GSR - One Life To Live

Alright i have my new dog ... her names Hanako shes gorgeous shes an old gurl but shes so nice.

Get better soon before I get worse

Hours had passed and everyone had fallen asleep in the room, Gil Sara and Lindsay sharing the pull out bed, Greg sleeping in a recliner.

Lindsay slept almost peacefully between Sara and Gil, she was at least somewhat comforted by the fact that she was preotected.

A high pitched beeping was herd and nurses and doctors came running in. Catherine, like GIl and Sara had flat lined. Sara woke up imediatley to Lindsays screaming sobs.

Lindsay was so distraught that they had to knock her out, and shortly afterwards the getle beep of a heart beat was herd once again.

Everyone had gathered around Catherines bed, all giving her the strength to continue on, when Greg notcied her eyes flutter open.

He gasped in surprise and Lindsay ran out of Sara's arms to embrace her mother.

"mommy i thought I lost you I was so scared that I would have to live my life without you!" Catherine smiled weakly. "I know baby I'm here now though"

The doctor came in, "I herd that our patient has awoken... Miss Willows this may come as a devestating blow, but due to the extent of your injuries, you misscarried the child you were bearing. I'm sorry. I will be back to check on you later." He exited the room, as Catherine began to sob.

"My child that I was carrying is gone" Lindsay was crying to. She had wanted that sibling more then ever. Greg just looked downcast.

The nurse came in wheeling a cart full of trays of food for the room. Nick, Warrick, Jim, and Al came from a little back room where they had all fallen asleep to get some food and to see their fallen collegue, to comfort her in her time of need.

well I leave you here for now I have to go get my check from work and buy my new dog some stuff
Please write more quickly! Oooh too bad there's no easy to post pics on here. What kind is she?
I have two and I love them.

Who's Al?
I have one siberian husky with baby blue eyes, I have a collie although hes a runt, and the new one is a ten year old Chow/Akita. Shes a sweet gurl unless another dog wants her food then she shows emm whos boss. So I have my own supply of coffee, including hazelnut crea, vanilla nut cream and swiss chocolate almund and my own personal coffee maker, I am ready to update all night for you guys.

Will tragedy ever end?

Catherine had been awake one whole day, and it was deteriating her condition fast. Greg and the gang pleaded with her to take care of herself but the loss of the child was too much for her to bear, not to mention that the creep had almost malested Lindsay.

Lindsay stayed by her mommies side, pleading for her to get better. She finally got a response out of Catherin. "I will baby, for you." Everone stared in anticipation.

The doctor came in with someone else in toe. "Miss.Willows, this is our resident therapist, she's here to work with you and help you recover from your ordeal, and the loss of your child.

The therapist turned to Sara, Gil, Nick, warrick, Jim and Al and asked if they would please leave, she needed to talk first with the family and then she would invite them in to also help them cope with what had happened to their friend.

"Now Miss.Willows, Mr.Sansers and young Miss.WIllows, I would like to talk to you all first about your thoughts, and concerns in what happened to you in this traumatic experience. Now young Miss.Willows, I would like to start with you, I want you to tell me what happened leading up to the close incounter with the fugitive?"

Lindsay looked at her mother who nodded incourageingly. Lindsay began. "I....I....I awoke to someone grabing my mouth and telling me that if I screamed he would shoot my mommy rate there. I stayed quite because I didn't want anything to happen to her. He left a note for her and made me walk out to his vechile with him, he placed me in the back and locked me in. We then drove to the tangiers, where he played me off as his daughter." Tears began to creep to her and her mothers eyes at this point, Greg had a pure look of shock on his face. "From there we went to the room and he tied me to the chair and duck taped my mouth closed. I sat facing the TV and he put the channel to some cartoons until mommy showed up. He pulled her in the room....and....and...and he" she gulped "he raped her. When she beat him off of her he shot her, and she shot back killing him instantly with a shot to the heart." Lindsay seemed to collapse silently in the chair, her posture sank and she began to sob lightly.

"Great, thankyou for being a brave young lady and telling me this. Now Miss.WIllows, I would like your account."

