Hostage- A GSR Fanfic

Chapter 14: Recovery Ward chatter

Two hours passed and the team waited patiently for anymore news on their injured teammates. The same doctor they saw two hours ago then walked through the ward doors:

"You may see them now. But Mr Grissom is still feeling the effects of the anesthetic so, be gentle and quiet, please." he said.

"Certainly doctor." answered Catherine, and they all followed him to Grissom and Sara's ward.

They walked into the room quietly. Grissom was still sound asleep and Sara was laying there, reading a magazine:

"Hey girl, how are ya?" asked Warrick, adding a soft tone to his voice.

"To be expected, very sore. Thanks for asking."

"Sorry, have you heard a peep from Mr Bugman over there."

"Nope, asleep like a baby. Not even budged an inch. He keeps murmuring though, about every 15 minutes."

"Murmuring? What is he murmuring?" questioned Catherine.

"Incoherant I'm afraid. I can't understand."

"Ahh, maybe a dream. A nightmare perhaps?" suggested Greg.

"Possibly, I don't know what of. Probably the fight, the attack."

"Yeah, most likely cause. I mean, he did kill someone. That's not normally what Gil Grissom would do." added Nick.

"I'm scared for him guys. What if he can't get over that." Sara whispered. The fear in her voice was obvious.

"He will be fine. Just give him the chance to heal. All wounds heal if given time and the chance." Catherine managed to say just as a nurse entered the room and walked over to Grissom's bedside.

She placed a needle into his IV drip and injected a fluid into his bloodstream:

"Calm down, it's only a relative dose of painkillers. We are expecting him to wake soon." The nurse then left.

Grissom began to stir. But he didn't wake. The team's hopes to speak with him at this moment would have to wait.

Chapter 15: Nightmare Unfolds

Grissom didn't know where he was. The last thing he remembered was Sara's angelic voice screaming 'DON'T YOU DARE DIE IN MY ARMS.'

He stood there in his office, wondering how he got there. He searched the whole lab, ending back at his office. He couldn't find Sara anywhere:

"Sara? Sara where are you?" he said.

"Gil, she's not here." Catherine said as she walked into the room with him.

"What do you mean? Where is she?"

"Gil, don't you remember? She died a year ago."


"Don't you remember? I'm really surprised." Catherine said shocked yet, upset.


"You killed her."


"Gil, settle."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I KILLED HER!" he shouted, he had no clue what was going on.

"Gil, it was an accident. You both were caught in a shoot out. You shot her by mistake."


"Gil, please."

"No, no Sara. I killed you."

Sara was becoming worried. Grissom was mumbling:

"No...Sara...I...killed you."

"Gris, Gris I'm here." she tried to calm him.

Grissom fell to his knees, he would not believe that he killed Sara. Suddenly, he saw a white light. Bright and shining. A figure appeared, wearing a long, flowing white dress and had long, back length brown hair:


"Gris, Gris I'm here. It's ok now, I'm here." Her soothing, heavenly voice flooded his soul.

"Are you real?"

"I'm as real as I will get. What Catherine is saying is true. You killed me by mistake. You never meant to hurt me. You have to be strong, for the sake of our daughter."

"Our daughter?"

"Yes Gil, Rebecca, be strong for her. She's only a toddler, be strong for our baby."

"I'm a dad? Sara no, I can't be."

"Yes you are sweetheart. We were married."

"We were married?"

Sara was frightened. Grissom wouldn't stop fidgeting or talking:

"Our daughter?...I'm a dad?...Sara no, I can't be...we were married?"

"Gil, shhh. Calm down, fight it. Fight the nightmare."

"Fight it Gil, fight your disbeliefs." said the angel.

Grissom couldn't take this in. He was a dad? To Sara Sidle's child? Never.

The light was beginning to disappear. Grissom jumped to his feet.

"Sara... no...don't leave me... not again."

Sara stared a hole into the sleeping Grissom. What was he dreaming about? She felt for him. She must have caused him just as much heartbreak, as he caused her.

Im glad that Grissom and Sara are oke and not dead, Please continue soon.
Chapter 16: Grissom deteriorates

Nurses and doctors rushed into the room. Grissom's heart monitor was going haywire. It was beeping too fast, and then too slow. Sara was panicking:

"DO SOMETHING!" she cried.

The doctors done everything they could to stop Grissom's sudden panic attack. Sara's tears refused to stay locked up, they flooded her face like oceans:

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Sara screamed, "HELP HIM!"

"Miss, do you know the cause of this sudden panic attack?"

"No, how the hell will I know. You are his damn doctor!"

"I suggest you calm down miss."

Grissom began to go into convultions. The nurse injected something into him. The convultions stopped and the heart monitor returned to normal:

"Nurse, keep a very close eye on Mr Grissom, he is not doing as well as we had hoped."

"Yes doctor." The nurse adjusted Grissom's drip and then left.

"Grissom, oh baby please get better. Please." Sara wept, "God please, save him. Let him get well."

Hours had passed and Grissom had took another turn for the worst during them. He went into a stronger panic attack and had trouble breathing. Doctors told Sara, Grissom had fallen into a coma:

"We are not sure what is causing this Miss Sidle. We are doing a series of tests to determine that fact. It could be the sheer emotional trauma of the attack, or the turns may not be panic attacks. He might be reacting violently to a substance on the knife he was stabbed with."

"Do everything you can, please I beg you, help him." Sara pleaded.

"Certainly ma'am."

"May I get out of bed to make a phone call?"

