GSR - One Life To Live

AHHHHH the encouragement.. I could write all night.. long as I have a supply of food (whish i do..... mmmmm Cheerios snack mix) and movies (hell yes the fast and the furious and 2 fast 2 furious) off we go on another cahpter!!!!!

Words can not describe my love for you my dearest

The morning light shone through the drapes in the living room, and for a moment Sara paniced.

WHERE'S GIL???????? she thought, then remebering his assignment and why she was asleep in the living room, got up to start Coffee and Breakfast..... soon, she thought, I will have to give up my beloved coffee.

Sara decided to make pancakes with chocolate chips and blueberries in them. Catherine wandered into the kitchen still half asleep and accepted a cup of coffee from Sara.

"So" Catherine croaked "what do you want to do today?" She asked Sara.

"well there is a surprise coming for me in the morning here, so we'll see after that."

In deed the surprise would come soon, Gil and texted her and told her so.

Sara and Catherine sat down to their breakfast, Sara only now ocasionally getting morning sickness... only by willing it away, and ate in a doped silence... both still tired for the night before, but very relaxed as well.

No more then a hour after they finished eating, Sara almost depositing her breakfast in the toilet, the doorbell rang.

"That must be the surprise Gil talked of."

Sara bounded to the door, as fast as she could go without hurting herself or more seriously her stomach, and answered it. On the stoop stood Lady Heather.

"Heather, what a pleasant surprise, please do come in and have some coffee."

"On the contrary Miss Sidle, I would love to but have other things to attend to today, amy I take a rain check, I do however come bearing your surprise."

Sara was confused now. Why would Gil, ask Lady H to bring the surpise. Sara did not know that Heather was a dog breeder now.

"Please, Miss Sidle, sit in the living room and I will bring it in to you."

Sara obliged, and sat in the living room. It took Lady Heather a matter of minutes to collect the two puppies from her SUV and bring them in the house, carefully closing the door behind her so they wouldn't escape.

Sara looked behind her, as Catherine gasped her surprise. Heather was walking towards them, with two adorable Rotti puppies.

Sara was so happy she was in tears.

"I wish I could stay longer, but as I said already, I need to oblige my other needs, and customers. Those puppies will have excellent temperment, especially with kids, I pride myself on that."

With a quick goodbye, Heather showed herself to the door, and disapeared from their midst.

Puppies, Rotties non the less, Sara was so happy.

"remind me to Call Gil tonight and thank him for these bundles of joy, they will remind me of him and keep me safe.........

CHAPTER UP!!!!! anyway i love rotties so they had to have rotties.... i might breed them myself too, anyway comments welcome.
k so is hyped on diet coke lime and coffee, plus food... think I will do a triple chapter, since I have to let my heart settle after reading Hell on earth the life of Sara Sidle.......*collapses for brief moment* I'm good

Puppies all around me

Sara was overjoyed with her surprise. Two absolutely gorgeous rottweiler puppies, of course once they were old enough they would be fixed and of course just be house pets.

Sara glanced and Catherine. "we need to go to a pet store ...NOW"

Catherine laughed at Sara's reaction.

"You may pick out stuff for this little gurl, exspense is no object." After all Sara had a great job, a high budget credit card and a wonderful husband who bought her two new puppies.

Sara and Catherine gathered the puppies and put them in the Tahoe, on a blanket in the back. After ensureing they had all they needed for the day, they drove off for a day of shopping and female fun.

Gil had been working as hard as he could to help solve this dam case. All he wanted to do was go home to his soon to be wife, hold her and caress her ever so tenderly. He knew that night would never come fast enough when he knew she would call, overjoyed with her new puppies, and all she could do was thank him over the phone, he knew for her it wouldn't be enough.

He sighed, and sat heavly on the chair. Horatio walked in that moment and asked what was wrong.

