GSR - One Life To Live

Okay Unfortunetly I have to double post cause It's been twenty four hours since I last put a post up but anyway I am sorry that it wasn't up before ten Like I had promised. Unfortunetly I didn't get home till after ten then Had to read some other updates and then had to go to sev but now that all that is over and done with I can't update for you guys.

Again there will be mention of SELF INFLICTEN INJURY Please I beg you if you do not feel comfortable reading this stop now and pick up on other chapters. I do not wish to provoke anyone's feelings of hurting themselves or dig up a past better forgotten.

Emotional breakdowns

The group of CSI's and Lindsay had just finished their first session. Once again left to their thoughts after they had finished talking.

No one had really said much about their past. Just a few minor things, nothing major as of yet. They all continued to think about their pasts again. Another erie silence filling the room.

Greg sat off in a secluded area of the room. Not wanting to talk or be near everyone else. Like his past he now felt like the idiot, the geek that everyone hated. He didn't know why he felt like this but it brought strong emotions of his past.

Gregs Past in High school

Greg sat in the washroom that no one used, alone at lunch again with his DNA books. He was a very intellengent person. And because of that the jocks the Preps and everyone else even the other severly smart people hated him.

They were always taunting him, throwing things at him. He could barely sit in class listening to a interesting lecture without something flying over and hitting him in the head.

He was considering asking his parents to put him into online schooling or home schooling. He couldn't take it anymore. He thought possibly if it continued, he would have to end it. One way or another.

The bell rang signaling the beginning of fourth period. Greg ventured out into the hall, back into the taunting surrounds that were supposidly a school. Greg had a meeting with his guidance counsuller later that day, and it also involved the school administration.

"Hey wire brain, going off to one of your special classes? You stupid nerd. This school would be better if you disapeared!"

Tony Benito's laughter rang out after him and he ran down the hall straight to the counsuller's office, not even stopping to tell his teacher where he was going. Tears streaming from his eyes. He couldn't take it anymore. If he didn't see the counsuller he would kill himself rate now.

He had been to fove schools over the past year. There was no more hope for school. He would talk to his counsuller. Have her call his parents and pick him up. Parting this hell hole forever.

Greg came back to the real world as Catherine walked unsteadily over to him. Noticing his far off glance and seclusion.

"Greg, are you alright, Your all cold and clamy and far off?"

Greg slowly stared up into Catherines gorgeous face.

"Memories, digging up from the past, better forgotten...."

Greg was talking in fragmented sentences. And Catherine was beginning to worry. "Greg I am going to call the doctor. Your not well."

Catherine placed a delicate and intimate kiss on his cheek and walked back to her bed pressing the call button.

A nurse walked into the room a few minutes later.

"How can I be of assitence to you Mrs.Sanders?"

"Its my husband he isn't well and I think he needs to see a doctor!"

The nurse took one glance at Greg and agreed walking out of the room to fetch the resident doctor on call.

Alright it may be a little shorter but I hope you enjoyed it.
Hey guys sorry I haven't updated to fast.. I will have another update up, i just really have to concentrate on my school work this year. Of course I will always make time to come here and update... i am just gonna let things cool down in school and we get more into the proper routine and schedule.
Thnx all for reading that there should be a update by monday!
It's all right, I totally understand. There's a lot of pressure on me in school this year and I know I'll still come on here, but unfortunately not as often. But we're anxiously awaiting that update!

Greg sat in the wheelchair, being wheeled into the doctor's office, with Catherine at his side.

"What?!?" Catherine exclaimed as they finally settled into the room.

The doctor's grey eyes, showed minor emotion as he spoke. "I think it would be best if Mr Sanders would be commited to the psych ward in the facility."

Catherine stood up and said "He's not insane! My husband does not need to go to the crazy house!" During her rant, she happened to glance at Greg.

His normally brown eyes, the ones that caught Catherine's eye the first time they met, was now dull and lacked lustre.

"He...he doesn't need to go." Catherine said as the red hot tears began to sting her eyes.

"Cath." Greg said softly. "I think it would be best."

Catherine's blue eyes welled with tears. "But...Greg...What about our kids?"

Greg leaned over to grasp her hand. "You're strong. You can manage without me for a bit."

"Honey." Catherine managed to stutter through tears. Greg silenced her with a calm reassurance. "I will be better soon, and we can be a normal family again."

Greg looked over at the doctor, who said "Have you decided what will be done?" Greg glanced at Catherine, gave a warm, loving smile and said "Put me in."

Greg's room in psych ward

"His condition was okay when he was committed, but something has changed!" One nurse said as she and 2 doctors strode briskly towards Greg's room.

They peeked into the little window that had been installed in the door.

Greg was on the floor in the corner of the room.

"I don't deserve my family. They don't deserve me." Greg stammered.

The doctors continued to watch the progress of Greg until one of them yelled "CALL RESCUE!"

Within seconds, a gurney was rolled in swiftly, and Greg was laid upon it.

