Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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well the fact that we all were so optimistic about Gum Drops was that Grissom was in the Promo... and that someone had told us that he had finished filming his scenes before leaving...

Oh! That's right - I forgot about that.

They did the same thing with The Unusual Suspect and Hollywood Brass. I imagine they know that their fanbase is somewhat pro-Grissom. lol.

Which is why they're trying to make this upcoming episode look so important. Like he's leaving forever. Because if the ratings go way up for this, they may be able to cover the Grissom-free episodes for the yearly total. And again, it's nice to see that they're using GSR as a plug for that big milestone.
I think it's great that the promo is so GSR heavy, but who knows if that scene is really a GSR scene? I mean they might have just cut and pasted it together. But they won't make him leave and not give us a GSR scene, whether that scene is fluffy or angsty I don't know, and I don't what I'd prefer but I am sure there will be a scene :)

And of course they know that the fanbase loves Grissom, didn't CM once say that the show would go on without him but it would suck? Or something like this?
*screams in utter insanity*

*screams again in pain*

*screams.. umm... shrieks?*

Okay, I'm done now.

I have to work tonight. *cough* day of LLV *cough* I think my boss is out to get me. That's not even the bad part, I'm going to miss maybe the first half an hour. So I get to tape it, then watch the last half hour, then the first half hour.

I'm going to be so confused.

Anyway, I own a tape recorder, so it's okay.

Well, I doubt they are going to take Grissom out of the episode, I think that would be very funny.

*ahem* scenario, in spoiler boxes because I'm including things from the promo.

WARRICK: I am the rock of the team, but I don't know it. Nick: *hugs himself* VOICE FROM ABOVE: I'll miss you. SARA: So.. Grissom is leaving? *promo stops* CATHERINE: He's already gone!! GREG: So what about the big goodbye sex scene between Grissom and Sara? SARA: What? GREG: Yeah.. do you have to do that yourself now too? WHOLE TEAM: *disgusted faces* GREG!!!!!

Sorry, couldn't help myself. :lol:

The spoiler boxes are not bows. But I guess I seem to think so.
Because now I can expect the worse. And your promo seems oddly plausible, sarax. lol.

Well... right now I don't know. In a lot of ways, even if we get the worst possible GSR, it'll be kind of bittersweet, because it'll still be probably the biggest moment we've had so far this season.

If it's just okay...

I don't know. Maybe I'm being an angst whore.

But right now angst is the only avenue that TPTB haven't fully explored this season, so if this episode does turn to it, I don't know that I'll be terribly sad.

I think right now it's sort of at the point where if we get no scene at all, or that one in the locker room is all we get and the miss you is directed at someone else, I'd be far more upset than if, say, Sara or Grissom said, "Let's take a break". Because, as I said before, it leaves it open for an even more dramatic return.
Today is the day!

I just saw the teaser for tonights episode with Warrick and Grissom. It seems as if Grissom didnt tell the whole team he was leaving because according to Warrick, Hodges told him. So unless Warrick just happened to not be there, Grissom never makes a formal announcment, so Sara could have got it from Hodges as well. Man I cant wait to see this all played out. I have to bury myself in work all day so I dont think about it.
In that case, it's quite possible that everyone around the lab just sort of "heard" which makes Nick's speech to Sara make a lot more sense. And, if Sara already knows, chances are it's because he told her - especially with the attitude she seemed to have in the locker room. More sad than angry. And also... it seemed like Sara was more sad for him than herself, if that makes sense.
sarahvma said:
In that case, it's quite possible that everyone around the lab just sort of "heard" which makes Nick's speech to Sara make a lot more sense. And, if Sara already knows, chances are it's because he told her - especially with the attitude she seemed to have in the locker room. More sad than angry. And also... it seemed like Sara was more sad for him than herself, if that makes sense.

Okay, Maybe Grissom told Sara (in my opinion, when he did tell her, he didn't give her a definate answer, thus 'so you're going?') I think he said to her, something along the lines of, 'don't tell anyone, I want to make sure I'm going before I tell the team'. Then he kinda kept to himself. Then apparently Hodges..?.. tells Warrick or something. Then Sara hears it from Hodges, and figures that Grissom hasn't told ANYBODY yet, so she acts surprised too. I don't know. It sounded more clear in my head.:confused:
lol. Well, in that case it makes sense why everyone is sort of hearing through rumor. Especially if Hodges told Warrick. From the sound of it, Grissom and Ecklie have a meeting about it... the day before he leaves. So it's possible that Grissom just sort of up and decided and the last second, and while he told Sara about the offer, didn't tell her he had made up his mind.
Thats how I always took in "So youre going?" I always felt that Sara knew about the offer but he never her told her that he had made up his mind to take the offer. She just looks so sad and Grissom seems like he cant believe hes going either. I just cant wait to see their conversation. I think its pretty interesting that Nick (if they dont cut it) is the one to tell Sara about Grissom leaving (if this is the first she hears of it) its going to remind me of the whole scene where Nick tells Sara that Grissom recommended him for the promotion over Sara. Sara will have to cover quickly and act rational. Kinda get what Im saying?
is TODAY!!!! was a long wait..
Hodges? how Hodges know first? that is funny...i belive she knows ..he told her...and scene look like she sad and worried about him, maybe worried about them too. In the last case, he told about the invitation and in this episode she will know that he accepted. My question.. is she noticed some different in the Grissom? i saw Burn Out this week and look like she didn't know how hard was that day for him, i guess he hides his concerns. Now, he needs a break and maybe Sara will stay lost thinking why? She knows a relationship is a big step for Grissom..and she can think what's happening?

