GSR - One Life To Live

Thnx there will most liekly be another update tomorrow, either me or my friend will be doing it so I hope you guys can wait that long I am too drained tonight to do another update... Walked three hours downtown calgary today and then went to Chinook. Either way yes more babies but not why Sara is sick. :D
arrgh you rat you better update soon lol.

*is reminded of the other fic with the blood sugar issue...or was it this one...and wonders if it's that*
An undiscovered illness

Sara withdrew her head from the open window and leaned her head back on the headrest.

"Are you okay, Sara?" Gil said with a concerned look on his face. "Do you need to go to the emergency room?"

Sara shook her head lightly. She smiled slightly and said "Im fine, I just need to rest."

Gil leaned over and placed a kiss on Sara's cheek. Sara smiled and said "Thank you." Gil put the car in drive and started down the street.

Gil pulled the car into the driveway and smiled at Sara. She smiled back and opened the passenger's side door. She then opened the back seat and pulled out one of the babies.

"Come here, sweetheart." Sara said to the sleepy little girl.

Gil pulled the 2 other girls out and held them close. "When you get inside, I'll put the babies to bed while you get some sleep." Sara nodded slowly.

Sara crawled into bed and pulled the blanket on top of her. Her stomach churned slightly as she remained motionless on the bed. Gil's voice drifted slowly into the room as he put the babies to bed.

"His voice is so beautiful." She thought as perfect singing notes filled her ears.

Sara heard the click of the light switch and a soft, "Good night girls."

Gil walked into the bedroom just fast enough to see Sara run to the bathroom. "Are you sure you're okay?" Gil said as he walked into the bathroom.

Sara sat by the toilet. Her head getting lighter by the second. "Oh God." She said. Gil rushed to her and caught her before she was able to hit her head on the bathtub.

Gil carried Sara to the bed and grabbed the portable phone. Searching through the phone book, he tried to find a baby sitter for the girls. He found a number and dialed it.

"Hey Nick? Can you and Heather come over and watch the babies for a few hours?" Gil said as he sat down next to Sara. She trembled slightly as his weight pressed down on the mattress.

"Sure. What's wrong?" Nick asked as he grabbed Heather's hand and walked out to the car.

Gil laid down next to Sara and said "Sara needs to go to the hospital." With that said, Sara sat up.

"Im okay honey." Sara said. Gil looked at her. Her face was ghostly pale, and her normally shimmering brown eyes were dull. "Im okay."

The doorbell rang and Gil hopped out of the bed slowly to get it. "Thank you so much for coming, Sara's getting worse." Gil said as he held a worried smile on his face.

Heather released Nick's hand. Her normal clothes were replaced with a pair of crimson red yoga pants and a black tank top. Her brown and red hair was pulled back into a sloppy ponytail and her face was clear of makeup.

"The babies are in their nursery sleeping." Gil said as he walked slowly to the room. Nick and Heather followed, keeping their distance behind Gil.

"If they wake up, give them a bottle. Oh, and they love it when you sing to them." Gil said softly. Sara vomited violently into the toilet.

Gil lifted her up and held her close. "I have my cell phone." Heather said as he walked out of the house. Gil nodded and said "Okay thanks again."

He placed her in the back seat and laid Sara down. He then hopped in the front seat and started the car, then took off towards the hospital.

Gil knew that something was seriously wrong with the woman he loved. "This isn't going to end well." He thought to himself as he pulled into the Las Vegas hospital.
Awwwww, no! Do you just live off of torment??! Ah, ohwell, i always thought fan fics were like soap operas, haha. But update, QUICKLY PLEASE!!
That was another chapter that was written by my friend lol. And yes sometimes I do that alot just to watch you guys go sqweemish lol.

Another ER visit

Gil made a swift turn into the Emergency entrance, almost drifting the Suburban around the corner. Hoping out and quickly running to the other side, and gently picking Sara up out of the vechile and running into the emergency room.

He placed her down on a chair and ran to the admittance. "I need help, my wife is terribly ill and I don't think its just the flu, we were here about a hour ago with a friend of ours that gave birth."

The nurse looked up seeing the pure look of panic in Gil's eyes and followed him to wear he had left, a now unconsious Sara, tears starting to slide down Gil's cheeks, this couldn't be happening, not now, when things had started to look up.

The nurse called a doctor and Sara was imediately taken away just as Gil's cell phone went off. He didn't want to answer it but had to.

"Grissom" he answered in a slow deliberate tone. "Gil its Greg, something is wrong with Catherine, she got terribly sick and really pale and lost conciousness."

Gil could hear the fear in Gregs voice, and quickly responded. "Greg where are you I need to talk to you in person and this is very serious."

Greg paused for a moment, then said, "in the waiting room in maternaity." Gil quickly hung up and ran off to the elevator. Punching the buttons uncermoniously, not able to wait for the elevator car to descend to the ground floor.

Gil ran into the car as soon as it descended, again punching the button in his impatients. Waiting even more for the elevator to ascend. Running off the car and into the waiting room where Greg was.

"Greg I think Sara and Catherine have the same thing, I had to bring her back to the hospital, Nick and Heather are watching the girls for us.

At that moment a doctor ran in, Mr.Sanders, and Mr.Grissom, good I need to talk to both of you. Your wifes are seriously ill with a unknown sickness.
broken hearts never heal

"What?" Gil and Greg said in unison. The doctor frowned and said "They might make it. With antibiotics and alot of prayer."

