Hostage- A GSR Fanfic

OMG :eek: please continue soon it's so good this chapter to be onest, this story is even better than GRAVE DANGER :D.And OMG! i hate that kindnapper for beating Sara :mad: that SON OF A B***H, I hope that Grissom can save her on time. :)
Chapter 9: Out of time?

Sara lay still in the bed, her kidnapper staring at her. He had an evil, frightening look in his eye. A look that made Sara shiver in fear:

"I told you I believe in harsh punishment my dear. Only 1 more hour."

"He'll be here. I swear to you." Sara snapped.

"Well, I hope you're right. For your sake."

"I'd worry about your well being, if I were you."

"I'm sure I'll be fine." He pulled out a knife about 9 inches long, "With my friend here, I don't think I'll lose."

Sara gulped. Her gaze fixated on the knife. Oh no, Grissom, she thought. Now Grissom was going to be in a life threatening position.

Grissom sped through the traffic, ignoring the traffic lights and signals. No police car on patrol bothered with his obvious speeding. They just let him be.

"C'mon, c'mon." Grissom insisted as the traffic began to build. "I don't have time for this!" he barked out the window.

"Patience mate, we have to wait here too!" yelled a man in the opposite car.

"You don't have a... girlfriend in danger, do you?" Girlfriend? Why did I say that? It sounds and feels good though

"Danger? Nice try." the car over took him.


Sara still had her gaze on the knife. Her kidnapper moved it from side to side, and she followed it. Up and down, her sight never left it:

"Hmmm, 50 minutes...49...48...47." he taunted.

Sara closed her eyes Please hurry.

"Oh well, this is taking way too long. I think I'll have my fun now."

"WHAT!" screamed Sara.

He jumped on top of her, knees at either side of her stomach. He raised his hand and the knife...


(The suspense is torture :lol:)
Oooooooooo nooooooooo Sara :eek:, i hope that grissom arrives soon that DAMN traffic that he is in. Please Contnue soon :D
Chapter 10: The fight

Finally the traffic settled and Grissom hit the gas pedal. He shot down the road, I'm going as fast as I can Sara honey, I'm on my way!.


"Sorry baby, I want to see that priceless look on my old friend's face." The kidnapper told Sara.

"Please, I beg you."

"Sorry." His hand lowered the knife to her throat. Marking where he was going to begin the slash.

Grissom parked the car, locked it and bolted to the reception at the Sphere. The woman at the desk looked shocked at his speed:

"May I help you sir?"

"I need the room of a Tim Johnson, quickly. I'm with the crime lab."

" 1354."

"Thank you."

Grissom rushed to the elevator and pressed the floor 13 button. Please god let Sara be ok.

Sara was preparing to take her final breath. She gazed at this man's eyes. The sheer pleasure she found in them was disgusting. She watched the ceiling and imagined what heaven would be like, if she went there. I love you Grissom. I'm sorry I disappointed you so many times in this life.

Grissom arrived at floor 13 and shot out of the elevator. He ran down the halls looking for room 54.

When he found the room, he quietly used the card key the receptionist gave him. He unlocked the door. He was going to use the element of surprise.

He heard moans and chuckles. Moans of struggle, cries of fear. He walked to the bedroom door and peered in. The man was on top of Sara, holding a knife to her throat. That broke Grissom's last nerve.

He smashed the door open and ran for the man. He screamed, "GET THE HELL OFF OF HER!"

Grissom slammed into the man. He jumped right over the bed, taking the kidnapper with him:

"GRISSOM!" Sara cried.

"YOU FILTHY SCUM! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER!" Grissom punched and started to kick the living daylights out of his nemesis.

"I knew you'd be here." The man just laughed.

This added fuel to the fire and Grissom became even more vicious. He hit him harder. Then pulled out a gun. He stood up:

"Get up, GET UP!" he barked. The man did so.

