Hostage- A GSR Fanfic

Great chapter!! ECKLIE! I HATE YOU :O Well, I always did.. but because of this fic.. I'm hating him more.. :p lol
Please update soon!! :D :D
(Glad you like Sara's mean streak, Ecklie so deserved it)

Chapter 28: Explanations

Catherine, Nick and Warrick stormed their way into the sheriff's office. They had had enough of Ecklie abusing his power:

"Excuse us sheriff, but we have to speak with you."

"I'm sorry Catherine, can't it wait?"

"No, it is about Conrad Ecklie."

"Yes, what about him?"

"He has been abusing his power as assistant director." replied Nick.

"By doing what Stokes?"

"Firing Sara Sidle for no reason."

"There has to be a reason, or else he wouldn't do it."

"Ok, Sara slapped him...for a reason." Catherine answered.

"Reason being, Catherine?"

"He said to her, and I quote, 'Do you enjoy sleeping your way to the top?'"

"Why did he say that?"

"Because..uhh, Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle are now in a relationship."

"Ahh...well co-worker relationships are frowned apon but not forbiddon, as long as Gil and Sara keep it professional at work, I'm fine with it. Gil is trusted."

"Uhh...Sara is fired, how can..."

"Consider her re-hired, tell Conrad to report to my office immediately."

"Yes sheriff." Catherine and the boys couldn't stop the smiles appearing on their faces.

They strolled out of the office and down the hall, they spotted Ecklie:

"Oh Conrad...the sheriff wishes to speak with you." Catherine said, adding a snort of a laugh at the end. She, Nick and Warrick continued down the hall laughing when they saw Ecklie's face, fear written all over it.

*sings along* Update soon! Update soon! Update soon! Update soon!! Or We will kill you.. Or we will kill you,.. Or we will kill you.. Or we will kill you.. :p