GSR - One Life To Live

alrighty, my pitchfork got stolen in dsi miami roadtrip, so i have to get a new one

Sara woke ealry in the morning to the nurse shocking Gil with the defibulator. Tears began to spill down her eyes. What if this was it and he didn't return.

After a bit instead of a droning long beep, the beep of a beating heart was herd again. By now Cath had woken up and was comforting the now disgruntled Sara in her arms.

"Shhh Sara, its alright now hes been stabalized, c'mon honey you need sleep or you'll make urself sick. Think of the babies."

Sara sniffled. Cath was right, she knew what she was doing. Sara snuggled into Catherine for comfort, and was soon asleep again.

The morning dawned bright and sunny. Catherine went to see Lindsay, primarily to give Sara some lone time with Gil. Sara sat by his side, talking to him like the doctor had told her to do. She could see a small response, a small smile spread on his face. He was content in his comatose state at the moment.

Gil looked around. What is this strange world, he thought, then wondering where Sara was, he realized he was seeing her out of the normal world, he was watching down on her. He realized now he was in a coma. Watching his beautiful Sara cry over him, and he began to remeber the incident that landed him in what he supposed was a hospital bed.

Sara had sat by gil for a few hours an had now settled down on the couch to watch some tv with a nice meal made for her by the hospital staff. Catherine would be back soon to get her, they would be doing some shopping, for essentials.

Catherine, had picked up Sara and they were now getting some baby clothes, and other such things that were needed. They went to starbucks, and began to plan the wedding for it... no not if .. when Gil woke.

After a two hour escape time from the hospital both women returned ehausted to the hospital, when they got to the room, they saw that Gil, bed and all were gone. Sara burst to tears, worried sick.

I know its short but i will have another one up after i take a shower and clear my head.
one more for the night *yawn* then I am going to bed, don't worry i may get some inspiration in the middle of the night and come on to put it up

WHere'd you go, I miss you so!

Sara rushed to the nurses triage. I'm looking for my fiance a Mr.Gil Grissom, where is he. Sara was flustered. Why was he gone, what had happened.

The nurse shifted through the papers on the desk. He was taken to emergency sugery for violent cunvulsions due to severe internal bleeding.

Oh no, sara thought. This could be it, he might be gone. With that thought she was gone, fainted onto the floor. She was weak from lack of sleep, and stress.

Catherine rushed to her side. After hearing the nurses run around. They put Sara back in the room and ordered she have bed rest for at least a day.

Catherine nodded and settled down to calm sara and protect her. They wheeled Gil back in, he was in serious, semi critical condition, and the doctor would be checking on him every half hour.

Catherine could feel the steady breath of Sara asleep beside her, and soon drifted to sleep herself.

Sara tossed and turned, the dream was horrid. The last she knew before she black out in the dream .. or was it a dream, that Gils heart monitor flat lined and the doctors couldn't bring him back.

okay that is really short but i have to still study for my learners later today, and its two in the morning here.
ahhhh me public..... alrighty just so we arne't bringing out the pitchforks, heres another chapter for ya'll..... am i really a canadian eh?

black abys

Gil was pronouced dead. Sara's world crashed around her. She had no world now, there was no life left for her to live.

Catherine held Sara closely. Gil was gone now, and Cath knew she had to be strong for Sara. Sara needed to be strong still for the two beautiful babies growing inside of her.

Sara collapsed to the floor. Unconcious, and barely breathing. She had givin up hope and in the few minutes of that, her state weakened.

After she was brought too. The Doctor came to talk to her. Asking if she would allow his vital organs to become donor organs......

Gil had done a brave thing, she thought to herself, he tried to save inoccent lives, and so she wanted to do the right thing, she knew he would donate his organs, and so agreed.....

Sara was aloud to say goodbye, and then they wheeled him away, to take out his organs. The doctor had ordered her stay in the hospital to be closely monitored, he health and the babies were in danger. She was too stressed, and had neglected her needs over her loves.

Sara lay in the hospital bed, tears trickling from her eyes. Why had they saved her, there was nothing left for her now, Gil was gone, she didn't want to be left in this world.

Catherine had gone to the lab to tell everyone about what had happened. Sara pulled out a notepad, and pen, and a knife. She decided she would end her pain, and join gil again in the afterlife.

She wrote her goodbye to everyone, placed down the pen, put the knife to her wrist, and clit the knife across it, deep crimson regret poored from her vain..... her vision started to blur.......

The doctor made the incision and to his surprise, crimson blood poored. This man is still alive lets go people lets help this soul, and someone go tell his wife he's still alive!!!

i'm gonna leave it at that wait a few mins... finish my smoke and then write you all another chapter kk?
Oh my gosh! I just started to read this today and it's fantastic! Filled with cliffhangers, one of my personal favorites. We need more! Pleeeease!
alright I have had a tough day at work and you all just brighten me up.....*eyes pitchfork*.... well so that i don't get pitched i am gonna give ya'll another chapter....*cough* ahem....

