GSR - One Life To Live

alright i have some time before i go to work so i will do one update before work

An unxepected turn

Catherine and greg sat in the waiting room of the Lab,waiting for the test results that Catherine was pretty sure would tell her she was pregnant.

Greg of course didn't know the real reason for the test, he thought it was because she was sick and wanted to make sure that she didn't have anything more then the flu.

They had been there nearly three hours when a lab tech came up to them, "Miss.WIllows?" The lab tech inquired to make sure she had the right person.

"yes that would be me" "Right this way please" the lab tech said and lead them to a little room. We have the results of the test back, it came in positive, congradulations.

Greg sat wondering why on earth Catherine would be smiling when she was sick. The Catherine seeing Gregs confused look said "I'm pregnant Greg." Greg fainted on the spot.

Back in the hospital room, Gil and Sara still lay soundly sleeping when Catherine and a disgruntled Greg walked in with the doctor. Catherine gently woke Sara and Gil and told them the good news.

"It's confirmed, I'm pregnant too." Sara and Catherine hugged and giggle with a sqeamish excitment while Gil looked at the disgruntled Greg.

The doctor looked at the two couples and said "Miss.Sidle and Mr.Grissom are now stable enough to go home although I want to see both of them back here next week for a check up. And congradulations to you both."

After the doctor left, Greg got down on one knee and asked Catherine to marry him. She accepted with tears of joy in her eyes as they packed up to leave the hospital.

its short i know but i have to get ready for work
alrighty there will be limited updates today but for three days i will work like a cart horse to give you all the updates you fine people deserve.

The feeliing of home

The group returned to the luxurious three thousand sqaure foot home. It felt so weird after being in the hospital for a month. Sara was now four months pregnant, and her belly was huge. Catherine on the other hand was only one month pregnant, and wasn't showing at all.

The two couples parted ways to go unpack their belongings. Lindsay's granparents droped her off at the house, and it was as though nothing had ever happened.

After the house was cleaned and the rotten food thrown out, Catherine and greg went to do baby shopping of their own, while Gil and Sara went to buy groceries for the household.

One thousand dollars later, and the Tahoe heaping with bags... Gil an Sara returned home. Catherine and Greg had been home for a bit now, Greg settin gup baby furniture and Catherine cooking a great home made meal for the couples.

After a wonderful dinner, the guys went out to a pub while the girls includeing Lindsay, sat down to watch a movie. Falling asleep all together on the couch like they did before the accident.

Gil and Greg returned home late in the morning to find the girls asleep in the living room cuddled together, they didn't want to wake them so instead they said good night to each other and went their seperate ways to their rooms

Catherine awoke first something was wrong. There was a note laying beside her. I have your daughter it said, if you wish to see her alive again, follow my instruction.

well i need to go think, i'm geting a new dog tomorrow... i should put more of the rotties in the story .. we'll see what plays out.
*eyes pitchfork*, what is with us people an the pitchforks, *grabs own to counteract Mel23*

Why My baby?

Catherines shattering scream was herd through the house, and Sara woke with a start beside her to see tears streaming down Catherines cheeks, Gil and Greg came running in, pure terror on their faces.

Someone took Linds, I don't know who they left this note, saying if I want to see her alive again, I better follow the instructions.

Catherines body was shaking from wracking sobs, as Sara began to cry with her. Why did this have to happen now, when everything was going to be looking up for them.

Just then the phone rang and Gil picked up. "Grissom resendence" he said crisply. "Let me talk to Willows." "Who should I say is calling?" "Listen let me talk to her or her daughter will be shot rate here rate now"

Gil looked at Catherine then handed her the phone. " Willows speaking." "This is the kidnapper, now here is your first instruction, drive to the tangiers, you'll find a bell boy with a note, your next instruction will be on it"

Catherine nodded and hung the phone up. "What did they say?" Sara asked Cath. "They told me I had to go to the tangiers, find a bell boy, and he will have the next set of instructions. I am not goin into this alone, I want you guys to follow but don't do anything unless I call a cell phone."

They all agreed and got into seperate vechiles, each in their own, so they could surround the Hotel. They decided to use headsets instead of the cell phones, so that if need be Catherine could say a safe word and they could rush to her aid.

They arrived at the hotel, twenty minutes later. Catherine getting out of her vechile as a bell boy ran up to it. He handed her a piece of paper and ran off, saying he didn't know what it was but he was to give it to a Catherine willows. How he knew who she was was a miracle.

A strong wind picked up and a shiver ran down all of the CSI's backs. Something bad would happen and they just knew it would. CAtherine read the note, it read:

Go up to the fourth floor. Room 432. Knock twice, then twice more. I will then open the door, you will say nothing but will come and i will tell you my propesition.