is todayyyyy for your luck persons!!!
Adzix that's a really great icon! I loved that scene of Grissom singing
thanks kristy!
In terms of full-on, "Hey, Grissom - you meowed in bed last night - what was that?" afterness... or after-glow itself... or even perhaps his coming back to her after a month... I wouldn't necessarily lay bets.
lol. yeah, that's why we complain on the lack of continuity, but on the other hand i'm glad it's not OTT either.
lmao. Caesar
Gaius Julius himself.
And there could be a million factors for why people actually tuned in, but I think it could be accurately stated that they're not specifically now tuning out because of what they saw in regards to GSR.
yeah, i believe it's true. the thing is, that all shows don't have amazing ratings, like CSI used to have. but i'm not gonna start talking about the ratings, cuz i can write a book on that, lol.
So I think Sara might be a part of his burnout, but not its cause. If that makes sense.
yeah, good point both of you. although i don't agree that Grissom used to be a robot with no feelings. i think it was a facade, or that he buried everything inside not allowing his feelings to determine his behavior. but now, he is in a different situation - he showed a part of himself to someone else and ALLOWED himself to feel, probably more since his last girlfriend, which we don't know how ended. as Cath said in BoP he got burned badly. now, he is risking again. and if he wants it or not he opened the feelings-volcano - he has more compassion to the victims, he worries about unsolved cases more etc. i'd really like to see a Happy!Grissom again though. i hope that's how he's gonna be after the break.
A little pre-poll (and do remember to keep all spoiled discussion in boxes)
voted cautiously optimistic. based on nothing, lol.

and one last thing. until i get to watch LLV, which will be probably on Saturday, i'm not going to come here. the reasons are obvious ;)

I've been having the longest day EVER.

If it can go wrong - it will go wrong. Seriously. From spilling pop all over my power strip to my car tire being flat. That's just for starters - but I won't bore ya'll with the rest. And on top of THAT - I think I finally got the flu that's been going around my workplace. Let's just say, it's been a hell of a day - most of which was spent with a backache sitting on those godforsaken stools at work - from which I've had one day off in two weeks...

In better news, it's CSIday! Which is what I have officially dubbed Thursdays in my household. So *crosses fingers* here's to hoping that my bad day doesn't finish off with a total bomber from CSI.

I'm in a mood. What can I say? It's been a long friggen two weeks.

Alyssa, I loved that Scenario. Seriously. Would make a fan-frucking-tastic fanfic. Except for one thing.

lol. So if anyone decides to steal her idea (with proper permission of course) and write a fic out of it - send me a link - I'd love to read it!

Well, I tried to vote it the poll - wasn't logged in. Psh. So I didn't vote. I got mad and shut off the computer and THEN spilled pop on the power strip, so I'm NOT going to be talking about THAT. I do think it's possible to believe that Sara didn't KNOW know he was leaving - but she knew ABOUT the offer. I'm such an agreeable person. My brain's not working well enough today to argue so it's easiest to agree. Maybe Hodges found out from one of his uh... drinks with the new guy! I'm all for jumping on the Hodges/Keppler(?) train. And they were dating before Grissom decided! and then Keppler said something about filling in on night shift and we all know hodges and his big mouth and so HE started telling everyone before Grissom had a chance to make a formal announcement. You have to be glad it wasn't Hodges who broke the news to Sara... could you imagine getting the news that your boyfriend was leaving for a month from a lab techie? o_O I'd be pissed.

Okies. I'm gonna go take some Advil, cough medicine, and some something for my pukiness stomach - hope I don't overdose on medication - and/or sleep through CSI... Set my tape incase I do - and take a nap before it comes on so hopefully I'll be alert enough to care what's going on ON screen.


That is all.
Um I really had somthing to say when i started typing.But now evrything just 'zoom' went away, to where i dont know, mabye france, its really bright there and they have tall triangle-shaped towers.

*Trys to regain thought*

Holy Crud. It is CSI night...That kind of went over my head too.

Hope you feel better Turtlebaby.I had a Flu over Cristmas break, It sucked.
Well our dreams are coming true. The "I'll miss you" is directed at Sara (according to the clip on a website). The only downfall is that Sara appears to be deeply sad/hurt. Sarah, you are going to get your long awaited angst! haha. This is just makes it harder for me to get through the day because I want to see this all come together now. Im still wondering if the gift is going to be in this episode depending on where the scene between Grissom and Sara is because right after that his cab is picking him up. Poor Sara.

Im going insane waiting for this episode. I have to wait even longer now because I have a dinner thing to go to tonight. Who does this to me on a Thursday night? Sheesh!

Turtle I hope your day gets better. Think happy geek thoughts!
I thought the clip was of Grissom and Warrick. How do we know the "I'll miss you" is about Sara? Is there a second clip?
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