GSR - One Life To Live

Alright, since the last chapter was soley on Gil and Sara how bout we do a bit of a look in on catherine and Greg.

Too much pain to handle

Greg lay in the fold out chair. Trying to sleep, but unable to. All he could think of, was the twins, and of course Lindsay.

Greg was jolted from his thoughts when a doctor came into the room in a rush. "Mr.Sanders, I have some grave news for you. Your daughter, Lindsay, was brought in a hour ago for a suicide attempt. She lost alot of blood, but we have stabalized her."

Tears sprang to Gregs eyes. He couldn't beleive this, his family was falling apart. He thought after he had come into Catherines life, and made her a happy wife that all the problems would hopefully stop but they hadn't.

Greg got up out of the chair. "May I see my daughter please?"

"Of course" The doctor led the way to the room where lindsay was being kept. The Physc ward.

"We are running a battery of tests on Lindsay that will enable us to see if she has depression or something other that may have caused her actions."

The doctor pointed to the door, where greg saw Lindsay laying, staring straight at the roof. He walked silently into the room, seeing the dead look in Lindsays eyes.

She slowly looked over to Greg.

"Daddy, I don't know why I did it, I suppose I just couldn't stand the pain, and the torment anymore."

Greg rushed to her side. "Shh, baby its okay, I know whats happened to your mom, has affected you severely, but we need to be strong for your mommy. I want you to promise me Lindsay that you will cooperate with the doctors, and take what meds they give you alright?"

Lindsay nodded. She liked Greg alot, she had never admitted but he had been a better father to her, then her real father ever was.

She smiled at him and told him she would do as told. "Go back to mommy, she needs you more rate now." She gave another small smile.

Greg gave her a hug, saying he was only a phone call away, and walked out of the room and back to his wife.

Hope ya'll like it the last few updates weren't me but my GF, and she can write better updates then me lol.
Haha, awwww, poor Lindsay, hope she doesn't do it again, there's enough torment in this story, and it's only five pages long!
I will have another update up soon after I take a bath and mul some things over, got a few days off work cause I a minor flu sort of thing that lasted one day so I have plenty of time for updates.

Alright *takes time out of bath* it is a little too hot so I thought I would do a update lol

What happened to the Happy times?

Greg went back into Catherines room, in time for his cell phone to go off. Quickly answering the phone, thinking it may be Lindsay, but it wasn't.

"Is this a Mr.Sanders?" Greg paused for a second then hesitantly answered "Y..yes..." "Good, listen closely. If you want to save your wife, Daughters, Sara and Gil you better listen up."

Gregs hand started to shake. "Who are you, and what do you want?" He cried into the phone in a panic."

"Hey shut up and listen, and keep your cool bout you, your gonna need your wits for this. Now I want you to leave the hospital and drive to the Tangiers. The next set of instructions will be there, once you read them, and follow them, call me at the number on the paper. You will need to go to the desk and ask for a room key to room 401, the pent house suite. Don't try to trace this number, it is untraceable. You may have help from your CSI buddies. Good luck and remeber to keep your cool."

The phone went dead after that. Greg looked at his wife in fear. Then ran from to room, running down the hall he hit the elevator button impatiently, and went to the floor Sara's room was on.

Bolting in he found that Gil was gone, and a note lay on the bed next to Sara.

It read, "My name is Gil Grissom, I reside at 16355 Bridlewood Estates. I am going to Kill myself, as Well as my wife, my friend Catherine Sanders, and her daughters. I want to say to everybody that I never ment to hurt anybody, and that maybe in the afterlife will we be happier. I love you mom, and I leave the houses to you. Please take care of my daughters, I love you."

Greg felt hot tears stinging the back of his eyes, and he ran from the room. Back to the elevator and out to the Tahoe in the parking lot. Jumping in, reving the engine and tearing out of the parking lot, while dialing the labs number.

Hope you enjoy my on edge seat update lol enjoy :devil:[/b]
Glad to see your on the edge of your seats MAHAHAHAHAHA *coughcough* now that is out of my system lol

Race against time and Death

Greg drifted into the parking lot of the Tangiers, almost hitting a few inocent bystanders. Yelling a hurried apology out the window of the vechile, he pulled up to the front door, and ran in.

"I need a room key to room 401 rate away!" Greg yelled to the desk receptionist. The receptionist hurried to grab the card key, practically throwing it at greg.

Greg rushed off to the elevator, waiting impatiently for the elevator car to arrive, pushing those exiting out of the way in a rush to get in.

This was all a game and greg knew that he most likely had a timeline. Or else his family and his friends would be gone. He rushed out of the elevator and over the penthouse suite door.