Gil's thoughts immedietly went to the unborn baby. He needed to say something.

"My unborn child, will it live?" Gil said, his voice wavering with fear.

The doctor frowned.

Gil felt his legs wobble. Hot tears fell down his cheeks and dripped softly onto his jacket. Greg took his arm and led him to the chair behind him. "Sit." He said. Gil did as he was told and when he felt the fabric of the chair, placed his hands on his face.

A sob escaped from the depths of his stomach. "I need to see her." Gil said. The doctor frowned once again and said "Im sorry Mr. Grissom, but she's undergoing several tests to get to the bottom of this."

Greg looked up at the doctor and said "Can I see my wife at all?" The doctor smiled and said "Yes you can. She finished the tests, but she's on antibiotics." Greg sat up and said "Gris, I'll see you later. I hope everything's okay with your baby, and Sara."

Gil smiled softly and said "I'll see you later." As Greg walked away following the doctor, Gil pulled his legs up on the chair and drifted into a deep sleep.

His dreams were filled with dreams of the future. His little girls grown up. And a little boy.

His son.

"Mr. Grissom?" A voice rang through his dreams. "Mr. Grissom, your wife is out of observation." Gil jerked out of his sleep and sat up to face the doctor.

"We did an emergency ultrasound." The doctor said softly.

"Oh no." Gil thought.

"Im very sorry. Your baby didn't make it."

Sobs filled his mouth and spilled out. Tears fell solidly down his cheeks. "You can see your wife now." The doctor said finally. Gil sobbed and choked out a small, "Thank you."

Gil walked slowly down the hallway just in time to hear Sara screaming. "I WANT MY BABY!" Gil's pace quickened and soon burst into a run. He pushed the partially open door wider and rushed over to Sara's side.

"Gil, there's something I need to tell you..." Sara said before Gil put a finger to her lips.

"The doctor already told me." Gil said as a tear streaked down his face. Sara closed her eyes and a fountain of tears fell. "I...I...I don't know what to do." Sara sobbed.

Gil put a hand on her cheek and stroked away the tears with his thumb. "It's okay, honey. We can get through this." Gil said.

Gil pulled a chair to the side of the Sara's bed and held her hand. Sara drifted into a deep sleep as her sadness subsided.
Awwww, suffering and sadness, I think it would be nice to see Gris teaching a son to throw a ball and fish and that kind of thing.
Undesireable pain

Gil watched Sara during her slumber, watching every movement, every breath. He needed to know that she was going to be okay. Every stuttered breath that she made, caused his heart to jump.

"Sara Im so sorry." Gil whispered to his sick wife. He needed to take care of her to whatever extent.

As soon as that was said, Greg rushed into the room. "How's Sara?" He said, with a measure of panic in his voice. Gil noticed the panic in his voice.

"Greg, what's wrong?" Gil asked. Greg's face turned into a worried look. "It's Catherine. She's getting worse."

Gil frowned and said "Why arent you with her right now?" Greg looked down and sobbed.

"The doctors are trying to revive her."

Gil stood up and said "She's dying?" Greg looked at Sara. "I need to protect Sara. I couldnt protect our unborn child. But I'll do my best to protect her." Gil said to Greg.

All of a sudden, a doctor casually walked into the room. "Mr Sanders?" He said looking towards Greg. "Your wife responded positively to the defibulator. But Im afraid..."

"Please no." Greg thought to himself.

"Your wife is in a coma."

Greg took off to the room leaving Gil alone with Sara. As he entered the room, he immedietly caught a view of Catherine's strawberry blonde hair. "Cath?" Greg said as he walked into the room.

"Im so sorry." Greg said as he stroked her hair. Soon the pain got the most of him and he began to sob uncontrollably. He rested his head against the bed, and he held Cath's hand.

Back in Sara's room, Gil sat down next to Sara, his hands resting on his lap. Out of impulse, he rested his hand on Sara's. To his surprise, it was unusually cold.

"Sara?" Gil said softly, tears rimming the edge of his eyes. "Sara, please answer me."
]Lost and found[/b]

His stamina came back to Gil as he took off to get a doctor.

"Please wife." Gil stammered with heavy tears fogging his vision.

Within seconds, doctors and nurses rushed past him, wheeling a defibulator. Gil followed them speedily, but was stopped by a doctor with brown hair, and bright blue eyes.

"Im sorry sir, but I need you to stay outside." He said.

Gil rested his head against the wall and listened to the sound of the paddles.


Gil slumped to the floor as the dormant tears in his eyes finally came to life. He closed his eyes as heavy tears plopped onto his shirt leaving wet traces of salted liquid.

"Please Sara. I can't live without you." Gil thought. He needed her. Without her, he would be...


A few minutes passed by, and then, a hand jolting Gil out of his thoughts tapped him. Gil looked up, his eyes puffy and red. "You can see your wife." The doctor said.

Gil opened the door slowly, to see Sara's brown eyes glittering in the moonlight.

"Gil." Sara said weakly. Gil walked over to her side and his tears re-appeared.

"Sara, I thought I lost you." Gil said as he stroked away tears from off his cheek. Sara shook her head softly and said "You can never lose me." Gil rested his head against Sara's heart.

Her soft heartbeat came to him like a lullabye. "You found me." She said softly. As Gil closed his eyes, Sara placed a hand on his head and gently stroked it.

He found her.