Hostage- A GSR Fanfic

*Guilty smile* I love keeping you lot hanging.

Chapter 20: CODE BLUE!

"NO, NO GRISSOM, HANG ON!" Sara screamed.

"Nurse CPR." The doctor began CPR, the nurse assisting. "Not responding. Keep trying."

The doctor smacked a button on the wall beside Grissom's bed. Sara heard a siren then, 'CODE BLUE, CODE BLUE'. Sara couldn't stop crying.

A whole herd of doctors sped through the ward doors. Bringing in major medical equipment:

"Charging to 250, clear!"

Sara saw Grissom's body jump, she swung her head in the opposite direction. She couldn't watch Grissom die...

"Unresponive, charging to 270, clear."

The noise of Grissom's body jump made Sara's heart rip. Her hero was paying the price for saving her life:

"C'mon, charging to 300, clear." The doctor watched the heart monitor. The still steady line and the continuous 'BEEP' was angering him, "C'MON!" he screeched.

Nurses injected a serum into Grissom's bloodstream, "One more time doctor, for Miss Sidle's sake."

"Yes, Miss Sidle. Charging to 320, clear." Grissom's body jumped, yet still no response. He sighed, there was nothing more he could do, "Time of death, 8:37am. Wednesday, 16th September." It was Sara's birthday.

Sara heard them. Her gasps for breath due to her sobs were noticed by the nurse:

"I'm sorry my dear."

Sara turned her back on her. She didn't want to hear any apologies. "Can I hold him? Please."

"Of course, go ahead."

Sara jumped out of bed and sat on the corner of Grissom's. She pulled his head onto her lap and stroked his hair, bringing her face down to his.

The doctors watched her. Some had tears in their eyes, all nurses were crying at the scene before them. They heard Sara's whispers:

"Come back to me honey. Please oh please come back to me." She kissed his cheek and forehead.

Suddenly, the doctors heard a beep...


(I left ya hanging again :devil:....sorry :()
Chapter 21: A Miracle

There was a beep, then another, and other. Doctors then heard the steady rhythm of a heartbeat. They were stunned beyond belief:

"Why Miss Sidle, you are..."

"He's alive? He's alive?" Sara was just as shocked as they were.

"He loves you my darling." said an elderly nurse.

"It was your love that brought him back. Sara Sidle, the miracle healer." added a young intern.

"He came back for me...he...he came back."

"Yes Sara, he is still with you."

Sara giggled, relieved and wiping away her tears. She pressed her lips to his softly. Thanking him silently for obeying her plea:

"Excuse me, doctor?"

"Yes Miss Sidle?"

"Have you heard from any of our co-workers?"

"I'm so sorry, I haven't."

"Ok, thank you."

Sara was furious, where were they?

TBC :devil:

(Sorry this was such a short chapter, but it went with the plotline I'm afraid. The next chapter will be longer ;))
I LOVE this story! I can't wait to see how you end it. I love the suspense, and the sudden twists and turns just keep me reading.

Please update soon!! :D
tabbiez said:
I LOVE this story! I can't wait to see how you end it. I love the suspense, and the sudden twists and turns just keep me reading.

Please update soon!! :D

Yeah me too :), Please Continue soon :D
Chapter 22: Incorrect

Catherine recieved a phonecall from the hospital. She listened to Grissom's doctor, saying that Grissom had died, then came back to life. All thanks to Sara.

Catherine's tears fell, first with guilt because they hadn't found the antidote yet, then with joy, Grissom was still alive.

Catherine had a lot of sucking up to do. She didn't know how to say sorry to Sara for all the times she had rejected her from the team.

Nick and Warrick entered her office. They saw her tear stained cheeks:

"Hey, what's up?"

"Why have you been crying Cath?" Warrick asked gently, wrapping his arms around her.

"Gil...he...he died..."

"What!" yelled both men.

"Then..." Catherine added, "his heart began beating again. It began beating once Sara, held him and whispered 'Come back to me'."

"Really?" questioned Nick.

"That is what the doctor told me. He is a miracle. Now, we have to hurry. He said the next turn Gil takes will most likely be his last. He said the chance of Sara bringing him back to life for a second time is highly unlikely."


"Guys, Catherine I found it!" shouted Brass, running through the door.

"You found it?" repeated Catherine.