Catherine nodded, if her little gurl could do it so could she. "I woke up early in the night, we had all fallen asleep on the couch by nine oclock pm me and Sara because we were pregnant, Lindsay was already asleep. When I woke she wasn't beside me and I saw a note there. I read it and screamed." It took her a few minutes to continue, but the therapist sat patiently waiting. "I...I..I scr..screamed out loud, really loudly, waking Sara who was next to me and Greg and Gil in other areas of the house, they came running in to find me and Sara shaking and sobbing on the couch. Greg rushed to my side, while Gil read the note. At that moment the phone rang and Gil answered it. He looked shocked and then handed the phone to me, where the person on the other end told me to follow the instruction closely, these instrucitons led me to the tangiers to the exact room, Gil Greg and Sara had followed me, we all used headsets, so that they could hear what was happening to me. The guy answered the door and he looked like my ex husband, I didn't know Eddie had a twin. He pulled me into the room and threw me to the bed and began to strip my clothes off of me. He then thrust into me, therefore raping me until I over powered him, throwing him to the floor. He pulled a firearm on me, and shot, it hit me close to my heart, I had enough strength to shoot him killing him instantly, I blacked out after that. I awoke her in the hospital, and was told the child i carried no more then two months I lost because of this .....incedent." Catherine slinked down more into the bed sheets.

"Alright, thankyou for sharing your traumatizing experience with us, now Mr.Sanders, it's your turn.

Greg couldn't bring himself to talk at first, but like good supporters they stayed quite and waited for him to began, after a minute he did. "I was awoken by Catherines terrified scream, I thought something had happened to my dear love and so I rushed up the stairs to her aid to find her and Sara sobbing in each others arms, Lindsay missing, I rushed over to her side while Gil read a note that was in her hand, then the phone rang, he looked shocked and handed it to Catherine. She was given some instruction and then told us what it was, we agreed to follow her but stay outside unless she needed help. We used headsets, so that we could hear everything going on, she told us what the next instructions were and proceeded to follow them. When she arrived at the room we herd a male voice, we herd her gasp as I guess she was pulled into the room, we herd him rip her clothes off and herd him raping her, we came to her aid just in time to see him shot and killed with her remaining strength, where she collapsed in my arms, Gil caling an ambulance, I hoped in the ambulance and rode with her, Gil and Sara following with their sirens going. We reached the hospital and Catherine was whisked away from me. We waited foreever in teh waiting room, everyone showed up, and after nearly six hours we were aloud to see her although she was still asleep, the doctor told me we had lost eh baby. All of us stayed and eventually fell asleep here in the room. We woke in teh morning to find her awake.

"Very good, now that you have all shared your sides of the tramatic event leading to the next, I want your feelings on this first event."

Catherine and Lindsay were silently sobbing, Greg looked dead and far off.

Lindsay was first to speak. "I'm just glad we are all okay at least, even if we lost the baby." In the end Catherine and Greg agreed with her.

The therapist left to talk to the rest of the group in a meeting room. To see there traumatic side. After the therapist walked out and down the hall, someone, looking strangely like Eddie walked into the Willows room.......

alrighty I think that this may be the longest chapter I have ver wrote......mmmm coffee and my room smells like honeydew.
argh here we go with the angst better update soon! Although Greg's there this time, so if anything bad happens, I hope he hurts the guy.
mel were you just waitng like checking every minute for the update ...lolz here me write more....insomniac on coffee

Who the F*** are you and why won't you die?

Catherine and Greg thought it was the therapist back because she had forgotten something. It wasn't though it was ....but how could it be? Eddie's twin.

Catherine gasped and grabbed Lindsay, Greg drew his weapon. This person was armed as well. Greg was quick to fire, to protect his family. He shot twice through the guys heart, and then twice to the head as he lay bleeding on the floor a trail running to the door, as the CSI group, teh therapist, the nurses, adn the doctors came runnig in.

"What the f*** is going on in here?" one of the nurses yelled. The therapist looked at Catherine shaking and holding and her daughter equally shooken, Greg curled in a little ball in the corner.

Sara rushed to Catherine as Gil and the other guys rushed to Greg, who had begun to vomit spastically on the floor. The body was removed from the room.

The therapist walked to Catherine and asked if she could tell her what happened.

"The door opened, we thought you had forgotten something and the man who raped me walked in, but I had killed him. I know I had. Greg drew his weapon while I protected Lindsay. Greg shot him twice in the heart, and twice in the head. He died and thats when everyone came running in."

At that Catherine herself began to vomit violently. Until she lost conciousness. Greg was layed on the floor, convulsions shaking his body.

A page was herd through the hospital, "we need all emergency crews and security in the building in room 903 IMEDIATELY!"

Catherine had flat lined again from stress and shock, a nurse rushed in with a defibulater and started to shock Catherine, Sara was protecting Lindsay as she watched her parents go through all this, she buried her face in Sara's chest and Sara blugged her ears.