"I miss my fiance, I had no choice but to go on this case of I would of lost my job, I just bought her two new puppies (no one need know Heather just gave them to him), and I miss her so much, I know she can't wait till tonight when she can call me and talk to me, and it kills me to know, that my voice over the phone is not enough for her, as a thanks to me."

He sighed again and cast a depressed look at the floor, almost staring a hole into it. Horatio sat heavly beside them, and there they stayed in a depressed silence.

Sara and Catherine arrived at the pet store, after what felt like an enternity. They each grabbed a puppy, seeing as they didn't have leashes yet and headed in the store.

"I need to figure out names for these precious little gurls." Sara said thoughfully to Catherine.

"Well why not call this one.... Oh I don't know, Ceara sounds nice."

"Agreed, now I will figure out a name for this little gurl." After a moment of thought and careful consideration, Sara turned to Catherine. "I will call this one Ceres, because she looks like a dog, a celestial maiden would own,"

After the bussiness of naming the puppies was done, they wandered to the collar and leash section to pick a collar and leash for each pup.

Sara and Catherine agreed that patterned collars would look best on the gurls, and so they head for the exspensive ones, rough tough and durable. After fitting the pups with collars, only to know they would need new ones soon enough, they found extendable leashs, and were off to make name tags for the pups.

Sara couldn't decide what shape she wanted the tags to be, but in the end she decided on the red hearts, entered the information, and waited for them to print off. She attached them to the collars, and was then off to find, dog food, food an water dishes, combs and brushs, shampoo, toys and a bed for the dogs. In total, the trip to the store cost one thousand dollars, she wasn't happy witht he amount spent on all the stuff but knew, her spending for the day would not end there.

Sara and Catherine decided to have a nice lunch, at a new resturant that Catherine had herd about, it was specially run so that people, long as there dogs were friendly with people and other dogs, could eat there with there pets, even order gourmet food for them too.

After arriving finding a nice fenced table (all the tables were privately fenced) and looking at he menu, Sara decided her dogs, would eat gourmet puppy sushi, with lamb rollasaine. She herself would have the meat fried shang hi noodles, and Catherine ordered a nice stew.

The talked over the period of an hour, and after paying their bill, were off on another adventure. Sara wanted to go to the mall, but he precious pups were in the vechile, it so happened that a new doggie daycare had opened in her favorite mall, and they were off.

It was almost time for Gils shift to end for the day, they were no more closer then they wanted to be. He longed to go home and fall into his beloved Sara's arms. He thought only of her and his babies, growing inside he gorgeous body. He sighed as he sank into a hot bath filled with bubbles, and turned on the jets to ease the many knots he had through out his body. Sara would be calling in exactly four hours, and he didn't want to sound tense on the phone, should he concern her.

Sara and Catherine enjoyed their day of shopping, and the puppies had enjoyed their day of romping with other dogs, a perfect way to socialize them with other dogs.

Only three more hours now....Sara thought to herself. Then I can call Gil and thank him as much as a phone allows, but that isn't good enough, I'll plan something big for when he gets home.

Sara and Catherine made borsch for that nights dinner. Catherine had recieved a call from Brass, telling her that they had someone to cover for her, and that they wanted her to only care for looking after Sara until Gil came home, and Brass would not take no for an answer, Catherines leave would be on overtime pay as well. A good thing for her. Catherine had to bring lindsay to Sara's, and that was when Catherine found out, that the Grissom household had a basement suite, with seperate access.

"Sara, I would like to ask you something, that could help us both out." Sara cocked her head in curiosity. "I can't pay for my apartment anymore, its gotten to much, I was wondering if for a lower price, could me and Lindsay rent the basement suite from you?"

Sara considered this for a while now. She knew that having Catherine around would help singificantly through her pregnancy. She turned to Catherine "we'll rent a U-haul tomorrow, and we'll get all your stuff here tomorrow. Welcome home.

