Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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I'm polar opposites depending on my mood. I'm either the one-drink sleeper, or I'm the one who can have, like, 10 mixed drinks and just giggle and turn red a lot.
so let me guess. you're still red?
It absolutely did NOT. How dare you say such horrid things?
she BOUGHT it for him b/c it GETS HER OFF. you should be glad she doesn't like clown costumes.
New fic is good, I was just wondering whether you knew it was out there.
oh, there is a new part? i'm gonna look it up anyway. thanks again.
lmao. I was just joking, guys.
we all know you weren't, lol.
So... it's sort of like the Lady Heather thing. Everyone forgot that an actual case was going to get solved as well.
exactly. i sometimes forget that this show is NOT about Grissom and Sara, and even if something happens they won't sacrifice a lot of screentime for it. unless it will be connected to the case (a la Mea Culpa).
I find cheating highly unlikely as well. But it still happens amongst even the most enamored of couples.
well, the thing with them is that they are a very different couple, Grissom would never cheat on her. this would be one of the most OOC things possible. TPTB as a collective bunch won't be able to pull it off, even if some of them wanted to make it happen. the same exact thing with Sara.
Alyssa said:
EDIT: The Fogs needs a leather jacket, but the Old Fogi needs a wheelchair. You can be a geriatric motorcycle babe.

*cries* Hey! I'm turning 30 next month, not frickin' 90!!! :( *throws stuff at AL*

To think I comforted you just a few posts ago. I take it ALL back, including the cookies.

Sarahvma said:
Only a leather jacket would be cruel *glares*

So, let me guess... if you had a million dollars, you'd buy me a green dress? But not a real green dress, that's cruel... :p *ahem* this is what happens when I DON'T drink :lol:

On topic, despite the fact that AL is a cruel, cruel, mean mean, evil evil person, I like her idea.

I don't know how they're playing the whole sabatical thing - it may be that Gris is only being invited for one of those month-long courses, in which case the four episode hiatus makes sense. However, if he's meant to be away for a whole semester, I quiet like the idea of DRAMA! bringing him home early. But if it doesn't happen this way, I vote that AL turns her idea into a fic. You can consider it penance for being mean to me :p
Turning 30 huh FG.. :(that's soooo old :( just kidding, I wished.. so are we going to have a poll on those choices.. come on Sarah start one.. some good topics :pand Alyssa some great thoughts ;)

LOL. Thanks fogi and desert.

My dear Fogs, I would never intentionally insult you. :) And, I don't do CSI fic... if I wrote anything CSI, it'd be screenplay style because that's the only way I can think to do it justice. I actually wrote one a few months ago for fun. :)

I just think that they have to up the energy somehow, and that makes the most sense. However, if they DO go with the "Sara in danger" storyline for February sweeps, I am TOTALLY clueless as to what they'd do for May Sweeps. Maybe that's the point. Maybe too many people predicted the "Sara in danger" storyline, so they moved it up to throw us off...
Does anyone else ever notice that we never get to see the aftermath of any scene that we would so love to see the awkward conversation that they would have after a certain scene.

Maybe Sara and Grissom are weird that way and don't have awkward conversations after awkward things happen. Oh wait, they are human, sorry, my idea just died.

We never got to see what happened after Nesting Dolls, I want to know what the circumstances were that made him leave. I wanted to see Sara calm down and Grissom still be there for her. I want to see the awkward looks on their faces when Sara calmed down and she realizes that Grissom is holding her hand. I want to see the silence they had between them in Time of Your Death after speaking with the Caprice. I want to see their first conversation after Butterflied, and I want to see Sara being lost in her thoughts during that conversation.

So why don't we ever see these scenes? We've maybe seen a one-sided awkward moment. Like in Snakes, Grissom seemed lost in thought and timid, but Sara was happy and comfortable. In Primum Non Nocere, Sara stares at him demanding explanation, but Grissom looks comfortable and professional. We don't see them both being silent because they're in an awkward position.

So, why not? Why hide the scenes that we would probably laugh our heads off about? The scene wouldn't take very long, only a few seconds added on to a scene that's already in an episode.

Basically, this takes me to my whole point. The examples I named were from before they were in a relationship. I want to see awkwards scenes of them, while dating. Something like Ecklie saying 'Of course you do' when Sara agreed with Grissom in Built to Kill Part 2. Something that's uncomfortable for them, and we laugh as we watch them squirm.

