GSR - One Life To Live

Alright more fresh brewed coffee, this time columbian. So I am gonna write another chapter. This one is gonna take place a month later. Sweet I just got 8.14 income tax return.

Happier times ahead

It was a month since the incident. Everyone was still in therapy though. The all had a few issues but those were slowly going away. Sara was now six months pregnant, and they had found out that Catherine and Greg concieved another child.

Everyone was happier now that the terror was over with. Catherine had had the funeral for her parents and brother, and that had cause a bit of emotional trauma, but other then that everything was going great.

Sara and Gils wedding was a day off. Greg and Catherines was tomorrow and they were getting ready for rehersal dinner. Sara would be Catherines maid of honour and Gil the best man for Greg.

Of course the only guests would be family members and friends from the lab, and a few old friends from before their jobs.

"Hurry up Gil we're gonna be late!" Sara called up to her soon to be husband. Greg and Catherine had left an hour ago to prepare everything. Lindsay was with Sara and Gil.

Gil came rushing down the stiars, grabbed his keys and wallet as he ran out the door to the Tahoe that Sara and Lindsay were already in.

He threw the the vechile in reverse, and backed out of the drive way, almost running over a stray dog at the same time. The drove for half an hour and arrived ten minutes before the rehersal dinner was scheduled to start.

The chapel was already decorated, they would run through the ceremony first then would go to the rehersal dinner. It was one of the most enjoyeable nights they had had in a long time.

Alright I don't think there will be any cliffhangers for a bit, enjoy the chapter I hope
Alright here we go another chapter for you

Mr. and Mrs.Greg Sanders

The day of the Sanders wedding dawned bright and chilly. Almost no cloud cover. The gurls were in the master bedroom getting ready while the bois were in the master bedroom of the basement suite, getting ready.

Sam Braun would be giving Sara away, seeing as her mom and step dad were now dead. Sara wore a beautiful Lilac wedding gown, incrusted with diamonds. Sam had wanted the best for his little gurl, and her friend so he had bought her a sky blue dress incrusted with diamonds as well.

The train on the dress was five feet long, the dress was made of silk. Catherine wore a diamond incrusted tiara as well, with her veil. Her hair was done in delicate ringlets, tiny little jewels were put in her hair with a special glu.

A week before the Sanders wedding, Sam wanted to treat the gurls after all they had been through so he bought them each, a ten thousand dollar wedding dress complete with five thousand dollar tiara's. He said he wanted his little gurl and her best friend to look like princesses after all they had went through.

Sara and Catherine were just getting finished up, with a professional makeup artist and hair stylist. Sara wore a lilac bridesmaid dress. There was a gentle knock on the door, Sam and Gil walked in. Gil kissed Sara telling her how beautiful she looked while Sam kissed his daughter.

Gil escorted Sara out of the room, while Sam escorted Catherine. They walked outside to a waiting Limo, Greg had already been taken to the chapel, and was awaiting his bride.

The ride seemed to take forever, Catherine had nervous butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't wait, she knew this marriage would last, if possible, forever.

They arrived, half an hour later, at the large excentric chapel of the rehersal from the previous night. Sara and Gil took their places at the front of the persesion of the bridesmaids and groomsmen.

Lindsay was the flower gurl. Gregs nephew was thee ring bearer. A soft melody played and the bridesmaids and groomsmen began their march down the isle.

The looked wonderful, the gurls from the lab a vision in lilac, the groomsmen in a complementing shade of grey. The soft melody changed to a wedding march and everyone turned to watch Catherine glide down the isle. a bouqet of Lilies and Blue Roses, the light bouncing off the diamonds and jewels incasing her body. All too fast, she was down the isle and next to Greg. He hadn't seen her in this dress yet and all he could think of was how beautiful she looked.

The church organ stopped, and the pastor began. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this women in holy matramony. If for any reason this couple should not be joined speak now or forever hold your peace" at this he paused. "Who gives this woman away?" At this Sam spoke up "I her father" the pastar nodded and continued. Sam went to sit down. "This couple will now recite vows that they themselves have written. Greg you first please.

Greg cleared his throat. "Catherine, when I first saw you, my heart jumped into my throat. Everytime I was down, you came around and showed me, what love there could be. When I finally worked up the courage, to ask you to dinner, I nearly collapsed. We've been through so much together, the loss of a child, and now we once again have been blessed. Your love is the only thing that kept me going through the hard times, and for this i am thankful, I want to spend the rest of my life with you my beloved, and this I promise you I will do." Greg had tears falling down his face, they were tears of joy.

Catherine now had to say her written vows, she steadied her voice and began. "Greg, you were there for me, through the bad and the good. You help my hand when I needed the comfort. You were there for me when I was hospitalized and you never gave up on me, and it nearly drove you mad. You took on my daughter as your own, and I know the lost of our unborn child lost through a traumatizing experience hit you equally hard. Your smile lights up my day, when I feel I can't go on. You are my love and I want us to forever together, I love you my dear."

The pastar left a short pause before saying, "Greg Sanders, do you take Catherine Willows, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Greg looked deep into her eyes and said "I do."

The pastar turned to Catherine. "Cathereine Willows, do you take Greg Sanders to be your lawfully wedded husband?" She stared back to him and with a little smile said "I do."

"I now pronouce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride!" Greg pulled catherine into his arms and they shared a deep and passionate kiss as apluase errupted through the chapel. They broke and turned to the audience. Together they walked down the isle and out the door.

