GSR - One Life To Live

Part three.

Greg ran back into the house, searching through everything, he had been in the house searching for what he thought had been an hour.

Finally he found a vial large enough to help his daughters wife and Sara. Rushing out to the vechile he informed the Uniforms that he would need help getting to the hospital in time.

The sped off donw the freeway, driving as fast as they could. Reaching the hospital in less then ten minutes, a drive that normally took half a hour.

Running up to the floor where Catherine was, he found the doctor with no problem and explained the situation.

"Doctor, My wife, children and My friend Sara have been poisoned, please I have the vial of antidote and it needs to get to them now before....."

Greg noticed something about the doctor, he wasn't a doctor, he was paul milander. Greg pulled out his gun without hesitation shot the guy in the leg making it so he couldn't run.

The uniforms Grabed him taking him into custody cuffing him and taking him from the hospital. Less then a moment later the real doctor walked up.


"I know the nurse told me what happened, lets get the antivenom into everyone as fast as we can.

The doctor went off to administer the antivenom and Greg sat anxiously by his wife. Waiting.... For anything.....
Okay is hyped on sugar and caffine lol, very hyper and so I feel like updateing at one thirty in the morning (calgary alberta canada) anyway thnx for reviewing and staying glued cause my last fic bombed. *Hands around huge chunks of cake* By the Way what is AU?

Now we wait

Greg sat by Catherines bed. Every noise every person made him jump. Passerbys and the doctors or nurses checking on Catherins condition made him feel so uncomfortable.

Greg was very unsecure now. He jumped as a doctor entered the room.

"Mr.Sanders, I have some news for you. Lindsay Sara and Gil, have responded proberly to the antidote but they are not out of the blue yet. Catherine and the Twins however seem to be taking longer to take to the antidote. We have located another antivenom that can be use in conjuction with the one you brought. If they respond they should wake up, even Catherine who was in coma. The twins however, may have trauma's or defects due to the poisons, or they may not respond at all being so young, I need you to be aware of this."

Greg nodded it was all he could do. He asked to see Lindsay and the doctor responded with a "Lindsay is being brought to this room here to better watch her and her mother, Mr.Grissom and his wife will also be in this room, as well as the twins."

Greg gave a weak smile. At least he could watch all of them at the same time. He just began to settle down when his cell phone went off nearly sending him through the roof.

Looking down at the caller ID he saw it was Nick and answered.


"Greggo, Its Nicky, we secured a death sentence for Paul Milander rate away, he's being excuted in one hour through lethal injection."

Greg thanked Nick assuring him that he would be there after Nick had assure that he would have uniforms sent over, to stand outside the door and by the window in the room.

The uniforms arrived minutes later, and Greg felt secure enough to leave, although extremely jumpy. Walking slowly and calmy he waited for the elevator to arrive and then to slowly descend.

It seemed to take forever to get to the place of the excution. But he arrived, from what he saw within half a hour. Finding a seat in the front row saved for him by Nick.

Greg would finally watch the man, who had haunted Gil for so long, die, via lethal injection.

Paul Milander was brought in by thfour Uniforms to the doctor waiting for them. He was strapped securely to the table, and the needle was injected with the poison.

There would be nothing to save Paul now, and Greg could tell that Paul knew this. Greg watched as the poison flowed freely from the IV into Pauls arm.

It took a whole ten minutes for him to die, and be pronouced dead. It was over for now. Greg knew that somewhere out there was another enemy. Someone else just waiting to torment his family.

Greg got up to leave when Nick grabbed his arm.

"Let me take you out for something to eat, I know you haven't eatin in days Greg and we don't need you in the hospital next."

Greg consented and agreed to meet Nick at a nice pub. Greg would have a few beers, try not to drown his sorrows.....

At the hospital

Catherine awoke suddenly, to officers arranged around the Hopsital room. Her twins in incubators beside her, Lindsay with bandages all up her arms and around her throat on the other side, Sara and Gil sitting up in there beds, across the room reading something together.

She tried to talk and after a few minutes found her voice.

"What happened?"

Sara was the one to answer. "We don't know, we'll find out when Greg gets back, they've gone to call him. The doctor was just walking out of the room when you started talking to us, so I figure thats what they went to do."

Beside Catherine Lindsay woke up, looking over to her mom.

"Mommy, I am so sorry, I will never do it again, but they told me I have severe depression, I have to take pills."

Catherine realized why Lindsay was so heavly bandaged now. She had tried to kill herself.


Gregs cell phone rang, nearly sending him through the roof again. Nick laughed at his reaction and seeing that it made Greg look ashamed stopped instantly.