"Of course."

A nurse brought in a wheelchair and Sara plopped herself onto it. She was wheeled to a pay phone:

"No money is needed. Just dial the number." said the nurse.

"Thank you." Sara dialed Catherine's cellphone number. "Catherine, hi it's Sara... listen, Cath...listen to me Catherine. I need you to process that knife for any foreign substances. Grissom is deteriorating, badly."

OMG this is....I'm speechless!! I LOVE IT! Please write more soon, I'm gonna hyperventilate and OD on coffee if ya don't!!! lol

Oh my gosh, this is your FIRST fan fic?!! It's absolutely amazing! You need to keep writing, I'm going through withdrawl!
Chapter 17: A Unusual substance

Catherine rushed to trace. David Hodges was waiting there:

"I heard about Grissom. What do you need?"

"Process this knife. Something has poisoned him."

"Uhh, shouldn't you give that to tox."

"Yeah, but what if it is some type of plastic? Or metal? That involves you."

"Ok, I'm on it."

Catherine waited until Hodges got some results:

"Umm, I don't know. It's unknown."

"You're joking. Right?"

"No, it's not in the database."

Catherine snatched the results from him. She read it over and over again. He was right:


"Sorry Catherine, I tried."

"I know, I know." Catherine ran off.

She grabbed Nick and Warrick's collar and dragged them to the tox lab:

"Catherine, where's the fire?"

"Grissom is in trouble. Now, if you want him to die...stay. But, if you don't, follow me...NOW GUYS!"

Nick and Warrick were stunned. They bolted to the tox lab. They gave the knife to the tech. No results were found either:

"Arghh...NO!" Catherine screamed.

"It will be ok."

"NO IT WON'T. Sara said he was in convultions. He is dying."



Nick and Warrick shot to Grissom's office and searched every book on unusual poisons. They found something that could be right:

"Scorpian poison. A very concentrated dose can send a human into fits and kill." said Nick.

"Really? Where the hell do you get that in Nevada?" Warrick asked. shocked.

"How would I know?"


They ran down the hall to Catherine's office:

"Catherine, we think it is scorpian poison. A highly concentrated dose. He is in need of a very strong anti-venom." said the men in unison.

"Right, let's see if we can find any."

And here I was, thinking it was the nurse injecting something in his IV... What's the antidote for scorpion venom???
I'm not really sure, but for writer's creativity I'm just going to say it's a very rare anti-venom. I'll explain more in the following chapter.
Chapter 18: Finding the antidote

Catherine and the boys split up: Catherine ran to her office to search the internet, Nick and Warrick shot back to Grissom's office and hit the books.

"This isn't working, I'm finding a whole load of nothing." Nick said, frustrated.

"Yeah, I know. Where did Grissom get these books anyway?" Warrick answered.

"It's Grissom 'Rick."


Sara was back at the ward. She was allowed to stay in the wheelchair and sit at Grissom's side:

"Please Gris, fight the poison. I know you are trying, but the fits will make you worse." She took hold of his hand and rubbed the back of his palm with her thumb. "C'mon sweetheart."

Catherine's high-pitched squeal was heard from several rooms away. Even Nick and Warrick heard it. They rushed to her, along with Greg and Brass:

"I found it, I found it, I found it! A highly concentrated, scorpion anti-venom. Basically, it is only used in Egypt. Used to treat the worst of scorpion stings. It is very rare."

"Where do we get some?"

"I...don't know. Oh no, what if we have to import it? That will take days, weeks. Grissom could be..."

"Catherine." interrupted Brass.

"He could be dead, in a grave, funeral..."

"CATHERINE!" shouted all of the men.

"We don't want to think of that, remember?" Warrick said.

"Sorry, I was just..."

"Ranting? Yeah we heard." Greg finished.

Greg was frightened by Catherine's deadly glare. He left the room quicker than a flash.

"Now, I will call all chemists, see if I can find any of this stuff." Brass told them and then he left too.

"Catherine, you have to calm down. You will be in the hospital next." said Nick.

"Sorry guys."

"Stop apologising. You're worried, we all are. But you are forgetting he has one very important factor with him. A factor which won't let him give up." replied Warrick.

"And what would that be?"


Chapter 19: Sara's Dream

The nurse entered the ward room and noticed both of her patients were fast asleep.

Sara was smiling, the nurse knew she must be dreaming. Afterall, out in the real world, there was nothing to be smiling about.

Sara was standing in Grissom's office, sitting on the visitors chair. His bright blue, love filled eyes gazing at her:

"You are so beautiful." he muttered.

"What?" she said grinning, "I didn't quite catch that."

"I said 'you are so beautiful.'"

"Really?" she teased.

"Yes, the most beautiful creature ever created."

"I don't think so." She shyly turned her head away from him.

She sensed him walk up to her side. He turned her face to look at him. Blue eyes met brown and an electric spark shot between them:

"You are so beautiful." he breathed.

"You already said that." she whispered, barely audible. Their faces drew closer, and their lips met in a chaste kiss.

The kiss was nothing of the passionate sort, but it took Sara's breath away:

They reluctantly pulled away and eyes met again:

"Wow." Grissom said, breaking the tense silence.

"Wow." Sara mimicked.

Sara's eyes opened. She sight adjusted to the hopital ceiling:

"Oh, it was just a dream." she said to herself. She awoke just when Grissom decided to take another fit, "NURSE! DOCTOR PLEASE!"

Doctors rushed in, but the heart monitor flatlined.