Fumbling the keycard, and eventually opening the door, he ran into the room looking around in ernest to find the next set of instructions.

He spotted them on a end table in the main foyer area of the suite. He picked it up and read it.

"There is a bomb somewhere in this room. If you wish to save the lives of the inocent people in this hotel, I advise you find and dismantle it imediately. You have two hours since you walked into the room. Good luck"

Greg looked on the back of the note, there lay three hints.

1) the bomb is no where near the bed.

2) a excelerant source is nearby the bomb.

3) I have nothing else relevant.

Greg looked around frantically. Well her knew one thing, the bomb was no where near the bed. And there was a ecelerant near the bomb.

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed the lab number. He had a hour and a half left to find this bomb. Remebering that the person had said he could get help, he decided to call in the bomb squad.

Waiting for what seemed like at least a hour, the squad finally arrived, setting to work instantly. And finding the bomb in no time through the hints left. It was disabled, and Gregs cell phone rang again.

"Good choice, at least you kept your wits about you. Now next you need to drive to your home, in the kitchen will be left another set of instructions, but there is a time limit in which to get to the house. You have half a hour. Have fun"

The phone line went dead again, after a bout of evil laughter.

Greg dialed the labs phone number. He knew that the person had said that the phone number was untracable but he thought he would try anyway.

Hopping back in the tahoe, he sped off towards his house. All the time racing against what little time he had.

hehehe i am so evil lol
Alright here we go our lovely update lol. Hope ur ready for action.

too much to do, so little time to do it!

Greg pressed the petal down as much as he could to go as fast as he could, as safely as posible. He tried to ttake roads less traveled so he wouldn't hit that much traffic.

He was so close now he couldn't give up now. His friends and family depended on him.

Greg hurd sirens behind him and then a brisk "Pull over to the side please!"

"SHIT!" Greg normally didn't swear but he didn't have the time to be stoped by the uniforms. He stopped the vechile, glancing at the clock.

The officer walked up to the vechile. "Do you know why I stopped you?"

Greg could feel the frustration. "Yes I do Offier but I have a ligitamite reason to my actions."

The cop glared at Greg. "Proceed with your explenation please."

"A guy is threatening the life of my friends and my family, he's playing a game with me, making me race against the clock. I need to get to my house in fifteen minutes or my friends and my family are going to die!"

The cop looked at greg as though he was crazy. "Great story pal, lets go get out of the vechile now with your hands on your head.

Greg didn't know what he was gonna do now. He had so little time and the law inforcement thought that he was crazy.

{i]Kinda tired so that is where I am gonna leave this for tonight[/i]
Part two.

Another vechile pulled up at that moment and Greg saw nick jumping out.

"Officer let him go, he's telling the truth and your hindering what he's doing, this is part of a ongoing investigation."

The officer glared and nick and then turned to Greg. "You can go." He turned to the other officers, "C'mon, lets go get some real criminals, I guess we'll help this guy get where he's going."

Greg was thankful, hoping back in his vechile, and waiting for the cop cars to proceed with sirens on racing to his place of residence.

The sped along and greg was amazed how fast they reached the house. Jumping out of the vechile he ran into the house in a panic finding a note on a table in the foyer.

He picked it up, and began to read.

Very good Greg, you made it to the house obviously in a decent amount of time. No doubt the little stunt with the cops almost cost you the precious lives of your friends and your dear family. Now listen closely. Mr.Grissom is in your kitchen, no doubt uncounsious now from the poison coursing through his body. You need to identify what has bitten him, and try to find the correct bottles to help him overcome this little 'accident'. There are seven bottles in a case somewhere in the house, you must idetify which two are antidotes but if used together will kill him, one works faster then the other. You have a hour left now, good luck.

Greg ran from the foyer and into his kitchen where he saw Gil sitting slumped over in a chair at the table. His breathing shallow. Beside him on the table sat a book of poisnous repitians and spiders. Greg looked at a bit mark on Gil's arm and began flipping through until he found one.

A viper. Great, he thought to himself. Then he noticed a note at the bottom of the page.

You found the right poison now, look around, the box is in the most obvious place.

Greg looked around, until he spotted something on a ledge above the kithen table. Stepping up onto a chair he pulled down the box and opened it. Inside there were the seven promised bottles, two said viper antivenom.

Greg thought for a second, why was this guy makeing this so easy. He grabbed the needle and one of the antivenoms dialing 911 at the same time.

An ambulance arrived minutes later and loaded Grissom into the back rushing off to the hospital.

His cell phone went off.

He answered it.

Very good that gave me long enough to administer poison to Sara, Catherine, and your daughters. You need to find a larger vial of the antivenom and get to the hospital within the next oh 45 minutes good luck.