"Mr.Sanders, Its the doctor, Catherines woken up and your friends wish to know what happened and want you to explain to them."

"I'll be there as fast as I can."

Greg hung up the phone looking at Nick.

"Man that was the hospital. Catherine just woke up and everyone wants to know what happened but have requested I tell them personally."

Nick nodded and Greg knew that he understood, Giving Nick a quick hug he walked out of the pub. Good thing I only had one beer, Greg grumbled to himself.

20 minutes later, Hospital, In the room

Greg walked into the hospital room, greeted by confused faces, then anxious faces, then happy to see him faces.

Greg sat down between, Catherine and Lindsay.

"So you guys want to know what happened then?"

Everyone in the room nodded, even the uniforms situated around the room.

"Alright. I was sitting here with Catherine when my cell phone rang. A strange man gave me instructions for a few things I had to do, I followed that and then, I was given another set, that involved me racing against time to Save Gil's life and then Sara's, Catherines, Lindsays and the twins lives. After I completed that I had to get here with a antidote to save the five of them, when I walked up to who I thought was the doctor, it was actually Paul Milander. I shot him in the Knee, and then ensured a death sentence this same night, and that was where I was, and then went for dinner with Nick. Then I got called to come here."

Catherine held his hand. "what about the twins though?"

"The doctors say they may have some trauma's, possible illnesses or they may not even make it."

Greg could see the tears in Catherines eyes, she could bare to loose a child again....
Hey guys! I am gonna try to do a update tomorrow if I am coherant enough in the morning to do it. If not I will have a update no later then 10:00pm on sunday I garuntee you! And thnx again for reviewing, If you have any ideas for me in the story line or something you may want to see or something you don't like about a update don't hesitate to tell me. I could always stand some constructive critism! LOL Thnx again guys!
I will have a update for sure in the morning I am just tired from my weekend of basic partying and traveling and stuff like that that my brain is too tired to funtion...I burned myself on a lighter and didn't even realize that it hurt lol.
Alright here we go another chapter up to go. LOL I am much better now since I caught up on sleep. And thankfully didn't drink enough to have a hang over so I am all smiles lol.

There will be mention of self inflicted injuries and rape withine this chapter. Please if you feel uncomfortable do not continue to read this chapter.

Emotional trauma

Greg broke down after he told them all of what had happened. Everyone who had been poisoned still had a little nausea and so Lindsay began to throw up a little.

Greg let the tears fall he didn't know what to do. The sobs wracking his body. He couldn't help he, he was having a emotional breakdown.

Catherine slowly got out of bed, and inched closer to Greg, taking him into her arms and cuddleing him. She was weak but what strength she had, she wanted to give to him.

A doctor walked in at that moment.

"Mrs.Sanders, please get back into bed, your body is still to weak for you to be walking around."

Catherine was staring daggers at the doctor.

"My husband has suffered a very bad emotional trauma, I was merely giving him what strength I have, trying to keep him going for the sake of our family."

The doctor considered her for a moment.

"Fine." He pulled over a chair for her to allowing her to sit before she fell down.

"This trauma in which everyone has suffered is why I came to talk to you all. I wish to set up an appointment with the physciatrist, to help you over what has happened. It would be best if your cooperate with our therapist. It will be for the better. She will be here later today, quite soon actually. It will honestly help."

With that the doctor came around to check on everyone and take a blood sample to insure no more of the toxin was within their blood.

After that he walked out, and the group was left to think about the what had happened to them... to reflect.

Year before, three months before greg and Catherine got married

Catherine could still remeber almost the same thing, when one guy was making her life a living hell. They had killed him what they thought was several times, but everytime he kept coming back.

Catherine could remeber the dead look in his eyes still. Remebering seeing his face again after that and the living terror she had gone through. Gil had finally done him in and they had creamated him just to be sure.

Flashback to the death of the assaliant

Catherine could feel her body begin to wrack with sobs, Gil had put at least two rounds into his body.

Greg walked up behind her, lifting her to her feet and trying to comfort his fiance. Her sobs shaking him as well as her.

"Shhhh its over now honey. He won't be back. We'll make sure that he is creamated and he will never be able to come after you again."

Catherine knew he was right but she just couldn't comprehend it. She felt her legs give way and a darkness surrond her, as she fainted from exhuastion and stress.

Flashback to Catherines teenage years

Catherine knew she shouldn't walk through the dark alley that her mother had so often warned her about. But she was late already and didn't want to get into to much trouble so she decided to take the risk.

Half way down the alley, she got a creepy feeling, as though someone or something was following her. She tried to shrug it off but couldn't. She started walking faster.