Catherine walked inside all the time telling them what the note said. Catherine did as she was told, and got into a elevator car, pressed the number four and waited for the elevator to asend.

A cool female voice came on, telling Cath she was on the fourth floor. She went to room 423, knocked twice, then knocked twice again.

The door opened, and there stood ......Eddie... Catherine gasp.

alright i will most be up all night so there will be more updates for all of you
morning all, heres your next chapter

Eddie returns

"Catherine, come in." Catherine could see Lindsay taped to a chair, a look of pure terror on her face. "Eddie, why are you doing this, I thought you were dead?"

"Oh Eddie is dead, I'm his identical twin brother." He pulled Catherine further into the little hotel suite. There was a bed on the south wall, the bathroom off to the right of the bed, a little kitchen/dinette off the west wall, and centered around the north and east walls were a desk tv phone and couch. in the center of the room was a hot tub.

Eddies twin threw catherine onto the bed. All the while Lidnsay watching. Catherine had a pretty good idea how this would end. Eddie had always told her that his brother was inprisoned for rape charges, several times.

He began to rip her clothes off of her, she was nearly sobbing already to stop. She could hear Lindsay crying behind her. Eddies twin succeed in riping her clothes off, and thrust into her.

Sara, Greg and Gil could hear Catherine sobbing, the guy clearly didn't know that they were listening in, let alone recording what Catherine had said.

They began to go up to the room one at a time. By the time they all reached the room, they herd gunshots. They threw open the door to see Catherine laying in a pool of blood. What apeared to be Eddie, starting to malest Lindsay, Grissom shot two quick shots, taking down the fugitive.

Sara dialed 911 requesting a ambulance, then rushed to Catherines side. She took off the second shirt she was wearing and pressed it against the bullet wound, begging catherine to stay with her.

They could hear sirens in the distance now, and Catherine was starting to slipp out of counciousness......She saw sara, thent he world went black.

*YAWN!* I need some coffee
Aww please update soon, or I'll join Mel23 in the pitchfork club :lol:. I've just spent over an hour reading this again.

You have a real good thing at cliffhangers, love it. :D

Poor Grissom, Sara AND Catherine :eek:. They sure have had a bad time :(. On a brighter note :D, the twins are due on my birthday, YAY!!" :D :D :D Good ol' Feb 26 :lol:
Oh no! Just when things were looking good! But like my sister says, fan fics are like soap operas. And that's why we love them! Oh please, don't let the baby die!
Ya I was suppose to be born Feb 26th, but then I decieded to stay in the oven three extra weeks Till March 13th. Thank you all for the awsome reviews and coments, it just makes this so worth while to be on this website with people who share the same love as you :lol:

Tragedy strikes again

Catherine was rushed to the ambulance, Greg hoping in the back with her. She was lapseing in and out of consiouness. Sara and Gil got in their Tahoes, hit the sirens and lights, even though they were sure they shouldn't of and sped off after the ambulance.

The trip seemed to take forever. Greg was holding Catherines hand, telling her he was there for her and that she better not leave him. Lindsay rode with Sara. She was sitting in the passanger seat crying, Sara was comfoting her the best she could.

Lindsay looked at Sara, "is mommy gonna die auntie Sara?" Sara considered her, the bullet had gone pretty close to her heart, she thought a moment more and said "not if I can help it Sweatie." Sara began to cry herself.

They arrived at the hospital and sat in the waiting room, waiting, just like they had waited for Gil, and afterwards, Sara. It seems everything happened to them.

Two hours later, Catherine was still in surgery and the rest of the CSI gang had arrived again. They were growing tired of hospital waiting rooms, but they would rather be there for their friends and coworkers.

Another two hours and a doctor came up to them. "Are you the party for Miss Catherine Willows?" They all shook their heads solemly. "She is in recovery now, shes in stable but critical condition, and she isn't out of the blue yet. You CSIs get hurt alot, and in life threatening situations, anyway burea payed for one of the excutive rooms again and you are able to all see her."

He gave them a reassureing smile and walked away. They all got up to go see Catherine. No body said a word, they just hugged and comforted each other, especailly Greg.

When they arrived at the room,the doctor was there checking everything. Greg asked the unanswered question "Will the baby live if she recovers?" The doctor looked at Greg. "The trauma, has caused her to miscarry, I am so sorry, you must of been the father."

A little sob was herd from Saras arms. It was lindsay. She let wracking sobs take her and cuddled into Sara's arms, where she stayed crying until she fell asleep.

No one said a word, they just all sat around Catherines bed, no one knew what to say.

alright I m gonna let you guys hang, I need to dry my hair straighten it, do my makeup go outside with my dogs and wait for my new dog to get here. Luv ya all! :devil: