GSR - One Life To Live


CSI Level One
Alright this is my first time trying a fic such as this... I was totally inspired by all the other GSR fics I have read.... I hope that i don't offend anyone by my story (as in if i accidently follow a story line in some way or other)... well here goes.

A night Not To Remeber ....

Sarah awoke in the early morning light... shining through the window. She glanced around and noticed she was not in her own bed ... nor in her own home. She had a killing headache and was very nauseas.

After a few minutes of staring around she noticed a man beside her... it was Grissom, her supervisor ... what on earth am i doing in bed with my supervisor she thought.

Sarah had always like Gil... Loved him to be precise, but this situation didn't make sense to her. She started to feel extremely sick... she got up to go to the washroom ... but couldn't make it and emptied whatever stomach contents she had onto the carpet... in turn wakeing Grissom up, instant concern crossed his face.

After Sarah emptied her stomach Gil helped her baack to the bed and began to clean up. When he herd her ask from behind him "what am I doing here?"

Grissom thought for a moment until the events of the last night came to him. Sarah we got drunk and well i think things happened.

Grissom was always shy and Sarah was unaware that he would drink a large enough amount of alchol to make himself drunk.

Grissom watched as sarahs eyes slowly closed again, and soon he breath turned to a steady pace as she fell alseep.

Grissom watched over sarah during the day ... it was both their day off but it wasn't a fun day off. Sarah had a massive hang over and was sick all day ... Gil thought to himself.. she shouldn't be this sick ... at least not all day... What if .... No he didn't want to think about that just now..

Okay umm Plz let me know what u think about the starting of the story .... should i continue or should i just let it go. Give me some pointers and tell me what some of the stuff you want to see maybe put in the story if you could. :D
An Overwhelming Day
Monday morning doned bright and cold, it was almost winter, meaning another lonely christmas was coming about too.

This morning Sarah still didn't feel to well, but she had to go to work later today, she hope that by then the nauseas feeling would pass rate by.

Sarah walked to the kitchen of her house, only built a few months ago, and that she had won in a lottery to help a childrens hopsital close by. It was a big house ..... big and lonely for one person she thought. She put on some coffe and fried some sausages and eggs for breakfast, even though her appatite wasn't very large this morning.

No more then ten minutes after eating Sarah rushed to the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach. Thinking she may have a nasty bout of flu she called work sick and asked for the day off... hoping once again that after today this would be over.

Grissom was alarmed after Sarah called in sick she had been sick the day before and now she still was, could she have alchol poisoning? They had gotten pretty drunk.... and why on earth had they been in bed together, what if something had happened between them. Gil had always loved Sarah with all his heart but could never tell her he was too shy....

Gil called cathrine into his office.

"Cathrine I am going to check on Sarah and maybe take her to the hospital please watch over things while i am gona and make sure tha no one gets into trouble."

Gris grabbed his keys and coat and walked out of the building to his tahoe.

Sarah didn't know what was wrong with her, she had only been sick a little today... not alot like with a flu. She was contiplateing this when a knock at her door brought her back to the world.

She opened the door and on the step stood Gil, God how good he looks she thought.

"Sarah, I came to take you to the hospital I think you may have received alchol poisoning."

Sarah didn't understand ... if it was alchol poinsoning wouldn't it be worse then this? But she agreed anyway to go along with Gil to the hospital and have test run.

After again empting her stomach into the toilet she grabbed her stuff .. and a bucket to be safe and got into the vechile with Gil, he started the engine and they were off.

After arriving Sarah checked in and she an Gil sat waiting. After throwing up a few more times.. a nurse became concerned and put her in a examining room immediately getting a urin sample and vitals. Later lab workers came to take her blood and she and Gil were left to waiting again.

Half hour later, the doctor walked in, Miss Sidle I have some exciting news for you. Your pregnant. ......

Hope you all ,like the next chapter and thnx so much for the encouragement i really needed that my cofindence in myself writing such a story as this in the least to say was dismal. let me know what u think.

" can I be pregnant??? I don't understand are you sure?"

"yes we are positive, thanks to new technology we can detect pregnancy earlier on now, and we are one hundred percent sure your pregnant."

Sarahs world was falling on top of her. What had happened that night with Gil, when she woke up at his house?

Gil sat in a stunned silence off in the corner of the room. A blank stare in his eyes. The situation running over and over in his head again.

"Is there any way ... early on that we can find out who the father is through dna test?"

"We can do that now for you if you would like although it will take an hour, whom do you wish to test against?"

Sarah glanced at Gil and the doctor understood immediately. This was not an intended prenancy at all. The doctor walked over to Grissom and asked him if it was alright they take a blood sample from him. He consented and the doctor left.