After dinner when the time came, Sara called Grissom, thanked him for the puppies, told him about her day, and how Catherine and Lindsay would be renting the basement suite from them. All they had to do was chip in for food, and utilities. Catherine, would just share the kitchen that was upstairs, seeing as the basement suite had such a samll one. Good for small snacks.

After a movie, and munchies, Catherine and Lindsay went downstairs for the night. Catherine quickly saying goodnight, Lindsay quitely slipping away. The death of her father nearly two years ago still haunted her. Sara knew, she could be the girl she once was, it would just take time and healing.

"I should know" Sara whispered to herself. She walked upstairs, puppies in tow, changed for bed and fell into a deep but restless sleep, without Gil by her side.....

alright so that was chapter number one of the three chapter series. I am gonna do them in one post so it may be a little long. But I have had Coffee and there is no stoppin me now...... hope I don't fall asleep at work later today.... That might hurt....

Thankyou but you didn't have to....

Sara woke to dazzling light shining through her window. She climbed out of bed, said good morning to Ceara and Ceres, then sauntered to the washroom to take a hot and soothing bath, in the early morning light.

Lately her back was getting more and more sore, and she knew this was from her enlarging tummy. She filled the tub, added some aromatherapy bubble bath and turned on the jets, but only lightly. She sank into the wonderfully deep tub and let it wash away her worries and woes for a time being.

After her bath, feeling rejuvinated and refreshed, she walked downstairs to let the puppies out and then feed them. When she walked into the kitchen intending to start breakfast, she found it was already done, Catherine and Lindsay sat at the table waiting for her. They both greeted her, and encouraged her to eat something.

"Gil must feel some relief to know that I am being looked after, by the two most wonderful people I know," Sara sighed to Catherine and Lindsay.

"Sara, for letting us stay in your house, be with you and share your happiness and joy with us, not to mention space, we would like to take you baby shopping, on us, you used ur card enough yesturday on us, its now our turn to use ours on you."

Sara was stunned, "b..b..bu...but, what about your stuff, we need to move it here."

"Gregs taking care of that for us...... in fact... greg is moving in with me and Lindsay. I have kept this quite for a bit, but me and Greg have been seeing each other for a while, he really is a great person."

Sara shared a smile with Catherine.

"Cath, I am so happy for you, you should of told me sooner."

"Well no need, you know now so lets eat up and get to our shopping!"

They had a wonderful breakfast, dressed and headed off in Sara's Tahoe, for Baby's r us.

There was so much stuff in this store she didn't know what to do. So much to pick from, it was almost overwhelming, would of been if not for Catherine.

They browsed for an hour, and Sara finally decided on the set she wanted for the room, seeing as she was having twins they would need two cribs, she found a beautiful Mahogany set, and Double stroller, and everything they needed.

The went out to the Tahoe, after arrangeing to have the stuff delievered the next day early on in the morning. Catherine of course wouldn't let Sara lift a finger, she had vowed that already.

They went home for the puppies, and supplies they would need for a day hike out in a small forested area, surpisingly in the desert. They had snacks and lots of water..... Sara was aloud to carry a pack but a small one, Lindsay and Catherine had the heavy ones.

They spent the day, Hiking through, the forest, an then headed for home. Dinner would be oredered that night, none of them felt much like cooking after their hike.

They ate a wonderful meal, from a little resturant that does home cooked meals, and after Lindsay went to wash their clothes from the day. Sara had her talk with Gil, he was excited by the furniture, Catherine had purchased, and coulnd't stop thanking her......

Eventually the time came when they HAD to hang up, and so Sara settled for a night in the living room shared by Catherine and Lindsay.... one... great... big... gurls... night ... sleepover.....

They watched movies and fell asleep snuggled on one fold out couch, the exhuastion of the day flowing over them...

so chapter two is done. On to chapter three, we are gonna start to see more of Greggo in this one, and maybe just maybe.. a good event will take place....

Surprise of all suprises

Greg silently krept upstairs to check on the girls. He had let them have their night, he himself had set up the downstairs for his wonderful Catherine, and he now planned on making breakfast for them.

