GSR - One Life To Live

i know how u feel. finished my assignments and heading in to drop them off then maybe get some ideas for my new story "THE FAMILY" & "Secret is love"
Alrighty lets have a update shall we? I promised one for you guys today please.

Pregnant again

Sara woke up in a ambulance, sirens blaring around her. She glanced over seeing Gil holding her hand, tears streaming from his face.

She smiled slightly. "What happened?" she said in a croaky voice. Gil gave a start. "You threw up on me, then passed out...."

Sara gave a heaving laugh. "I threw up on you?" "Ya you did, he looked so concerned she wanted to comfort him. She could feel tears pokiing at her eyes. She started to cry.

Gil looked down. "Sara honey please stay calm we eon't want to make your condition any worse." Sara nodded a little bit and tried to relax.

Why did everything always have to happen to her, or the people around her? She needed to be there for Catherine when she went into labour.

SUddenly Gils pager went off. Looking down at it, he said, Catherine just went into labour. They'll be at the desert palms hospital as well.

Sara cried more, she had promised Catherine that she would be there for the labour and birth of her child. Sara looked ot the paramedic attending to her.

"Will I be out of the emergency room in time to be with my friend for her labour?" The paramedic considered for a moment. "I just called the attending doctor and he said as soon as we get to the hospital he just wants to look over you quickly and then you will be released so I think that you will be able to.

Catherine sat in the passanger side of the Denali. She was in labour pain, Greg had the sirens on the Denali on and they were rushing to the hospital, Lindsay in the back seat sucking up the andrenline.

Catherine had paged AGil, she knew that Sara had passed out and was pregnant again. She desperately hoped that Sara was okay.

Sara had just been released and told to watch her diet a little more closely, he blood sugar was low due to inproper eating. Her and Gil walked to patient information and asked about what room Catherine Sanders was in.

They were told the room was on the fourth floor, room rate off the elevator.

When they arrived they sat in the hall with a tense greg waiting for the new bundle of joy.

hope you enjoy i din't know what to type lol[/b]
I am in the mood to write another update lol, work sucks, I know, she left me roses by the stairs, surprises let me Know she cares.

Bundle of Joy.....s?

Catherine was taken to surgery, she couldn't give birth herself. Something may be wrong the doctors had said. Gregs concern was instantly anounced and they allowed him to be in the room with her, but she had requested Sara instead.

Sara looked at Greg and followed the doctors into the opperating room. Putting on scrubs, and a mouth mask. She held Catherines hand while they made the incision, and began the process.

Sara kept wispering how good Catherine was doing. She could see tears in Catherines eyes. Sara knew what was running through Catherines head. What if her baby had died? Sara knew that Catherine wouldn't be able to stand that again.

Sara sqeezed Catherines hand. Trying to give her confidence. When she herd a doctor speaking.

"Mrs.Sanders, were you suppose to be having twins?" Catherine looked at Sara who answered for her. "No she wasn't, she was told there was only one baby." The doctor nodded. "The reason we are having complications is that she is haveing twins and one was breached."

Sara looked at Catherine and smiled. "see honey nothing was wrong it was just cause of twins." Catherine smiled back and told Sara to go and tell Greg.

Sara wandered out to the reception area, and looked at Greg Lindsay and Gil. "The reason there was complications is because she had twins." A smile instantly breaking out on her face.

Every9one rushed over and hugged her. She looked at them and asked " Why are you guys hugging me" She said with a little laugh.

The doctor came out, Mr.Sanders your wife would like you to come meet your children. Greg smiled and walked away.

sorry that its short i kinda got writers block half way threrw lol
A wonderful surprise

Greg walked out of the room, following the doctor. He glanced around, looking at the surroundings.

Nurses walked past, pride showing in their faces as they brought the newborn babies to their new parents. Babies cries filled Greg's ears. Soon he was to hear his own.

"Are you ready to see your little girls?" The doctor asked as he stopped in front of a window.


"Yes Mr. Sanders. You have 2 beautiful baby girls."

Greg's mouth stretched into a smile as he turned to the window.

"They're the 2 in the front." The doctor said with a smirk on his aging face.

Greg glanced around the little room, shuddering slightly in excitement. 2 hospital carriers caught his attention. The babies held in it, were covered with pale pink blankets.

"Thank you." Greg said, a lump growing in his throat, and tears filling his eyes.

The doctor pressed one hand slightly on the window, and said "Congratulations, Mr. Sanders." He lifted his hand, and walked with great strides down the hallway.

"Im a dad." Greg said as a tear streamed like a river down his cheek.

Dreams of the future filled his head. First steps, first words, first days of school. First dates, first boy/girl dances, first heartbreaks.

Greg turned from the window and wiped a tear from his eye. Before he turned to walk back to Catherine, he whispered to his baby girls.

"I love you girls. Both me and your mom. We love you so much."
lol my kitten is in a pepsi box.... anyway update for you lol

Happy Families

Greg was led by the doctor to go and see Catherine, who was recovering from the surgery.

He lent down and kissed her gently. "Two little girls honey, that is what we have."

Catherine smiled gently and leaned in for another kiss.

"They say I should be released in a few days, same with the babies. We have to think of names Greg." She finished with a little giggle.

Gil and Sara walked in, their triplets with them. "Hey we came to see ya before we had to leave to get these little girls home." Sara laughed a little when she said that.

Saying quick goodbyes then leaving, Gil and Sara walked in deep thought. It seemed them and their friends finally had what they wanted and needed.

Gil and Sara placed their girls in their car seats. Gil walked around to open the door for Sara as she climbed gratefully into the passenger side of the vechile.

She didn't feel too good, after Catherines surgery she had begun to feel nueaseas. She would take a nap when she got home she decided.

Gil glanced over, it wasn't like Sara to be this quite, and he noticed her pale face. She must not be feeling too good rate now.

Sara sunddenly looked at Gil. "Honey pull over...I think I am gonna be ...." She didn't have the chance to finish her sentence, before she vomitted out the window of the vechile......

sorry its short writers blocka gain lol