As promised the results came back an hour later showing that indeed ... Grissom was the father. Sarah now had a tough decision with Gil to make. Should they keep the baby? Give it up for adoption, or would an abortion be a good choice?

"Gil, what should we do?" she asked timidly.

"Sarah, I have a confesion, ever since I met you, my stomach would flutter with butterflies, you are so gorgeous, but I have been afriad to tell you of my feelings... but now in light of this situation, I no longer feel afriad to tell you that I love you and want to be with you, I think we should keep the Baby and raise it together you and me."

Sarah was shocked she had always loved Gil as well, he made her feel good about herself, reassured her. "Gil, I love you too, and I want to raise this baby with you."

They had made their decision. Grissom agreed to move in with Sarah in her humungus house, and began to plan their future. They still had to tell the team, what would they all think?

Alright there we go I think this one is a little short but anyway want to hear again what you think of it. I think I wanted to write this story because one of my friends is two months pregnant. And thankyou all for giving me the cofidence I needed to write something like this.
Well maybe we gave you the confidence, but you certainly have the talent! that's really cute! i can't wait for more
Yes, please go on :) It's so sweet and cute now that i hope Ecklie's not too much of a pain in the rear lol. And if he is, stick it to him hehe.
How to tell the team?

Sarah awoke early in the morning. The events of the past day running through her head. Gil lay beside her, silently sleeping. "God hes so gorgeous" she whispered.

Sarah silently dressed and got up to make some coffee and breakfast. What a treat Gil will have to wake up to a wonderful breakfast. A great start to the day.

She pulled out some eggs bread sausage and fruit, and a little hollandaise that she had made the previous day. She made eggs benedict and sliced the fruit into bit size peices and went to wake Gil.

She krept into the room and lay carfully down beside him on her side. She stared for a little and finally woke him.

Grissom woke with a start, slightly startled and wondering where on earth he was until the events of yesturday hit him. So did the reality. Like a ton of bricks.

"I made some breakfast, come eat before it gets cold"

Gil got up and helped Sarah to her feet. Today they had to tell the team, and they knew Ecklie would be there to hound them like the irritating mongrel he was.

After enjoying a wonderful breakfast they went to get ready for a overwhelming day at work. And after again empting her stomach contents. Sarah and Gil were off to the lab. What will the team think? Sarah thought to herself. Both her and Gil were silent through the ride to work.

Once they arrived, Sarah and Gil proceeded to his office. "alright we have to tell them we can't keep them in the dark" Sarah agreed and they called the team to the Office, as expected Ecklie stuck in there like a lost dog ridden with disease.

"Sarah and I have something very important to tell you and I know some of us" Gil glanced at Ecklie "will not enjoy this news and surrely will attempt to take some irratating action, which may i say if i find out who did, will surely wish they hadn't" Gil could see the fear cross Ecklies face, Gil knew that he was a threat to him, and knew that after such a warning, he would only try to take small measures against Sarah and Him.

Sarah picked up the speech from there. "There was that night about a few weeks ago where we went out to celebrate a case we had been working on forever. And it resulted in some of us getting more tipsy then we wished...." Sarah didn't know how to continue, what would she say?

Gil smiled incouragingly and she continued "Gil and I are pregnant. Its due in eight in a half months. On Febuary 26th."

A shocked silence and quiver ran through the little group. Gil and Sarah noticed Ecklie slink out the door, surely on his way to inform the sherrif and hope that some indecent punishment would take place.

The team began to congradulate the couple. When yelling was herd from the sherrifs office. "WHAT IN TARNATION DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING CONRAD TRYING TO GET THEM FIRED BECAUSE THEY HAVE DECIDED TO HAVE A CHILD TOGETHER!!!" They herd the door open and Ecklie shot out. "You are hearby suspended for one year, for trying to interfere to many times in the private lives of the employees in this builing, get out of my sight, you have two minutes to get out of this building!"

The team began to laugh and was interupted by Gil. "I have one more thing to say .. well ask" Gil got onto one knee. He had decided last night that today was the day, he would ask her to marry him, no more cerades. "Sarah.... would you do me the honour of becoming my wife."

Sarah was shocked.... so shocked she was naseaus, Oh god, she thougth what a time to get morning sickness. She ran to the garbage can and emptied her already empty stomach. After the naseau passed she turned to Gil. "Of course I will marry you, took you long enough!"

Well there we go, I decided to make the baby due on the date that was suppose to be my birthday, but that didn't happen i was born nearly a month late. Anyway once agian I would love any constructive critisism that you may have for me and any suggestions you would love to put forth ....