"He has no pulse!" The paramedic called.

Greg felt cold. His body was empty and lost of his soul. "What's going on?" He thought.

"Get the defibulator!" another paramedic called.

"Why is the room so bright!?!" Greg's mind screamed. The light was so unbearable and bright, then suddenly...


There was nothing.
Life has slipped from me at the moment...can I get back to you?

Catherine was laying in bed when the phone rang. She had been having difficulty putting her little twin babies to bed. so in search of aid, she went to her high school friend Sofia, who was also a detective in collaboration with CSI.

Sofia was tall, and on her head was a long mane of dirty blonde locks. Her eyes were bright and reminded Catherine about the time she and Greg were camping.

"Thank you so much for your help Sofie. I really needed it." Catherine said softly to avoid waking the little baby boy that lay next to her.

Sofia smiled and said "It's no problem." She looked down, and watched as Mr. Sandman drifted into the baby's dreams.

Just as their eyes began to droop, the phone rang. Obnoxious and with a slight sense of urgency. With the sound of the phone, the twins were jostled out of their sleep, and into a crying frenzy.

"Damn." Catherine said as she coddled the baby and tried to reach for the portable phone.

"Want me to get it?" Sofia said as Catherine's arm flailed about. Sofia reached over to the nightstand and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She asked. Then, almost instantly,


"It's about Greg." Sofia said.

Catherine's heart thumped erratically. "Greg?" Catherine managed to choke out as tears began burning at her eyes.

"Hello?" She said calmly as she took the phone from Sofia's hand.

"Mrs. Sanders? I am required to inform you that a sad event happened within our facilities." The doctor said.


"Im sorry to inform you but your husband is unconscious, and we are unable to revive him at this time."

Catherine dropped the phone on the floor, as the doctor said his condolences and hung up. The sleeping baby in her arms, she carried to the crib. Sofia followed with the little girl.

Catherine slumped into the couch and began to cry. Tears of anguish, pain, love, but most of all, hate.

"Why did you do this to me Greg?" Catherine's mind screamed. "I can't do this without you. I need you here with me."

Sofia walked over, saw the tears, but listened for the sobbing. When there wasn't any, she sat next to Catherine and hugged her.

Instantly, just as Catherine felt the warmth of Sofia's arm, the sobs burst out, like a dam reaching it's peak.

"I can still hear his voice." Catherine said softly, trying to supress the sobs. "He's lost forever."

Sofia smiled and said "No he isn't. He just needs to be found."
Stay with me

Catherine took off in the car, her tears falling softly down her rose cheeks. She was greatful that Sofia was able to stay with the twins even through these circumstances.

Pulling rapidly into the hospital, she parked and ran into the front doors.

Passing by the front desk in a hurry, the receptionist stopped her before she ran down the hallway.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist said with a smile. After seeing Catherine's face, the smile faded.

"My husband...I need to see him." Catherine said. The receptionist walked to the desk and began typing furiously. She then pointed down the hallway and said "Room 67."

Catherine knocked on the room door. To her surprise, the door opened to the view of Grissom's face.

"Catherine." Gil said softly. Catherine's lip quivered and soon she collapsed into his arms. Sobs pounded through her body and her breathing became laboured.

"How is he?" Catherine asked after she calmed down. Gil looked over at Greg and said "Non responsive. He's been like this for 4 hours."

Catherine walked over to Greg's side and sat down. Slowly, she took a hold of his hand.

"It feels like him, but I can't see him." She thought. Greg's eyes were closed and his breathing was with the aid of a respirator.

He was pale. Like he wasn't even alive. Dark circles were under his eyes, concealing whoever he was.

Soon a knock on the door, jolted Catherine out of her thinking. A doctor walked in.

"You daughter wants to see you." He said. Catherine followed him down the hallway, all the way back to the psych ward.

The smells were so familiar, it reminded her too much of Greg. She missed him.

"Mom." Lindsay said with a weak voice. Catherine looked at her and said "Hey baby." She sat down on the bed and looked at her.

Just looked.

Lindsay was as pale as Greg, and her hair had lost it's usual sheen. looking down, Catherine noticed bandages on both of Lindsay's wrists.

"Im sorry mom." Lindsay said as she dropped her head slightly. Catherine felt tears sting her own eyes as she pulled her daughter to her chest.

Lindsay's eyes brought forth several tears. "Don't cry Linds." Catherine said, trying to hold her own tears back.

"Where's dad?" Lindsay asked, stroking a few tears away. Catherine looked at the doctor, then back at Lindsay. Before she could say anything, a few doctors and nurses ran down the hallway with a defibulator.

"Get that down to room 67! We don't want to lose him again!" a voice sounded out.

Panic struck Catherine in the heart. Pangs of hurt rushed through her as she stood up.

"I need to go back to my husband." She said, trying to supress the panic that wants to flush forward.

"Im afraid I cannot allow that." The doctor said. Just as soon as that happened, his walkie talkie went off.

"We lost him." The voice said.