Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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I've been doing some thinking.

Ok, I've been thinking about this episode, who knows why, but I've been thinking. I remember reading a bit of dialogue that made it seem like they were trying to draw a comparison between Sara and the young man around whom the story revolves. I mean, they talk and the young man brings up the whole "waiting" thing, and it definitely feels like it's in there for a reason... and I'm just wondering what direction TPTB are going with it. They could have a nice scene with Sara in Grissom's office in the end, just sitting in there thinking, and Brass comes in, aware of GSR and offers to take her to dinner as a sign of kindness while Sara wonders if she should keep waiting on Gil.... Or they could have the murderer be a woman who wanted to be with the young man and saw the mother as an obstacle... maybe the woman waited for the young man and he didn't come around... but Sara can let the woman know that you can't force the obstacles out of the way... the man has to make a choice for himself.... I don't know. I'm over thinking it, I know, but it feels like, from what we've seen, that we're going to be reminded of GSR in some manner within this episode, and TPTB could take it as a "Sara is reconsidering" angle OR they could take it as a "After going through this, Sara realizes she's not going to let anything screw up her and Gil." So.... Yeah, I'm speculating a lot and trying to figure out what's gonna happen. I guess it's the fact that we know we're going four weeks without Grissom that's sorta getting to me. I just wonder what they're going to do to GSR in Grissom's absence... and I'm worried.... I'm really, really worried. Someone hold me!

Gimme cookies.
saraXsullivan said:
Adzix said:
I think seeing them shopping would be very cute.

Here's Gris, (after taking off that damn vest) shopping for him and Sara.. on his way to her spot .. MMMM who'll cook? ;)

hey kristy, i don't want to sound like sarah (lol) but there is this rule on Shipper Central, that you need to post at least 3 lines of text every time. you need to remember to do that cuz you can get mod-slapped ;)

*raises hand and waves it around frantically* OOH! Can I? Can I? I think it'll just be One-Shot. I'll put up the link when I post it.
oooooooooooooh, this is freakin' awesome <3
Adzix, your icons, are LOVE. They aren't about love, well, yeah they are, but still, they ARE love. *nods*
thanks so much sXs, seriously. y'all's comments are precious for me and encourage me so much :)
So, is anyone else overly excited for Leaving Las Vegas?
i'm like dying. i'm dead curious, dead excited, and i don't know if i'm gonna make it untill saturday, cuz that's when i'll be able to watch it.
Adzix, those icons are freaking awesome.
thank you Crys!
I've been doing some thinking.
*cries b/c is unable to read it*

ETA: thanks for the pic des!
Alyssa said:
Someone hold me!

*holds AL*

Alyssa said:
Gimme cookies.

*Passes out cookies to all. With large glasses of Baileys for those old enough to drink, and milk to all those underage* *and a bottle of Jack Daniels for me ;) *

Okay, I'm going to do my whole cheerleader, positive-thing again (well, it's been a while) - remember this time last year? Remember us all freaking out over things we were hearing about upcoming episodes, not to mention the fact that our beautiful would-a could-a should-a scene from Gum Drops hadn't been put back into a later episode, and the Geeks had barely spent any time so much as breathing the same air all season? Things were pretty depressing to say the least. And look what happened. We got the bedroom scene right at the end of the season. We got Canon, established relationship GSR.

My point? Things were pretty bleak last year and they turned out better than we could ever have hoped. We don't know what's going to happen with the rest of the season. Spoilers are a lot thinner on the ground than they were back then, for obvious reasons. So i think the best thing anyone can to is to enjoy what we've got, relish what we've had, and wait and see what is to come. Lets stay positive and not worry too much, because worrying causes wrinkles and I don't need to be worrying about wrinkles this close to my 30th birthday, thank you very much :p

In the Spirit of positivity, it was about this time last year that we started the GoScaR Awards, as a way to be positive and have some fun, and relive some of our favorite GSR moments over the years. It might be a good idea to do that again this year, and with a Grissom-less month coming up, this might be an ideal time to do it. So start thinking about all your favorite moments.