Greg had takin cooking classes, and was a really good cook. He had found Caffine free coffee, so Sara could drink it. He pulled out pots and pans and set to work.

Gil had just woke up, he took a quick shower then went to the resturant to get breakfast. The only good thing about this assignment was that, the burea payed for everything.

He felt a tingle in his step today, and something just told him that maybe.... just maybe they may solve this case today. He hoped so, he longed for his dear Sara. To see her face......

He pulled out his cell phone to look at her picture. He caressed the picture ...."Sara, I'll be home to you soon, that I promise you......."

Sara was first to wake, to a wonderful aroma drifting from the kitchen. Curiosity got the better of her and so instead of snuggling under the blanket she supposed Greg had put on her Catherine and Lindsay, wandered to the kitchen.

She glanced to one corner and noticed her dogs, even had their own gourmet food this morning... and she could tell they loved it.

Greg looked over and noticed her...."Morning, here sit down," he pulled a chair out for her and helped her sit. "Breakfast will be today, Maple brushed Honey glazed sausages, Eggs benedict, French fried toast, Fresh pressed Raspberry juice, and a delicate whipped desert."

Sara was amazed, what a chef, she thought, Catherine will be lucky in future. She didn't know why she thought that, something just told her, that Greg and Catherine would be together for the rest of their lives.

At that moment, Catherine wandered in. "I'm letting Lindsay sleep in, shes soooo exhausted" Catherine managed through a yawn. Greg walked over and planted a kiss on her lips. Oh how Sara longed for that to be her, but she didn't know when that would be.

After a wonderfull breakfast, a visit to the nursery, was taken to insure that stuff would be out of the way. Sara had had painters come in and paint it for her. Now it just needed the furniture, and toys and it would be complete, even though her Pregnancy still had seven months.

The furniture arrived, and Sara was overseeing the set up when the phone rang, seeing it was Gils Cell number, she wondered if something was wrong. She picked it up.

"Sara, we closed the case, I'm coming home to you why dearest dream."

Sara sqealed with joy, sending Ceara and Ceres into a frenzy. After confirming when the plane would arrive, she shared her news with everyone else.

"Gils coming home, they solved it..... I can't wait to see him."

Gil boarded the plane. He couldn't wait to see Sara, his Sara, after longing for her for so long, finally he would runite with her. He was sure of course that things would of changed over the month he had been gone. But that didn't matter to him, all that mattered was Sara, and how she was doing.........

Alright till you guys ask for more i leave it here tonight although I will be up all night so feel free to ask for more after you read. I have had Coffee and, well I am writing a story bout my dream... so I am here at your service.
Alright I will but just let me take a hot bath first.... I need to relax and clear my head.. so i can write more good sotry since I haven't slept since yesturday.... but I love the night so i don't care....*with a swish of my cape I am gone* I'll be back soon though don't worry.....

So that I don't double post.... which I know the mods would get me for....(no offense sissi) I edit my post from before.

To You I fall under your spell.....

Sara, Catherine, Greg and Lindsay were eager to pick up Gil. Although everyone missed him, no one missed him more then his pressious Sara.

The Drive to the airport seemed to take forever, especially in the elongated silence. Although the silence was one of happiness, it still made the ride and agonizing experience.

They arrived five minutes before Gils plane was set to land. Finding somwhere to sit and wait, close by the gate to which he would come through, and a veiw of the landing strip beyond.

Gil felt uneasy in his seat, he couldn't place the reason. He tried to push the feeling to his gut, but it kept coming back..... Only a few more minutes he though to himself, a few more minutes and i can see my favortie girl.....

Sara and the gang sat in yet another silence. Sara had a forbidding feeling and she didn't like it she couldn't tell what it was. She glanced at Catherine, who was quitely reading a book, Lindsay beside her playing a Gameboy advance, and Greg working on some unfinished paperwork.

