Hostage- A GSR Fanfic

Chapter 25: Disappearance

Grissom and Sara had not moved since Catherine and the team had left. Days had passed, Catherine and the team had visited on each of them. They talked to their comatose friends, begging them to wake soon.

Grissom and Sara were laying in their created land while in their comatose state. They never left each other's side. They lay in each other's arms and were happy that they were together, maybe not in the way they had hoped, but together nonetheless:

"So, again what happens when we wake?" Sara asked.

"I will never go back to the way I was with you, never. I will never break your heart again."

Sara smiled her 5000 watt smile. Grissom pulled her closer and planted a few tender kisses on her forehead.

They stood up and their fingers tangled. They began to stroll their magical world until, something began to happen to Sara. Her image was disappearing:

"Sara, Sara no. No, not now we were..."

"I love you Gil." Sara managed to say, before her whole body dissolved in front of Grissom.

"We promised we would stay together!" Grissom yelled to no-one.

Sara's eyes opened to the hospital room: "Gil?" She looked to her right, he was still in a coma. "Oh, yeah, the coma." she reminded herself.


(Next chapter will be up soon :D)
Chapter 26: Grissom finally wakes

Sara fidgeted in bed. She wasn't pleased with herself, she wanted to wake at the same time as Grissom, but didn't:

"Ahh, Miss Sidle, you are awake." said the doctor, but he noticed tears in her eyes. "Why my dear, what is the matter?"

"I promised him. Why did I wake?"

"What are you talking about my dear?"

"I wanted to wake with him, at the same time."

"I still don't understand."

"WE WERE TOGETHER!" she screamed. "I WAS WITH HIM, WE WERE TALKING! HE WAS AWAKE WITH ME!" Sara's tears fell like waterfalls.

"Oh darling, it must have been a dream. He was never awake."

"But he was." Sara whispered.

The doctor frowned. He knew how tough it was for Sara to cope. He saw Sara weep, his heart was breaking for her:

"He will wake soon my dear, he will." He reassured her, hoping she would calm down.

"Can I sit at his bedside?"

"You have just woken from a coma."

"I'll sit in the wheelchair please, please doctor." Sara pleaded.


Sara was helped into the wheelchair and wheeled to Grissom's bedside. She took hold of his hand and kissed it:

"C'mon baby, wake up for me. We will be together, I promise."

The graveyard shift, including Conrad Ecklie, saw this. Their hearts ripped in two. They heard the begging tone in Sara's voice. They listened to her:

"Please, please wake up. Remember when we talked? We promised to never leave each other's sides, we promised. Don't dare leave me now, I need you." Sara placed Grissom's hand on her cheek. "Please." She turned her face into his hand and kissed his palm. "You are my whole world, please don't be scared that I will leave you, because I never will."

The team noticed a movement- Grissom shifted. His hand caressed Sara's cheek as his eyes opened:

"Grissom?" she said.

"Sara." he whispered harshly.

"Gris, Gil." Sara wept with joy.

"I'm here, I would never leave you."

Sara giggled and sobbed. She kissed Grissom's hand several times and he stroked her cheek:

"I love you." she whispered, the team just managed to hear her.

Then Grissom said something they never expected to hear from his lips, "I love you too."


(Aww, such a sweet way to end the chapter *sob*)
OMG! I'm in love with this fic!! It's so great!! :D :D
Please update soon!! :D :D
Chapter 27: Ecklie's Argument

A doctor pushed past the team and entered the room. He walked up to Grissom's bedside:

"Somebody is awake. Welcome back Mr Grissom, now just relax. You have been in a coma for almost a week and a half."

"Yes doctor." Grissom whispered.

"Doctor, Gil is in need of some water."

"Certainly Miss Sidle." The doctor then left.

"So, how are you?" Grissom asked.

"I'm fine, how are you feeling?"

"Tired, sore stomach."

"Relax babe. You still need your rest." Sara soothed. Grissom stroked her cheek and Sara leaned her face into his hand.

"I love you, y'know. I been in love with you for years, but I was too cowardly to tell you. I was stupid and scared. You terrify me Sara Sidle."

Sara giggled, she leaned down and kissed his lips. Grissom eagerly responded. But, they were interrupted:

"Stop that right now!" shouted Ecklie.

"Why should they!" barked Catherine.

"Supervisor and subordinate relations are forbidden!"

"They aren't forbidden Conrad, they are frowned apon, not forbidden." argued Grissom.

"Do you know your age Gil?"

"I'm am perfectly aware of my age, thank you."

"Well then. The 15 year age difference doesn't bother you?"

"No, not one bit!"

"Do you enjoy sleeping your way to the top Sara?"

Sara stood and slapped Ecklie's face hard. His face was swung to one side:

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!" Sara screamed, she was furious. Nick grabbed her arms. Sara struggled to free herself.

"Let me go! Please just let me hit him one more time."

"He's not worth it Sara." Nick told her, his strength was being tested. Sara was becoming difficult to keep hold of.

Sara screamed roughly, "LET ME GO!"

Ecklie backed off, "I told you she was a loose cannon Gil."

"You provoked her, it was your own fault."

"Yeah, well I'm still assistant director. Sidle you're fired!"

Sara froze. She was stunned. The whole team were frozen:

"You can't do that, no."

"Oh, I can Sara."

Ecklie left the hospital, leaving the team behind. They were all shell-shocked:

"Don't worry Sara. When I tell the sheriff what he said to you, he will be the one that is so fired." Catherine reassured.

"Thanks Cath."

They spent the next few hours talking and laughing, untill the team were told to leave. Grissom and Sara needed their rest.

Great chapter! ^^ I especially liked the part when Sara gave Ecklie a good slap accross the face :lol:

Looking forward to your next update! :)
mwa hahaha, if Sara slapped Ecklie in the face on the TV show, I'd have to replay it over and over and over. I'd never stop laughing. :p