well, you see i think if we did, it would be considered OCC. awkward after-moments are characteristic for all the soap operas, Grey's Anatomy etc, while CSI cannot afford showing personal situations to that extent. that's why CSI has much more fanfics than any other show, especially than those who actually show these moments. there is much more space for fantasizing with CSI, b/c so much can be implied and so much is not shown.
Exactly, yeah. I mean, they did a few this season, like the "reactions" to Ecklie or even at the very end of last season before the reveal, like Sara's WTF face to Grissom's "mouth to mouth" or their eyesexage.
But I think those were more meant to be at times when it was like, "We'll spend this time showing after moments when it can be done within the lab setting".
In terms of full-on, "Hey, Grissom - you meowed in bed last night - what was that?" afterness... or after-glow itself... or even perhaps his coming back to her after a month... I wouldn't necessarily lay bets.
lmao. Caesar.
definitely. you see TPTB actually try to make everyone happy by now. GSR is canon, so half of the audience is satisfied, while they make it very subtle, so the other half is happy it's not thrown into their faces. and may i say one thing? i think it's working, really, really working. with exception of some people who freak out about it, everybody's pretty much ok with what is going on. a break-up would indeed bring too much change in the relations between the Geeks, the atmosphere of the show, and it wouldn't resemble the pre-canon state anymore.
Agreed. It's obvious that not only has the handling of GSR this season driven viewers off, but I think some of the more hesitant people may have even come back, looking at the ratings. They ended last year with a higher number than the premiere, which says that clearly people aren't that repulsed.
And there could be a million factors for why people actually tuned in, but I think it could be accurately stated that they're not specifically now tuning out because of what they saw in regards to GSR.
well the whole burn out thing might be because of Sara, not in a bad sense though. I think Sara taught Grissom how to feel and because of her he started to have empathy for others. He starts getting attached to other people and that is her 'good' influence. But for a man who's not used to have feelings for others and to care for other people all the things that happened in the last episodes were probably a bit too much.
I think that's very possible. Grissom spent a lot of time shoving down his emotions, so being with Sara could've opened the floodgate a bit more. I think that between him singing, and all of the little cute things he did for her at the beginning of the season suggested that Grissom was in more of a Season 1 mood all of a sudden.
But with that comes the fact that he can't completely shut himself down anymore, so it gets easier to be wrapped up. I think the doctor sleeping with his patient in Happenstance, the priest sleeping with the woman he loved...
They were both examples of men who'd said "to hell with it" to their jobs to be with women. And both of them ended badly. Then you had the pedophile, so there went the thought of a family or children.
And finally the serial killer - which attacks Grissom's secuirty in terms of his mind - he can't finish a puzzle (as referenced by Happenstance as well).
So I think Sara might be a part of his burnout, but not its cause. If that makes sense.