Sara pulled out her cell phone and texted Catherine that she was going to the restroom and to please meet her in there. Catherine glanced up, knodded, then went back to reading.

"I'll be rate back, I need to use the washroom."

Sara walked away, Catherine waited a few minutes, realizing Gils plane was late, got up and stated "I'm going to check on Sara, I'll be back, Lindsay stay with Greg please." Catherine walked away, Her daughter and Greg none the wiser that she was going to talk to Sara in private.

Catherine arrived in the washroom, to a sign that said out of service on the door, clever, Catherine thought to herself. She walked in to see Sara pacing the floor.

"whats up Sar?" Catherine asked.

"I don't know, I just have this feeling that something bad is going to happen. I don't know what it is, I can't place it, but I just know its gonna happen."

Catherine could see the concern in Sara's eyes, and knew that her feeling had to do with Grissom. "Try to relax, it might just pass, that feeling you have maybe its just cause you are seeing Gil after a month of being apart?"

Sara shook her head, "I don't know if thats it, I think thats it, but I hope it is at the same time."

Catherine could still see the concern in Sara's eyes, but they walked back to their seats to continue the wait.Greg looked up as they came back, worry written into his face.

Sara saw this. "Just a little morning sickness is all Greg, don't worry I am fine"

Greg knew that wasn't the truth, he could see the worry in her face, just as well as her could see the worry in his face.

Gil still had that unpleasant feeling ten minutes later, noting that his flight was a little late, when he noticed a man walk toward the Pilots cabin, what worried him more was the item he held in his hands.......

Sara noticed the plane coming in, she didn't know how she knew it was his, she just knew. Her and everyone one else with her party came over to watch the plane land, when all of the sudden, it exploded in mid air, plumeting to the ground.........

hehehehe Cliffhanger ... got to love them. :devil: :p :lol:
So that I don't double post.... which I know the mods would get me for....(no offense sissi) I edit my post from before

:D you know, i love when people use the "EDIT" button, thank you very much ;)

No Prob, i didn't want to get cyber arrested or anything. ANyway........ need couple of minutes to think about my next chapter... i can gareentee it will be up soon
CSI_Trainee said:
No Prob, i didn't want to get cyber arrested or anything. ANyway........ need couple of minutes to think about my next chapter... i can gareentee it will be up soon

Are you considering me as a cybercop? :eek: if so that's cool :D take your time for your story, for now that's a really nice story and the last chapter is :eek:

okay had my slight thinking moment.... in my sleep deprived head... and this will be the last chapter I will write for a few hours.....I wanna get a tan

As we watch Life Shatter

In one instant, Sara's life had been taken from her. The plane...... why did it have to be the plane carring her husband?

Funny she should already think of him as that. Sara sank to he knees, and onto the floor. She herd screaming, crying, wonderment, but none of it mattered now, the one and only man she loved, and had so little time with, the father of her children, was now gone from this world.

Sara could hear Catherine in the backround.

"Sara, get up come one, we have to move they need us to get away from the glass."

Sara herd Catherine, but she couldn't move. What mattered if she were to die now? At least she would be reunited with her love. Hot tears began to poor from her eyes, she curled into a little ball on the floor, not daring to believe it true. Surrounding herself in a make believe world.

Catherine and Greg had to carry her from the window, and keep a steady eye on her at all cost, even though they themselves were in such disbelief of what they had just seen. It was as though they were all sharing a nightmare in their heads and would soon wake up to find Gil safe and happy at home with Sara.

Gil had done his best to contain the explosion. The maniac who did this had already shot the pilots, and so Gil shoved the bomb man into the cabin... and instructed as many people as he could to run to the back of the plane. He had saved a few lifes that was all that mattered.

Besides Sara, now she would have to go forth in this world, with his babies, alone and frightened. He lay where he was, knew he had broken bones, knew he was severely injured, Critical for sure, he thought to himself. White stabbing pain engulfed him, still he faught. NO he yelled to himself, I have to fight for her, for my children. Gil could hear emergency crews arriving now, felt the sprinkle of water over his body. A paramedic came up to him, seeing he was still alive... but just barely, he called to the others.