"What, so you're gonna kill me? Spoil your so precious career, and turn into a cold blooded murderer? Go on, do it. You know the courts will rule that, because of our history, you murdered me for the sake of it?"

"No they won't. They will rule I killed you for self defense and protection of an innocent life."

"Aww look, Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle's hero. Well I guess I'll go down with a fight."

The man launched at Grissom. Grissom shot him 6 times in the back as he collided with the kidnapper. The kidnapper fell to the ground, dead.

"Grissom, Grissom. Oh god." Sara gazed at her savior.

Grissom stared at her. He felt weak. Something seering hot was felt at his abdoman. He looked down, he had been stabbed.

He collapsed to his knees, "Sara." he whispered.

"Grissom, NO!" Sara screamed. Tears flowing freely.

Grissom walked on his knees, slowly to her bedside. He searched the drawers, found the key to the handcuffs and found the inner strength to free her.

He fell to the floor. Sara jumped out of bed to his side:

"Grissom, no... no... Gris. Gil please don't give up." She wept hard.

"Sara I-I... I don't know what to say." he breathed.

Sara placed his head on her lap and lovingly stroked his hair, "Shhh, don't say anything."

She glanced around the room and saw the knife in the dead kidnapper's hand. Rage filled her soul, tears escaped her eyes, knowing what this man had done to the man she loved.


(Sad chapter, I know, I'm sorry :()
MissMurder said:
Chapter 10: The fight

Finally the traffic settled and Grissom hit the gas pedal. He shot down the road, I'm going as fast as I can Sara honey, I'm on my way!.


"Sorry baby, I want to see that priceless look on my old friend's face." The kidnapper told Sara.

"Please, I beg you."

"Sorry." His hand lowered the knife to her throat. Marking where he was going to begin the slash.

Grissom parked the car, locked it and bolted to the reception at the Sphere. The woman at the desk looked shocked at his speed:

"May I help you sir?"

"I need the room of a Tim Johnson, quickly. I'm with the crime lab."

" 1354."

"Thank you."

Grissom rushed to the elevator and pressed the floor 13 button. Please god let Sara be ok.

Sara was preparing to take her final breath. She gazed at this man's eyes. The sheer pleasure she found in them was disgusting. She watched the ceiling and imagined what heaven would be like, if she went there. I love you Grissom. I'm sorry I disappointed you so many times in this life.

Grissom arrived at floor 13 and shot out of the elevator. He ran down the halls looking for room 54.

When he found the room, he quietly used the card key the receptionist gave him. He unlocked the door. He was going to use the element of surprise.

He heard moans and chuckles. Moans of struggle, cries of fear. He walked to the bedroom door and peered in. The man was on top of Sara, holding a knife to her throat. That broke Grissom's last nerve.

He smashed the door open and ran for the man. He screamed, "GET THE HELL OFF OF HER!"

Grissom slammed into the man. He jumped right over the bed, taking the kidnapper with him:

"GRISSOM!" Sara cried.

"YOU FILTHY SCUM! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER!" Grissom punched and started to kick the living daylights out of his nemesis.

"I knew you'd be here." The man just laughed.

This added fuel to the fire and Grissom became even more vicious. He hit him harder. Then pulled out a gun. He stood up:

"Get up, GET UP!" he barked. The man did so.

"What, so you're gonna kill me? Spoil your so precious career, and turn into a cold blooded murderer? Go on, do it. You know the courts will rule that, because of our history, you murdered me for the sake of it?"

"No they won't. They will rule I killed you for self defense and protection of an innocent life."

"Aww look, Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle's hero. Well I guess I'll go down with a fight."

The man launched at Grissom. Grissom shot him 6 times in the back as he collided with the kidnapper. The kidnapper fell to the ground, dead.

"Grissom, Grissom. Oh god." Sara gazed at her savior.

Grissom stared at her. He felt weak. Something seering hot was felt at his abdoman. He looked down, he had been stabbed.

