
ShuriyuCSI said:
...Well.. All hell is about to break loose. Mom told me it's just announced that the Israeli troops have crossed the border into Lebannon

Ah crap. I wonder what words of wisdom we'll hear from our illustrious leader next?
*Ear rise* Keeping mouth shut about the war....

Edmonton Hillbillies? I thought we were called 'Hic' or 'Rednecks'. Hillbilly implies that we're like The Beverly Hillbillies. Y'know. Cool. Own more than 6 guns and very naive about the working world. But a lot of us Hic's aren't cool. Some of us wear our Dad's clothes and only own 2 guns. And that ain't cool D:
edmontonions are super fly what the dip are you talking about :D we are the upper middle class rednecks, the rich rednecks belong to sherwood park, have you seen their trailers they're like mini house.
*snort* "Have you seen their trailers, they're like mini house"

Omg, I love you for that XDD
I try not to venture to Sherwood Park. Or Millwoods. Or anywhere where I get that 'akward...' feeling and have to roll up the windows. Yeah, I mostly stick to the West Side of Edmonton. The WEM Mall. The Best Buy. That Propane Shack.
i live in the west side, the mall is only 15 min away from my house but it's real gangster where i live, we got the newest house on the block :D and i got to ask, whats the proplne shack does hank hill work there???
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