As she was about to break into a run, a man grabbed her from behind. Throwing her gruffly to the ground and ripping her clothes off of her.

She was powerless against this man as he thrust into her. Raping her. Now she knew why her mother had always told her not to go down this alley way.

She began to cry, and then she saw the guys face. Dark evil eyes staring at her from above. "Shut up you little brat, or I'll put around in your head rate here and now!"

Catherine was so scared that she obliged. Eventually he stopped when he herd a vechile coming down the alley. He fled the scene but Catherine had something that could catch him.

His skin under her fingernails. Stuck there when she tried to fight him off.

Few months after the rape

Catherine sat at home with her mom watching her do her school work. She couldn't go to school anymore. No one there would understand why she was pregnant.

Catherine got up to run to the bathroom as another wave of morning sickness hit her. She was sixteen, and pregnant with a rapists baby.

At least they had caught the guy and he was now behind bars. But his warning still sent chills through her spine.

"I'll get out, and I will find you, then you'll be dead you little bitch!"

Catherine almost came to tears everytime it happened. She was so careful now when she went outside the protection of her home.

Her mother and father were protective as well. Her dad making her carry pepper spray and a gun in her bag.

Catherine finished throwing up. At least all this will be over in a few months. Three more to be exact. Catherine had decided to keep the child because she could not bring herself to kill it.

Abortion was killing in her eyes. But she would not keep the child. It would go to live with one of her realatives after it was born.

Day of delivery

Catherine lay in the back seat of the car, as her parents rushed her to the hospital to deliver her baby.

"Oh god the pain" She screamed. It hurt even more being a child she shouldn't of had to have.

Arriving at the hospital she was whisked away to a room to deliver the child. Her aunt and uncle who were taking the child showing up moments latter.

The only reason she wanted her realatives to take care of it was that she would still want to see it. It was after all her flesh and blood....

{b]Back to present[/b]

Sara lay in her bed. Remebering how she had met Catherine all those years ago, at a therapy circle for girls who had become pregnant due to being raped.

Flashback to group therapy

Sara sat nervously amongst the girls around her. All in the same position. She thought she had been the only one. A girl around sixteen walked into the room.

She had strawberry blonder hair and she took the seat next to Sara while waiting for the therapy to start.

Sara didn't want to make friends with anyone. She knew she would need to though.

Turning to Catherine she said

"H..hi, I'm... Sara who are you."

The girl who was four years older then her answered.

"Catherine, and you are?"


"How old are you?"


Sara could feel the tears leaping into her eyes. And She felt Catherine wrap her arms around her giving her a hug. Even though she was here for therapy, she wanted to hug this girl who was four years younger then her.

Sara sniffled a bit and thanked her, asking

"Where do you live?"

"I live in Summermeadows" Catherine answered.

"Really me too!"

Cath considered her a second then said "Where exactly?" After all if they were in the same neighbourhood. They could help each other out.

"13 Summermeadows way"

Catherine was shocked she was on the same street.

"Really I live at 15 Summermeadows Way"

Sara and Catherine had hit it off rate away. And Sara had been there for her when her first born was killed by a drunk driver.

Catherine was there for Sara when her first born, had died of lukemia.

Back to present

A soft knock was herd on the door, a nurse with a trolley walked in with food for all of them, including Greg.

Everyone was given a tray and sat in silence eating, still reflecting.

Flashback to Grissoms past
Gil is sitting in his room, with a razor and pills

Gil couldn't stand it anymore. People teasing him. His mothers hearing loss. It was too much. He was going to end it today.

Gil took two of his depression pills with a swig of wine. He knew after all that he shouldn't take these pills with alchol and that was why he was doing it.

He picked up the razor as he started to get a head rush. Slicing deeply into his wrists and letting the deep Crisom regret poor from his body.

The door opened and he herd his mother scream. Herd his dad come running. Then blacked out.

Back to present

Another soft knock was herd on the door, and a therapist walked in.

"I am Dr.Mcloed and I have come to talk to you about what has happened to you all. Now I would like to help you all get to trust again, and to help you get over what fears you may have."

The room was silent, no one answering the therapist.

"All right. First thing I want to know about is anything traumatic that may have happened in your childhoods. Anything at all. Remeber that we are all your friends and that we would like to help you in whatever way we can."

Silence was herd and then Grissom spoke up. So beginning their long path to recovery.

Hope you enjoyed this update there is certainly more to come.
Thankyou all so much, there will of course be more, I will most liekly update later today after I get home from work. Thnx for reviewing once again and hope you continue to read the ever expanding fic!