To get you thinking, here were last year's categories. If you think we can do without repeating some of these this year, or can think of any other categories we might like to add, speak up ;)

Most Angsty Scene
Most Romantic Moment
Best Sexual Tension
Best WTF Moment (Grissom)
Best WTF Moment (Sara)
Best Performance (WP)
Best Performance (JF)
Best Jealousy Scene (Grissom)
Best Jealousy Scene (Sara)
Funniest Scene
Most Lighthearted Moment
Best PSV (Personal Space Violation)
Best One-Sided Moment (GSR with only one geek present)
Most GSR-Filled Episode
Best Subtle Moment
Best Look Of Love (Grissom)
Best Look of Love (Sara)
Best Look of Love (Shared)
Best "Oh my god! Did HE just say that" moment
Best "Oh my god! Did SHE just say that" moment
Turning Point - Season One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
Most Talked About Moment.

There are a LOT of categories, so we might think about getting rid of some, combining others, and creating some new ones in light of the scenes we've got this season.

Here's a link to last year's winners - The GoScaR Awards 2006
Re: Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

This is fantastic! How do we go about voting? These are my first GoScaR Awards so I don't know! What a cracking idea, forensicsgirl!
Re: Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

i actually didn't refer to people who don't like GSR, but to those who bash it. i see a difference between not liking something, which is ok, and being active in openly bashing it everywhere. and lately, as i've been aware of a number of people who aren't biggest fans (they absolutely don't have to), i've also seen some being agressive towards GSR (which ain't cool, cuz this is only a TV show). i know you didn't refer to my post (or maybe you did, lol), i just wanted to make it clear.

Not meaning to keep this going, but just wanting to add my opinion: while I don't want us (becuase this has always been a fun, easy-going thread) to start becoming flamers in our only little ivory tower here, I do agree that a group of people should not be defined by whom they hate. Hence, I don't think that the KKK should be a recognized group. Nor should anarchists.

*lies in bed and tries to remember what the hell i was doing yesterday around 5 am*

*squints eyes*

*tells my dog NOT TO F*****N' BARK*

so how was everybody's New Year night? mine was ... pretty cool, lol.

I learned that my very sweet, demure friend makes an angry drunk. Which was not a pleasant thing to learn. lol.

i was wondering lately if G and S go shopping together. like, shopping for clothes. Grissom wears a couple of new things this season. not that he was wearing always the same for 6 first years, but i'm sensing that something changed, and i cannot pinpoint what exactly.

I don't think so. But maybe I'm just hoping that Sara wasn't a part of the Blue Hawaiian experience. Because if she was, I say no sex for Sara until she burns it. She's cut off.

Great poll, Sarah. As you all know, my mind is pure and innocent, and therefore I in no way voted for the megatons of sex option. Nope. Not me… *tries to look innocent*

I know how you love velvet paintings, m'dear.

...of Grissom and Sara having sex.

I think I'm optimistic because of how wrong we were about Season 6. First we lost Gum Drops, then we thought the Sofia thing would continue, then Lady Heather... but it all turned out for the best. I wrote my letters, I did my part, and now it's in the hands of the writers. So I'm not so much optimistic as accepting right now.

oh yeah, it would. anybody fancy to write a fanfic on that? i'd pay by making a special icon

VR Trakowski and Cincoflex did a fic where Grissom takes Sara shopping as part of an experiment in her likes and dislikes - it was a three-part series (that was just one section) called The Hypothesis of Seduction, which despite the name contains no out and out porn.

I've felt like the writers have been dropping a lot of case-parallel anvils this season, but always to Grissom. So Meet Market feels like they're finally doing it to Sara. First you had the older man who shouldn't professionally be sleeping with the smart younger brunette (Happenstance), plus the bondage angle. Then we had the priest and his lover, and again - it was about a man who shouldn't professionally be with a woman, but this time it was the woman he loved, and that one seemed more sentimental for Grissom. But I wouldn't be surprised if those weren't done on purpose. Because there are looks exchanged from Grissom or from Grissom to Sara in those moments when the affairs are revealed that seem to speak to hidden context. So the waiting comments, and the fact that Sara is speaking to a very physically fit younger man feels very like "Now it's Sara's turn to wonder..."

hey kristy, i don't want to sound like sarah (lol) but there is this rule on Shipper Central, that you need to post at least 3 lines of text every time. you need to remember to do that cuz you can get mod-slapped

Are you calling me a psuedo-mod wannabe?