Edited because 'After a certain scene after' makes no sense. Sorry, I was watching CSI while typing.
Love the scenario. I'd like to see a geek baby. In your scenario, one reason that I thought of why Sara wouldn't have told Grissom about the baby is that she might not have known about being pregnant before he left and wanted to tell him in person rather than one the phone/email/text message. However I'm not really sure why Keppler would be going to Sara's apartment unless he had enough of her trust for her to allow that. There is definately something happening with the Keppler storyline
so let me guess. you're still red?

lol. Well, not to be totally boring, but I didn't drink that much - I had about one cooler. I think I wanted to stay sober so I could cover her when her mom came home.

Nevertheless, her mother still blamed us for getting her drunk, even though it was her brother who bought and brought the alcohol.

oh, there is a new part? i'm gonna look it up anyway. thanks again.

Oh, sorry - no. I meant, a new fic WOULD be good, but I wanted you to know that the old one was there.

we all know you weren't, lol.


exactly. i sometimes forget that this show is NOT about Grissom and Sara, and even if something happens they won't sacrifice a lot of screentime for it. unless it will be connected to the case (a la Mea Culpa).

Oh, agreed. I think so many people got wrapped up in the GSR storyline - haters, lovers and those who were just confused - that everyone forgot that that wasn't really the main part of the show anyway.

well, the thing with them is that they are a very different couple, Grissom would never cheat on her. this would be one of the most OOC things possible. TPTB as a collective bunch won't be able to pull it off, even if some of them wanted to make it happen. the same exact thing with Sara.

And in reality, cheating is a very hard sub-plot to pull off without really taking time away from the cases.

So, let me guess... if you had a million dollars, you'd buy me a green dress? But not a real green dress, that's cruel... *ahem* this is what happens when I DON'T drink

A Picasso or a Garfunkle.

Well, we'll all know in 2 days how they're playing the "You're going?" and "I miss you"... or maybe not, given the usual style of GSR. At least we'll know if the I miss you is about Sara, though. Which will be nice. But as far as Sara knowing... I don't know whether it'll be totally clear that she did or did not. Especially if, say, while they're talking someone else comes in the staff room or something.
I... Um cant think stright.

*Stares intently at big blue boxes* you guys suck.

I am having issues with my spoiler free-ness. I haven’t done any thing yet but my mom isn’t helping. She bought TV guide that may or may not contain spoilers so I sit and stare intently at it. I also having issues not watching promos. Some time i can’t help it like I have already seen the Grays Anatomy Promo. But I cant help it, for the first 10 seconds i am like: Hay Grays Anatomy. 15 seconds into it: Wait it is a promo! 20: seconds nooooooooooo! My spoiler freeness! 5 seconds after promo ends: wait what was that promo about?

He, He. My forgetfulness helps me stay spoiler free.

Today my mom was trying to act all cool and was like:’ Did you know that the guy that plays grissom is taking time off?'
and i am like” No. I only spend every freaking second on the CSI boards! And He has a name. And do you know why he isn’t on CSI? Ha!I do.So dont get all smart on me!"
and my mom slowly backed away.
First, :p. Second? Grissom being away for only 4-6 weeks to teach a course isn't too unusual, 'cause they have something called "J-Term" (or maybe J-Semester? But J-Term sounds better) which basically just means it's a term for a course that lasts just for all of January, which he has possibly been invited to teach. And I know at my old uni, it wasn't uncommon to have a guest lecturer come in for a handful of weeks just to teach us for one particular paper which is only a small part of the course on the whole. Third? I really don't like the idea of Grissom not being there when the MCSK thing comes to a head. It's his case. It's his reason for being burnt out (well, one of the main ones at least). He has to come back stronger, sharper and clearer from this sabbatical and CONQUER it. Not have Catherine do it for him, or have Sara hurt because of it while he's away. That would only make things worse for him, making the point of his sabbatical null & void. And fourth/last? (this one's for Turtle) NO BABIES!
And leave Fogs alone :( She's nowhere near being old. She's young and sprightly. SPRIGHTLY I TELL YOU!