Gil was soothingly calming Greg, talking to him in a steady level voice. "Greggo stay with me we're here and we are gonna get this over with." He began to calm down, after he stopped violently convulsing and vomitting, they tranqualized him and strapped him to a bed.

It took seven tries to get Catherines heart to start beating again. Sara was on the couch comforting Lindsay. Gil on the other side of Lindsay holding her protectively, letting his paternal side out.

Nick looked at the security team. "I want at least two gaurds stationed outside this door, more watching the elevators and stairs. No one but Me, Warrick, Jim, Al, Sara, Gil, and Lindsay are to be aloud into this room. Understand?"

A crisp "yes sir" rang out and they left for their posts. After Greg and Catherine were cleaned up and stabalized they left the team in the room, they would take it in turns to do watch... in case someone came back.

Hehehe I love my cliffhangers... I'm off to get more coffee.
alright I am sorry sissi and ladysarabutterfly, but I guess I am the only one that stays up all night on this website, its three am Alberta time here and I am bored so I am gonna add another update.. maybe I will put two chapters on one update.

Convulsions, Sickness and terror

Catherine and Greg both went into convulsions and vomitting again at the same time as though they were somehow connected in there comatose state. Lindsay had been subdued and so didn't wake up but it woke Sara and Gil. Each rushing to thier friends side. Gil to Greg and Sara to Catherine, each pushing the nurses button.

Nurses and doctors came running in as again Catherine flatlined while still vomitting, they rolled her to her side so that she would not choke on her vomit. Then doing the same thing for Greg.

Things weren't looking good. It was as if they were reliving what had happened earlier that day. After shocking Catherine a few times, teh heart monitor began to beep steadily agian. She suddenly woke up gasping and vommiting once more, dazed and confused.

Greg woke too. They didn't know what was happening and it took several minutes to calm them down. After they had relaxed and been subdued slightly, Sara and Gil began to explain what had happened.

Catherine was instantly worried for Lindsay, and Sara reassured her that her presious daughter was alright and was in a drug induced sleep for the time being but would wake in the morning.

Catherine was so stressed that her blood pressure had rissen putting her into risk of complications for recovery.

All of the sudden Gil's cell phone rang. "Grissom" he stated. Tilting his head slightly and saying "I understand" and "yes we'll be there as fast as we can."

Sara looked at him questioningly. "We have a tirple homacide and they need us Sara. With Greg and Catherine out of comission we are there only hope for help, they are swamped."

Sara looked at both Catherine and Greg assuring them that they were safe. Bid them goodbye for the time being and rushed out. Gil turned to the security gaurds, "no one is to enter this room, unless they are cleared by Jim Brass, is that understood?" Both security gaurds nodded their yes as Brass walked up breifly shaking Gil and Sara's hands before they left.

Gil and Sara rushed off to the crime scene at 14693 Sunlake Boulavard.

14693..... that sounds familar, Sara thought to herself..... and then it hit her. That was Catherines parents place.... where they lived, and her brother was staying for a visit.

"Oh god..... Gil pull over I'm gonna be sick" Sara said in a panic. No sooner had he pulled over, but she threw her door open and emptied her stomach.

Gil was instantly concerned. "Sara whats wrong?" He questioned. "I think its morning sickness with a hint of well.... the homacide we are reporting too..... thats Catherines parents place..... the victims are her parents and, she gulped, her brother"

well there is my little update.... brain clogged and I think the new coffee maker I got is gonna blow up....... I think I used it to much for a new maker.....
Okay I think I am an insomniac, vampire. I stayed up all night till the sun started to come up and then only slept fully for about two that a good thing?

Why my family, Why now?

After Sara recovered her composure, they were on route again to the crime scene. Upon arriveing Sara tensed, why was this person out to get Catherine?

Gil and Sara walked into the house, to find O'Riely waiting for them. "Mother is in the kitchen, father in the living room, and the son was doing school work on the computer at the back of the house,all yours" Gil and Sara thanked him and walked into the kitchen.

Catherines mother lay in a pool of her own blood. There apeared to be what looked like semen on her clothing, pants around her ankles. There was a hair on her leg, and some sort of fibers on her shirt. There was a sticky trace in her hair.

They moved on to the living room where they found Catherine's father sitting on a blood soaked couch, TV was on a movie channel. There was no trace on the body but a beer bottle lay next to the couch, Sara marked it for photos.

Moving on to Cath's brother in the back room, they saw him face down on the keyboard. Gagged and bound. "He couldn't even fight back" Sara sadly said.

After looking over the DB'S of Catherine's family. They set to work, marking and photographing. Gil found and interesting beetle that only lived in the most inhabited part of the city, crawling on the father. There were treadmarks outside from a vechile, looking to be a large vechile, most like truck or SUV.

