'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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so did everyone hear that Avril Lavigne and Derryck Whibbley got married?? I was pretty stoked about that. I think that they make a cute couple...and they're both Canadians...so that is even awesomer!! :D
Joise and the Pussycats was filmed in Vancover.

*collapses dead* And I really do bow down to those people who can sleep for only 4 hours and be up on the move. Because I am DEAD X_______x
four hours, what about 5 does that count :D and if it does... THEN BOW DOWN TO ME :lol:

i forgot to say the dude who acts leo from that 70's show is from edmonton, you know that dude.
XD I've slept for 5 and haven't been this dead. I've slept for only 2 and that was a million times worse. Well... I had to go to school that day and I feel asleep in Social and I was snoring and the teacher was all "GET UP!" and I was like "Nooo... save me, Mussolini!" And I fell asleep in my Bio class after that. And then basically collapsed into a puddle of goo.

X______x My Body's going "RAWRGH! SLEEP!" and I must resist! I'm watching the news! And we need to get our citizens out of Lebannon! Send that stupid boat faster D:<
OK, Clifford Olsen was denied parole, thank GOD! :eek: That man should NEVER be released. He needs to rot in jail.
He's a serial killing pedophile put away 20 or so years ago for murdering 11 kids aged 18 and under.
:lol: It is.
*laying down* I like it how on Jeopardy, when someone from Canada is on there, they have to say "He/She's from London, Ontario, Canada." Or the same thing when someone's on the Price is Right. It's "She/He's from Winnipeg, Canada!". It makes me laugh.......

And, this guy just said that The Man, Curtis Something-or-other, has been caught. The guy that killed those 2 Mounties in Saskatchewan (;____; so sad! Cops shouldn't die!) And the first 'start' to his arrest was that letter he sent in to the Edmonton Sun...
i really need to start reading or watching the news, and i can't belive how emo we are, we talking about cop killers and serial killers what next punting dogs of the brige or how the people who are wearing nikey clothing are wearing the sweat of starving etheopian orphans.

so to lighten this place up we can talk about uh... the candy man, "the candy man?", yes the candy man, because the candy man tastes everything he makes and makes the world taste goood. (im sorry willywonka was on a couple days ago)

and 4 or 5 more days till i go to k days
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