he had an infraction in his leg... that's really the extent of my knowledge about it (watch "3 stories" to find out more)
OK, I cannot hold in my excitement any longer about tonights episode. Huge Wilson episode, which is a very good thing I might add. Love Him. The whole God thing was great entertainment and the ending was not what I expected at all. I really feel bad for Grace (is that her name, Wilsons "patient"?) because she really got her hopes up for nothing and she seems really sweet. I saw the real connection between Wilson and her from the begining and they actually look like a cute couple. When did Wilson actually move out of House's apartment? Did I miss something? I don't blame Wilson for getting involved with his patient, he is just THAT caring and simpathetic. The whole poker game was pretty funny. Did House just get people from the streets?, I mean "Bus Stop guy", how do you know he isn't a murderer? I'm getting continually pist at Foreman for his whole attitude with Cameron, I don't think Cameron should ever forgive him because he is a scumbag. Can't wait for the next two episodes, what is going to happen to Foreman? So exciting, these episodes coming up may be the best House episodes EVER! Can't wait. No cuddy in this episode, kinda surprising with the whole dilemma between House's patient and Wilson's patient. I totally thought that the radiation that could have shrunken Grace's tumor was from Wilson, with him being an oncologist and all (plus him living with her!) So much drama, I guess Wilson is just going to have to move back with House... actually, I really don't think that is going to happen because of his tone towards House at the end of the epi. Sorry for my rant but I am way excited and overly hyper tonight. No clue why.
Anyone else see the episode??? What did you think of House's patient, "Go ask Jesus"??? What did you think of Wilson's patient and his secret love affair with her??? What do you all think is going to happen for the next two episodes, that preview was heart-pumping??? Sorry for all the questions... still very excited.