He collapsed to his knees, "Sara." he whispered.

"Grissom, NO!" Sara screamed. Tears flowing freely.

Grissom walked on his knees, slowly to her bedside. He searched the drawers, found the key to the handcuffs and found the inner strength to free her.

He fell to the floor. Sara jumped out of bed to his side:

"Grissom, no... no... Gris. Gil please don't give up." She wept hard.

"Sara I-I... I don't know what to say." he breathed.

Sara placed his head on her lap and lovingly stroked his hair, "Shhh, don't say anything."

She glanced around the room and saw the knife in the dead kidnapper's hand. Rage filled her soul, tears escaped her eyes, knowing what this man had done to the man she loved.


(Sad chapter, I know, I'm sorry :()

WOW what a chapter, yeah your right its sad :( but I so hope that Grissom is gonna be oke poor Sara.
Wow you've really turned the tables on them - I love it!! I love how Grissom's so "Superman" in this chapter - more soon please, and well done!!

Chapter 11: Life hangs in the balance

Sara searched Grissom's pockets and found his cellphone. She dialed 911 and then Catherine:

"Hello?" answered Catherine.

"Catherine, it's Sara. Grissom's in trouble, he's been stabbed. Please hurry here, please."

"Ok Sara, we are all on our way." Catherine hung up.

"Sara." came a whisper.

"Gris, shhh."

"No." he insisted.

Sara carefully lay his head on the floor and then stood. She found her clothes, ripped her T-shirt into a long strip and sat beside Grissom again:

She cautiously slipped her hand under his back and wrapped the T-shirt fabric around his abdoman. She tied a tight knot once she was certain it was tight enough around his waist:

"There we go, you'll be fine babe. You are a fighter. Don't let this little wound bring you down. Don't let a little cut bring the lion down."

"I thought I was going to lose you."

"Shh, no more of that. Let's worry about you now."

"I've been an idiot." Grissom breathed.

"No, no. You were scared. Let's wait 'til you're better, you are too weak just now."

"Sara please."

"I forgive you for all those years. I...I... please concentrate on your life. I will NEVER forgive you if you leave me. Don't leave me Gil."

"I feel I need too. I've caused you too much pain. You deserve better than an old fool like me. No matter my feelings for you, you deserve better." Grissom's face crinkled in pain.

"You are as good as it gets for me. Gris I love you, not anybody else."

"Why? I mean I'm no hunk. What do you honestly see in me?"

"You are the most caring, kind, honest, loyal, determined, yet idiotic person I've ever met. That's why."

Sara saw blood begin to seep through her homemade bandage. She noticed Grissom's eyes were getting heavy and closing:



Again a sort of sad chapter, sorry :(

So what does everyone think?

Have any ideas of how I should continue? I would like to hear them if you do :D
:eek:Its so cute that Grissom is saying: Why? I mean I'm no hunk. What do you honestly see in me?" that is so sweet that shows that he is not self centred, he is so gorgeous :D. And I hope that Catherine arrives soon to save Grissom.
Keep up the good writing ;) :D
Chapter 12: Paramedic Wonder

Catherine was frantic. She had gathered up every memeber of the graveyard shift team and were now speeding to Grissom and Sara's aid:

"Cath, you have to calm down. We'll get there, you are going to start hyperventilating." Warrick gently said.

"Sorry 'Rick but you never heard Sara on that phone. She was distraught. Where are the paramedics?"

"They've sped on ahead. Cath, we have to calm down. We'll only make them worse if they see us panicking." Nick told her.

"I'm sorry guys."

"It's ok." Warrick wrapped his arms around her. "They will be ok, I promise."

Sara burst into tears as Grissom fell into unconsciousness. She hovered her hand over his mouth, he was still breathing. She lay her head on his chest. His heart was beating, but very faintly.