Gil now herd the running feet, and the paramedic by his side say "hang on sir, you'll be fine, I promise you" After this Gil slipped into uncousious slumber....his mind still working, questioning, if he would live.

Greg and Catherine looked on in Horror, Lindsay lay with her aunt Sara, holding her, cradling like her mommy did her. Sara was vaguely aware of her surroundings, when she all of the sudden herd someone say "we have survivors ladies nad gentlemen, now I know this may be hard for you but I need what family members or friends who had someone close them on that flight to identify them.

Sara couldn't move, she wouldn't be able to look at her baby, laying dead on a strecher, she had no doubt in her mind however that Gil had died a hero, trying to safe those few who survived.

Catherine went to Sara's side. "Greg had gone to....." she trailed off and gulped "identify Gil" Catherine now felt the red hot tears spill from her eyes. Her Sara and her daughter lay in a pile, crying together in unison.

Greg walked on unsteady limbs toward the bodies, some of them still living but badly hurt, maybe only to die later in hospital. He glanced around them, and found who he was looking for. Gil. Paramedics swarmed him, and suddenly hauled him into a ambulance, and sped off.

Greg ran back into the building to find the girls, they may be hope yet, he thought. finding them in a heap on the floor, he skidded to a hault and out of breath began to talk.

"Sara, Cath, Gil may still be alive!" Sara glanced up, her cheeks stained from her tears. "I saw the paramedics load him into a ambulance and speed off. Along with a few others, c'mon, I'll drive we got to get to that hospital.

Unsteadily, they rose to their feet and head for the nearest exit. The ran to the Tahoe with new found strength, and sped off in the direction of the hospital, hitting the emergency lights on the vechile, for emergencies during there shifts.

They weaved through traffic, barely avoiding collision. They arrived at the hospital in ten minutes, on a trip that would normaly take half a hour. They rushed into emergency, Sara in the lead. The staff were caught off gaurd, when Sara rushed to the desk, and asked about Gil.

"Gil... Gil.... OH Gilbert Grissom, you mean"
Sara nodded her head, and the nurse returned a little smile. "I can't say for sure, he was just taken to surgery, they expect him to be in critical, but stable condition, and expected to make a full recover. Nothing hindering him after recovery either."

Sara was relieved somewhat, but refused to believe until she could see him. Her and everyone else sat in the waiting room, and waited..... and waited.... and waited.....

alright so I am off to mow the lawn (foey) and tan for a little, to leave you hangin a little, I'll write another chapter later before i go to work.
Alright NO PITCHFORKS PLZ... or I will have to get mine out... my head is too tired to think rate now so i will either get up in the middle of the night to write a chpater or write one in the mornig for ya kk...... I really don't want to get into a pichfork fight.
okay so I owe ya'll a chapter so here we go. There won't be many updates today just cause I actually have to go to work to day *sigh*........Oh and anyone who wants a good andrelin rush story to read... read hell on earth the life of sara sidle.

Don't die my love

Sara was growing restless. She hadn't herd from the doctor for about three hours and she was starting to worry. She wouldn't dare eat, sleep or leave that spot for anything until she herd something about Gil.

Just as she finished the thought, the doctor walked up to her. "We have stabalized Mr.Grissoms condition, but we can't say hes out of danger just yet. We do know that if the precedure went well, after rcovery, Mr.Grissom will be perfectly fine, nothing will hinder him from this, maybe except some emotional trauma. He's been moved to a private suite, equiped like a house that you can stay with him in, its payed for by the Burea." He smiled gently at her.

Sara turned to Catherine. "I'm gonna need some stuff from home." Sara looked at the doctor "is there a chance my puppies can stay too" Tears flooded her eyes "They were givin to me by my husband" her husband... what a strange thought.

