'Just a bunch of hosers, eh!' ~ Canadian Thread #2

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Welcome to the new Canuck home peeps! :) Continued from the old one here

Congrats on your second thread *throws confetti* :D

Now, please share the brownies and drinks, and no mess on the Persian rug ;)

Happy Canadian discussion!
::passes the brew to help the Canadian Pride party get going::

Steve Nash of Victoria, BC - NBA Most Valuable Player for the second year in a row...

BEAUTY, EH!!!!! :cool:
nice job fellow canucks :D to christen the thread i bring you a few you know youre canadian if:
you understand the sentence 'could you please pass me a serviette, i just spilled my bowl of poutine'
you have canadian tire money in your kitchen drawers
you know that mounties dont always look like that
you drive with headlights on during the day
you are excited whenever and american tv show mentions canada
you can eat more than one maple syrup candy without feeling nauseous
you design your halloween costume to fit over a snow suit
the local paper covers national and international news in about 2 pages but requires 6 for hockey
you know four seasons: winter, still winter, almost winter, and construction

those were my favourites, there are more of them and other fun canadian things here :D
People in other countries DON'T drive with their headlights on during the day? Geez, I guess I MUST be Canadian then. :lol:
*passes around timbits to celebrate the new thread*

allmaple said:
you know four seasons: winter, still winter, almost winter, and construction :D

:lol: That one is true. Those city workers are always finding some part of the road to fix.
wibble said:
Welcome to the new Canuck home peeps! :) Continued from the old one here

Congrats on your second thread *throws confetti* :D

Now, please share the brownies and drinks, and no mess on the Persian rug ;)

Happy Canadian discussion!

Persian rug? Clearly not a Canadian posting that one. In Canada, we have CARPET because everything else is too cold on the feet during the winter! :lol:
Y'know, after almost 9 years of singing 'Oh Canada' everyday in class, I found out that I have completely forgotten how it goes. -____-;;

But, here's a nice little timbit of a fact that I yoinked from the "How To Be A Canadian" book.

The unit of currency in Canada is the Canadian dollar, also known as El Peso del Norte. Canadians affectionately refer to their dollar as "the loonie" because there is a picture of a large, crazed woman on it.

Two Loonies = One Toonie
Two toonies = about 50¢ US
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