And my opening part at the beginning about my zen-like state leads me to be lasy and ITA with all fogs said above.

I'm not worried, but not necessarily because I don't think everything will turn out badly, but because right now it's out of my hands, and I can choose to enjoy it, or I can choose to complain, but I can't march up to CBS Headquarters and demand that they change something because I want it.

I told them I appreciated their work, that I loved what they were doing, but at no time did I stoop to threatening them with withdrawing my fanship.

If I choose not to watch, that's my decision and it's my business.
Re: Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

O/T Sarah, you are not Mod-wannabe. You just helping them so they won't come in here to tell them.

Back on Topic, My opinion, I don't think Sara will cheat on Grissom when she is in Vegas and I also don't think Grissom will cheat on her while he is gone.

When I first watch this show, Grissom and Sara don't seem the type to cheat on each other.
Okay, Fogs - a couple of questions:

First, would you like us to start nominating here or on a separate site?

Secondly, are we going to take out last year's winners, or is every scene equally up for the cup?

I'm only asking because I don't want to be the only ass who starts posting their answers here. lol.

But I will, obviously, respond to the question you did ask, so...

My opinion would be a list like this:

Most Angsty Scene
Most Romantic Moment What about changing it to "Most Romantic Canon Moment"?
Best Sexual Tension
Best WTF Moment (Grissom)
Best WTF Moment (Sara)
Best Performance (WP) I think "Best Jealous and the others kind of cover performance, so I wouldn't mind this being stricken from the list, especially since they're not necessarily GS-related
Best Performance (JF)
Best Jealousy Scene (Grissom)
Best Jealousy Scene (Sara)
Funniest Scene
Most Lighthearted Moment I think light-hearted and funny are close enough to combine them
Best PSV (Personal Space Violation)
Best One-Sided Moment (GSR with only one geek present)
Most GSR-Filled Episode
Best Subtle Moment
Best Look Of Love (Grissom)
Best Look of Love (Sara)
Best Look of Love (Shared)
Best "Oh my god! Did HE just say that" moment
Best "Oh my god! Did SHE just say that" moment
Turning Point - Season One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
Most Talked About Moment.
What about, like, "Most Debated Moment" - like the moment when we were all "What the hell did that MEAN"?

Second idea (I know, I'm being a brat as usual) what about "Most Potentially Ship-Damaging Moment" instead of "Jealousy"? Like, I guess I mean more... when we were all really worried about the ship because... which sort of ties into angst, but not quite the same thing. There's fun angst, and then there's "Oh no!" angst.

So here is what my list would look like (if I were supreme grandmaster, but I am not, so I ultimately bow to the Fogs.

1) Most Angsty Scene
2) Most Canon Romantic Moment
3) Best Pre-Canon Sexual Tension
4) Best WTF Moment (Grissom)
5) Best WTF Moment (Sara)
6) Best Jealousy Scene (Grissom)
7) Best Jealousy Scene (Sara)
:cool: Funniest Scene
9) Best PSV (Personal Space Violation)
10) Best One-Sided Moment (GSR with only one geek present)
11) Most GSR-Filled Episode
12) Best Subtle Moment
13) Best Look Of Love/Eyesex (Grissom)
14) Best Look of Love/Eyesex (Sara)
15) Best Look of Love/Eyesex (Shared)
16) Best "Oh my god! Did HE just say that" moment
17) Best "Oh my god! Did SHE just say that" moment
18) Turning Point - Season One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
Most Talked About Moment.
19) Most Debated Moment
20) Most Potentially Damaging Moment
I learned that my very sweet, demure friend makes an angry drunk. Which was not a pleasant thing to learn. lol.
now you know what she is really thinking, lol. btw, i'm a sleeper. who gets drunk after one drink.
I don't think so. But maybe I'm just hoping that Sara wasn't a part of the Blue Hawaiian experience. Because if she was, I say no sex for Sara until she burns it. She's cut off.
hahaha, you know she DID. it's her style. it resembled pasley a bit, you know.
VR Trakowski and Cincoflex did a fic where Grissom takes Sara shopping as part of an experiment in her likes and dislikes - it was a three-part series (that was just one section) called The Hypothesis of Seduction, which despite the name contains no out and out porn.
oh thank you. i think i read it some time ago though. won't hurt if i do it again, i guess. or read just the shopping part.
Are you calling me a psuedo-mod wannabe?