Twisted fate[/i]

The nurse hurried as fast as she could but still being rspectable of the people around her to get to Sara's room. She knocked softly and opened the door to find a trail of crisom blood heading for the door.

Sara was unconsious, just barely hanging on. The nusre found a pulse and alerted everyone. Sara was deathly white, almost matching the bedsheets (that weren't dyed red from blood), he skin was cold and clamy. She was rushed to emergency, and the doctors started to wrok their magic.

Meanwhile in recovery, Gil awoke, slightly disoriented for a moment not remebering what happened. The it hit him he had been in that terrible plane crash wehere the bomb had exploded.

He glanced around looking for Sara. He couldn't see her but there was a nurse nearby.

"Exscuse me I wonder if you have seen my fiance Miss. Sara Sidle.?" the nurse came over..."oh good your awake welcome back, your fiance had a bit of an ... breakdown, shes in emergency for attempted suicide... we are doing all we can to save her now."

Gil could feel hot tears start to trickle out of his eyes, when Catherine walked in. She saw him awake and come over quickly, he knew about sara,she could tell, the nurse must of told him.

His voice aught "Can...can i go see her ... please" desperation was herd in his voice. Catherine softly answered "shes not in the clear yet Gil, they won't let us see her for a bit..."

Catherine embraced him. He cried into her shoulder, for nearly an hour. When the doctor came in to see him.

"Mr.Grissom, I am glad to see you have awoken and welcom back to the world. Now you are not able to leave yet, we will have to keep you in observation for about a month to make sure our procedure worked."

"Sara.. wife, have your herd about her? Please tell me you have." The doctor could tell he was desperate. No one can see her rate now except for me, she lost a sustantial amount of blood, the babies will be fine,if her health improves. We are waitin gfor a response to treatment. Of course we will need her to see a counseller."

Gil nodded, thanked the doctor, and asked "may I be alone now, with Catherine?" The doctor nodded and walked out. Catherin comfoted Gil the best she could, nothing worked.

Gil fell asleep after a while .. still to weak to stay up for a long period of time, they had put him back into the exspensive room, Gil cuddled with the puppies, snuggleing in their warm fur, wishing he was cuddling Sara.

Late into the night, Sara was wheeled into the room, she was now stable, but still under anesthetic.The nurse put the bed rate beside Gils so he could hold her hand, Where he fell once more, but into a more deep and peacful sleep ....

alrighty needs some think time....*puts padding on so pitchfork won't hurt* give me a bit
okay... here we go ... i think things might look up for them both in this chapter.... just to mess things up later...hehehe

Antibiotics, morphine and more

Sara woke early in the morning, tubes hanging from her arms and face, a splitting headache and naseaus. She turned over to see Gil beside her.... but how was that possible, he was dead wasn't he?

Gil opened his eyes. "morning honey" he said with a pained smile on his fave. "I'm dead aren't I, I suceed in killing myself didn't I and now we are together in the after life, am I right?" she inquired of Gil.

"No both of us are alive, they saved you and me, and we are well on our way to recovery. ALthough we both have to stay in here for about a month, and you have to see a phyciatrist. I will be there for you the whole way though. He smiled gently at her and them moved closer for a sweet and longing embrace.

After they pulled apart, Sara asked about the babies, and if they were okay. Gil choose his words carefully. "they will be fine as long as you get your health back in shape, no harm became to them, during your time of despare." He smiled and her again and they fell asleep in each others arms.

They were awoken a little while later, when the doctor came to check on them, adjusted there morphine drips, check their IV fluids, for nutrients and left them in the company of a sleeping Catherine, and a over happy Greg.

"i'm going to ask her to marry me" he was telling Sara and Gil, "I love her so much shes the only person I want to be with." Greg pulled out the ring and showed it to them. It was beautifel, Sara thought but not as nice as her ring. It had three stones in it, The birthstone of him, Cath and Lindsay. He was planning to ask her when she woke up from her nap.

Catherine awoke still neseaus and she didn't know why, she got up and went to the washroom, throwing up instantly as soon as she got into the washroom, then it hit her... what if she was pregnant too. She would be three months behind Sara, but they would raise young children together.

Cahterine came out of the washroom, and told everyone she was going to have a blood and urine test done .. to make sure nothing seriously wrong was what the matter with her was.

Greg was concerned, and offered to go with her.. she thought for a moment and then agreed, saying it might be best if he came along too.

They left Gil and Sara to themselves. Each gazing into the others eys, thoughts running through their heads. Sara knew the reason Cath was going to get those tests, and she was happy, someone would be there raising a young child with her..... She contently drifted to sleep in Gils arms, the world peacful for the time being.

[i/]alrighty hop that chapter is okay, I don't think its my best though. Anyways, Enjoy... Luv JC[/i]
awww it's so cute when they're happy. And then you have to go and make it hard again lolol I wonder how Lindsay will react to the whole thing :) Cath and Greg that is. update soon.