Everyone got up, talking about what a beautiful wedding they had just witnessed. They got into their vechiles and went to a large community facility in the neighbourhood. By now everyone had changed to some comfotable clothes for a night of partying.

Greg and Catherine entered and through the room echoed "May I present, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Sanders!" Everyone applauded once more, and sat at a table. Cath and Greg made their way to the head table. Gil sat on Gregs right, and Sara sat on Caths left.

Catherine stood up, tapping her wine glass with a fork. "Thankyou all for coming tonight, now lets all dig our forks into a delicious feast cattered to us by Kathrines Catering company." There was a shuffle of chairs and everyone lined up to get something to eat.

After a hour of chattering people and a delicious feast, Catherine once again stood up to get the groups attention. "We are now going to proceed with toasts, and opening of wedding gifts. Please join us in these festivities." She sat down and Sam Braun stood up.

Clearing his throat he began. "Catherine Greg and their dear friends, had quite the tramatizing incident happen to them a month ago. It resulted in mental breakdowns and the loss of a child. It took all of them to support each other, and extensive therapy for them to be here with us, and for that I am thankful. I am glad to welcome a son-in-law into my life." He raised his glass then took a swig of the deep crimson wine.

An hour later, those who wanted to toast Catherine and Greg had, and they were about to open the last gift. It was from Catherines father. She opened the envelope and pulled out a deep to a 1.5 million dollar house. She turned to her dad and hugged him tight. Today she truly felt like a princess.

"She stood up and thanked everyone for their gifts and invited them to join her Greg and her Father on the dance floor. Everyone watched them for a few minutes, then joined. It was a beautiful night.

I know that was a long chapter and it took me a bit to get it up cause I had a writers block..... later I will write Sara and Gil's wedding.
alrighty had a bit of a busy day today, had to send my mom to the hospital in a ambulance today, paid the bills and put money on the credit card. So I will write another chapter tomorrow for all of you, I need some sleep for once, coffee only sustains me for so long.
My mom is fine thankyou for your concern. So we are gonna see the grissom wedding now. Hope you like it."

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Grissom

Sara awoke with a flutter of butterflies in her stomach, that or it was the morning sickness. She turned over to see Catherine sleeping beside her. Gil had slept down in the basement suite with Greg while Cath stayed with Sara, so the groom wouldn't see the bride before the wedding.

Sara woke Catherine up, and they both smiled. Today was the day. Finally, after today, they would both be wed. They got up, and starting getting prepared. Sara pulled out the dress that her uncle sam braun had bought her, to match Cath's. The doorbell rang and Cath went to answer it, she walked back a minute latter with her dad, Sara's adoted uncle, Sam braun. He walked over to her, and gave her a hug.

A moment latter the doorbell rang again, this time it was the hair and makeup artists that sam had hired. They sat the gurls down and began to work their magic.

Down in the basement suite where Greg and Catherine lived until today when they would move to the house that Sam had bought them. Greg and Gil began to get ready. They put on a pot of coffee, and put on some music and began to dress and get ready.

Sara and Catherine were enjoying being treated once again. It took about an hour and a half for their hair and another hour for makeup. After that was done, Catherine helped her friend get into her wedding gown. A baby blue gown incrusted with diamonds just like Catherines had been. Jewels lined her hair, and she had a tiara with her veil. It was Sara's turn to feel like a princess.

Greg came up to tell the gurls that Gil had just left in his limo and that Sara's was waiting for her. She thanked him and Sam walked her out to the limo helped her in and then got in himself. The limo drove off, and Sara felt excitment course through her.

Greg walked up and kissed his wife. "Lindsay is already in the Tahoe honey, we should get going." Catherine nodded and they walked hand in hand from the master bedroom of the house to the Tahoe parked in the drive way. Catherine got in the passanger side, and Greg into the drivers seat.

They drove to the same chapel that they had their wedding at, Catherines dad, Sara's uncle had funding most of the weddings, after what had happened to them.

They arrived at the chapel about half hour later. Lindsay went to the back of the SUV and got the rotties from the back. The rotts, wore baby blue ribbons on there necks, to look in place for the wedding, they were nearly a year old by now and had grown substantially.

Lindsay went into the cahpel with the dogs, and sat on the front pew. Her parents went into another room, her mom was the maid of honour, her step father was the best man. The groomsmen like Catherines wedding, wore grey suits, the bridesmaids wore baby blue dresses.

Catherine went over gave Sara a hug and said, good luck. She got in line and the bridesmaids and groomsmen proceded out and down the isle to begin the wedding. Gil stood nervously at the end of the isle waiting for his bride to come out.

After the bridesmaids and groomsmen had reached the end, the wedding march sounded and Sara entered being walked down the isle by Sam. They reached the end and kissed her,then backed up slightly, then sat down.

The pastar began. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today......." Sara and Gil said their vows, were allowed to kiss turned to smile then headed out to get changed and go to the reception.

I have to get ready for work, so I will do part two of this chapter later on tonight. I know this wedding scene was shorter but, you get to see the honeymoon for Gil and Sara.
Sorry guys I would finish the chapter rate now but I am not in a very good state of mind. My brother believes evrything his gurlfriend says and I supposidly wrote a list of things I would do to kill her. So in short form I got accused of trying to kill someone, and I just can't write rate now, I might update later today....