House MD

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Absolutely adore this program. Hugh Laurie ia amazing with a capital A.

Who do y'all ship? I watched Clueless and the final scene made me debate Cameron/House. I'm normally a Stacey/House shipper I think lol

Cordelia_GRS_Fan said:
Who do y'all ship? I watched Clueless and the final scene made me debate Cameron/House. I'm normally a Stacey/House shipper I think lol

There's a House M.D. shipper thread here.
NEW HOUSE TONIGHT!! I cannot wait. And it's really awesome there's going to be TWO House episodes this week (tonight at 9, tomorrow at 8 ). I am seriously worried about Foreman. It just occured to me the other day that he could possibly DIE. Because I don't really know if they'd kill him off easily. I really hope not, even if I don't LIKE Foreman that much. THE SUSPENSE!!
Quick question: It came to my attention two weeks ago that "House" was in the top 5 for Nielsen ratings (same for last week), and for some reason I thought that was its first breakthrough. Am I right? I haven't been paying attention, so I'm not sure.
Yup. In the last couple of months, House has really soared. I think last week it was the #1 drama after CSI. That's huge! Our ratings were always good, but not THAT good. Go House!

Tonight's episode was whoa! Omar Epps, will you marry me?
Man have I been away for a while. Well, I am not going to say anything about the this week's episodes until tomorrow, because I want to talk about both of them. But last week's episode. Wow, the whole Wilson and Grace plot just blew me away. I never expected that, but I am still confused as to just how House figured it out. He was talking to Chase on the phone, some things happen, and all of a sudden House has figured out Wilson was sleeping with Grace. Huh??? I watched the scene over and over, and I just can't figure it out. Anyway, I am not sure about the whole faith healer story line. I just know last week's episode was great, and I can't wait for part two of Euphoira tonight. Will Foreman Live??? We'll just have to wait and see.

OMG what an awesome eppy that was last night, jaw dropped though when Foreman stabbed Cameron with a needle that was effected with the disease, if I didn't hate Foreman as much as I did before I hate him more now, although I'm glad he's getting the guilts

:lol: at the ducklings faces when House blew up the MRI machine and shot a dead patient dead again. Only House would do that.

Also House/Cameron eye sex scene was soo good. Pity though didn't hardly have any Wilson or Cuddy scenes, hopefully tonight though. Loved that Cameron stood up and did what she did, just carried on with her job.

Hugh, Omar and Jen were brilliant :D
The looks on everyone's faces when the MRI broke was just priceless, expecially with that red light on them. And, then the way Chase's voice was when he told them, "The machine will be down for..two weeks." That was so hilarious. I still can't believe he did that. That House..
Great lines last night! House: There’s a bullet in his head. Cameron: He was shot? House: No - somebody threw it at him. And, Foreman: Get out of temporal lobe, House. Ah! Loved it. Also, when House was looking at the bodies. "I called my mom last night, she didn't pick up."
The writers really need to give Cameron some time off. And I mean, a LOT of time off. I'm getting so sick of her.

Otherwise, okay episode. I'm glad Steve is okay.
Aw, I wont see those episode for at least a couple of weeks. I can wait though but i'm hoping they dont make us wait a week and do what they did for you (put it on the next day) or have a double bill. I love double bills!
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