naaah, you're not ... *pouts*
I'm not worried, but not necessarily because I don't think everything will turn out badly, but because right now it's out of my hands, and I can choose to enjoy it, or I can choose to complain, but I can't march up to CBS Headquarters and demand that they change something because I want it.
yeah, i'm starting to feel the same thing to be honest. what's gonna happen, will happen and that's it. besides, the bulk of the show is about crime solving, so i doubt we'll see any major storylines involving cheating, break up or anything similar. but an argument? flirting with others? possible. but those are going to be only hints, i don't think they will throw something huge GSR-angsty in our faces.

i've got a question about the GoScaRs. are we voting only for the last year's moments or for everything combined? do we involve the upcoming LLV when it airs?
I could never see them cheating on each other. Sara waited for him for at least 5 years (probably plus the ones before she moved to Vegas), she moved to Vegas for him and gave up her life in Frisco for him, she still chased him even though he told someone that he couldn't risk his job for her...

and Grissom in the end did risk his job in order to be with her so that means he is putting everything he has ever worked for on the line for her...

they love each other, they mean the world to each other, that's obvious. And even though they are going through some rough times, they will stay together and be faithful with each other.

I really could never see them cheating on each other, this is the love of a lifetime ;)
Sarahvma said:
Okay, Fogs - a couple of questions:

First, would you like us to start nominating here or on a separate site?

I think discussing nominations here would be cool (in addition to other GSR-related discussions, obviously) but when it actually comes to NOMINATING, perhaps it would be better if it were done elsewhere - purely because it would save me having to sift through this thread looking for nominees - things might end up getting missed. I think last year I had people email/PM their nominations to me. I'll give it some thought and see what the best solution might be for nominating. However, i think we can repeat the format from last year and have the actual VOTING here - it acts as a really good discussion base, as long as people talk about WHY they voted for certain moments/eps, rather than just listing what they voted for.

Secondly, are we going to take out last year's winners, or is every scene equally up for the cup?

I'm open to suggestions on this one - what does everyone else think? Personally, i think cutting out last years winners means getting rid of some really great GSR moments (Butterflied, for example, would be out of the running completely, as would the Pin Me Down Scene from Invisible Evidence - that would kind of suck)

Thanks for the suggestions for new/combined categories, Sarah - i agree that things like funniest/lighthearted can be combined easily. If anyone else has any ideas, shout out ;)

I ultimately bow to the Fogs.

Yes. Bow, you wretch. Bow. :p

"The Fogs" makes me think that I should be wearing a leather jacket and saying "Ehhhh" all the time... :lol:
now you know what she is really thinking, lol. btw, i'm a sleeper. who gets drunk after one drink.

I'm polar opposites depending on my mood. I'm either the one-drink sleeper, or I'm the one who can have, like, 10 mixed drinks and just giggle and turn red a lot.

hahaha, you know she DID. it's her style. it resembled pasley a bit, you know.

It absolutely did NOT. How dare you say such horrid things?

oh thank you. i think i read it some time ago though. won't hurt if i do it again, i guess. or read just the shopping part.

New fic is good, I was just wondering whether you knew it was out there.


naaah, you're not ... *pouts*

lmao. I was just joking, guys.

yeah, i'm starting to feel the same thing to be honest. what's gonna happen, will happen and that's it. besides, the bulk of the show is about crime solving, so i doubt we'll see any major storylines involving cheating, break up or anything similar. but an argument? flirting with others? possible. but those are going to be only hints, i don't think they will throw something huge GSR-angsty in our faces.

If they broke up, I could see them devoting major screentime to that, but in reality, they aren't going to stop the presses for every major development in their relationship otherwise.

So... it's sort of like the Lady Heather thing. Everyone forgot that an actual case was going to get solved as well.

I could never see them cheating on each other. Sara waited for him for at least 5 years (probably plus the ones before she moved to Vegas), she moved to Vegas for him and gave up her life in Frisco for him, she still chased him even though he told someone that he couldn't risk his job for her...