Footsteps were pressed into some of the dea parts of the lawn where fertilizer had been placed. Sara moulded them after taking some photographs and went back in. There was footprents leading into the house, with trace on them.

It tooke them five hours to go through the house and collect all they could that wasn't comprimised. Taking it back to the lab. They sent the substances of trace to the lab, and waited for the results. Gil agreed to stay at the lab and continue on the case while Sara, not wanting to, had to go tell Catherine about her now deceased family.

Sara made her way to the room where Catherine and Greg were. Mulling things over in her head of how she was going to tell her best freind, her family had been killed most likely by the person who attacked her and Lindsay.

Sara walked in the room and saw Catherine give her a little smile, Greg lay in his bed, still strapped down looking at the ceiling. Basically non responsive... to traumatized to talk.

Sara walked up to Catherine as her smile faded, she knew something was wrong. Sara sat down asking her how she was. "I'm better, but Sara whats wrong."

"That case that me and Gil responded to. Catherine, it was your parents house. Both your parents and your brother are.....she tensed up and gulped willing herself not to throw up, dead." She began to cry.

Instead on tears that poured from Catherine. Fury and rage filled her body. "That bastard, he isn't dead, I don't know why but he's not dead." At that moment the doctor walked in.

"Catherine don't strain yourself" He said. "Doctor, how long will I be kept here, I really need to deal with a few things to reach closure in all this"

He considered her thoughtfully and said "I should keep you longer, but I see that if I try, you will only walk out of here, you seem strong enough to go home, just please come for a check up."

Catherine thanked him and asked that Greg put tooken care of, she would come back to see him as fast as she could. Sara and Catherine walked to Sara's Tahoe, getting in and starting the engine Sara asked, "what do you plan to do?"

"I don't know, but I am gonna find that guy and make sure heads dead." Catherine stared out the window. "I will not stop searching for this guy until I find him, even if I have to put myself in danger."

Sara stared straight ahead of her. Concentrateing on teh road for a bit and then said, "I will back you, I will follow you to the ends of this earth to find the guy who has ruined your life."

Catherine glanced over to Sara. "You can't, your five months pregnant with twins Sara, you can't strain yourself for putting you and your babies in danger."

"Catherine I assure you I will be fine." Sara was deturmend to help Catherine find the closure she so desperately needed.

They arrived at Catherine's parents house. Catherine got out, ignored Gil and walked into the house, to observe the scene before her.

Well there you go mel23 another update for ya... and everyone else
I am gonna take that darn pitchfork away soon....... I have had like four pots of coffee to myself, god I love having my coffee maker....LOLZ guess I could update for you.
alright I just want to warn ahead of time that this chapter may or may not have swearing in it.

The fire of the beast

Catherine began to shake with severe fury and rage. Why was this bastard doing this? Why did he have to go for her family and not just her, if she was what she wanted, or was he doing this for the hell of it.

"That fucking.... I can't believe this, my family, my whole life is collapsing around me, how am I going to tell Lindsay about her uncle and her granparents."

Sara and Catherine looked at each other and noticed that Gil was no where to be found, when they herd a gunshot ring out.

Sara and Catherine ran in the direction of the comotion in time to see Gil, empting a round into the Eddie look alikes head again. Gil pulled the guy onto the cement, grabed a jerry can from the back of his Tahoe and poored gasoline all over the body, lit it on fire and watched the guy turn to ashes.

It was over with they had finally gotten rid of the guy. They knew who had commited the crime, but they didn't know why. That didn't matter though, it was over, Catherine cried in relief.

Now Catherin ewould just have to tell Lindsay and Greg what had happen and how it ended. Sara and Catherine got in her Tahoe and Gil in his.

The drove back to the hospital, and walked together.... hand in hand, Gil in the middle, to the hospital room. Gil comforting both gurls.

They arrived at the room, each took a deep breath and walked in. Greg looked round to them, Lindsay was by his side. She looked at her mom, "Daddy came back to us mommy!" Catherine Sara and Gil could tell Greg was crying.

"she called me daddy, I feel truly welcome now, it was her crying by my side telling her how her mom had to go to the scene where her parents and sibling lay dead." Greg gave a week smile and they noticed he was no longer restrained onto the bed.

"we finally killed the guy who was after us, we creamated him as well. He won't bother us anymore." Catherine ran to her fiance and daughters side where they embraced each other. Gil and Sara joined them after one minute.

there we go nother chapter up. I got to fill my coffee cup up now.