"Yeah, Venomous Scorpious." Brass handed the bottle to Catherine. It said the strange name on the bottle. Which continued, said:
Antidote for Scorpion venom, take in LOW amounts.
Toxic if amount given is higher than 15mls

"Ok, let's get to the hospital."

They all arrived at the hospital 5 minutes later. They flashed their badges to the receptionist and ran up to Grissom's ward.

The head doctor spotted them, "You have found the antidote?"

"Yes." Brass told him.

"WAIT!" shouted a young blonde woman.

"Who are you?" asked the doctor, who gave the bottle to the nurse.


Sara heard the commotion and what the young girl was screaming. She noticed the nurse with the bottle, about to inject it into Grissom, No, you are not going to poison him more than he already is! Sara jumped up and knocked the bottle out of the nurse's hand.

It smashed on the floor. The crimson liquid spread under the nurse's feet. She jumped back.

Sara slipped. Falling backward, she smacked her head against the floor hard. She landed in the blood red serum.

Chapter 23: The Subconscious World

Grissom wondered why he had been in the same position for what seemed like years to him. He was sitting in a grass field, birds were singing and everything was calm.

Sara didn't know where she was. She was in a grass field, where birds were singing and there was peace and tranquility all around her.

She saw a figure sitting about 15 feet away from her. She walked over and noticed who it really was:

"Grissom?" she muttered.

"Sara?" he spun around and saw her. She was wearing a light pink spring dress, with her hair hanging long. She was beautiful.

Sara didn't know why she was wearing a dress, but she decided to make that the least of her worries. "What are you...where are...where are we?"

"I don't look...Sara."

She smiled and dived into his arms. She flung her own around his neck and held him tightly to her:

"I'm so glad to see you." Grissom whispered into her ear. "Where is the rest of the..."

"I think we are in a coma. Lying in a hospital room."

"Oh, wait how are you..."

"I think I slipped. You keep taking these fits. It scares me." Sara began to cry.

"Oh honey, it's ok, I'm here with you now."

"But when we wake up..."

"I won't leave you. We will be together, I don't care anymore."

"That's the problem, I don't know if you will wake."

"You mean I'm..."

"Dying, uh-huh." Sara buried her head into the crook of Grissom's neck.

"I won't, not now, not when I have the chance to be with you."

"Gris, you're poisoned. If the antidote isn't given to your body within the next 4 will..."

"Shh." Grissom held her close. He kissed her hair and the side of her head. Her sobs ceased.

"Until our body's wake from the coma, we are here. So, let's make the most of it." said Sara. They lay on the grass in each other's arms, gazing at the bright blue sky.

The world their minds had created due to the coma was one of their deepest desire. No murder, a calm and peaceful place where they could enjoy life together, and by god they were going to enjoy it, while they had the chance.

Chapter 24: Comatose and Antidote

Catherine couldn't believe what Sara had just done. She stood in the hall stunned. Sara had knocked the bottle of antidote out of the nurse's hand. Did Sara want Grissom to die?

Doctors rushed into the ward room. Sara had taken a nasty fall. Catherine heard the doctors say, 'Miss Sidle is lightly comatose' and 'Reasonable head trauma sustained. Miss Sidle should wake either tomaorrow or in a few days'

Brass and the boys couldn't believe what they were hearing. The young blonde woman walked up to them:

"I told you so. Look what you have caused. That woman is now comatose because she trusted me. Detective Brass, you picked up the wrong vile. If that nurse administered that injection, Mr Grissom would be dead."

"What?" asked Brass in disbelief.

"You picked up highly poisonous scorpion venom. It is used to make the antidotes, and is very, very hard to come by. Here is the correct vile, although I must warn you. Once the antidote has been taken, Mr Grissom won't be back to perfect health. He will still be in the slight coma and needs the proper healing time."

"I understand."

The nurse took the correct vile and administered it into Grissom's IV.

"It will be a few days before Mr Grissom or Miss Sidle wake up, so I suggest you go and rest. You all have been stressed by these events as well." said the doctor after he returned from the wasrd room.

"Yes, we will go now."

"You are more than welcome to visit, but they won't be able to speak. You can speak to them though, they may be able to hear you."

"We will do that doctor, thank you." The team then made their way out of the hospital.


(Again, kind of short chapter, sorry. School takes away valuble writing time.)
haha school yeah I know what you talking about MissMurder, Continue Soon
Wow, just wow. I love how it's so unpredictable. Haha, I was thinking the samething RocketScientist; What happens next?!