I find cheating highly unlikely as well. But it still happens amongst even the most enamored of couples.

I think discussing nominations here would be cool (in addition to other GSR-related discussions, obviously) but when it actually comes to NOMINATING, perhaps it would be better if it were done elsewhere - purely because it would save me having to sift through this thread looking for nominees - things might end up getting missed. I think last year I had people email/PM their nominations to me. I'll give it some thought and see what the best solution might be for nominating. However, i think we can repeat the format from last year and have the actual VOTING here - it acts as a really good discussion base, as long as people talk about WHY they voted for certain moments/eps, rather than just listing what they voted for.

Right. That's probably a good plan - especially if we have a thread title nom coming up.

Speaking of which - normally I'd start nominations now, but I have a good feeling that we'll want to wait until Leaving Las Vegas for some good titles.

I'm open to suggestions on this one - what does everyone else think? Personally, i think cutting out last years winners means getting rid of some really great GSR moments (Butterflied, for example, would be out of the running completely, as would the Pin Me Down Scene from Invisible Evidence - that would kind of suck)

Yeah, agreed. Not to be a total downer, but while almost all of our scenes were very important, if one really looks back, we didn't get a ton of them.


"The Fogs" makes me think that I should be wearing a leather jacket and saying "Ehhhh" all the time...

Only a leather jacket would be cruel *glares*
Run and hide. I've been thinking again.

Ok. Stick with me on this. I was recently thinking about university and how much I miss it... it has to do with REALLY missing my friends and all that jazz... Anyway, I was thinking about this professor I had who wanted to take a sabbatical to get his doctorate. Only, he wasn't granted the sabbatical becuase he didn't have his doctorate... LOL! We all called him "Doctor" anyway. So, I realized that a sabbatical typically lasts a semester. With that in mind, I started to think about "Law of Gravity" and how they're putting such a huge emphasis on Keppler and on his dead/murdered girlfriend. What if the father of his dead girlfriend is connected with MCSK, though Keppler isn't. Stick with me... this would imply that the father would ask Keppler to kill someone in connection with that case. Now, Carol Mendelsohn said that we'll find out why Sara is so pissed with Grissom leaving later in the season... stick with me... So, what if Grissom was supposed to stay away until May... But, Keppler goes to Sara's place with a box of something to show her. She lets him in, thinking nothing of the encounter more than a coworker looking for some insight. However, when she looks in the box, she sees herself, dead in her bedroom. Sara jumps up to get away, but Keppler takes her down, knocking her out. When she wakes up, she's tied up. Keppler sits in a chair, looking at her, considering her. He can't do it. Why? Well (STICK WITH ME), I know none of us are sold on the "Geek Baby" thing, but I wouldn't put it past TPTB to do it, and I could see it being used in this manner.... stick with me... He realizes she's pregnant, and it aches. The parallels between his dead girlfriend and Sara are too great for him to kill her. Meanwhile, Catherine has figured out that Keppler isn't on the level. As the sound of sirens nears the apartment, Keppler takes off, leaving Sara alive. So, Sara has to go to the hospital to be checked out, duh. Grissom shows up, much to Sara's surprise. Catherine called. Grissom wants to know why Sara didn't tell him about the kid... See, I put the kid in there, only because it's the only reason I could really see this working... if Gil comes back from his sabbatical early, it'd have to be important. Yes, Sara getting attacked freaking sucks, but having a kid in the mix adds responsibility. Sara didn't tell him because she didn't want him to feel like he was obliged to stay... She's a good girlfriend, better than he ever imagined... and that brings Gris back to Las Vegas... whether or not the rest of the team is in the know is up to whomever imagines it... and whether or not a kid even factors in... I mean... Gris could come back just for Sara. However, the POINT of this is that Gil comes back because something happens to Sara. I'd rather them save the "Sara in danger" storyline til the finale, but I don't know how else they plan to bring Gris back after only six weeks...

It's really farfetched, and I don't even believe some of it, but there you go. :)

EDIT: The Fogs needs a leather jacket, but the Old Fogi needs a wheelchair. You can be a geriatric motorcycle babe.
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