Your FACE is old! (That's right. I went there :p)

For the poll ages back (before the one involving lots of sex) I picked 'Other' because while I don't think cheating is likely AT ALL, that's the only thing that would make me even consider jumping ship. Other than that, I'm going down with all'a y'all up in the crow's nest.
Cheating? never. Alyssa' story......*contemplates*......interesting. Very interesting. I like it. But hey. Who knows. I have to go to bed. If my mom finds me down here I'm band from the computer. *sneaks off* GSR!!!!
I agree, remember when he came down from San Francisco to work in Vegas?.. how long were they apart, before he "called" her down,to be on his team? week's, months, and they survived that, so 4 week's piece of cake' no biggie, she's so into her cases, and he's so into his teaching, it'll fly by, and they'll be reunited before we know it ~~~trys to stay positive~~~ :rolleyes: and I just read where WP's play is ending on Jan. 7th, and then he's supposed to be at the the PCA (Peoples Choice Awards), then start filming the CSI's again.. so Feb. he'll be back..and maybe, there will be long distance calls, letters :p maybe she'll fly back and visit him on her days off.. ;) not WP and Jorja, Gris and Sara, of course :D

I did something tonight I haven't done since March 2006. I finished a sketch. It's my first attempt at Gil, so please be nice, but it has the benefit of also having Sara in it! I do hope you like! I'm leaving the link since the pic is WAY too big for board rules!

As said, it's just speculation and crazy ideas. I've never heard of "J term." See, I've only had short courses over the summer. Most the time, at least in my experience, courses last an entire semester... but, I've never been to Williams, and they might have "J Terms." Honestly, I want him home for the MCSK thing so he can kill the guy. (See my original idea of how the finale should go down). teehee

Love and chips. Fish and chips. And, I love FOGI!
So... I saw the promo tonight.

Guys, I gotta tell you - I saw nothing that gave me cause for chewing my fingernails down to the quick or anything. Sara looked like she was feeling incredibly sad, but trying to look incredibly cheerful for Grissom's sake. And in my opinion, she also looked like someone to whom the news that Grissom was going was neither a shock nor a surprise. I don't know if the show will explicitly state whether or not Grissom told her and/or how far ahead he told her, but from Ms. Fox's expression, my belief is that there's no way Sara had this sprung on her last minute. Grissom, on the other hand, looked like he was on the whole quite cheerful... but couldn't quite hid the fact that part of him was sad, too. I don't blame him for feeling a little cheerful. His job has been giving him a lot of grief lately. A month off will do him wonders. And maybe this is because of the fact that, other than the promos on CBS, I'm essentially spoiler-free - but why is everyone acting as though Grissom's taking off to go live with chimps in the jungle for a couple of years? He's gone for one frickin' month!! I've had viral infections longer than that! He could have impregnated Sara and she wouldn't even know it until after he came back! A month is nothing. If he were taking a year's sabbatical, that would be something to worry about with regards to their relationship. But a month? Pshaw. If they can't survive a month, they don't deserve to be together in the first place.

And now I shall go back to my spoilery-free goodness and mode of lurkdom. Happy New Year, y'all.
As always, Miss dee is the eternal voice of reason. While him actually leaving may be angsty, and there may be problems between them as to why he's leaving or the fact that he's going at all, I'd say that the biggest saving grace is that Sara is not acting like a girlfriend who has *just* learned the news that her luvuh is taking off. "So you're going" kind of implies "So you're going now", rather than "You're leaving?" Going and leaving are kind of subtle in difference, but the difference is there. So it may all go well, it may all go badly, but I don't believe Sara didn't know, whether or not they tell us the answer to that. I mean, obviously if they make it clear she didn't know, that's different - but if no reference is made to that knowledge at all, from the clip I assume she knew.
that's really a great drawing Alyssa !

as for cheating/not cheating breaking up/not breaking up. I personally don't think either of them would ever risk losing the other one. They simply went through too much in order to be finally get together to simply throw away all they have. On the other hand, there is always TPTB and they often don't see what we as fans see...

then again there is William Petersen who always supported the GSR so I am not worried at all :D

BTW, if he still wants to kiss her before the show ends (like he said in TV guide about 1 1/2 years ago), then there will only be 9 eps in which that could happen - if he doesn't resign....EEEEEEE we'll see a kiss in one of the next 14 episodes
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