The doctor considered her for a moment and smiled. Of course they can. Only because of the suite you'll be in though. He smiled once more, told her how to reach the room, and bid them goodbye for now.

Catherine looked at Sara, "i'm going to take Lindsay to her granmothers, I am gonna stay with you and Greg agreed to watch the house. We'll pull through this hon...."

The hugged quickly and the trio left to arrange the rest of what needed to be done. Sara wandered to the room, at the very top floor of the hospital. Sara realized these rooms were usually for the insanely rich... She thanked god that the burea was so kind.

She wandered into the room. More like apartment. It held, a large washroom, full jet tub, and a very deep one in deed, there was also a kitchen and dinette, a living room, and a decked area, it also included a washer and dryer.

Sara walked to Gils bedside. He was still asleep due to the drugs in his system. She picked up his hand and delicately kissed it. "C'mon baby, you'll make it through this, I know you will."

Sara began to cry, the tears slidding delicately down her so pale face. A soft knock was herd and on the door and a nurse entered. "Can I get you anything ma'am?" the nurse inquired.

Sara wiped her tear stained face and nodded. I could use a meal please, I have to keep myself in good health for our babies. The nurse nod and left.

Sara pulled out a book and began to read, her hand laced with Gils the whole time. She was just starting to relax, when one of the machines began to beep, and the heart monitor flat lined.

Nurses and doctors rushed in, equipment with them. Sara was curled in a corner of the couch, uncontrolable sobs shaking her whole body. She couldn't loose him, not now.

After a few attempts, the monitor again read a normal heart beat. A nurse came to sara with a tray of food, and comforted Sara. The nurse was a kindly old lady. She held Sara close, in a way Sara never knew.

After Sara stopped crying and her breath relaxed, the nurse left Sara to her meal. Catherine and the gang had been gone for a while now, and Sara wondered what was taking them.

Catherine, Greg arrived at the house, after dropping Lindsay off at her granparents. Greg went downstairs to pack stuff for Catherine, while Cath went to get Sara's stuff. After packing what was needed and loading it into one of the Tahoes, Greg got in his and Catherine would take Saras to her. The puppies in the back on a blanket asleep.

Greg and Cath had agreed to pick up some stuff secretly for Sara from the store. After a quick shopping trip, they were off to the hospital.

Sara sat quitely watching TV, when a soft knock was herd on the door. The Doctor from earlier that day walked in and sat beside her.

Sara turned off the TV and turned to him.

"Mrs.Grissom, I need to discuss a few things with you, and these things will ensure the future." Sara nodded "Now I understand that you are pregnant with twins, is that right?" Again Sara nodded. "My staff and I are going to take good care of your husband and you, if anything arises please page me" He handed her a piece of paper with a cell and pager number on it. "Next thing may be a little upsetting. Gil is now in a coma, and we are unaware of when he may wake" Sara could feel the hot tears arrise again. "I should tell you that after a year in a coma, we will have no choice but to cut the life support because he will not come back again, I know this is upsetting but you need to understand the facts. Now if you want to help him come back to you, you need to talk to him, everyday, and he should respond." Sara sat in silence, trying to process it all. The doctor gave her a small pat on the the back, and left just as Catherine and Greg came in.

The doctor stopped to say hi to the puppies and left. Cath looked to Sara, who was staring off to the distance. "Sara?" Catherine inquired.

Sara turned to Cath and completely broke down, letting the wracking sobs from earlier take her again. Catherine just let her cry, until she fell asleep on the couch.

Cath carefully layed Saras head down, and went to help Greg unpack, after the bed was set up that they had bought, Greg carried sara to it and layed her upon it. A look of uneasy sleep on her face. He bid Catherine goodnight and went home, Cath settled in bed beside Sara and Sara cuddled into her.......

well i hope ya'll (why do i keep say ya'll eh?) like the next chapter i think i will do another one after i finish reading some updates tootles *waves*