Sara laced her fingers with his left hand and continued to lie on his chest. She placed her free hand on his heart:

"Please don't leave me, please. I love you, please don't leave me here on my own. How will I survive without you? I won't. You are always there when I am in trouble, you always bail me out. Oh please baby, please."

Just then paramedics burst through the door and into the room. They swarmed the two injured CSI's:

"Miss, miss we have to ask you to let him go."

"Please no."

"He be alright now, we're here. You have to let go, so we can help him, ok?"

"Ok." She whispered and slowly loosened her grip.

One EMT cared for Sara's cuts and bruises while the other tended to Grissom's stab wound. He placed an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and heavily bandaged his waist. Sara watched him like a hawk, her eyes never left the EMT:

"He will be ok, right?"

"He needs some serious hospitalisation, but yes he should be ok."

"Oh thank the holy lord."

"Now, we need to take you to hospital. To check for internal bleeding. You may have some minor internal injuries, ok?"


"Alright then."

The team's Tahoes pulled up just as the gurneys were being loaded into the ambulance. They saw Grissom, oxygen mask on his face and strapped to the strecher. Then Sara, lying down on another strecher, bruises and cuts all over her face and body. They felt sick. Catherine was, she turned her head, bent down and emptied her stomach.

Warrick soothed her by rubbing her back. All they could do was watch and make their way to the hospital.

Chapter 13: The Hospital

Catherine and the team returned to their Tahoes and followed the ambulance to the hospital. Sirens of police vehicles were everywhere, allowing the passage.

Sara lay still on the gurney. Her mind was racing. Never before had she been so scared in her life. Thoughts of having a world without Grissom were hounding her. What would she do if he took a turn for the worst at the hospital? She had no idea.

She could hear the sound of Grissom's shallow breathing through the mask. She didn't like it one bit. The breaths were short and very, very shallow. She thought he wasn't breathing at all.

Catherine hugged herself and turned toward the passanger side window. She couldn't bear the thought of losing a best friend, and thinking of what Sara would be feeling like was killing her.

What would Catherine do if Grissom died? She'd have no-one to complain too about her job and family life. She would have no-one to shout at when she never recieved the supervisory position on a case. The supervisory position. Oh how guilty she would feel if Grissom passed away and she recieved his job.

Warrick was hurt as well. Grissom had bailed him out of so many situations. With his gambling addiction now gone, he hadn't really talked to Grissom apart from when it was about a case.

Nick was feeling low. Ever since his abduction, he hadn't really spoken to Grissom either. He had rather stayed away from his supervisor.

Greg felt devestated. All of the things he had done to Grissom over the years was haunting him. Grissom had let all of his tricks pass, never exactly giving him into trouble. Sara had been his mentor, he was scared of Grissom. Now, if Grissom died, he would never be able to thank him.

They arrived at the hospital as their thoughts overtook them. They left the car and walked to the waiting room.

Hours passed. They were getting restless. Catherine, Nick and Warrick were pacing the floor. Greg just sat on a chair with his head in his hands.

A doctor came through the operation room doors and strolled straight up to them:

"Are you the party for Mr Grissom and Miss Sidle?"

"Yes are they alright?" asked Catherine.

"Miss Sidle has recieved severe emotional trauma. Minor internal injuries also, in need of extreme bedrest. As for Mr Grissom, he is in critical condition due to a stab wound in the abdoman area. A lot of bleeding and blood loss. Miss Sidle's home made bandage saved his life."

The team were stunned at what they were hearing. The couple literally saved each other's lives:

"So how long for recovery then doc?" asked Nick.

"Hard to determine due to the extent of the injuries. A few weeks for Miss Sidle. Months maybe for Mr Grissom."

"Ok, thank you doctor. May we see them."

"Not now I'm afraid. Mr Grissom has just returned from major surgery and will be under anesthetic. Miss Sidle has requested to be alone for the moment."

"Ok, we'll wait."


So what do you all think?